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FB: RG3 Speaks Out


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To be fair, my original quote was that no player had ever done this on Facebook specifically.

Do you ever just admit when you are proven wrong without back pedaling, making excuses or changing the criteria?

You brought up Wilson earlier and said he had been nothing but class implying that RG3 either hasn't also been class or implying that Griffin could learn from Wilson. Since you brought it up in this thread, it must pertain to the FB post in which by responding to fan Griffin showed less class than Wilson.

Well, you were shown an actual smartphone app called Ask Russell that he created where fans can ask him questions and he can answer. Is that no self serving and attention seeking? Good ole Russell, just wanting to connect with fans. His twitter handle is DangeRuss Wilson lol I mean come on? Conceited?

He is described in the App under the About Russell section as: "Russell Wilson is a pro quarterback drafted by Seattle in 2012. Through a strict diet of integrity, passion and preparation, Russell has led himself against odds, naysayers and self-imposed hurdles to achieve his dreams on and off the football field."

Really? And this guy isn't self centered?

I can already see the thread you'd start, first stating that you love and support him but just want to spark "debate" and then proceed to trash Griffin if he ever launched a self serving app like that and had used something as ridiculous as what the poster boy for class, Wilson used in his bio.

I fully expect you to either ignore this or make excuses/justify it and then proceed to tell me how much worse Griffin is or change the argument you are trying to make yet again though.

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RG3 is going to get hated like Lebron early in his career.  After he won his title, no one ever talks about him. Same thing happened with Tiger.  


You are soooo right!!  Imagine if Michael Jordan played basketball during the FB and twitter age. He'd be eaten alive!

When MJ was a young player before the championships, people critisized him for his shoes, his commercials, personal highlight videos, gold chains..etc. There was nothing wrong with those things, people just felt compelled to find something to critisize about him. After he won championships people shut up..  These same fools will shut up too! And realize that they are complaining about nothing.

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Lol. I never heard of the $3 tip thing with Drew Brees. I don't think he did anything wrong, but if that was RG3's receipt it would have made the cover page of NFLN and ESPN and he would have been crucified by the fans and "analyst" for days. Smh!


LOL well it was crucified for Drew Brees for days.

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As I've said repeatedly recently, we tend to think we're the only team with "Drama" because what WE pay attention to is OUR team.  ANyone aware of the power struggles in the Dolphins franchise entirely ASIDE from the Incognito/Martin case?  No?  Weird.  Anyone remember how the Glazers ran their organization after they bought one of the English soccer clubs?  How many believed Morris was hired because he was cheap and that they basically shortchanged their organization for a season or TWO because they had bought another sports team?


Did anyone hear of what a nutcase Charles Haley was? No? Oh well, they won SBs with the dude (niners and cowboys.) Ultimately, we make the mistake of believing that ONLY our team has issues but if you scour the boards for, say, Detroit, and how Matt Stafford draws the ire of fans for not "needing" a QB coach in his eyes (the personal coach, not the ones on sidelines on gamedays, of course) and his attitude then you simply aren't casting your eye on the rest of the league. The national media pays more attention to US because we are the Redskins, even after this 20 year streak of being not so good. 

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Was pretty much done with this thread, but I had something I wanted to say.

I am of the belief that RGIII, & other athletes/celebrities who go the social media route are breaking ground in the social dynamic at play between "regular" civilians, or "normies," & celebrities. I believe that it's bridging a gap between peoples within a society that is so hopelessly divided or self-segregated that most of us don't even know why struggle to keep it so.

These people are trying to make connections, to interact with not only their fans...but people. People who love them, adore them, some who despise them, & many who judge them. They have an opportunity from time to time to seek answers, to try to understand more intimately why we judge them so, & then...every so often they can surprise us & eloquently articulate their points & perspectives & share insight as to why they feel justified doing that which they do.

