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CNN: NASCAR's Tony Stewart allegedly hits, kills driver at dirt-track race in New York


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Dude, that's a HUGE stretch to assume that Stewart didn't see him. Stewart has been doing this way too long to be given THAT benefit of a doubt. Also, I have yet to hear anyone make the claim that this kid was that hard to see.

I'm sure all of that is gonna come out in the investigation. That is, if B.S. hasn't closed the investigation yet.

Drivers can't see much at all out of the right side in the Sprint cup. Which is on paved courses with the best sight lines. This race was on a small time dirt track at night, with cars that drift in the corner. To say it's a stretch to see a person where a person isn't supposed to be is asinine.
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Beats me. I don't know anything about those type of cars. I'm just speculating.

Well, if Tony was on the lower side of the track (straight away - would be located at the bottom of the video, which isn't shown) he's not looking across the track to his left at Ward or anyone, he's looking ahead which would be in front of him.  Then in the turn, he's not looking to the left towards Ward, he's focused on the turn.  


The fact is that Ward came into the middle of the track at the turn, by the time Tony saw him, if he even saw him, he wouldn't have time to point back at him before he hit him. Not to mention that the visibility to the right of the sprint car is severely minimal/non-existent for the most part.  


Also, the car before Tony almost hit him and he wasn't as far in the middle of the track as he was when Tony came around the corner.

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My heart goes out to Wards family on this one. Bad enough they lost him,but videos constantly being shown probably doesn't help. 


No much in to watching people die,but watched this and right now,couldn't tell you for sure either way. Can't. Not from the videos. I'm one of those that finds it hard to believe this was done on purpose and I'm not convinced Tony could have avoided it though it's possible he did and the result is what you see. 


Here's a couple of videos that show things from the inside one of those little cars. 



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I'm not contending that he intentionally killed Ward. So you can drop that silly straw man. I meant that he might have been trying to vent his anger back at Ward and lost control of his car. He might've taken one of his hands off the wheel to point back at Ward and lost control.

I don't believe it, but anything is possible.

The video doesn't show Stewart's car out of control that I can see.. It shows wart steping in front of a car very much in control, following another car which barely missed Ward.

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Condescending petty jerk...I've actually been called worse.

I probably won't lose much sleep over that assesment of my character.

In due time the truth will be told by those who are the closest to the sport and the law and those who have proclaimed that Smoke should be in jail will have an aftertaste of crow.

All in due time.

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Good call on the videos. With the amount of drifting, lack of few in the turns, and angle at night on a dimlit track where someone in all black was standing in the line of their all black car, I find it hard to believe stewart even saw him

Was thinking the same thing.

Good grief, there's crap all over the camera screen in that first one after one minute.

Again, that's ideal, daytime conditions.

I don't know what Stewart was thinking, but to conclude he must have hit him on purpose is a bit extreme.

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So based on the youtube video just posted how do you possibly come up with a conclusion that Tony didn't see him?  The rev is clearly heard before the guy gets hit.  I think it's more evident he gunned it for how fast his car came flying up the straight away compared to #45 and the 5 other cars passing Ward during 40mph knowing a caution was out.  If this is the real audio from that video and not out of sync, Tony is in trouble.  I'm still sticking to my opinion, Tony gunned it because his feelings were hurt that someone would dare get out of the car and accuse professional Nascar driver Tony Stewart of taking them out.  Never meant to hurt him, but he probably also didn't realize Ward was going to get so close.

So Tony Stewart, who's been in far worse instances with actual nascar drivers suddenly decided his fortune and his entire career were worth nothing and ran this kid over on purpose? I hate nascar with a passion, but I love racing. Ward was wrong here and it cost him his life. There is no way Stewart saw him and gunned it to run him over. Come on man, that's just silly.

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Unless Stewart admits to hitting him on purpose, I dont think he'll be found guilty of anything.

