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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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What does that have to do with what I said? Last I checked, welfare was in most part a Federal program. My statement had nothing to do with whether your state was red or blue.


Because your argument is that people that are poor vote for democrats so they can get more stuff and democrats keep them poor so they can keep their votes.


There is an explicit link between getting votes, welfare (free stuff) and being poor in your argument.


Which falls apart when you realize that most of the people getting the free stuff aren't voting for Democrats.

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Wtf...I never realized I had an ally in ya Chip. When did you start caring about us dirty ex-cons?

Fighting for the people. Even you. I love the Dems in this thread who hide behind the systemic racism they support. Now I see they don't know what they support. Pragmatics over results and reality it seems

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Under Obama we've probably gotten the most meaningful drug legislation in a long time. The Fair Sentencing Act was a big step in terms of reducing the sentencing and incarceration that happened due to unfair characterization of crack.


But of course, it's easier to lie and make up bull****. So continue on.

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In terms of mass incarnation and the Clinton crime bill,t he issue is that the Democrats, including Bill Clinton have admitted this.  Bill Clinton is actively arguing for appealing the crime bill he passed.


They messed up, and they've admitted and are working to fix it.


If you are interested in only voting for people that are parts of organizations that never mess up, you're not going to have anybody to vote for.

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And not just the fair sentencing act. The US Sentencing Commission is already reducing prison sentences retroactively for thousands of drug related offenders and just last year 6000 were released early.




New York recently enacted the Fair Chance Act which makes it easier for convicts to obtain jobs.




So again, pretending that nothing is being done about prison reform is a completely nonsensical claim that is either rooted in ignorance or being thrown around dishonestly. It's actually something that seems to have on surface some bipartisan support:



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Just noticed I got some emails from the Tea Party in my junk mail.  (Not sure why)


Here's one:

Dear Patriot,

Are you sick and tired of seeing America lose?

Are you fed up with Washington Elites and the liberal media screwing up, weakening our country and running us into the ground?

Do you think we need less mindless political correctness and more old-fashioned common sense?

And, do you think we need a bold, proven leader to win the Presidency and Make America Great Again?

Well I do too! And I need you to help me flood the Iowa airwaves to beat back the establishment attacks on Donald Trump. Please chip in right now!

My name is Amy Kremer and I am one of the founders of the modern day tea party movement.

And, I am inviting you to join Gov. Sarah Palin, Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly, Border Hero Joe Arpaio, Rev. Jerry Falwell and other leaders in supporting Donald Trump for President RIGHT NOW!


TrumPAC has a great new radio spot in IOWA TODAY THROUGH THE CAUCUS to help boost Mr. Trump and make sure he wins!

Let me tell you why.


We look around and see the same old, tired career politicians from yesterday. Hillary Clinton? We know how that movie ends… trillions more in debt, more taxes, and more Benghazis. Radical Islam thrived and grew while Hillary was the head of the state department. Now she wants a promotion?


But the truth is, Hillary Clinton and her Big Government allies fear Donald Trump more than any other candidate because they know he’s not running just to "be President."

He is running to throw the bums out, rip the power from the hands of the political elites and get our country to start winning again.


President Trump will:

       Rebuild our Military and make American respected again in the world
       Beat ISIS and radical Islam
       Stop the scourge of illegal immigration by securing our borders and building a wall that Mexico will pay for
       Stand up to countries like China who rip us off and steal from our companies and rip us off.
       Fix the VA and take care of our veterans
       Repeal and replace Obamacare
       End the circle of lobbyists and special interests that are sucking us dry

Donald Trump knows how to lead and how to win. And, he is winning right now!


Mr. Trump is leading the polls in Iowa. He is dominating in New Hampshire. And, of course, he leads the national polls too.  And that’s why the political elites are throwing millions of dollars to stop him right now in Iowa.  But with your support we can tip the balance and Defend the Donald.


Let me tell you, if Mr. Trump the wins early contests, nothing will stop him. He’ll cruise to the nomination, bring Republicans together and crush Hillary Clinton in the fall.

