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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Again, Bill Clinton passed the crime bill that has stuffed our prison system, pays to incarcerate blacks for longer terms, all while he and Hillary take money from the prison lobby.

Who are the racists?  LOL


Hillary is not taking money from the prison lobby and you are really going to pin Bill's crime law on her? Weak.


different masters, same old chains 


Resident racist, right on cue. All that's missing is some reference gleefully cheering dead brown children in the Middle East.

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Again, Bill Clinton passed the crime bill that has stuffed our prison system, pays to incarcerate blacks for longer terms, all while he and Hillary take money from the prison lobby.

Who are the racists?  LOL

You're confused. You're thinking of the War on Drugs. The Clinton Bill was the Violence Against Women Act, Sex Offender Database and Assault Weapons Ban.

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You're confused. You're thinking of the War on Drugs. The Clinton Bill was the Violence Against Women Act, Sex Offender Database and Assault Weapons Ban.


I'll help a brother out....



Hillary is not taking money from the prison lobby and you are really going to pin Bill's crime law on her? Weak.


Oh, that's right she stopped a few months back after being called out on it and after hiring one of them to be on her campaign team.  LOL  My bad.

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Again, Hillary is not accepting prison lobby funding and putting Bill's crime law on her is incredibly dumb. A bill that was passed two decades ago when Democrats were trying their best to out tough-guy Republicans on crime and drugs. Including black congressman like Charlie Rangel. To say the situation is still the same is foolish at best and dishonest at worst.

Oh, that's right she stopped a few months back after being called out on it and after hiring one of them to be on her campaign team.  LOL  My bad.


So despite the fact that she's not accepting their money, you are still spinning the idea that she is. Try not to be so dishonest.

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So despite the fact that she's not accepting their money, you are still spinning the idea that she is. Try not to be so dishonest.


You kinda miss the point.  She stopped in October once called out on it.  Mass incarceration is real.


You either have a value system or you don't.  You don't get values once being called out on your wrong doings.

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So, you're saying the reason Trump is getting an overwhelming amount of support from White Supremacists is because his message doesn't resonate with them at all and that they're thinking is more in line with Hillary?


or that 65% of Trump's retweets come from noted White Supremacists? 

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So Hillary gets to claim all of Bills accomplishments that people like as hers but not his failures?


Like which?


You kinda miss the point.  She stopped in October once called out on it.  Mass incarceration is real.


You either have a value system or you don't.  You don't get values once being called out on your wrong doings.


I didn't miss any point. You said Hillary is accepting money from the prison lobby. You lied and got called out on it and are now trying to spin this as a values issue.


Hillary listened to her constituents and gave up the prison lobby money. Good on her for being sympathetic to the demands of her voters.

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Hillary listened to her constituents and gave up the prison lobby money. Good on her for being sympathetic to the demands of her voters.


LOL.  Glad she has the moral backbone to do what's right when running for president and getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar.


Stand by your man....errrr woman.

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I don't think the media and people not supporting Trump have a true understanding of why people support him.

I have a pretty clear understanding as I am surrounded by these assholes (Trump supporters - and sorry, but I couldn't help myself from using a Spaceballs reference right there).

Trump is tapping into their fear and disillusionment with the "establishment." It's unfortunate these supporters are so pissed at the establishment they can't seem to understand the type of person they are supporting. Their whole, "Trump speaks the truth," is correct...if you consider the "truth" to be every freaking knee-jerk reaction statement many feel immediately after a tragedy occurs which they haven't had time to coherently process.

So yeah, my understanding is that these people are blinded by their anger and frustration.  They may be highly intelligent & productive people in other areas of life, but blind sheep when it comes to their support of Trump.

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You lied and got called out on it and are now trying to spin this as a values issue.



And I didn't "lie".  Reading comprehension is your friend.


"Bill Clinton passed the crime bill that has stuffed our prison system, pays to incarcerate blacks for longer terms, all while he and Hillary take money from the prison lobby."


Did they or did they not accept money from the prison lobby while passing the bill up until as recently as October LOL.



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And I didn't "lie".  Reading comprehension is your friend.


"Bill Clinton passed the crime bill that has stuffed our prison system, pays to incarcerate blacks for longer terms, all while he and Hillary take money from the prison lobby."


Did they or did they not accept money from the prison lobby while passing the bill up until as recently as October LOL.


Take money from the lobby implies that they are still doing it.


Took money from the lobby would have been accurate as they did at one point and no longer do anymore.


I know you're smarter than this. Admit that you lied and were called out on your bull****.

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I know you're smarter than this. Admit that you lied and were called out on your bull****.


I wasn't lying.  This is why everything is messed up in the first place.  Instead of fighting for progress, people fight for their blue or red button.


We all will get what we deserve when Miss Hillary gets elected.  Viva la 1%!


Now lets get back to calling all GOP's racist while mass incarceration continues.


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I wasn't lying.  This is why everything is messed up in the first place.  Instead of fighting for progress, people fight for their blue or red button.


This is such a joke. You make incorrect statements and when called out retreat and say "stop fighting for your teams!!". It would be a fantastic start if you didn't lie and frame positions that are factually incorrect so some of us don't have to come in and correct them. 