I remember watching such races as a kid and remember how dark the track seemed. It's just stupid to go out there like that, it's almost like he was expecting Stewart to stop and have a convo with him..

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Here's a couple of videos that show things from the inside one of those little cars.

Thanks, that's pretty illuminating.

Between the lack of visibility, the sloppy track, and the ridiculous steering ratios, it's a wonder anybody finishes the race at all.

Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if the people in the grandstands get run over.

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I read that those sprints cars you steer more with the accelerator than you do the steering wheel. To anymore that has ever driven one or follows those races closely is that true? That would explain the sudden acceleration right at the end as he probably saw him right near his car and tried to avoid him. What a tragedy, but I can't think Stewart did this on purpose. He had no history with this guy, no radio to let him know the guy was upset and out of his car on the track looking for him.... Stewart would of had around one second to see him and decide "oh hey that's the guy I just spun out let me show him a thing or two". I just don't see that as within the realm of possibility. The more likely sequence of events is he saw the car in front of him swerve, looked around for what the issue was and suddenly there was a guy in black right next to his car and he tried to avoid him but failed.

I like to watch a NASCAR race here and there but def am not some huge fan but I can see some major rules coming down regarding this where if you exit your car during a race to confront another driver there will be some serious penalties. What if the guy right ahead of Stewart that swerved to miss Ward lost control, crashed, hit the wall and harmed/killed himself or others? What Ward did was just reckless, foolish and unfortunately he paid the ultimate cost. Condolences to his family what a tragic accident that could of completely been avoided. I've seen a lot of garbage reading into this like "Darwin award winner, What did ward expect playing in traffic etc etc", you have to be a rather emotional bankrupt individual to make jokes and see this as anything other than a sad tragedy. A lot of us make mistakes out of anger, just most of us get to reflect back and realize we lost control for a few moments and don't have that mistake cost us our life. This was a 20 year old kid that had a lapse in judgement in the heat of the moment. I really hate the Internet sometimes and wish it was policed in some way to keep trolls off it.

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So Tony Stewart, who's been in far worse instances with actual nascar drivers suddenly decided his fortune and his entire career were worth nothing and ran this kid over on purpose? I hate nascar with a passion, but I love racing. Ward was wrong here and it cost him his life. There is no way Stewart saw him and gunned it to run him over. Come on man, that's just silly.


I don't know what to tell you then.  Maybe you should read the entire thread again because I never stated he did it on purpose.  Now your just arguing with yourself.

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I don't know what to tell you then.  Maybe you should read the entire thread again because I never stated he did it on purpose.  Now your just arguing with yourself.


Folks keep bringing up that ridiculous argument, which means they either can't think or can't read.

No one here has said Stewart intentionally hit and murdered Ward. However, given Stewart's known anger issues in the past, it is possible that he tried to use his vehicle to intimidate or "menace" Ward while he came onto the track and accidently hit him.

It is as simple as that. There's no proof of it, and I still believe Ward is largely at fault for stupidly running onto the track, but that doesn't mean the other possibility shouldn't be looked into.

And the police are doing just that.

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I read that those sprints cars you steer more with the accelerator than you do the steering wheel. To anymore that has ever driven one or follows those races closely is that true? 


This is very true. 


As I was reading this thread last night and this morning, ASF and Bubble Screen provided some pretty good, reasonable perspective on the situation. 


I used to drive 358 sprint cars and 410 sprint cars while I was younger. I would love to still do it, provided sponsorship money was easier to get. It is a very expensive addiction! 


At any rate, these things to not have a variable throttle like a street car. They drive on a simple on or off acceleration. That is why the rear ends skid around turns and the rear wheels spin. I've raced at Williams Grove and Port Royal here is central PA, and on those tracks; in order to run fast and have a chance to win you rarely let off the accelerator. You may feather it to keep from completely spinning out, but you are pretty on the accelerator the whole time. When you are under caution, you must do the same, except that you are coasting most of the time.


