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CNN: NASCAR's Tony Stewart allegedly hits, kills driver at dirt-track race in New York


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What I find funny about tragic events is this, and it almost always happens in this sequence:


  1. There is the shock and awe of the situation - understood
  2. Character assassination - I don't understand this part of the process
  3. Pundits demand action - the most useless part of the process
  4. Overreaction - I get this but before decisions are made, let's cool off a bit
  5. Grieving
  6. Move on to the next big story
  7. Conspiracy theory - at times it occurs soon after the event, other times not so much, sometimes even during the tragic event sequence (like Tony revving his engine)
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I don't think anyone is arguing that.


I agree.


Then Ward set himself up for the potential situation right ?


Seems as many people are stating because Stewart has blown up at times in the past he has to be charged with something.


I do not think so at all. This guy ran on the track and eluded two other drivers before getting hit.


I would think that would happen on nearly any road with high traffic.


To me it looks like Stewart tried to get past him. Not hit him.


As many have stated...even shown videos...it is not easy to see, and those cars ride/steer very differently.

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I agree.


Then Ward set himself up for the potential situation right ?


Seems as many people are stating because Stewart has blown up at times in the past he has to be charged with something.

I do not think so at all. This guy ran on the track and alluded two other drivers before getting hit.


I would thing that would happen on nearly any road with high traffic.


To me it looks like Stewart tried to get past him. Not hit him.


As many have stated...even shown videos...it is not easy to see, and those cars ride/steer very differently.


Ward ran onto the track. Stewart hit him. Those are the only facts not in dispute.


My question is what Stewart did in the moments before he hit him. I would be shocked if Stewart tried to hit him (and doubt we could ever prove that anyway). If Stewart did anything improper though in an attempt to show up Ward, he has some culpability.


I'm uncomfortable saying, "He did nothing wrong!" at this point.

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Ward ran onto the track. Stewart hit him. Those are the only facts not in dispute.


My question is what Stewart did in the moments before he hit him. I would be shocked if Stewart tried to hit him (and doubt we could ever prove that anyway). If Stewart did anything improper though in an attempt to show up Ward, he has some culpability.


I'm uncomfortable saying, "He did nothing wrong!" at this point.

Ward didn't just run onto the track... He ran onto the track and jumped in front of Stewart's car.

What did Stewart do the moments before he hit Ward... looks like he swerved to miss the idjut who just stepped in front of his car.

If Stewart did anything improper though in an attempt to show up Ward, he has some culpability.

I disagree completely. Ward was pissed at Stewart cause he felt Stewart's actions resulted in Ward hitting the wall. That that make Stewart responsible for Ward's subsequent stupidity... I don't think so..

You run out and jump in front of a race car in the middle of a race.. you are going to get hit and killed 100% of the time. I would expect the three time NASCAR champion Stewart to be a hard nosed racing competitor. I would expect that his competitive nature would result in hard feelings occasionally. None of that makes Steward legally responsible for Ward running out like a moron onto a live racetrack and try to play chicken with a race car. And that's assuming there was some sort of Hard nosed competitive act taken by Stewart here which is far from being proven based upon the video.

It appears Ward tried a questionable ambitious move which failed, resulting in his impacting the wall. It wasn't Stewart's fault Ward wasn't good enough to pass the three time NASCAR champion on the outside of a sharp corner.. I'll bet you not many folks are good enough to do that. Again not Stewart's problem ward didn't know that.

Well, I don't care for racing and have no interest in watching a videotape of a man hit by a car, but the way you guys are describing it, that engine rev is going to be the "second gunman on the grassy knoll" of NASCAR.

Great analogy... there was no second gunman on the grassy knoll, and nor was their an engine rev.

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Think of it this way...you are driving on Interstate 81. You are following the traffic ahead of you and looking ahead or at the speedometer, doesn't matter. In one split second you see the car in front of you swerve to miss something, what it is you do not know because you a) didn't see why the car swerved and b ) were looking at something else inside the car. You try to swerve to miss and find out it was a tractor trailer tire the car ahead of you tried to miss, but you were not so lucky.


this exact thing happened to me on 355 in rockville. some car two cars in front of me came to a complete stop before making a right turn into the IHOP because, apparently, someone was walking across the entrance. the car in front of me probably wasnt paying attention and swerved wildly at the last second to avoid rear ending him. of course, by the time i saw the car, it was too late. 


fortunately, i barely touched the guy. 2 years later, he tried to sue me (geico, actually) for $300,000, even though i literally scratched his bumper and put a tiny dent in my front bumper (i was driving a 79 fiat brava and he had a big sedan). he ended up getting $25k even though geico knew he lied about being hurt. 


anyway, it happens. 

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Man, that video is jacked up.  I might rewatch it again but the first time I watched it, it look like he steered into him and I heard the engine rev up.  I'm not saying he did it on purpose or not, because I don't know anything about the skill of racing, but it looked very questionable.  It's in the realm of possibility that a driver who is known to be a hot head, had a brief second during an adrenaline rush where his anger got the best of him.  Maybe he didn't do it on purpose and just meant to get close to him, like when a pitcher in baseball throws a little bit of chin music to get the batter to back off the plate.  If that's the case, he would at least be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

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Yeah, I agree with you on that.  