This is a new age indeed...& Robert is an active participant. He has shown that he can speak with intelligence & make a point without being ignorant. He is not condescending, nor is he abrasive. He is open, transparent, just. He is not saintly, to be sure, though his blemishes have little to do with how he speaks his mind.

Some are old skool. ..others just want their children to be seen & not heard. I am not one of those people. I feel that it's that perspective that needs to change. The perspective that says that we must pay attention to & take sides on all the judgements & suppositions the media tries to make for us. Who cares what they think??? Think for yourselves & pay attention only to what was said or don't pay attention at all. If you want to discuss what was said & whether it is valid, then fine...let us duscuss. But I am not concerned with whether or not you believe he should have based on some Gentleman's Book of etiquette, or because you have some antiquated idea of how people should conduct themselves in the public eye.

People who bring up how companies judge their employees for their social media choices, or how one team punishes their players vs others...just stop. This is what need so change. This idea that a company owns you because they believe your "representing" them so long as you earn a check? This concept is flawed & criminal in my mind. You may come from the upper management in your company & share this opinion...& I'm here to tell you it's hogwash. True fans. ..The ones who actually spend money, aren't going to stop buying merchandise because you have an opinion. The ones claiming they will weren't buying anything to begin with. Check your data...it's all poppy****.

I understand all the examples in existence one could suffer to drum up about how these things are currently being interpreted, criticized, & ultimately punished. That's all well & good. I'm just not burdened to give a crap. The man can say what he wants & more power to him if he sounds intelligent when doing so.

I'm sick of people talking out of both sides of their mouths with this issue to. Heath Evans went on a rant about it & then proceeded to give props to Kaepernick for kissing his bicep & doing the Superman to show up Cam.

Russell Wilson is no saint either. Heck, neither are Brady or Brees when it comes to public perception.

I just can't for the life of me comprehend where people get off making such a big deal in a negative way about something so innocuous, contrite, & refreshing. ..write frankly.

Good for Rob...keep it up & don't ever change...Lord knows it will be your most endearing attribute when we're winning & people can't get their own feet out of the way fast enough......In fact I'd wager they'd make a story about it.

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Listen child. Have you noticed how when you post nobody agrees with you? You ever wonder why? It's not because of bias, and it's certainly not because you're magically smarter than everyone else out there. It's because you're a turd. A little stinky turd that needs to be flushed from this message board because your contributions are so utterly worthless they adversely affect the overall quality of discussion for this entire community. I'm done with you. You're worthless. I can only hope that everyone else follows suit and puts you on Ignore as well. It'll be your own little echo chamber.

Have another drink and say what you really feel. :lol:

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LOL. He just can't help himself. Can he?

There just isn't any need for him to do these things because whether or not in the grand scheme of things it's an issue........it's an issue.

Again Robert. Just go into the offseason and perfect your craft and simply just STFU. I don't see any other QB's doing these things. Sheesh.

Well said

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As with many things in life, just because you have the right to do something doesn't make it the right thing to do.  This just demonstrates a lack of maturity.   How can he not know by now that there was no way this would be well received.  Driving home last night, what do I have to hear about on local Dallas sports radio?  This.   Driving in this morning, what do I hear about?  This.     It just provides unnecessary ammo where enough has been provided already over the years.    I'd just like to see the entire organization clam the heck up and go play ball.  It has to start with the leader.   Righteous indignation is not going to add W's in the win/loss column.  It just continues to highlight the dysfunction of the organization.

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Well there you go. That's exactly what I was looking for. This is closer to what RG3 did than the tweet by Aaron Rodgers, although Kluwe's response was pretty extreme.

I was going to drop this whole thing, but I can't let this statement go unchallenged.  RG3's Facebook post is not on the same planet as Kluwe's neutron bomb. Not in content, tone, audience, medium, or purpose. I don't think I could find two more different pieces of communication if I tried.

