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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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41 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I'm curious if you think (before this discussion) white privalige refers to police interaction/criminal justice or as a more general thought that white people have it easier in most aspects of life. 

Its not about life being easier for white people.  It's stuff like people leaving a BnB and white neighbors calling the cops because they think they robbing the place when they're just packing their car to leave.  Things like coming across the southern border and getting separated from your parents as a deterrent while the president is trying to make it easier for people from Western Europe to get here.  And the disproportionate level of punishment to different races for similar crimes cannot be understated, it's obvious, and police are condition to expect the worst from us, we keep seeing arguments justifying it and causing much quick cases of escalations and people of color getting killed.  Nobody is trying to rip your vote out from under you because they expect you to vote a certain way either.  The stats are there if you look for them showing two people doing the same thing will get different results and the common denominator for the results is race, its real, like the pay gap between men and women (which I've heard excuses for as well):




The thing I don't like is sometimes it gets confused with classism, "Oh, white folk don't know what its like to be poor", or straight jealousy "I can't get a watch like that."  It's a big reason poor white people HATE that term because they're in a situation where they don't feel like they are given the same help as minorities, like affirmative action.  But I'm not ready to get rid of it because we still have situations where corporate america almost has to be forced to diversify.  You seen CBS Primetime lineup?  I won't watch that channel unless its local news, and I used to love ol' skool CSI.  And to be fair, I don't watch BET, either, but the fact there is one is very telling (we got so tired of not seeing ourselves on TV we made our own channel)


I keep trying to convince myself that what's going on in DC is an attempt to build a larger tax base, but most people in the city at the time didn't care about the Nationals moving in and knew it wasn't for them.  It looks terrible when poor black folk are basically getting pushed out the city so wealthy white folk can take their place, and big reason why is because most of the people in DC are poor AND black, then a lot of the people moving in are wealthy AND white.  One isn't exactly a cause for the other, but that's the appearance and its being fed instead of extinguished.  You can see schools that aren't getting renovated until the population tilts, they just did that to my sister's old elementary school.  At this point, race relations cannot be ignored (I tried at one time when I was much younger, it just meant I had to catch up), but its a distraction to keep the 99% from uniting against the 1%.  They are straight playing us, and too many of us are falling for it.

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Overall good post and I thank you for it.  A few things I want to address specifically (in no particular order):


6 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

It's stuff like people leaving a BnB and white neighbors calling the cops because they think they robbing the place when they're just packing their car to leave.

You brought up several examples.  And I don't mean to sound like they are without merit.  But this one in particular I wanted to address.  I saw this in the news and I think the people that called the cops were probably a bit racist.  But I saw the story and asked what I would do.  One, I hope I would know my neighbors well enough to know if they were doing an AirBnB for their home.  So many people wanted to focus on the "they didn't wave" part though.  I unconscionably use that all the time to tell who is friendly.  I wave at everyone in my area.  When I don't get a wave back, it makes me question why.  My friends tell me it's a southern thing, expecting everyone to wave.  But if I saw a group, of any color, coming out of my neighbors house and they didn't wave back, I would probably think something was wrong.  Though if 5 black guys wanted to rob my neighbors house, as long as they wave, I would assume it is all good.  Don't know what that says about me.

12 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

police are condition to expect the worst from us

Are you black?  One thing I like about internet forums is you usually don't know.  I thought for the longest time that @LadySkinsFan was black.  But that was because she so closely reminded me of a friend of mine that was black.  So that is what just happened in my head.  She posted a pic of herself and I saw she was white and was shocked.  Again, don't know what that says about me.  Also, if you tell me you are X color, I can't guarantee I will remember because I really don't care all that much what color people are.  

15 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

confused with classism

I think this is a far bigger issue than racism nowadays.  That doesn't mean that racism isn't an issue.  I always hear the question about what color people make you cross the street.  I admit that the way a person is dressed (look poor vs look wealthy) makes a far bigger impression on me.  We need to continue to address racism but class-ism I think is just as big an issue. 


18 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

like affirmative action

I have my own thoughts on this but probably should be another thread.  My opinion is one that both sides probably hate.  Which to me means it is probably a good idea.


19 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

You seen CBS Primetime lineup?

