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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Nothing has changed my mind that Hillary Clinton will be POTUS #45.  She maybe weakened but I think the Anti-Trump vote or not voting at all;will trump the Pro-Trump vote.


The election will probably be closer- maybe similar to Bush 2- Kerry in 2004 but I think she comes out on top.



I know Hillary's biggest fan is waiting for indictment.  I don't see Obama doing it.  The wrath of Democratic women who want Hillary in; would be fierce.

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Nope, just Trump's leadership.

Seriously, the entire field on the Right is nothing more than a bunch of spineless welps. All the while Trump shines because he may be totally devoid of content and substance but he's loud, arrogant, and brash and talks about winning, and that's what angry people want. 

A winner.

Trump is all those things, but he's also honest and he's talking about real subjects and nobody else was bebore Trump brought them up. you think it was easy for Trump to stand on stage in the first debate and say he would not commit to support the GOP candidate? He lost a lot of establishment votes with that statement. I think a lot of other folks found it refreshingly honest. And think about the major issues in this election; immigration, treatment of Veterans, infrastructure, and protecting the US from Terrorism; Trump brought most if not all of them up.. Without trump on the right we would be talking about the war on Christianity, war on women's health providers, and which TV series has taken the place of Murphy Brown damaging the countries values.

but it's time you face the music and stop deflecting when you're house is burning to the ground.[/color]

If Trump wins the nomination, and then goes on to win the presidency; he will reinvent the Republican Party. That's not a bad thing either... Ike did it, and so did Ronald Reagan; and each time the GOP which emerged was more responsive and more in touch with the nation. I think such a reinvention is necessary every 30-40 years.

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Ted Cruz got clowned by the moderator... he tried to pull his whine... but the modrrator had none of it.

Ted looked bad when he threatened to walk off the stage if the moderators didn't treat him more fairly.

He looked like a Trump wanabe; biggest mistake Cruz has made in this race so far.. he looked ridiculous.

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Trump is all those things, but he's also honest and he's talking about real subjects and nobody else was bebore Trump brought them up. 


Expand on this please. What are the real issues he's talking about honestly? And what's he saying about them?

So, Trump won the debate?

Sounds like it.

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What are everyones thoughts on Obamas meeting with Sanders?  I wouldn't be suprised if it was a "Hey, stop getting in Hillarys way. We all agreed she would be the next POTUS".  But maybe thats just the conspirists in me.  I don't like meetings where the topic isn't made public unless it is actually a classified meeting.

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*checks twitter to see if legit*



Wow...he must get paid a lot of money to say such things.  I mean more than the usual amount that chairs make, whatever that is.

It's kind of true. This is the best crop of Republican candidates since the 1800's! I know it doesn't makes smell true to most of us. Priebus is an insider though. He knows these men. He knows their acumen, experience, intelligence, and character. If he says this is the best crop ever it's true.


It also means that he's revealing that as far as the GOP in his lifetime goes the emperor has no clothes!

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Trump is all those things, but he's also honest and he's talking about real subjects and nobody else was bebore Trump brought them up. you think it was easy for Trump to stand on stage in the first debate and say he would not commit to support the GOP candidate? He lost a lot of establishment votes with that statement. I think a lot of other folks found it refreshingly honest. And think about the major issues in this election; immigration, treatment of Veterans, infrastructure, and protecting the US from Terrorism; Trump brought most if not all of them up.. Without trump on the right we would be talking about the war on Christianity, war on women's health providers, and which TV series has taken the place of Murphy Brown damaging the countries values.

If Trump wins the nomination, and then goes on to win the presidency; he will reinvent the Republican Party. That's not a bad thing either... Ike did it, and so did Ronald Reagan; and each time the GOP which emerged was more responsive and more in touch with the nation. I think such a reinvention is necessary every 30-40 years.

Trump isn't honest, and he isn't "talking about real subjects" he's is saying words like immigration and Iran and ISIS and Mooslims, but his total lack of substance is brutally painful. He's a fricking bumper sticker, all slogan and no content, which is revealed EVERY time a moderator presses him for details. His reply is a retort of "are you menstrating?" or "We're gonna win again." It's BS and that isn't talking about stuff, that's the facebook troll who clowns for an audience and posts superficial memes that are instantly proved lacking once the actual facts are brought up by the adults.


Trump isn't reinventing the GOP, he's figured out that there are masses of people who are in the GOP who are ignorant and he's decided to be their leader.

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Trump isn't reinventing the GOP, he's figured out that there are masses of people who are in the GOP who are ignorant and he's decided to be their leader.


He is taking the DEM route.....it come naturally to him  :lol:

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He is taking the DEM route.....it come naturally to him  :lol:

As bad as it sounds, there's some truth to that. Trump is demonstrating that the GOP isn't really about Conservatism or even Neo-Conservatism. In the same way that a great many of the Democrats aren't about high ideals of social cooperation and Keynesian economics, but instead are into getting free stuff from the government. The main difference is that Trump's words are inciteful, bitter, and mean spirited and the fact that it is working is deeply troubling. And maybe he's simply revealing the 800 pound gorrilla in the room, but it used to be that someone would know enough to be ashamed to speak of others they way he does.

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Michael Steele was on MSNBC the other day and made the point (which has been made before) that Trump is sweeping up all the disillusioned far right individuals on issues that the GOP campaigns on but doesn't follow through on (whether through their own fault or otherwise).  He specifically mentioned abortion since Roe, but it applies to other aspects too.


- Abortion since Roe v. Wade

- Illegal Immigration since Bush's 2006 plan failed

- Muslim Immigration since 2001


These are areas where fear and division have been stoked to lock the group away, but then they naturally move back towards the middle in actual governance, even when in charge.  It's worn on people.