So do you think any accident should go before a grand jury ?


We agree on a lot of things, but that seems odd based on our history.



I'm uncomfortable saying, "He did nothing wrong!" at this point.


What do you feel he did wrong based on the current evidence ?


Didn't Tony have some kind of camera in his car?  Would it show his hands on his steering wheel?


Not sure about the camera but perhaps.


Well, I don't care for racing and have no interest in watching a videotape of a man hit by a car, but the way you guys are describing it, that engine rev is going to be the "second gunman on the grassy knoll" of NASCAR.


The video is not scary or anything. Nothing more than you would watch on one of those shows that show this type of stuff all the time...without the death part.




People are not understanding how this racing thing works. I am not a NASCAR fan, but I do watch and go to racing, and have all my life.

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Facebook post from mechanic (and former winged Sprint Car driver) Mark Tychowienicz, who wrenches on Chuck Hebing's No. 45 car. Hebing was running directly in front of Stewart on the track and Tychowienicz attributes a quote to Hebing claiming that he never saw Ward until the very last second:



"I have driven these cars, the right side board on the top wing will block out an entire car let alone a person standing there. I now work on the 45 car in the video and the driver said he just saw him at the last second and just missed him. Tony had even less time to react to the situation. People in the stands or watching this video have no idea how fast these things happen and how limited our view is inside the car. It was a very bad turn of events that happened, but we all know the dangers involved in the sport we love."

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A dude is dead because some hothead driver hit him. I don't know if the hothead driver is at fault or not, but I'd like some more information maybe.


I remember a woman and her children injured/die in front of my condo when I lived in DC.


Max speed of vehicle 35. Road conditions ...wonderful.


It was a street sweeper.


I doubt it was because the streetsweeper was a hothead. Accidents happen.

I pretty much saved my brothers life as a kid...still got blamed because he got hurt...by my bike pedal.

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Facebook post from mechanic (and former winged Sprint Car driver) Mark Tychowienicz, who wrenches on Chuck Hebing's No. 45 car. Hebing was running directly in front of Stewart on the track and Tychowienicz attributes a quote to Hebing claiming that he never saw Ward until the very last second:


"I have driven these cars, the right side board on the top wing will block out an entire car let alone a person standing there. I now work on the 45 car in the video and the driver said he just saw him at the last second and just missed him. Tony had even less time to react to the situation. People in the stands or watching this video have no idea how fast these things happen and how limited our view is inside the car. It was a very bad turn of events that happened, but we all know the dangers involved in the sport we love."

Quoted for truth
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For those wanting more facts and less lynching, read this from someone who actually races these cars and knows the sport.

Or you can choose to continue getting caught up in ill-informed hysterics.

To be fair, I don't see many in this thread "lynching" Stewart.  Instead a lot of questions have arisen based on Stewart's tempermental history and the fact that a 20 y/o who appeared to have a rivalry with him in this form of racing is dead.  Questions do need to be asked and a thorough investigation taken place. You can't just clear the guy because he's your favorite driver.

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Upon further video analysis ... I have no idea what happened and I don't think anyone ever will if that's the only angle we have.


I think it's fairly obvious that Stewart revved his engine, and you can see Ward's reaction to it by trying to jump out of the way. However, despite people saying those cars have rear-wheel sliding issues around turns, I really see no sliding by Stewart's car. It's bizarre, Ward appears to be jumping out of the way, and he isn't struck by the front, but rather gets stuck under the rear right wheel ... but the car does not appear to shift up toward Ward in any discernible fashion. Truly a bizarre incident.


Ward was foolish to go down to that level of the track in the first place, but those cars were not exactly driving slowly. Even the car in front of Stewart was moving at a quick clip and Ward kind of jumped away from him as it was a close call there too. It does, at first take, appear that Stewart accelerates at Ward as he comes around the bend, and from a first impression standpoint, it appears as though there SHOULD be enough spacing between the 45 car and Stewart's 14 car to allow Tony to see Ward on the track. Clearly it appears as though Tony has recognized Ward at the point of revving ... but what we probably will never know is whether or not Stewart revved his engine in order to avoid Ward ... revved it out of instinct as he was truly surprised/overreacted to seeing Ward there unexpectedly (how can anyone say for sure how they'd react in a split second if they look up and see someone in front of them) ... Tony could have been looking at gauges, etc. ... or Tony was well aware of where Ward was, and wanted to put a scare in him, not thinking he would keep coming down the track ... and a terrible lack of judgment on Stewart's part combined with Ward's lack of judgment and someone lost a life.


Only Tony really knows what happened there, and he'll have to live with it for the rest of his life. 

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So do you think any accident should go before a grand jury ?


We agree on a lot of things, but that seems odd based on our history.



What do you feel he did wrong based on the current evidence ?



People are not understanding how this racing thing works. I am not a NASCAR fan, but I do watch and go to racing, and have all my life.

I think a thorough investigation should be happening (which supposedly is) and if there are more questions that need to be answered, yes, absolutely a grand jury is needed.

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