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WP: Washington Redskins Leafers Laughing While On Field Performance Remains A Joke


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I can only speak for myself, but I'm good at compartmentalizing things.  If I have a bad day at work, that doesn't go home with me.  I'll deal with it the next day. 


Game was over...not sure what Reid was looking for.  Well, actually I do.  SMH. 


The thing about Jason Reid stories, is that his hack-jobs become about himself.  He's a disgrace. 

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If anything it was probably a reaction from hearing Sherman's comments.  Them laughing and joking about him getting his hair pulled similar to what happens in a cat fight lol


Its not like they were saying to each other "See I TOLD you we would be 1-4 at this point in the season.".......  "And I've got $20,000 that says we will end the season at 12-4..."    "hahahahah lol hahaha lol"



Come on guys.... these guys know their future with the team is doubtful if their individual performances don't improve... minus Trent Williams, Almo, David Amerson/Breeland , Garcon, Jackson, possibly Niles Paul.  Everyone else including RGIII and Cousins aren't exempt from this.

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Come on guys.... these guys know their future with the team is doubtful if their individual performances don't improve... minus Trent Williams, Almo, David Amerson/Breeland , Garcon, Jackson, possibly Niles Paul.  Everyone else including RGIII and Cousins aren't exempt from this.


And that matters why?  This is another argument I hear.


Oh no, if I don't play better I will lose my job with the Redskins.  The horror.  I might have to leave this team and play for a contender next year.


Trust me, the players don't give a damn.  That's the culture we have harvested.  They leave here and play better elsewhere.


Meanwhile in the armpit of Maryland, Baltimore Ravens players "play like a Raven".  They have built a culture of winning and wanting to be the best.  ****, Ray Rice tattooed Baltimore on his forearm and named his daughter Rayven.


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Im not saying they slit their wrists but I think this shows we dont have a core set of guys who are leaders...

Its called frustration from a life time Redskins fan...but last I checked its a free country so I'll leave it displayed until he proves hes not injury prone and worth what the team gave up for him. Now Im a so called fan for displaying an avatar they do not agree with....someones got some thin skin.


Yeah you're ragging on the Skins players for laughing it up after the game, yet you're proudly sporting a pic mocking RG3. Gotta love it!

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Trust me, the players don't give a damn.  That's the culture we have harvested.  They leave here and play better elsewhere.


Meanwhile in the armpit of Maryland, Baltimore Ravens players "play like a Raven".  They have built a culture of winning and wanting to be the best.  ****, Ray Rice tattooed Baltimore on his forearm and named his daughter Rayven.




I was going to write that you have no idea how much or how little the players care and that it's foolish to make assumptions based on a couple guys chuckling in the locker room after a loss. But dang, since you said "Trust me" it must be true.


And Ray Rice is the perfect example of people thinking they know the mindset of NFL players from afar only to find out "Oh, ****, maybe he's not what I thought he was."  


So way to torpedo your own assertion.

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I was going to write that you have no idea how much or how little the players care and that it's foolish to make assumptions based on a couple guys chuckling in the locker room after a loss. But dang, since you said "Trust me" it must be true.


And Ray Rice is the perfect example of people thinking they know the mindset of NFL players from afar only to find out "Oh, ****, maybe he's not what I thought he was."  


So way to torpedo your own assertion.


Because you are so brilliant!


You don't have to believe me, you can see it with your own eyes.  Players leave here and play better elsewhere.


Ray Rice and company actually won a Super Bowl and go to the playoffs every year and play like they....you know...care?  It's people like you that are the problem.  The coddlers.

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Because you are so brilliant!

You don't have to believe me, you can see it with your own eyes. Players leave here and play better elsewhere.

Ray Rice and company actually won a Super Bowl and go to the playoffs every year and play like they....you know...care? It's people like you that are the problem. The coddlers.

Maybe that's because they have a more talented team and better coaching/management?

Or it could be because their players care harder. That's it

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Maybe that's because they have a more talented team and better coaching/management?

Or it could be because their players care harder. That's it


No it's because the do the opposite of us.


Go no further then looking at each teams starting rosters.  They draft their players.  We bring in free agents.  Most of their starters were drafted by the team.  Most of our starters were drafted by someone else.

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As long as they give 100% on the field I don't care what they do off it it.


I do care what they do off the field.


Off the field is where players exercise discipline and study film to improve angles, run lanes on ST, learn the routes, and learn/improve blocking techniques. Giving 100% on the field is meaningless if you don't work off the field to improve what 100% means.


Where does that discipline come from?  Players' attitude. We don't get to see what happens in every practice. We don't know, for example, how hard Orakpo is working to improve his pass rush. All we have to go by is what we see--the players' attitude.


And if the reporting is accurate, that the players' attitude is one that doesn't mind losing, I think it's a fair concern. Particularly when we're being asked to care about the team's success and pay to attend games.


Apparently the coach thinks it's a fair concern too.

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Sometimes I think fans take loses harder than players.



As long as they give 100% on the field I don't care what they do off it it. We all deal with situatiions in different ways.


of course we do.  Players have to logically realize that no one wins 100% of everything they compete in and recognize each game as part of the same whole to keep from letting defeats wreck them mentally.  Fans don't.  Fans don't have to take into account things like health, has no idea about things like crowd noise and mechanical defects affecting the game, can blow off legitimate reasons as people making excuses

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Yeah sorry, after I have a lousy day at work I also try to laugh and feel better and take my mind off it, usually with coworkers as well.

This is their job. Not an issue to me.

No offense, but people don't pay good money to see you suck at your job. I think this is a bigger problem than many of you think. I have a strong feeling it's a culture thing.

