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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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There is a large percentage of GOP voters who have listened for decades, as candidates have promised to address certain issues, and then not done so.  They are flocking to Trump because he's the one guy right now who they don't immediately think is lying to them.  I think he is, but they don't realize that yet.

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Small problem with those donations Trump collected for veterans (instead of attending the debate).

Should anyone be surprised by now?


Rather than going directly to veterans groups, 100% of online donations on Trump's pro-veterans site will go directly to Trump's personal foundation.

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There is a large percentage of GOP voters who have listened for decades, as candidates have promised to address certain issues, and then not done so.  They are flocking to Trump because he's the one guy right now who they don't immediately think is lying to them.  I think he is, but they don't realize that yet.

Exactly, I left the GOP in 2004 for several reasons chief of which was that I realized that the GOP was really only interested in preserving its economic platform, and was pandering to the religious community.

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It's kind of true. This is the best crop of Republican candidates since the 1800's! I know it doesn't makes smell true to most of us. Priebus is an insider though. He knows these men. He knows their acumen, experience, intelligence, and character. If he says this is the best crop ever it's true.


It also means that he's revealing that as far as the GOP in his lifetime goes the emperor has no clothes!


Hey, at least this year, when they pull their "most liberal person in Congress" decorations out of the closet, they might be true. 

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LOL What in the hell could Trump be lying about?  So much over analysis.


He is gonna build a wall.

He is gonna make america great again.

He is gonna make us a big bad military.

He isn't saying anything LOL.  Everyone is just tired of the lying by all the attorney politicians.  One thing is for sure, In 8 more years the top 1% will be richer, the wealth divide will be greater, and wall street will be fat and happy.  Viva la Hillary!

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Small problem with those donations Trump collected for veterans (instead of attending the debate).

Should anyone be surprised by now?



Why is that an issue?  You think he could have set up a new foundation in 24 hours specifically for that event? 

LOL What in the hell could Trump be lying about?  So much over analysis.


He is gonna build a wall.

He is gonna make america great again.

He is gonna make us a big bad military.

He isn't saying anything LOL.  Everyone is just tired of the lying by all the attorney politicians.  One thing is for sure, In 8 more years the top 1% will be richer, the wealth divide will be greater, and wall street will be fat and happy.  Viva la Hillary!

I guess "lying" isn't the right word.  But he's making the same promises others made before him, and wont be able to keep them, just like everyone else before him.

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Small problem with those donations Trump collected for veterans (instead of attending the debate).

Should anyone be surprised by now?



Who will be the first to come to Trump's defense?


Why is that an issue?  You think he could have set up a new foundation in 24 hours specifically for that event? 

Did you read on?

Trump’s personal non-profit foundation, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, does not have a history of donating much money to veterans or to veterans’ causes. According to a recent analysis of the organization’s spending history by the Weekly Standard, Trump’s non-profit donated more money to the Clinton Foundation than it did to veterans causes.

Between 2009 and 2013, Trump’s non-profit donated between $100,001 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Over the same period of time, Trump’s group gave only $57,000 to veterans groups. A 2015 analysis byForbes noted that barely 1 percent of the Donald J. Trump Foundation’s $5.5 million worth of donations betwen 2009 and 2013 went to organizations that support military veterans:

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I guess "lying" isn't the right word.  But he's making the same promises others made before him, and wont be able to keep them, just like everyone else before him.


I don't know what he promised other trade reform, immigration reform and tax reform.  But he hasn't really talked much about it other than repeating the mantra make america great again.


There is no depth to much of what he has said.  So there isn't much promise to keep other than the wall.

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I don't know what he promised other trade reform, immigration reform and tax reform.  But he hasn't really talked much about it other than repeating the mantra make america great again.


There is no depth to much of what he has said.  So there isn't much promise to keep other than the wall.

And registration of Muslims

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These are areas where fear and division have been stoked to lock the group away, but then they naturally move back towards the middle in actual governance, even when in charge.  It's worn on people.

