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The Conspiracy Thread

Reaper Skins

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11 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Goodell is also thin-skinned and clearly read/heard what Norman said about him, the league and the refs, and I'm sure there's some type of edict somehow to at least irritate the guy.  


I totally forgot about Norman trashing Goodell this offseason. Makes sense now. 

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On 10/2/2016 at 6:27 PM, Reaper Skins said:

Redskins corner Josh Norman again had to undergo a random drug test for a second consecutive home game, and for the 3rd time in 4 games.  He underwent one two weeks ago after Dallas, drawing his ire – it happened after a loss, too. Today, he still wasn't happy about it but he was in a far better mood thanks to a 31-20 win over Cleveland. "All the ballers get drug-tested I guess," Norman said. (via http://ble.ac/teamstream-) http://teamstre.am/2djdOpU

That's crazy..no conspiracy here...its blatant

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14 hours ago, redskinss said:

When did shooting a bow and arrow become unsportsmanlike conduct?

You can swing an axe but not shoot a bow and arrow.


when I get my first td im going to do the "football is The Golden Idol" routine in the endzone...like this...



/unless its already been done..

Edited by Stefanskins
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6 minutes ago, clskinsfan said:

I would have assumed this thread was dead after the refs gave us a free fumble against the Browns? Guess not.


 a good chunk of fans have decided that guy was just trying to sell a recovery by picking up the lready dead ball

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In fairness, I don't think Brady was trying to do the bow and arrow move. He had just run for a first down, and I think he was doing the first down signal.

I thought he was about to do Cam Newton's annoying "dab" move.

It would be hard to say the NFL is giving Brady "special treatment" when he is coming off a 4-game suspension. :) 

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be it conspiracy or not, the league is ****ing with the momentum of the game.  Case and point: Redskins score - Davis uses the ball as a prop resulting in a 15 yard penalty.  Kickoff from the 20 yard line - Eagles return for TD.
Next series Cousins tosses a pickle - returned for TD.  I can't blame the refs for that one however the momentum had clearly shifted.  It's like they are trying to keep the games close.  Had that penalty not occurred on Davis I argue the Redskins for a 3 and out and get the ball back with another chance to score.

This and complete MORONS not standing for the national anthem are resulting in fans turning their backs on this game that has been turned into 2 hand touch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The no call on the helmet to helmet on DeSean. No call on Facemask on Crowder's TD. It just blows my mind when the ref is 5 yards away and looking directly at it and makes no call. Bungles playing dirty all game and hardly any calls against them. Then the pushoff they called on Pierre... if you're going to make that call at all, don't wait until after he catches the ball. So blatant 

Edited by ddub52
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This game was exhibit A for the conspiracy thoughts.  I cannot fathom the ineptitude of the officials.  At some point it occurred to me; this is not merely ineptitude.  I absolutely KNEW there would be a drive changing call, against the Redskins, on the last drive.  When they called Garcon for the invisible offensive pass interference call, I understood.  It is amazing.  It is also very tiresome.  At least make it look like you are not controlling outcomes.  It did not end how the NFL wanted, but close enough.  Pathetic and sad.  Hail to the mighty NFL.  

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I will say this.  Phil Luckett's crew has nothing on those fools that "worked" the London game.  They are now officially the worst referee crew in the NFL.  They truly cost us the ballgame.  I expect Gruden to lodge a complaint with The League.  It was embarrassing how biased those calls were.

(sorry if this post is in the wrong thread)

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14 minutes ago, SkinsGuy said:


The Raiders did actually, I believe, as did the Bucs.

Just not to the degree the Cowboys and Redskins did.

Looking for it, Wikipedia nad an article from Forbes are only talking about the Skins and Cowboys for a 46M total that was spread league wide.

9 minutes ago, Gibbit said:

Refs jus spotted seattle ball in 4 seconds. took them 26 seconds to spot ours at end of 1st half

There was a few ball spot that were weirdly placed, like a 1st and 10 on our twenty that turn incomplete and the ball is placed close to the 19?

One call that we aren't discussing much is that DPI on Dunbar in the EZ that turned an incomplete pass to 3rd and Goal from the 5th into 1st and Goal from the 1. That was a freaking bull**** call as well.

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