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WP: Washington Redskins Leafers Laughing While On Field Performance Remains A Joke


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I wonder how the players would feel if after losing a game, the coaches made a solemn speech and then went into the next room and cracked open some beers and started yucking it up.  Or if they could see Danny and his friends in his suite watching Big Bang Theory rather than the football game.  I agree with what everyone says about putting a loss behind you, but I also think that the team is probably on the verge of becoming complacent about losing.

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While this isn't a big deal in a vacuum. I think it speaks volumes about jay grudens ability to be a head coach. So far he's been a complete failure


He honestly seems like a great guy and a really smart OC, not sure about his ability to be a HC. I am willing to let him grow into the position over the course of this season - since it is over anyhow. He needs to show me something soon that he is a leader though. 


One thing that bothered me months ago was when he had a quote saying something about how he didn't care or believe in advanced stats and just believed in "lining up and playing" or some other BS. He doesn't come across as a guy who is going to out smart his opponent. We shall see. 

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The people on here who are simply brushing this off as "Oh, this is how professionals act when they've had a bad day at work!" are completely wrong in my opinion.  These guys don't work in a cubicle.  They aren't annoyed that the Xerox machine is broken or that the coffee machine is spitting out black sludge.


Their job is primarily centered around two things:  Pride and Passion.  The goal is to be the fastest, strongest, and most intelligent team in the league, right?  Well in order to get there you need intense passion and accountability.  You need guys who want to be remembered as the GOAT at his position and will do whatever is necessary to get there. 


Give me dudes that cry in the locker room over guys who are rejoiceful that they didn't get "embarrassed" on PrimeTime TV.  We'll see who gets to the SB first.

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Despite their status as the only losing team in the NFC East, the players, per Keim, "felt good that they weren't embarrassed for a second straight prime-time game."


what low standards.  what did we do to deserve this bs


it all starts up top and Snyder aint budging.  This team sucks, Bruce Allen gotta go

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Eh, this is honestly silly media/fan fodder


If they sat in there like it was a funeral the team still would not be any better

Exactly. All the little kiddies bemoan a "lack of heart" or fight or whatever nonsense they see in their favorite sports movie

The fact is the players on this team suck by and large. I would probably laugh too. Might as well, this team is not getting any better

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I want players that get pissed after losses. I don't want players like Orakpo that thought last night was a "phenomenal effort."  


Also, this is Snyder's doing. If he cared an ounce for actually wanting to put out a winning team, he would spend money on the scouting department, upgrading the facilities, and getting football people to run the team.

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I want players that get pissed after losses. I don't want players like Orakpo that thought last night was a "phenomenal effort."  



Darrell Green would often smile after a loss, graciously praising the other team

So I don't think you've thought it through. Talent is what we need. Who gives a **** what their emotional state is after a loss. Really

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Like I've been saying all season, NO HEART. Even the mediocre Gibbs II teams who had less talent but were all heart and you know the team would bust their ass to the very end.  The losers need their jobs threatened.  Bench and embarrass guys even for less talented players as long as they have the heart.

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what low standards.  what did we do to deserve this bs


it all starts up top and Snyder aint budging.  This team sucks, Bruce Allen gotta go


their starting QB out for several weeks more, the top CB lost for the season, their starting NT and TE out for weeks more, their second TE shaking off a concussion, their LT with a partially dislocated kneecap against the Super Bowl champions, who cheat like there's no tomorrow.  Their standards don't seem terribly out of whack considering.

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their starting QB out for several weeks more, the top CB lost for the season, their starting NT and TE out for weeks more, their second TE shaking off a concussion, their LT with a partially dislocated kneecap against the Super Bowl champions, who cheat like there's no tomorrow.  Their standards don't seem terribly out of whack considering.

The Griffin injury is the only one I can concieve.  I do not believe Cofield and D-Hall improve our record.  Yes, theyre crucial role players but not impact guys, the defense blew with them last year too


This team is a loose fit of pieces.  Talent is average.  All this article shows is they have low confidence, like sundays arent meant for them to win.  I dont like that preset mentality  



Gruden said he spoke with veteran safety Ryan Clark Tuesday morning about this topic, wanting to see if it was a legitimate issue. After the game, Clark said he was OK with the atmosphere, that every player handled losses differently. He did say in his previous stop, Pittsburgh, it was different.

"If you lost it in Pittsburgh, it was a miserable feeling as a whole," he said. "Here, we're in the process of trying to build something and trying to understand how to win. We'll see how it goes next week."


cant compare apples to oranges, but still

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i dont particularly have a problem with the team acting happy after the loss. what do we expect them to do, hang their heads down and cry? i sure wouldnt want a football player on my favorite team that cries after a loss and is all emotional. i want the players to know that they had a bad game but act as if they are confident that they can learn from it and turn the mess around. but thats just my opinion.

Your rose colored glasses crap is seriously getting old.


Laughing or crying are not the only choices you know.  How about: taking the loss seriously, and resolving to improve.  You know, what winners do.  This is a professional sports team.  And if they don't care enough to care when they lose, then why should I?

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I played football for a fairly long time starting in Pop Warner and ending in college. Winning teams I was on were teams that cared enough to have a "come to Jesus" talk amongst themselves or from the coach when it was necessary. They corrected things that were wrong and they cared. Losing teams didn't do that.


Not all losing teams were carefree and joking after losses, but it was more common on those teams because you knew there was no real hope. Usually it was either that the team lacked talent or the coaching staff sucked, sometimes both.


It was more of a rarity on the winning teams because frankly you'd be focused on how to fix whatever was out of whack rather than on having a good time.


I tend to believe there is little to this and that it's a media troll issue, but there's a gem of truth there too, so don't just dismiss everyone who wishes the locker room was more serious.

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Who knows if it's just hyped media or something more.. But the old saying "where there's smoke.." So, obviously something was going on that didn't sit well..


I don't care if they're not all beating their lockers and crying in the corner, but don't be giggling and laughing minutes after another ass whooping on NTV.. You can punk on Sherman or whatever tomorrow... After the game, how bout they get serious for a minute.. Reflect, maybe hear some inspirational words from the team "leaders" or coach, but don't be giggling and laughing.. I don't care what the subject was..


If anything like the above was going on, Gruden has 1 chance to put an end to it, imo.. He's got to set a standard immediately and stick with it.. If the standard is it's fine to clown around after losses, then that'll be the standard they'll abide to..  I wonder if there was any giggles or laughs in the Patriots room after their NTV whoopin? 

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I don't care if they're not all beating their lockers and crying in the corner, but don't be giggling and laughing minutes after another ass whooping on NTV.. 


Exactly.  If you're giggling and laughing, it shows you don't care.  And that leads to the poor execution we've been ****ing about.


I'm not reacting to the media trolls.  I'm reacting to people here saying it's okay if it's true.  Because it isn't.

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