Gotta say, I don;t really see how people can be claiming that the Republicans haven't been gung ho enough in their efforts to get rid of abortion.

For example, I think I saw an article, a while back, where a bunch of politicians were proudly celebrating the fact that they had successfully gotten rid of the last abortion provider in their state.

And at least from my perspective, you've got to say that there's a whole bunch of people who have proudly demonstrated their complete willingness to say (or legislate) anything, if it will let them ban abortion. To the point where we now have people loudly announcing that petri dishes are people.


Has the GOP really not done enough to legislate against abortion?  Or are people simply demanding the impossible from them? 

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Gotta say, I don;t really see how people can be claiming that the Republicans haven't been gung ho enough in their efforts to get rid of abortion.

For example, I think I saw an article, a while back, where a bunch of politicians were proudly celebrating the fact that they had successfully gotten rid of the last abortion provider in their state.

And at least from my perspective, you've got to say that there's a whole bunch of people who have proudly demonstrated their complete willingness to say (or legislate) anything, if it will let them ban abortion. To the point where we now have people loudly announcing that petri dishes are people.


Has the GOP really not done enough to legislate against abortion?  Or are people simply demanding the impossible from them? 

Politicians have PROMISED to do the impossible.  So people have demanded it.

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I don't think there is a single state without an abortion clinic.


Besides, abortions have been on the decline for years.  The GOP should just get out of that business as well, y'all know my opinion...Skittles, the new morning after pill.  All the girls are using it.

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I did.  I still don't see the issue.  I'll ask again.  Did you expect him to set up a NEW foundation in 24 hours?

What transperancy is there for how the donations will be handled?

How do they prevent the muddling of funds?

Surely they have a different account.


Honestly, I thought the most revealing thing from the article was how little was given to veteran groups (Trump seems to have had a recent conversion to veteran needs) and how much was given to the Clinton Foundation.

And yet, Trump supporters are some of the first to scream that others like McCain are RINOs LOL!!

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RE Trump.


I think he would be a TERRIBLE POTUS.  But he's a brilliant leader.  And he's become an incredible candidate.


I think the exact opposite about Hillary Clinton.  I think she'd be a good POTUS (better than Obama and W).  But she's a terrible leader and one of the worst candidates I've ever seen.  If her name wasn't Clinton, she'd have been laughed out of the race by now.


Where does that leave us?  I have no idea.


Also, Reince is doing exactly what he's supposed to do in that job.  He and Debbie Wasserman Shultz should lock themselves on a boat and drift off to nowhere.  We'd all be better off. 


Agree on both.


I tell my wife that I really believe Trump will get the nomination because he is incredibly clever, is a leader and has figured out how to inspire a significant segment of the Republican base. All of this without spending money, with not much infrastructure, with no real plans and no experience. It is incredible.


I do feel the most qualified people in the country, from an executive leadership perspective and from an execution perspective are Hillary and Mitt Romney. They would be effective "CEO" types, things would get done and be well managed. However neither are true leaders nor can inspire. 

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I did.  I still don't see the issue.  I'll ask again.  Did you expect him to set up a NEW foundation in 24 hours?


Yes. Or better yet (as mentioned above) choose one of the several hundred that are already in existence. Trump is a sophisticated business man. His campaign isn't being run by 12yo's is it?


And this isn't joe public we are talking about. These are highly organized highly sophisticated businesses. They can create foundations out of air. 


Besdies..Trump has planned to skip this debate for how long? A few days now, right? Are you telling me he just decided to take donations for "veterans" just last night? 


Cmon K. We know you know that Trump is the GOP's PT Barnum this cycle. 

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And this isn't joe public we are talking about. These are highly organized highly sophisticated businesses. They can create foundations out of air. 



You can't create a charitable organization out of air.  There is this pesky little government group that slows you down.

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Politicians have PROMISED to do the impossible.  So people have demanded it.