***This post has been edited in light of the moderator action below which affords truskinsfan no opportunity to respond, which he had been doing respectfully throughout this thread.**

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truskinsfan: none of the currently active mods (it's an unpaid volunteer position) live here 24-7 and read every post in every forum. Durrrrr. Your passive/aggressive whining about how someone hasn't been banned yet---which you know full well you should PM a mod or report the post, but instead you violate rule 18---was a last straw.


Once 1215's post was actually reported, here we are before 6.am.  We have had discussions in PM and I brought you back from one previous perma ban, and you are now gone again, permanently.


You can enjoy presenting your views on other fine Redskins websites.



BTW, skinsfan__1215, a long time loyal ES'er with a good record, must also do his time with the standard one-week ban for his rule 5 violation.


Carry on.

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As much as I love the kid (and immediately dont see the harm in what he said) hes got no other choice but to STFU and play ball now.

No matter what he says or does they will come for him. Only way to beat them off is by winning. I hope Jay will work with him on this. Its very obvious to me that he is having a hard time with fame/ infamy and he is still very young. I think its getting to be too much for him now. He needs help.

I really love the kid but hes gonna have to get this together. He should be smart enough to see by now he cant win. If hes not someone has to step in and tell him.

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I was going to drop this whole thing, but I can't let this statement go unchallenged.  RG3's Facebook post is not on the same planet as Kluwe's neutron bomb. Not in content, tone, audience, medium, or purpose. I don't think I could find two more different pieces of communication if I tried.

***This post has been edited in light of the moderator action below which affords truskinsfan no opportunity to respond, which he had been doing respectfully throughout this thread.**


Agree. I was just trying to illustrate the fact that athletes will speak out using the internet.

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Heres a question:  At what point do WE get okay with this being the norm?  Some people act like he HAS to act like every other QB out there and just be a meaningless quote machine.  Do you really want that, rather than someone who is honest?  Dont you always make fun of the meaningless quote machines and the vapid questions asked athletes?


Yeah, people will blast him no matter what he says, but thats the world we live in.  If you give an opinion, someone disagrees, and therefor you are terrible.  But, that doesnt mean he has to be like everyone else, or even that we should WANT him to be.  Maybe he can be the leader of a new generation, rather than just a follower, a sheep of the old.  I think in this day and age we get too obsessed with getting along, when in reality there are certain people you should never be happy to get along with(I.E. some members of the media).

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Agree. I was just trying to illustrate the fact that athletes will speak out using the internet.


I understand that, Boss_ . My post was directed at Truskinsfan, who called Kluwe's article a close comparison to Griffin's Facebook post,

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Well, we knew it was coming.


"Coming up on First Take:  RGIII takes to social media and lashes out against his critics", said with disgust and rolled eyes.


It's shows like this that build up the vitriol for our franchise QB.  Most people won't even read what he posted, they'll just take First Take's word that he was "lashing out".

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Well, we knew it was coming.


"Coming up on First Take:  RGIII takes to social media and lashes out against his critics", said with disgust and rolled eyes.


It's shows like this that build up the vitriol for our franchise QB.  Most people won't even read what he posted, they'll just take First Take's word that he was "lashing out".



They KILLED him on NFL network last night. I mean, they even said hes acting like this because hes jealous of Keapernik. I don't buy into any of that, but the rest of the fans will and its just going to make it harder on him. 

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Man, First Take is ripping the Redskins and RG3 a new a-hole.  It's getting to the point where the sports media is making me hate football.  Football has morphed into tabloid entertainment.  I hate to sound negative, but I'm starting to think we'll never have a consistently good team again because the league likes the fact the Redskins woes and drama are very entertaining and the sports media helps fuel that.  We provide an entertaining story without having to win.


Things are very bleak.  I hate to say it, but it's almost looking like RG3 might end up like Tebow.  Don't get me wrong, RG3 of course has more talent, especially with passing than Tebow does, but he's become very polarizing just like Tebow, to the point where no team will want to bring him in because of the circus.  Next season is very crucial because if it goes bad, well........

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