Sayonara, liberals!

And, Mr. Trump will lead America back to greatness!


The Elites are going crazy! They cannot stand the idea of President Trump, they are running scared, and as they quiver in their Ivory Towers, they plan to throw every thing they can at Mr. Trump to try and stop him, including the kitchen sink! No smear will be left in the bag or underhanded dirty trick will go un-played.

Their desperation is disgusting, but we know it’s coming. And we need to stop them!


That's why we need you today, right now, to help Donald Trump weather the course. Mr. Trump has strong shoulders, and if we get his back and show the World that there is a movement behind him, ready to propel him all the way the Oval Office, nothing will stop us!

There were some pleas for donations, and other fundraising and support as well.




Donald Trump Field Organizer Accuses Campaign of Sex Discrimination


A former paid organizer for Donald J. Trump who was fired this month has accused his presidential campaign of sex discrimination.


Elizabeth Mae Davidson, 26, who was the Trump campaign’s field organizer here in Davenport, Iowa’s third-largest city, said in a discrimination complaint that men doing the same jobs were paid more and were allowed to plan and speak at rallies, while her requests to do so were ignored. She also said that when she and a young female volunteer met Mr. Trump at a rally last summer, he told them, “You guys could do a lot of damage,” referring to their looks.


The complaint was filed on Thursday with the Davenport Civil Rights Commission. Mr. Trump’s spokeswoman and campaign manager did not respond to calls, emails or text messages sent late Saturday night and Sunday morning.

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Just noticed I got some emails from the Tea Party in my junk mail. (Not sure why)

Here's one:

And, I am inviting you to join Gov. Sarah Palin, Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly, Border Hero Joe Arpaio, Rev. Jerry Falwell and other leaders in supporting Donald Trump for President RIGHT NOW!

Am I the only one who gets a chuckle from the recitation of Trump's biggest endorsements?

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I'm speculating what the attraction of Trump is to those folks. Is it simply that he's never had a vote in Congress and therefore can't have 'betrayed' from the specific demands of the Tea Party, or can't be accused or being corrupted by special interests?


And the idea that Trump is not an 'elite' is bizarre. Unless 'elite' now is a code for 'college-educated or has a nuanced pint of view'.


Bernie is gathering momentum ... his recent Iowa/New Hampshire commercial has nearly 3 million views in a week.


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No minorities in that video.  :P  But the white folks look happy.


LOL - do you have Hillary (or GoP) talking points queued up, or is that your own thought? Did you actually not see any minorities in the video? Scared that your fantasy girl Hillary won't get the nomination?


And it's for Iowa. The Daily Show explains how it will be used for other demographics. Jump to 1:56.



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LOL - do you have Hillary (or GoP) talking points queued up, or is that your own thought? Did you actually not see any minorities in the video? Scared that your fantasy girl Hillary won't get the nomination?


And it's for Iowa. The Daily Show explains how it will be used for other demographics. Jump to 1:56.




LOL, no I already posted that video in the thread a while back cuz miss hillary's campaign was pointing it out ;)

Would you believe that, when I watch television, I don't keep score so that I can pronounce whether the show met quota? 


Miss Hillary's campaign does.  :P

Just for exactness for No Excuses:




David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

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Fwiw, we've gotten zero mailers, maybe 5 robo calls, and I've seen very few commercials.


I did get my doorbell rung by a young man "taking a survey" for the Koch Brother's PAC. 


Which rather surprised me.  I think I'm registered Dem.  Mom probably isn't registered any more.  (She wanted to vote for Obama in '08, and I helped her do that.  But she hasn't voted since.)  And I'm surprised that somebody from that organization would be honest about who he was with. 


(I don't know what he was really after, cause I ran him off.) 

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Bernie's foreign policy deficit


'I don't know how I got on Bernie Sanders' list,' says one expert cited by his campaign.


Not long after President Barack Obama ordered U.S. airstrikes in Libya in 2011, his national security adviser, Tom Donilon, trekked to Capitol Hill to brief Democratic senators. After a few minutes of discussion about the military operation, Bernie Sanders took the floor.