As far as why does Tony still race at local dirt tracks? Well, by him doing that, he's giving back to the sport. ASF touched on it earlier, but here at Williams Grove attendance goes up quite a bit and Williams Grove is one of the most popular dirt tracks in the country. When guys like Kahne and Stewart enter these races, attendance doubles at places like Hagerstown, Port Royal, and LIncoln Speedways. It would be like having Phil MIckelson show up to a charity fundraising golf tournament in your hometown. 

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The video doesn't show Stewart's car out of control that I can see.. It shows wart steping in front of a car very much in control, following another car which barely missed Ward.

He is slowing down, but that doesn't mean his car is in control if he suddenly sees a guy walking down the banking in a turn towards his car (which was already higher on the racetrack than the #45 car that had to make a move before him).


These cars don't handle like a car you buy and use on the street. This is after the event has gone on a while, which means the dirt/clay is packed and typically gets slick. Add to that, these cars aren't built in a way that promotes turning sharply at lower speeds. You use the throttle to turn them more than the wheel. If you look in the videos above, how much the guys have to throw the car into the corners to get them to break their rear tires loose and use them to turn. Then counter-steering is done to keep it on edge, but not over the edge.


No one here really knows what was going on in Tony Stewart's head. If he saw him too late and panicked and used the gas to try to turn away, or if he was indeed trying to give him a bit of a intimidation fly-by. I do think people are oversimplifying how you handle these cars. They're solid rear-axle cars with 650+ horsepower on small front wheels and large rear ones, and of course on dirt and clay.


I don't see how this could ever stick as criminal charges against Tony Stewart, but from an outsider's view I can also see how it looks malicious. From being in a 358 Modified for 2 years, I don't think it was malicious at all. 



EDIT: I haven't checked sources on this, but this is supposedly a crew member from the car that narrowly missed Ward before Stewart hit him.



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Two thoughts:


1. This certainly deserves to be invesitgated.

2. It doesn't help that Tony Stewart apparently has a history of being an aggressive, occasionally violent maniac on race tracks.

You clearly don't know what Smoke does for dirt track racing

You ignorant slut

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This is a great example of your past coming back to haunt you.


Was Ward out of line?  Absolutely.

Is Tony Stewart a hothead?  Absolutely

Is Tony Stewart a great race car drive?  Absolutely


Was this a case of rage from both of them?   I'll never believe otherwise.   I don't think for a second Tony wanted to end the guy, but toss some dirt on him? Absolutely.   Tony is a rage monster, everyone knows this.  Just last year he threatened Kenseth saying he'll run him over.

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This is a great example of your past coming back to haunt you.

Was Ward out of line? Absolutely.

Is Tony Stewart a hothead? Absolutely

Is Tony Stewart a great race car drive? Absolutely

Was this a case of rage from both of them? I'll never believe otherwise. I don't think for a second Tony wanted to end the guy, but toss some dirt on him? Absolutely. Tony is a rage monster, everyone knows this. Just last year he threatened Kenseth saying he'll run him over.

So much this

The Tony Stewart leg humpers are having problems with any kind of gray area. He is totally innocent of everything and if you don't agree you are ignorant

Which is ironic as hell coming from nascar fans :P

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This is a great example of your past coming back to haunt you.


Was Ward out of line?  Absolutely.

Is Tony Stewart a hothead?  Absolutely

Is Tony Stewart a great race car drive?  Absolutely


Was this a case of rage from both of them?   I'll never believe otherwise.   I don't think for a second Tony wanted to end the guy, but toss some dirt on him? Absolutely.   Tony is a rage monster, everyone knows this.  Just last year he threatened Kenseth saying he'll run him over.


This is where I am. Ward was obviously acting foolishly, but if Stewart did anything along the lines of intimidation, he still needs to be held accountable when that intimidation goes all wrong. I don't think anyone is looking at the death penalty here, but if you screw around with a high-powered machine, and someone dies, you need to be held accountable.

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