No and I have no clue what you are saying here.  I usually watch CNN, History channel, NFL network, TNT, or other like channels.  Network TV is for watching local sport teams.

21 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

 You can see schools that aren't getting renovated until the population tilts,

Our entire education system needs a total overhaul.  I think this falls more on class-ism than racism but the correlation between minorities and poor neighborhoods can't be ignored.  And I admit this is an uninformed opinion based on the small bit I have read.  I honestly don't care much about school systems because I don't have kids and hope to never have any I am responsible for.  But seeing what society has been churning out, I know it needs to be addressed.  

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35 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Overall good post and I thank you for it.  A few things I want to address specifically (in no particular order):


Thanks, I hope it helps, looks like it has.



You brought up several examples.  And I don't mean to sound like they are without merit.  But this one in particular I wanted to address.  I saw this in the news and I think the people that called the cops were probably a bit racist.  But I saw the story and asked what I would do.  One, I hope I would know my neighbors well enough to know if they were doing an AirBnB for their home.  So many people wanted to focus on the "they didn't wave" part though.  I unconscionably use that all the time to tell who is friendly.  I wave at everyone in my area.  When I don't get a wave back, it makes me question why.  My friends tell me it's a southern thing, expecting everyone to wave.  But if I saw a group, of any color, coming out of my neighbors house and they didn't wave back, I would probably think something was wrong.  Though if 5 black guys wanted to rob my neighbors house, as long as they wave, I would assume it is all good.  Don't know what that says about me.


That happens more then just that one instance, it happens a lot.  People get followed in stores, accused of stealing, this is stuff you already know.  I don't care about the "didn't wave part", I care about the "mind your own GD business" part. I do the headnod thing instead of wave, up for "wat's up", down for "acknowledge each other in case it goes down".  If I get neither I keep it moving, I don't assume they are robbing somebody.  I think it says a lot about somebody's neighbor that they are so close they'd call the cops for them if they thought someone was burglarizing their house, but not close enough to know they are renting their house out.  It's how I see right through that nonsense.



Are you black?  One thing I like about internet forums is you usually don't know.  I thought for the longest time that @LadySkinsFan was black.  But that was because she so closely reminded me of a friend of mine that was black.  So that is what just happened in my head.  She posted a pic of herself and I saw she was white and was shocked.  Again, don't know what that says about me.  Also, if you tell me you are X color, I can't guarantee I will remember because I really don't care all that much what color people are.  


Worse, I'm Black and Italian.  There are people on my mom's side that cut her off when she had a black son, and I have to deal with black people telling me I'm not fully black and don't understand what they going through "MF'r, you lighter then me!", been through that, high school in the suburbs was no like the disney channel, even in NOVA.  I identify more with black culture because I feel more accepted there, but the longer my hair gets, the more they can tell (and they the only ones really looking).  When cops drew guns on me at a traffic stop or speed off because they didn't know I was asking for help, they didn't know I was half-black.  I try to tell people I wouldn't get to sit in the middle of the bus, I'm in the back.  So what if I'm in the house, I'm still a mf'n slave.



I think this is a far bigger issue than racism nowadays.  That doesn't mean that racism isn't an issue.  I always hear the question about what color people make you cross the street.  I admit that the way a person is dressed (look poor vs look wealthy) makes a far bigger impression on me.  We need to continue to address racism but class-ism I think is just as big an issue. 


Having money can cover for your complexion, that's for sure.  A lot of "firsts" have already happened, the persistance of previous generations so it wasn't such a chore to follow in their footsteps has in many cases already been done.  It's not a level playing field, but the ice ain't tilted like it used to be either.



I have my own thoughts on this but probably should be another thread.  My opinion is one that both sides probably hate.  Which to me means it is probably a good idea.


Me as well.  Hot take:  Once the country is majority-minority, we have to get rid of affirmative action no matter where we are with the diversity thing.  Once whites are just another minority group, we have to be serious about what that actually means and what a fair playing field actually looks like.  Somebody mentioned being white and having their kid mark native american, in some ways, we're already starting to see it.



No and I have no clue what you are saying here.  I usually watch CNN, History channel, NFL network, TNT, or other like channels.  Network TV is for watching local sport teams.


