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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Sam Blovis claims that Trump's positions are carefully planned and intentional, orchestrated months in advance. If you believe that, you have to believe that his retweeting white supremacist comments and other blatantly racist actions are part of the campaign too. Turning Trump from a reality TV performer into something much more sinister.

That's bunk.. Trump is running this entire campaign off the top of his head. He did have an accomplished political advisor who talked him into this run. Roger Stone; but he fired Roger on the eve of his first debate because Roger was lecturing him about staying on message and not go off insulting folks so much. There is a pretty good chance Roger and Trump have kissed and made up because Roger has been gushing all over Trump in his tweets and correspondence and Roger isn't the kind of guy who would do that to someone who had actually fired him.

As it stands right now Trump has no chief political advisor, and no pollster; which is unheard of in modern politics. Nothing Trump is doing is orchestrated in advance other than his central message and stump speech which Roger gave him at the beginning of this campaign.

Good thing too because if you talk to any campaign professional or any respected politician they'll all tell you they don't understand how Trump is doing what he's doing. He does everything wrong, and each and every interested political observer has predicted his imminent fall several times by now.

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I think people are trying to convince themselves that Trump is a lot smarter than he really is, because he seems to be doing something original.

He's not original. He's playing nativist and minority racial exclusion politics. Effective strategies that are as old as politics itself.

Trump is an idiot. A charismatic, rich, egomaniacal, bigoted idiot.


I think the opposite.  I think people are seeing what they want to see.  Trump has a little bit of Bill Clinton to him.  Clinton could do whatever he wanted and his supporters, for the most part, simply chose not to care.  Despite being conservative (for democrats) he enjoyed enthusiastic support from the liberal base.  Trump does whatever he wants without his supporters seeming to care, and he's got a recent history of being a democrat but everyone buys that he's a radical republican. 


Trump has managed to lead a Republican race while spending far less money, having the party openly oppose him, and much of the right wing media opposed to him.  Has anyone else ever done anything like that?  You can think he's an idiot all you like but the evidence argues otherwise.  Trump is an awful phony willing to say anything to get what he wants, but I don't think he's dumb.


I think he'll lose eventually and will have only succeeded in making Ted Cruz look less extreme than he is.  The guy that wants to go back to propping up dictators is seen as somehow less crazy and destructive than Trump.  

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Literally everyone in the GOP field is an 'elitist'. They pretend not to be though. I cringed reading Fiorina tweet how she wishes Iowa State beats her alma mater Stanford. It's sort of amusing to watch them run from their own 'elitist' accomplishments. Something they should be proud of turns into something they want to run away from.

Nobody in the GOP field is elite relative to Trump.. Carly got her BA in medieval history and philosophy from Stanford, but she got her MBA from Maryland.

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I think the opposite.  I think people are seeing what they want to see.  Trump has a little bit of Bill Clinton to him.  Clinton could do whatever he wanted and his supporters, for the most part, simply chose not to care.  Despite being conservative (for democrats) he enjoyed enthusiastic support from the liberal base.  Trump does whatever he wants without his supporters seeming to care, and he's got a recent history of being a democrat but everyone buys that he's a radical republican.

Bill Clinton got away with things because frankly he lied. He lied over and over and over again.. Remember when he and Hillary did an interview at halftime of the superbowl denying he was having a long term affair with Jenifer Flowers. Or remember the time he lied to the FBI about his affair with whomever and defended himself in the perjury trial by arguing what the definition of is is? He's nothing like Trump... When Trump is asked about not supporting the eventual GOP candidate, or his Finances, or his Taxes, or giving money to the Hillary campaign, whatever it is.. Trump tells the truth and then explains himself. He's been very effective at it.. That contrasted against Cruz and Rubio both suggesting they don't support immigration amnesty is one of the reasons why Trump is in the lead is my belief.

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Yeah, having all the primaries on a single day would act as a major filter and basically demand immediate national name recognition.


There was a proposal of having something like 5 states at a time, and rotating those states each cycle.  I kind of liked that one.  Five states is manageable, but also is enough that it doesn't lead to excessive pandering in an individual state.  You can play electoral math to an extent, but it's tougher to, compared to right now.


Of course, good luck wresting control from the powers that be that maintain that status quo.

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Stanford educated CEO of a major company is 'elite'. Relativity to Trump is pretty much pointless in that sense.

? is you're point that there are no ditch diggers nor construction workers in the GOP Field?

Who's more elite a former CEO of a tech company or a sitting US Senator?

If your definition of elite is an egg head, someone with ideas, then I do think everybody running or proposing they might run are elites.

