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I don't think Colbert will do well in the ratings. He has a built in audience of people who like him and will watch, but he also has a built in audience of people who definitely will not. Might be okay for Comedy Central, for CBS, don't think so.

Like Rush Limbaughs audience? He lost his mind over it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/10/rush-limbaugh-stephen-colbert-assault_n_5127182.html

CBS has just declared war on the heartland of America," Limbaugh fumed. "No longer is comedy going to be a covert assault on traditional American values, conservatism. Now it's just wide out in the open. What this hire means is a redefinition of what is funny, and a redefinition of what is comedy.

I think most people are smart enough to realize that the persona is an act and they'll look to see what he's like when he's not spoofing conservative talk show hosts.

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There would be no Colbert without Stewart.


I don't really see Colbert's style of commedy as successful in late night.   Stewart, on the other hand, I think he would have been a home run.   I am not left at all, as most here probably know but Stewart is funny.  I would probably watch him even though I don't agree with his political opinions because he is really funny.

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I don't really see Colbert's style of commedy as successful in late night. Stewart, on the other hand, I think he would have been a home run. I am not left at all, as most here probably know but Stewart is funny. I would probably watch him even though I don't agree with his political opinions because he is really funny.

I think it's because Stewart is actually a very intelligent guy.

Daily Show is like SNL. Colbert is like Coneheads. Basically a bit that was funny enough to get his own show. Before Colbert, there was Steve Carrell.

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Colbert's show is funnier and more creative than the Daily Show.  But the Colbert Report is a comedy show involving a comedic performance from start to finish.


It's a new format for Colbert but he's a damn fine comedian and host and interviewer.  I think he'll be excellent.  But I also think the Colbert Report has pretty much been genius and unique for it's entire run.  When you've got a good thing going and you've found your medium, you should stick with it.  The Late Show isn't nearly as relevant as the Colbert Report IMO.

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But now he cant make Bing Ding ching chong jokes.


It's just hard for me to see him doing the whole stand up gig with the whole "Did you see...." very tame one liners, on a network where you have to watch what you say.


If they wanted that they should've asked Jerry Seinfeld  

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huh.  interesting.


  I could see someone like Sarah Silverman doing well, with time, but she'd probably be better off starting with a late late show and getting her stuff together first.


To me, she is by far the most un-funny comic I've seen in a long, long time.


How she ever got on TV (let alone got her own show) only confirms the Hollywood casting couch is alive & well.

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Limbaugh's opinion might be colored by the fact that Colbert gleefully rips him every chance he gets as a fat, misogynistic, bloviating hypocrite.  So I wouldn't expect a positive reaction from the fat, misogynistic, bloviating hypocrite.

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It was a safe choice - to me, the best choice would have been to move Craig Ferguson's show into the Late Show spot.


Personally, Craig Ferguson>>John Stewart>>Colbert


I'm sure that either Craig didn't want it or the folks at CBS didn't want the "toe the line on decency" comedy that Ferguson adds. 

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Craig Ferguson is good.  I like his stand up better than his show, but his show isn't bad.  He would have been a solid choice but Colbert is more talented.  He's going to be unpredictable.  That makes him a more interesting choice.  He's truly brilliant.  I haven't regularly watched network late night television in a long time, I'll actually tune into Colbert's show just to see what he does.

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Not sure why anyone would call this a conservative move, when no one really knows what Colbert-lead late show would look like. Ferguson would have been the conservative choice, since it was basically the same path as Letterman.


I hope Colbert's show breaks the mold of what these shows can be, because I find the standard format pretty damn boring.  Personally, I wonder what CC will do to replace his show.  Oliver would have been the obvious replacement if he hadn't already left.  I don't see any of the current Daily Show alums being prime for their own show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now Craig Ferguson announces he's leaving CBS's Late Late Show in December:


The Late Late Show is over for Craig Ferguson.

By Michael Ausiello - Yahoo TV

Ferguson announced during the taping of Monday’s program that he will step down as host of The Late Late Show in December 2014. The news follows CBS’ decision to tap Stephen Colbert — and not Ferguson — to succeed David Letterman as host of The Late Show. Ferguson, however, says he was already laying out his exit plan at the time Letterman broke his own news. He then agreed to push his exit date back from summer to December, at CBS’ request.


Regardless, because of the timing, Ferguson tells Variety, “[P]eople are going to say ‘Oh he’s leaving because of [Colbert getting Late Show].’ No matter what I say or what I do, they’re gonna say that. Well they can say what they like. It’s America. I understand.”


In a statement issued Monday afternoon, Ferguson said, “CBS and I are not getting divorced, we are ‘consciously uncoupling.’ But we will still spend holidays together and share custody of the fake horse and robot skeleton, both of whom we love very much.”





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