To talk about the economy.


“Sanders delivered a meandering manifesto about Democratic messaging on the economy,” says a former Senate chief of staff. “It wasn't that his insights were wrong. It just wasn't the time or place. Everyone was thinking, ‘Here goes Bernie!’ ”

And in Congress, say current and former staffers, Sanders was almost invisible on national security issues. He did not seek out assignments to committees dealing with foreign affairs, defense or intelligence, and rarely sponsored or fought for Democratic proposals on those issues.


That is all the more surprising given the burning interest Sanders showed in world affairs early in his career. As mayor of Burlington, Vermont, in the 1980s, Sanders boasted that the city had its own "foreign policy" and his travels to places like Nicaragua, Cuba and the Soviet Union drew complaints that he was distracted from local issues. "I saw no magic line separating local, state, national and international issues," Sanders said at the time.


After his arrival in Congress in 1991, Sanders began placing far less emphasis on foreign affairs. In a House floor speech opposing the Gulf War he gave as a freshman congressman, he focused on domestic needs: "The two million homeless people in our country ... are not going to win this war. There will be no money to house them," Sanders said.



The Trump Doctrine Revealed


The whole world is struggling to decipher the worldview and guiding principles Donald Trump would apply as president. It may not be a prominent feature of his campaign, but his advisers say he does have a doctrine that informs his positions on foreign policy and national security.


Some leading foreign policy pundits are convinced Trump is shooting from the hip on foreign policy, making up glib answers to serious questions like how to defeat the Islamic State or deal with an aggressive Vladimir Putin. Top Republican national security officials who advise other candidates routinely tell reporters they have not heard from the Trump campaign, which leads them to believe he has not sought any expert input before his provocative statements, like lashing out against China or Saudi Arabia.


Trump’s advisers say they're happy to be perplexing. The Washington foreign policy establishment has no idea what to make of Trump’s string of declarations, such as his promises to “take” the Islamic State’s oil, force Mexico to pay for a wall on the southern U.S. border, or bar all Muslims from coming to the U.S.


“This whole notion that he is devoid of advisers is wrong. We have a lot of smart guys around us and a lot of smart people helping us,” Sam Clovis, Trump’s chief policy adviser, told me in an interview. “There’s a lot more to this than what our opponents and the pundits think. We play them like a five-string banjo because at the end of the day, they are going to look stupid. We don’t mind doing that.”

Sources close to the campaign tell me that Trump’s foreign policy proclamations are not ad hoc; in fact most are planned months in advance. For example, on Dec. 7 when Trump announced his idea to ban Muslims, it appeared to be a response to the terror attack in San Bernardino only days earlier. Sources close to the campaign say it had planned to announce the policy well before that attack happened.


Clovis said there was a huge amount of preparation that preceded Trump’s call for a pause in Muslim immigration.


“Do you think for a minute we would send the leading presidential candidate out, if we did not have the law, the history, and the Constitution on our side? Think it through,” he said. “We know exactly what we want to do and when.”


Trump’s advisers also claim that Trump’s wide-ranging foreign policy proposals, which include renegotiating the U.S.-Japan alliance treaty and outsourcing the Syria problem to the Russians, all fit into an easily understandable set of three “organizing principles” that form Trump’s governing doctrine on foreign policy.


“One, we want to take a very clear worldview in our foreign policy, dealing with the national interest, and let that be our organizing principles. Two is that we want to make sure that we engage in free markets, but we want those markets to be fairer as well. And three, if we do not have strong economic recovery, we can’t do the other two,” said Clovis. “If that’s not a Trump doctrine, I don’t know what is.”


The practical application of that doctrine plays out in several ways. Trump’s narrow definition of “national interest” does not include things like democracy promotion, humanitarian intervention, the responsibility to protect people from atrocities or the advocacy of human rights abroad. Trump believes that economic engagement will lead to political opening in the long run. He doesn’t think the U.S. government should spend blood or treasure on trying to change other countries’ systems.

