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Super Bowl XLIX Thread ; * Patriots Are 4x SB Champions*

Mr. Sinister

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Couldn't disagree with you more. Really dumb decision. You hand it to Lunch and then hand it to Lynch again. If we had an alternate reality machine, I would bet $10,000 against your $500 that they win if they do that.


Absolutely, Carroll got cute and he paid. hahaaa. I would join you in that bet any day all day every day. lol. 

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Couldn't disagree with you more. Really dumb decision. You hand it to Lunch and then hand it to Lynch again. If we had an alternate reality machine, I would bet $10,000 against your $500 that they win if they do that.

well sure we know the outcome.

But there is nothing inherently wrong with the call.

It was a good match-up. good play concept just a bad outcome.

I wanted to see a Lynch run or read option myself but crying about the call the way Collinsworth did is weak

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I can't stand Brady, so I was hoping Seattle would win---also, Wilson is from my general area.

That is exactly the reason I am glad the seahawks lost (besides them being a bunch of punks).

I am getting sick of hearing from the local media how Wilson is from around here.

Like, who the **** cares? He is 3,000 miles away now, and belongs to Seattle.

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LOL, it's funny how in here everyone's happy and I go on twitter and everyone is talking about how much they hate the Patriots.  


You are following the wrong people man.




"@SInow: If this score stands, Madden '15 will have predicted the Super Bowl http://on.si.com/1EzlJ7D  " Madden called it

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Knowing seattle, as I do, since I lived there, suicide is true to the cliche for them, around those parts. 


Someone actually nosedived off the roof of my apartment complex back in '06. Nailed the front entrance glass veranda. Week or two later, someone got shoved out of a window in a low-income building a half block away, a homicide--suicide. 

<edit> not to joke about the matter. 

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