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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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yeah, so that's my other question about what is going on right now...


when the hell is this undercard stuff going to stop?

Next week, when those 2 drop out.


After NH, the GOP field will be at most 5-6 people.  Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Bush and Paul.  Bush and Paul more so because of their egos.  It's possible Kasich or Christie could bring that to 6.


Also, there aren't to many more debates scheduled.

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Let's just be consistent. Dick Cheney had seven differments. George W used his fathers clout to land himself in a state side reserve position when 600,000 of his fellow Americans were overseas in Vietnam. GOP never had a negative thing to say about either of their military records.


I thought Dick got five deferments? Doesn't matter though, Cheney and Trump are both assholes. 

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I honestly love Bernie, and I was one who would've voted for Hillary if it meant a Dem POTUS. But I have changed my mind and am fully supporting Sanders. I think he's extremely refreshing when you compare him to other politicians who are being bought by corporations. Plus, I like his overall platform, especially regarding healthcare and education.


Overall platforms are important, but the devil is in the details.  And when you get into the details Bernie has offered so far, his healthcare plan looks like it has very real and substantial problems.




There's a lot of troubling stuff here.  Coming from a guy in Ezra Klein whose bona fides as a liberal/progressive policy wonk are pretty much unassailable. 


Sanders goes on to say that his plan means "no more fighting with insurance companies when they fail to pay for charges."

To be generous, it's possible that Sanders is just being cynical in his wording, and what he means is that under his plan, individuals have to fight with the government rather than private insurers when their claims are denied.

But the implication to most people, I think, is that claim denials will be a thing of the past — a statement that belies the fights patients have every day with public insurers like Medicare and Medicaid, to say nothing of the fights that go on in the Canadian, German, or British health care systems.

What makes that so irresponsible is that it stands in flagrant contradiction to the way single-payer plans actually work — and the way Sanders's plan will have to work if its numbers are going to add up.

Behind Sanders's calculations, for both how much his plan will cost and how much Americans will benefit, lurk extremely optimistic promises about how much money single-payer will save. And those promises can only come true if the government starts saying no quite a lot — in ways that will make people very, very angry.



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For the other candidates, this is a golden opportunity tonight.  This will be their one and only chance to shine.  A big boy non-Trump debate.  Even with the lesser viewers, a good performance tonight will be beneficial.


Yeah, Huckleberry said it was a chance for a substantive debate....and then he skipped out. :lol:

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All good that has done them.  The time the GOP really dominated the electoral college was 1988 when Papa Bush had over 400+ electoral votes.  The GOP may have an advantage in low population states but the Dems have the advantage in high population states and won swing states in 4 out of the last 6 elections and won the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 elections.


Any Democrat starts out with about 230-240 electoral votes; they don't need that many more get to 270 vs what the Republican candidate.  The electoral college is more favorable to Dems right now. The Repubs have to thread a tight window to get to 270.



That doesn't mean the electoral college is favorable to the Dems.   It means that the Dems have a lot more more voters overall.   The Dems win the swing states because there are more Dems in the swing states, and they get energized by a presidential election.   But the Dems get killed in the off-year elections, because even though the GOP voters are less in numbers, they are more reliable voters. 


The underlying structure of the electoral college still favors the GOP, all else being equal, because a conservative Montana voter's vote is worth a larger percentage of an elector in the electoral college than a liberal California voter's vote.      

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That doesn't mean the electoral college is favorable to the Dems. It means that the Dems have a lot more more voters overall. The Dems win the swing states because there are more Dems in the swing states, and they get energized by a presidential election. But the Dems get killed in the off-year elections, because even though the GOP voters are less in numbers, they are more reliable voters.

The underlying structure of the electoral college still favors the GOP, all else being equal, because a conservative Montana voter's vote is worth a larger percentage of an elector in the electoral college than a liberal California voter's vote.

Does a fig eating liberals vote in SF outweigh a knuckle dragging Trumpite in Newport Beach?

Of course it does.

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Overall platforms are important, but the devil is in the details.  And when you get into the details Bernie has offered so far, his healthcare plan looks like it has very real and substantial problems.


I like a lot of what Bernie says, but I think he's promising too much.  He should stick with income inequality and Wall Street reform.  You can deal with those things without introducing new social programs (with questionable economics).


Those are issues that Hillary is weak on so I suspect you could still effectively attack and make ground on Hillary.

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to the people who said not having trump would make the debate better:


you're wrong.


sure, it had less Trump crap (but still had some), but you could have put this in a pile of tapes and easily confused it for one of the previous debates.

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to the people who said not having trump would make the debate better:


you're wrong.


sure, it had less Trump crap (but still had some), but you could have put this in a pile of tapes and easily confused it for one of the previous debates.

It was better; didn't have to listen to that self absorbed narcissist say the same old ****.  The noise from him is gone.


Paul got more airtime.    It's probably Trump,Cruz and Rubio being the only viable candidates after NH.  


You also see, just how weak the Republican field really is; that a demagogue is the probable nominee.

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Rubio won the debate.  If he can finish a solid third in IA and either 2nd or 3rd in NH; he can effectively knock out Bush,Christie and Kasich.


Rand Paul, you aren't going anywhere. Your delusions will slap you in the face on 2/1 and 2/9.


John Kasich, you are done. You are the wrong type of politician for today's Republican party. Those endorsements in NH will mean jack. Your polls numbers will shrink.


Chris Christie, you are done.  Why would someone want a Trump-lite personality when you can have the real thing.


Jeb  Bush, you did a little better tonight but you aren't a Marco Rubio.


Ben Carson, your Forest Gump look is irritating.

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It was better; didn't have to listen to that self absorbed narcissist say the same old ****.  The noise from him is gone.


Paul got more airtime.    It's probably Trump,Cruz and Rubio being the only viable candidates after NH.  


You also see, just how weak the Republican field really is; that a demagogue is the probable nominee.


Maybe i'm selling the difference short.


I heard the same answers from the same people that we've been hearing for months. I can't really think of anything new we learned from these candidates...

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Nothing new, but you got to hear them without the Trump sideshow.


That doesn't really do anything for me...


So the rest of these guys had a chance to go out there without Trump distracting from 'real conversation' and what they gave us... was nothing new.


Good job GOP. Way to seize the moment.

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I grew up with a GOP that had an understanding of foreign policy. None of these guys on stage tonight have any qualification to be President with their simpleton views of the world

I grew up with a GOP that had an understanding of foreign policy. None of these guys on stage tonight have any qualification to be President with their simpleton views of the world

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