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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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The only thing I have to add to this thread is that I am so disillusioned with the flaming piles of crap we have to choose from on both sides of the aisle, come November, I don't know if I'm going to even be able to summon the strength to vote for any of these jerks.


Also, Donald Trump SCARES THE LIVING HELL out of me.


So too do his supporters who, propelled by anger and fear, are blindly following his racist, xenophobic, sexist and bigoted campaign. 



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The only thing I have to add to this thread is that I am so disillusioned with the flaming piles of crap we have to choose from on both sides of the aisle, come November, I don't know if I'm going to even be able to summon the strength to vote for any of these jerks.


Also, Donald Trump SCARES THE LIVING HELL out of me.


As do his rabidly uninformed, xenophobic, bigoted and racist supporters.



So many of Trump's supporters seem to be confirmation of every negative stereotype of the GOP ever spawned. Only thing sicker is the way Cruz and others actively court them.


If Trump is at 35% nationally among Republicans in the polls does that mean that 17% of the country is at least sympathetic to his "xenophobic, bigoted, and racist" rhetoric?

I don't think the media and people not supporting Trump have a true understanding of why people support him.

They support his anger. They support him because he complains very well and is blunt about it. They support him because he scapegoats groups that aren't them as the problem.

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So many of Trump's supporters seem to be confirmation of every negative stereotype of the GOP ever spawned. Only thing sicker is the way Cruz and others actively court them.

If Trump is at 35% nationally among Republicans in the polls does that mean that 17% of the country is at least sympathetic to his "xenophobic, bigoted, and racist" rhetoric?

They support his anger. They support him because he complains very well and is blunt about it. They support him because he scapegoats groups that aren't them as the problem.

I think that's a simplistic view that doesn't accurately explain his support.

Certainly part of it. But it ignores the underlying reasons. It just seems like the typical go to left wing description of the right wing voter. "They're just racists"

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You make it sound like he's appealing to people who, for 30 years, have believed that the GOP stalwart guardians of the budget, because every time they're given power, the first thing the do, is to intentionally explode the deficit, and then make a big show out of complaining about how bad the deficit is.

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I think that's a simplistic view that doesn't accurately explain his support.

Certainly part of it. But it ignores the underlying reasons. It just seems like the typical go to left wing description of the right wing voter. "They're just racists"

Which part is inaccurate? I can buy incomplete, but not really inaccurate... esp. the second half where I responded to your question. There's also the deification of money and celebrity.


But, in terms of plans... people don't support Trump because of his plans because he hasn't listed any (other than deporting Mexicans and Muslims) and building a wall to keep them out. They don't support him because of his platform, again, because he hasn't really defined it and what he has said isn't particularly novel.


He's anti-establishment, angry, and really rich, plus he's mastered the demonization and scapegoating thing. If there are positive reasons why people support Trump (perhaps, that he is a successful businessman and really, really rich) feel free to add them on.

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I think that's a simplistic view that doesn't accurately explain his support.

Certainly part of it. But it ignores the underlying reasons. It just seems like the typical go to left wing description of the right wing voter. "They're just racists"

Oh, I don't think anybody thinks that "racist" is the only thing that makes up Republican voters.


But, it certainly was the first thing Trump went for.  It's the thing that got him to #1.  (Back when 15-20% got one to #1.) 


And at least as far as I'm aware, it's still the only element of his platform that he's actually made proposals, concerning. 


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I like him because he's not a career politician.  He doesn't need this the way the rest of them do.  I like the fact that he's not accepting any campaign money, he's doing it all himself.  


That could be said about anyone who's running for president that isn't a career politician, it just happens to be him.  


Don't care at all about any offensive remarks or statements he's made.  



That's certainly one of the things I look for, in a President. How much of a childish bully he is.

Makes me really want to hand him the keys to the most powerful military in the world.


They're all childish bullies.  

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Now we Republicans are racist? Glad it isn't the ONLY thing that makes me a Republican though. I mean really, the Democrats have such a rich history of being anti racist, how can you argue with that, with people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the "we love everybody (well, except if you are white)" train. Democrats are great at using the "race card" to keep the minority vote, they have people convinced republicans are just trying to take away all the free **** they get, take away their benefits, keep them down, etc. When in reality, the Democrats want to keep you afraid to get your vote. By looking like the party supporting minority's, gives them a chance to win elections. Which is why people in poverty GROW when we have Democrat leadership. Wonder why that is? Must be the racist republicans keeping minority's down to help the democrats win elections.

Every election this garbage is pulled out and used against the Republicans, it is a card used by the Democrats when they are losing or fighting for their political careers. The facts don't support it. Trump wants to build a wall to keep ILLEGAL immigrants out, he is a racist. Trump wants to ban Muslims from coming into this country (we do have Muslim extremists trying to get into this country to kill Americans and non-Muslims), he is a racist. Now, his comments were extreme but his goal was clear, safety of All American people (black, white, Asian, Mexican, Muslims, Atheists, etc) MUST be the priority of EVERY president, first and foremost. Out of a thousand refugees, how many extremists are acceptable? 1? 2? 10? I mean what can those few really accomplished? Hate breeds, it easier for me to get you to sympathize with me through hate than love. All it takes is 1 person to kill hundreds, thousands or more Now, I don't support a complete ban on Muslims, I do support on extensive vetting to ensure safety.

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Please, expound on this notion that Republicans appeal to racists is just a false narrative being spun to convince minorities that somebody's going to take away all the free stuff they get.

Why expound on it? twa has been trying to do this for years in this board. New guy is a lightweight in comparison. It's what you get when you listen to Hannity every single day.

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Don't care at all about any offensive remarks or statements he's made.

Of course not. You're not a minority who feels singled out and made to be an outcast for reasons beyond your control. It's not entirely surprising that some of you are completely fine with millions of your fellow citizens being demonized for their race or religion. It's the reason why an asshat like Trump is even popular.

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Why expound on it? twa has been trying to do this for years in this board. New guy is a lightweight in comparison. It's what you get when you listen to Hannity every single day.


different masters, same old chains 


Of course not. You're not a minority who feels singled out and made to be an outcast for reasons beyond your control. It's not entirely surprising that some of you are completely fine with millions of your fellow citizens being demonized for their race or religion. It's the reason why an asshat like Trump is even popular.



LOL....no excuses 

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Again, Bill Clinton passed the crime bill that has stuffed our prison system, pays to incarcerate blacks for longer terms, all while he and Hillary take money from the prison lobby.

Who are the racists?  LOL


that's not racist....tis just business.

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