I remember what Michael Irving said when he first got to the Cowboys. Guys were joking around after loses and were there to just get paid. He went up to either Jimmy Johnson or Jerry Jones and said, "if you want to win, you need to get rid of this guy, this guy and this guy." I have a feeling that Ryan Clark may go up to management and do the samething.

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This sounds like a "Get off my lawn" speech.

Let me ask you, what do you do to keep yourself motivated at work? Are you the guy in the office who gets mad at the person in the cubical next to you for smiling too much?

Bringing a foozball table to the office is an unprofessional environment. Telling a joke, spinning the ball, or spiking the ball are not unprofessional, particularly in a locker room / sports environment.


I said demanding a professional attitude.. That's a far cry from asking them to cry and pout after a loss.. (and yes, after 2 decades of sucking ass, if the guy in the office is telling jokes and smilling all the time, I wouldn't get mad at him, I'd fire his ass!!)


And the cheap ass ball spins are/can be a 15 yard penalty.. That's the kind of crap this team needs to nip in the ass, NOW.. It's been 20+ years of this BS, (I've lived it for 48) if your ok with them being lax after another 1-4 start and consecutive, national tv, at home ass beatings, that's your perogative! Smile away!!


... And for gods sake, can the OP fix the title?? It's nearly as big a cluster **** as our football team! :wacko:

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No offense, but people don't pay good money to see you suck at your job. I think this is a bigger problem than many of you think. I have a strong feeling it's a culture thing.

I remember what Michael Irving said when he first got to the Cowboys. Guys were joking around after loses and were there to just get paid. He went up to either Jimmy Johnson or Jerry Jones and said, "if you want to win, you need to get rid of this guy, this guy and this guy." I have a feeling that Ryan Clark may go up to management and do the samething.

No but there is a lot of money on the line still in both my and thousands of other peoples jobs. And I've screwed up before and cost people their money so yeah I know the feeling.

I don't believe in sulking or throwing a pity party personally and I don't know how each player chooses to deal with frustration and failure either so I am not going to get upset or point fingers at guys because they aren't sad enough.

That's a completely different attitude and discussion than one that Irvin is talking abut where guys just show up to get paid and don't care ether way. Also, I'm sure other teammates could have gone to the coach and said, "you know what coach, I saw Irvin do cocaine so I'm

Pretty sure he doesn't care about winning and is just here to live the life, he needs to go."

We can't make assumptions on how much players care by something as silly as this even if sports cliches tell us we can.

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No but there is a lot of money on the line still in both my and thousands of other peoples jobs. And I've screwed up before and cost people their money so yeah I know the feeling.

I don't believe in sulking or throwing a pity party personally and I don't know how each player chooses to deal with frustration and failure either so I am not going to get upset or point fingers at guys because they aren't sad enough.

That's a completely different attitude and discussion than one that Irvin is talking abut where guys just show up to get paid and don't care ether way. Also, I'm sure other teammates could have gone to the coach and said, "you know what coach, I saw Irvin do cocaine so I'm

Pretty sure he doesn't care about winning and is just here to live the life, he needs to go."

We can't make assumptions on how much players care by something as silly as this even if sports cliches tell us we can.

As with Dexter Manley and LT, I don't think anyone cared what Irvin did off the field. On the field and in the locker room, it was all about business.

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Look, if players on this team don't care about winning or losing, that is a problem.  But I'm not going to assume that some random laughter in a locker room is evidence of that.  


I'll take Jay Gruden at his word that he'll look into it.  If nothing else, he seems to mean what he says.

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I said demanding a professional attitude.. That's a far cry from asking them to cry and pout after a loss.. (and yes, after 2 decades of sucking ass, if the guy in the office is telling jokes and smilling all the time, I wouldn't get mad at him, I'd fire his ass!!)


And the cheap ass ball spins are/can be a 15 yard penalty.. That's the kind of crap this team needs to nip in the ass, NOW.. It's been 20+ years of this BS, (I've lived it for 48) if your ok with them being lax after another 1-4 start and consecutive, national tv, at home ass beatings, that's your perogative! Smile away!!


... And for gods sake, can the OP fix the title?? It's nearly as big a cluster **** as our football team! :wacko:


First you're wrong on the ballspins being a 15 yard penalty because we haven't gotten those. There's also something called emotion that players play with, and sometimes part of playing with emotion is doing things to try to excite both the crowd and the other players, as well as to maybe shake the confidence of the other team. So I have no problem with a player screaming "Yeah" after a big play or spiking or spinning a ball. To act like those things are the reason for us losing is just creating a fake argument to avoid the real problems on this team. Every other team in this league (both the winning ones and the losing ones) have players that do this and its an uncorrelated assumption to say that one has anything to do with the other. You're just an upset fan who doesn't like that so you don't want players doing that, but that doesn't mean it'll make the team play better.


You want to know what'll make the team play better? Better players.

You want to know what'll make the team play better? Not being injured

You want to know what'll make the team play better? Being in the same system for more than a year.

You want to know what'll make the team play better? A better coaching staff that knows how to teach players and develop talent.


But its just wrong to say that spinning the ball is the reason a guy can't tackle Wilson. The two things are unrelated.

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So what.

i can laugh after a bad day at work. And so can you, and you and you, and you over there in the corner.


the TMZ-ing of all media is really disheartening.

This sort of thing is not news, never has been news, is indicative of nothing, never has been indicative of anything.


Well, except a strong indicator of a hack journalist looking for something to stir up controversy to get hmself some attention for breaking this huge 'story'.


Since when do we all behave like 7th grade gossiping girls?



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