Right, but there are possible things that they've promised too that haven't been done.


I think most (not all, but most) of the right would be satisfied if the GOP got far stricter abortion rules in place, right up against the Constitutional line.  There's still too much wiggle room though, according to many.  Bush's partial birth abortion ban was a step in the right direction and he was lauded for it, but the party has stagnated since.


Of course, it doesn't help that they often step across that Constitutional line when trying to enact things, especially at the state level, but there is more to chip away that they haven't, even with majorities across the board for half of Bush 43.

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Politicians have PROMISED to do the impossible.  So people have demanded it.


They're gonna be disappointed. 

Why is that an issue?  You think he could have set up a new foundation in 24 hours specifically for that event?

Agreed. If Trump's Foundation forwards that money to veteran's causes, then more power to them, and he's been completely honest.

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I think Cruz lost the debate spectacularly.

He might not finish second in Iowa.

It wouldn't shock me to see Rubio,Christie or Kasich finish second in Iowa and NH.

And that's what the establishment is praying will happen.

Christie or Kasich will not finish that high in IA.  If Cruz doesn't finish second, then Rubio will.



In NH, it's anyone's guess who comes in second between Rubio, Bush,Kasich and Christie.  The NH polls have been all over the place, after Trump. 

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Yes. Or better yet (as mentioned above) choose one of the several hundred that are already in existence. Trump is a sophisticated business man. His campaign isn't being run by 12yo's is it?


And this isn't joe public we are talking about. These are highly organized highly sophisticated businesses. They can create foundations out of air. 


Besdies..Trump has planned to skip this debate for how long? A few days now, right? Are you telling me he just decided to take donations for "veterans" just last night? 


Cmon K. We know you know that Trump is the GOP's PT Barnum this cycle. 

Not disagreeing about that.  But I think all of you crying about the fact that he used an existing foundation for the donations really have no idea what is involved with setting up a foundation.  It's not incredibly difficult, but it's not an online app either.  He had a foundation already, there wasn't a need for a new one.  The implication of nefarious activity is kind of lame.  So many real things to attack him on.  This though?  The guy raised 6 mill in a day for Veterans groups.  Give him credit.  That's pretty cool.

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I think Cruz lost the debate spectacularly.

He might not finish second in Iowa.

It wouldn't shock me to see Rubio,Christie or Kasich finish second in Iowa and NH.

And that's what the establishment is praying will happen.

Oh boy, that was my thought as well. Cruz got completely exposed. He's always been very whiny and snide, but it got overshadowed by other things (like The Trump Show). However, it was on full display last night and the audience DID NOT like it one bit. Wallace made him look like an absolute clown when Cruz tried to argue with him. Complaining about them being "mean" and actually using that word...and then his feeble attempt at a joke about leaving the stage was a truly cringe worthy moment.

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Exactly, I left the GOP in 2004 for several reasons chief of which was that I realized that the GOP was really only interested in preserving its economic platform, and was pandering to the religious community.

You were a GOPer?  I took you for a Dem.


Honestly, I don't know how anyone could be tied to either of the parties now.


I almost registered as a Republican back in 1988; during the Reagan-PapaBush heyday.  I didn't because I didn't want to be tied to a party. The Dems and Repubs only care about acquiring power if they are out of power and keeping power, if they are in power.  They will say and do whatever they can, to achieve those goals.

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I don't think there is a single state without an abortion clinic.

Apparently correct, at least according to the quick Google.

Seems that Mississippi has passed a law to eliminate the last clinic in their state. But the clinic has won in court claiming that doing so would violate the rights of pregnant women.

(The state is arguing that closing all abortion clinics in the state is constitutional, as long as there are clinics outside the state.)

The articles I've seen also point out that a similar law in Texas has been upheld at the Appeals court level. I assume this means it's headed to the Supremes, since they seem to like to take cases where they have conflicting Appeals Court rulings.


So, the law closing the last clinic has been passed, but it is not being enforced, yet. 

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