I was thinking elite meant folks who came from money. By that metric we have some differences.

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The cost would essentially prohibit anyone except the party insider from having a chance on both sides.  Too expensive to campaign in every state.

Why? Serious candidates already organize and campaign in almost every state. And party insiders clearly don't have a lock on funding or delegates, as Sanders, Trump, and Cruz have so emphatically demonstrated. Bernie was pulling in more money than anyone else over the summer, and without the aid of super pacs.

If the issue is that candidates wouldn't have the time to retail politic the whole country like they do in Iowa and New Hampshire, then good. Retail politicking is a charming, nonsensical anachronism for a nation of 320 million people. I no longer want a meeting to get the endorsement of the Nelsons because they're super involved in caucusing in Waverly to matter as much as it does.

I'd be surprised if Bernie Sanders has run a single ad on a Virginia TV. I'd be surprised if you could count his campaign stops in VA on more than one hand. And I'd be surprised if he has more than a couple dozen volunteers campaigning for him in VA right now. Yet I bet if you polled VA Democrats, most will know who he is, and he probably wouldn't poll far behind Hillary. How is this possible? Because people watch their TVs and browse the internet. Campaigning is done on a national level.

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Bernie Sanders is ELITE?

And the fact that he's WHITE makes you ashamed?


I read that as it's the elitist whites that are supporting Sanders, and that is why he's ashamed.


Kind of like how trump isn't white trash but that's who's supporting him (according to others, I'm not saying that, i don't think the research shows that)



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I read that as it's the elitist whites that are supporting Sanders, and that is why he's ashamed.


Kind of like how trump isn't white trash but that's who's supporting him (according to others, I'm not saying that, i don't think the research shows that)




OK, I can see that argument. 


Don't think it's correct.  But then, I'm not sure the argument he was responding to was correct, either. 

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Here's what they should do.


First, you can't declare your candidacy for President until Jan. 1, the year of the election.



I like the five state idea.  You have a 10 week primary season, 5 states per week, that begins March 1.  That would take you until early to mid May.  You let the big dog state have their primary on Monday and the other 4 on Tuesday.





Week 1: Iowa on a Monday and 4 other nearby states on a Tuesday.

Week 2: New Hampshire on a Monday and 4 other nearby states on a Tuesday

Week 3: South Carolina on a Monday and 4 other nearby states on a Tuesday


And so on, until you get to week 10.

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Before long, humble grandpa Sanders will be accused of being a darling of Hollywood elites.



No, just the upper middle class white do-gooder progressives who think they know what's best for everybody and want to tell you all about it and call you intolerant if you don't agree. See Facebook or Twitter for evidence.

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If Obama could run again for a 3rd term. Do you guys think any of the current GOP Contenders would beat him this time?

Nope.  He said so himself in the (I believe) 60 Minutes interview, when asked if he thought he would win a third term if he could/would run again...it wasn't even specific to this particular GOP field.   And I believe he'd win no matter who he was up against.

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Hm. Half empty auditorium 45 minutes before Trump in Waterloo and there's no line either. Still early but...
11:20 AM


This is a very low-energy crowd and candidate @realDonaldTrump
12:05 PM


Trump seems to praise Swedish mob attacking migrant kids: "There's been tremendous crime. They've had enough of the stupidity "
12:30 PM




When I saw this on twitter:

How much @BernieSanders talks with his military adviser will surprise you)

I was thinking, "oh good.  This will ease my worries about Bernie's foreign policy disinterest."





Sanders military adviser briefed him once


Facing skepticism about his foreign policy expertise, Bernie Sanders said on Sunday that he speaks to "many, many, many people" who provide him with advice on the subject.

But the sole person Sanders cited by name told POLITICO that he's spoken to Sanders only one time recently.


"I was asked to go over and speak with him just once, which I did," said Lawrence J. Korb, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. Korb said the wide-ranging conversation "probably" occurred in December.


Korb was among about a half-dozen foreign policy experts who spoke to POLITICO on Friday after Sanders' campaign cited them as recent sources of advice for the Vermont senator. At least half of them say they have only spoken to Sanders once or twice in the past year.


During an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, Sanders declined to offer specifics when pressed by the show's host, Jake Tapper, to name any generals or former defense officials "on whose counsel you rely."


"Look, we have been talking in the last month to, you know, many, many, many people who are very knowledgeable about national security issues and foreign policy issues. And I am confident that we have the judgment and the experience to do what has to be done for the American people," Sanders replied.


When Tapper continued to press for specific names, Sanders first said "there are too many," before offering: "Larry Korb is one." He did not name any others.

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