Bull**** statements devalue the quality of discussion and most of all, if someone who was not aware would have read your statement, they would walk away thinking the prison lobby is funding Hillary which is simply not true


This is the end of this for me. I hope in the future you try to be factual.

On a side note, there seems to be some historical revisionism in terms of the crime bill. At the time, both Dems and Republicans were out bidding each other to be tough on crime and for the most part, the people supported them. They even had support from Black congressman from black districts.


But several people who signed off on it now admit that the premises supporting the bill's passing were wrong. I really don't see a problem if people who were involved in it, look at the data today and say "we made a huge mistake".




These days, Jeremy Travis is president of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. But 20 years ago, he attended the signing ceremony for the crime bill — and joined the Clinton Justice Department.

"Here's the federal government coming in and saying we'll give you money if you punish people more severely, and 28 states and the District of Columbia followed the money and enacted stricter sentencing laws for violent offenses," Travis says.

But as Travis now knows all too well, there's a problem with that idea. Researchers including a National Academy of Sciences panel he led have since found only a modest relationship between incarceration and lower crime rates.

"We now know with the fullness of time that we made some terrible mistakes," Travis said. "And those mistakes were to ramp up the use of prison. And that big mistake is the one that we now, 20 years later, come to grips with. We have to look in the mirror and say, 'look what we have done.'"


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Deny, discredit, make counter accusations. Seems to be the battle plan of the Democrats. Have to admit, they are very good at it. No one plays the race card, hate women card or hate the poor card better than Democrat politicians.

Just know, just because the Democrats say it, doesn't make it so.

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Deny, discredit, make counter accusations. Seems to be the battle plan of the Democrats. Have to admit, they are very good at it. No one plays the race card, hate women card or hate the poor card better than Democrat politicians.

Just know, just because the Democrats say it, doesn't make it so.

See, the thing that always bothers me with this tact is the underlying accusation that all minorities are really, really stupid. After all, if the vast majority of minorities support the Dems who are only fooling them, but are in truth are the true racists that would mean that the vast majority of minorities are easily duped fools.


I also find the prison pipeline argument interesting. Isn't the Republican position usually "We're the party that's tough on crime and the Dems are pansies?" 

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See, the thing that always bothers me with this tact is the underlying accusation that all minorities are really, really stupid. After all, if the vast majority of minorities support the Dems who are only fooling them, but are in truth are the true racists that would mean that the vast majority of minorities are easily duped fools.


What always bothers me is Dems turning a blind eye to realities minorities suffer through.  But if it makes you feel better at night.  They aren't fools, they just don't have any options.  It's systemic.



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It's possible she might revert her support, but arguably choosing to not take money from the prison lobby is progress.


Same with her shift on TPP.  She liked TPP before, but she's now come out against it, as she's disliked how it's shaped up.


We can hit her on her past but we should be honest about her present.

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What always bothers me is Dems turning a blind eye to realities minorities suffer through.  

I do think there's some truth truth to that. In terms of minority interests, the Dems have historically been a better party over the last 50 years, but there are many shortfalls which include blind spots, negligence, and instances of bad/hurtful policy.


However, when all the pluses and minuses are balanced, I think it is clear which party minorities feel best support them. 

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LOL.  Glad she has the moral backbone to do what's right when running for president and getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar.


Stand by your man....errrr woman.

Glad to know that accepting campaign donations is "getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar".

(But only for Hillary. Not for anybody else).

Stand by your spin.

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It's a mystery to me.





Take comfort. I wish such things were more mysterious to me.  :mellow:





To others---best watch the more direct personal attacks when getting all worked up by your regularly chosen foils in here--even "really good posters" eventually get a time out for such.


All members should know that though we traditionally give more leeway in this forum, all our rules still can be applied (bulletin). The latitude we give on them in here (most notably rules 5 & 13) is at staff discretion.


E.g.--calling other members racists or liars or perverts or morons etc. is not a safe/smart/useful way to go.


Make your intended point--even if it is to mainly castigate the poster in general more than their position on a specific topic--in another way to avoid a possible time out.

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I'm going to change the narrative of minorities to the poor and how they are manipulated. This way, it includes ALL people, regardless of the color of their skin or their beliefs. Democrats have always been poular with people living below the poverty line and I believe this is by design. It is not coincidental that people living in poverty grow under Democrat leadership and it isn't coincidence that welfare programs grow under democratic leadership. If I can keep you down, while giving you just enough to survive with welfare programs, even to the point where it is more beneficial for me to NOT work (benefits) because I will lose all the free stuff I am getting, I will look like the party giving you the most support, therefore, gaining your vote, keeping me in office. If you don't believe me, do some research on what is happening with a higher minimum wage, people getting paid more are asking to work less, why? So they don't lose any of their welfare benefits. I've seen people turn down jobs because they make more off of welfare and see no value to getting a job. Seen people get a job to hold it just long enough to get more unemployment benefits.

Sure, their are exceptions, I see it every day in the Military, a lot of them came in to better their economic situations. But there are plenty who take advantage of the welfare system and will vote for the party most likely to allow it. The Democrats are great at this. Deception comes in many forms.

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