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If Trump wins tonight, then it means turnout was high. That means Trump did bring in new voters to the process.  It was also mean that the support for him is real. He hasn't done much organizing, so if he still got the voters to come in; then he's a force.  A big win tonight and frankly, it's probably impossible to stop him. He would probably cruz to the nomination.



We will find out tonight.  I am hoping for some surprises tonight.

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We will find out tonight.  I am hoping for some surprises tonight.


They are already predicting a Sanders loss.  If he loses here, he doesn't have much chance.  The dirty souf is in bed with Hillary.


Hillary is so phony, can't believe people support this nonsense.  She can't win without using others ideas because her own are...well...phony.  Four more years of the top 1%.




Clinton takes Sanders’ fiery tone on economy

Seeking victory in Iowa, Hillary Clinton has begun channeling the economic indignation of her rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose unapologetically liberal campaign has tightened the race ahead of Monday’s caucuses and given him a lead in the New Hampshire contest that follows.


Making her closing argument to Iowa caucus-goers, Clinton now cloaks her detailed policy plans in Sanders’ outraged rhetoric. Pharmaceutical pricing “burns” her up. Companies that take advantage of the tax loopholes get her “pretty riled up.” And she promises to “rail away” at any industry that flouts the law.


“I’m going after all of them” she declared in Davenport, her tone escalating to a shout. “When I talk about going after those companies, those businesses, those special interests, I have a much broader target list than my opponents.”


The former secretary of state’s fiery new tone underscores a strategic decision to co-opt some of the political style from the insurgent candidate who has galvanized the Democratic party and put her long-held lead in jeopardy.

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They are already predicting a Sanders loss. If he loses here, he doesn't have much chance. The dirty souf is in bed with Hillary.

She's favored, but Bernie's within the margin of error. They were predicting her to win Iowa at this point in 2008 too.

It's a big day for sure. Hopefully the young people turn out and O'Malley's people like Bernie better than Hillary.

I'll give Bernie a 1 in 3 shot in Iowa today. It's a long shot sure, but a better shot than anybody imagined when he announced. Nobody ever said the middle class taking their government back from the billionaires would be easy.

I'll take his record on foreign policy over hers. At least he had the sense to vote against the Iraq war.
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I am really ashamed of my country right now. Donald Trump smh

Thanks white trash GOP .


Sam Blovis claims that Trump's positions are carefully planned and intentional, orchestrated months in advance. If you believe that, you have to believe that his retweeting white supremacist comments and other blatantly racist actions are part of the campaign too. Turning Trump from a reality TV performer into something much more sinister.

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Sam Blovis claims that Trump's positions are carefully planned and intentional, planned months in advance. If you believe that, you have to believe that his retweeting white supremacist comments and other blatantly racist actions is part of the campaign too. Turning Trump from a reality TV performer into something much more sinister.

I think people are trying to convince themselves that Trump is a lot smarter than he really is, because he seems to be doing something original.

He's not original. He's playing nativist and minority racial exclusion politics. Effective strategies that are as old as politics itself.

Trump is an idiot. A charismatic, rich, egomaniacal, bigoted idiot.

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Sam Blovis claims that Trump's positions are carefully planned and intentional, orchestrated months in advance. If you believe that, you have to believe that his retweeting white supremacist comments and other blatantly racist actions are part of the campaign too. Turning Trump from a reality TV performer into something much more sinister.


I DO believe this. I don't believe for one minute that he is racist or that he hates brown people or any such nonsense. Trump loves money. He'll make a deal with whomever is profitable. He'll go into business with whomever can make him money. Black, brown, purple, blue, whatever. He loves green above all else.


What I do believe is that making a few, calculated, racially charged remarks riles up a base that is just dying for someone to vote for. And he knows that too. 

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You know... in a nation of 320 million people, 300,000 Evangelical Iowans (in a high turnout scenario) screen our presidential candidates and go far towards picking eventual nominees. Much much further than any other group of voters. And this is simply by virtue of them scheduling their caucus first. It's one of the least diverse and representative .001% slices of the population you could find.

Why are we OK with this again?

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