If anything, look at the pattern of the lead actor:





Our entire education system needs a total overhaul.  I think this falls more on class-ism than racism but the correlation between minorities and poor neighborhoods can't be ignored.  And I admit this is an uninformed opinion based on the small bit I have read.  I honestly don't care much about school systems because I don't have kids and hope to never have any I am responsible for.  But seeing what society has been churning out, I know it needs to be addressed.  


One of the biggest problems I have with the education system is the idea that giving the same amount of resources to wealthy neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods is some how far.  It's not, many kids aren't getting preschool, their parents can't get them hooked on phonics or a tablet with learning games on them.  That's if there's two parents, let alone one, could be the grandparents.  There absolutely needs to be more resources there to make up for the reality of the situation.  When I was at Hines in DC for middle school I had a science book that was as old as I was.  I don't care what the reason in is, what we're doing isn't working, and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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3 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

 There are people on my mom's side that cut her off when she had a black son,

I have admitted here before that sadly my fathers side of the family is rather racist.  They seem to hide it better now but I know it is there.  Anyways, there is a limited number to carry on the family name that they consider so important.  There are a few of their sons that have died.  That pretty much leaves me and my brother.  I hate children and would leave any I had in one of those boxes at the fire station.  So counting on me to carry the family name is a bad bet.  The other option is my brother.  His wife is from Barbados.  She is black as coal.  I take silent pleasure in knowing that the only way that name carries on is with an interracial child.

7 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Having money can cover for your complexion

Fair.  How can we tell if we are heading more towards class-ism or are still just racist?  Which is worse?  Interesting questions.

8 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Me as well.  Hot take:  Affirmative Action

I struggle with this alot.  I have seen many good speaches on boths sides.  Part of me feels like it cheapens the accomplishments of black people.  Part of me feels like it harms white folk for **** they had nothing to do with.  Another part of me knows there are racist ****s out there that won't hire/help/whatever minorities unless they are forced to.  I think this will be a hot topic once we address it when racism is a lot smaller concern.


11 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

One of the biggest problems I have with the education system is the idea that giving the same amount of resources to wealthy neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods is some how far.

This is a really good point I have never considered.  Up to now,  I have always been for a pooling of school money in an area and spreading it evenly from there.  I will have to think/research more about it but you may have swayed me.

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18 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:
Because there is literally nothing a citizen can't do that doesn't warrant being punched in the face by a gang of police officers. 


Looks like police department is getting ahead of it instead of defending it, they released the video themselves.  I want to hear the audio, that may have to come from the body cam.  

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2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Looks like police department is getting ahead of it instead of defending it, they released the video themselves.  I want to hear the audio, that may have to come from the body cam.  

Does the audio matter? Nothing he said could justify violence.

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7 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Looks like police department is getting ahead of it instead of defending it, they released the video themselves.  I want to hear the audio, that may have to come from the body cam.  


Audio from bodycam released: 


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7 minutes ago, MisterPinstripe said:

Does the audio matter? Nothing he said could justify violence.

I'm not saying it does, I just want to hear what they said to him and he said to them. They said they thought he was a suspect, it looks like they told him to do something and he said something smart and they went to town on him, made an example out of him.  Knowing that matters in preparation for that being used against him (which will be anyday know).  Cases like this should be open and shut, how many open and shut ones we've seen them get away with anyway?

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Without commenting on the police action in the Sterling Brown arrest, why the **** is Sterling Brown, a world class athlete, parking his car sprawled across TWO handicapped spaces in a WalMart parking lot? 


That in and of itself sucks.

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On 6/6/2018 at 10:50 AM, Gamebreaker said:
Because there is literally nothing a citizen can't do that doesn't warrant being punched in the face by a gang of police officers. 

And if it leaves any visible damage they will charge you with resisting arrest and probably assaulting a police officer too. 

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Feds indict Florida police chief who framed a teen for burglaries so he could boast about perfect record


Raimundo Atesiano was chief of the Biscayne Park Police Department in 2013, and he was proud to boast about his department's 100% clearance rate for burglaries -- but according to federal prosecutors who just indicted him, Atesiano conspired with two of his officers to frame a 16-year-old child for unsolved burglaries so that they could impress local officials.


They face 11 years in prison, each, if they are convicted of "conspiracy to violate civil rights under color of law and deprivation of the 16-year-old’s civil rights."


Click on the link for the full article

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