Trump isn't the first candidate to be pro-life, anti-illegal (and some legal) immigration, anti-Muslim, but he's the first outsider who fits within his tier of clout.  It lends him credibility.  


Of course, his policies, save for his tax plan, are simplistic.  He's throwing a bucket of paint at the canvas when generally we need someone with a small brush, but that blunt force is refreshing to his supporters, who view the necessity of the small brush as an impediment and the checks and balances as red tape.

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Robert Gates is correct. Either these guys are idiots or cynical opportunists, which are both awful. For the sake of security I agree with Gates, I hope it is the latter.





Former Pentagon chief Robert Gates: Republicans’ grasp of national security is at a child’s level


Robert Gates , a Republican stalwart and former US defence secretary who served under eight presidents, has derided the party’s election candidates for a grasp of national security issues that “would embarrass a middle schooler”.

An ex-CIA director who first joined the White House under Richard Nixon, Gates joked that if frontrunner Donald Trumpwins the presidency, he would emigrate to Canada. He condemned the media for failing to challenge candidates from both parties on promises he believes are unaffordable, illegal or unconstitutional.


“The level of dialogue on national security issues would embarrass a middle schooler,” Gates said of the Republican contenders at a Politico Playbook event in Washington on Monday . “People are out there making threats and promises that are totally unrealistic, totally unattainable. Either they really believe what they’re saying or they’re cynical and opportunistic and, in a way, you hope it’s the latter because God forbid they actually believe some of the things that they’re saying.”




And the Vox article is even better. The men on stage last night were a bunch of scared ****es




The world as described by the GOP debate is one of a terrifying conspiracy to surrender America to terrorism

If you watched this debate, you would come away with a very clear picture: "radical Muslims" — a deliberately vague phrase that blurs who is and is not a threat — are flowing into this country to destroy it from within, they are poised to overwhelm our weakened military from without, and "political correctness" prevents our law enforcement from keeping us safe. It is a paranoid fantasy, in which Barack Obama is deliberately leaving us exposed and many of America's 2.6 million Muslim Americans, not to mention the billion-plus Muslims abroad, are suspected of conspiring to destroy us.

It is a world animated by desperate fear, in which extreme threats call for extreme measure, and in which nefarious conspiracies lurk around every corner and in every mosque. It is, in other words, exactly the sort of environment in which Donald Trump is destined to thrive.


Here are four of the things that a viewer would learn from Thursday's debate, which, in sum, practically compose a recruiting pamphlet to volunteer for the Trump campaign:


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Michael Steele was on MSNBC the other day and made the point (which has been made before) that Trump is sweeping up all the disillusioned far right individuals on issues that the GOP campaigns on but doesn't follow through on (whether through their own fault or otherwise).  He specifically mentioned abortion since Roe, but it applies to other aspects too.


- Abortion since Roe v. Wade

- Illegal Immigration since Bush's 2006 plan failed

- Muslim Immigration since 2001


These are areas where fear and division have been stoked to lock the group away, but then they naturally move back towards the middle in actual governance, even when in charge.  It's worn on people.


I love all of this over analysis by these guys.  It's entertaining.  People are just sick and tired of the same old politicians.  Everything that comes out of Hillary's mouth is catering to whatever group she is speaking to just to get votes.


People are listening to Trump because the other bull**** the politicians are shoveling isn't selling anymore.


Clown car 2016

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RE Trump.


I think he would be a TERRIBLE POTUS.  But he's a brilliant leader.  And he's become an incredible candidate.


I think the exact opposite about Hillary Clinton.  I think she'd be a good POTUS (better than Obama and W).  But she's a terrible leader and one of the worst candidates I've ever seen.  If her name wasn't Clinton, she'd have been laughed out of the race by now.


Where does that leave us?  I have no idea.


Also, Reince is doing exactly what he's supposed to do in that job.  He and Debbie Wasserman Shultz should lock themselves on a boat and drift off to nowhere.  We'd all be better off. 

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Michael Steele was on MSNBC the other day and made the point (which has been made before) that Trump is sweeping up all the disillusioned far right individuals on issues that the GOP campaigns on but doesn't follow through on (whether through their own fault or otherwise).  He specifically mentioned abortion since Roe, but it applies to other aspects too.


- Abortion since Roe v. Wade

- Illegal Immigration since Bush's 2006 plan failed

- Muslim Immigration since 2001


These are areas where fear and division have been stoked to lock the group away, but then they naturally move back towards the middle in actual governance, even when in charge.  It's worn on people.


Trump isn't the first candidate to be pro-life, anti-illegal (and some legal) immigration, anti-Muslim, but he's the first outsider who fits within his tier of clout.  It lends him credibility.  


Of course, his policies, save for his tax plan, are simplistic.  He's throwing a bucket of paint at the canvas when generally we need someone with a small brush, but that blunt force is refreshing to his supporters, who view the necessity of the small brush as an impediment and the checks and balances as red tape.

I think more or less Steele hits the nail on the head, he himself was subject to the defacto Limbaugh leadership of the angry Rightwing even while the adults tried to lead the party. They were happy to have the votes but in recent years got a little anxious about the noise coming from the angry group in third class. Now, we've got a guy with means who has decided that he's going to represent the angry and ignorant masses. 

The party leadership doesn't know what to do because he scares them to death, but Cruz scares them more. So they are willing to get in bed with the leader of the angry because apparently he said that he'd mellow out once elected. Whereas Cruz don't care. 

As it is the fruit of the Right nuturing the anger in their party for decades gave rise to the Tea Party which was the emergence of the populist voice and now the leadership has all but lost control of the party, which seriously begs the question regarding who is really leading the party.

Which IMO, lends credibility to the idea that the GOP could really split into the Tea Party and a more Moderate GOP.

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