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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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1 hour ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

Another tweet from this morning which is pretty hilarious:



I don't know, but I've been hearing a lot of people talk about these unnamed sources.  Everywhere I go people are going on and on about these unnamed sources.  What they're saying, is they don't exist.  "They don't exist?" I ask, because like I said, I don't know.  But that's what they're saying.  It's true.  Everywhere I go, I hear the same thing.  These aren't just random people either, but good trustworthy people.  Made up sources.  Unbelievable.  I barely even watch the media anymore because they are totally unfair towards me.  But I don't know, I'm just hearing these things over and over again.  Be careful folks.  


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I'm really not all that surprised.  Powell was born in 1937, by the time email and personal computers became common in society he would have probably been in his 50s.  He was 63 when he became SecState in '01.

Clinton is not much different, she has a few less excuses, but not too many.  Born in 1947, she would have been in her 40's by the time email and personal computers became common.

Clinton's main issue is that State had issued internal rules about things like email between Powell's time and her own.  Of course, that no one ever bothered to enforce that is another issue.

But both were well past their formative years by the time the tech came out, and neither had lines of work that required them to keep up to date with technology either.

We often take technological literacy granted these days, seeing as later baby-boomers, Gen Xers, and Millenials have developed and adapted to technology fairly efficiently, but the greatest generation, silent generation, and even among some baby boomers all had lived for long stretches of time in a very analog world.  As such, the lack of tech literacy doesn't surprise me.


I do think whoever wins (remember, Trump has his own email issues, so my read on him is that he's a decent tech user but his tech literacy is questionable), they will be the last President to lack significant tech literacy.  You look at people like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, etc., all are likely to understand technology better.  Really of the likely future candidates, only Kaine and Kasich might not, Kasich being born in 1952 (Kaine less likely as born in 1958, but still into 30s by the time personal computing and the internet showed up big time).

And once we get into the generation after the Bookers and the Cruzs, that is, people probably in their 30s now, the issue of tech literacy should be long gone.

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1 hour ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

Long, and what seems to be, thorough, look at how the e-mail scandal came to be.  Have only scanned most of it, but Clinton and Powell's lack of rudimentary tech knowledge is kind of astounding.



A must read for anybody who wants to expound on the whole email controversy.  It should (but won't) put to rest the notion that the motivation to set up the server was an attempt by Clinton to hide official information.  This article shows that is ridiculous on its face.  It's one more example of people ascribing the most nefarious motives to benign actions on her part, of which there is a long history.

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5 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

We often take technological literacy granted these days, seeing as later baby-boomers, Gen Xers, and Millenials have developed and adapted to technology fairly efficiently, but the greatest generation, silent generation, and even among some baby boomers all had lived for long stretches of time in a very analog world.  As such, the lack of tech literacy doesn't surprise me.


This only works if you believe the motivation was that she was overwhelmed by her mobile device.

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I read the thread from the debate (watched it without checking in here), and it really was a bad as I remembered.  If his goal was to bring in people that hadn't made up their mind, he failed that night.  I'm not voting for Hillary as much as I'm voting for someone pushing for a public option and close to $10 minimum wage among other things.  Agree that I do not understand why third party wastes their time going for presidency instead of trying to get smaller seats at local level and working their way up.  A much as people want an alternative, it doesn't ever feel like they are taking being an alternative seriously.

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19 minutes ago, tshile said:


This only works if you believe the motivation was that she was overwhelmed by her mobile device.

Agreed.  My mom is 84 and uses a desktop.  Yeah, she's not going to upgrade it or dig down deep into what it is capable of doing but she can access e-mail, the web and use software like excel and word. Arguably easier than using a handheld device.

Add:  She wasn't overwhelmed by her mobile device, which to me means she should have had not trouble with a desktop.

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I think the quote Clinton made discussed her wanting to keep the private, private, which in the context of the statement seemingly meant keeping her private family life separate from her work.  If she had used a single government device, all of her personal emails would have been directly under government control.  If she had used her own device she was supposed to turn work emails over at regular intervals.  She could have used two devices, and that's where I think her literacy with purely Blackberry devices and general lack of technical literacy came into play with her not wanting two devices.

Hindsight 20/20, she'd probably choose a different option (maybe the 2 devices option), but the primary point with regards to her "hiding" things was discussed in the FBI report in that they said there did not appear to be any malicious intent with how things were handled.

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16 minutes ago, twa said:

odd choices she made after making such a fuss :)

Odd that I never heard of the Bush email scandal and that you (or anybody else who seems to think that private email is the crime of the century) have never mentioned it before. A perfect example of the difference between the two parties if you ask me.

The contrast isn't that one has leaders who use private email. The difference is that one has leaders who prioritize witch hunts and artificial scandals for political purposes over doing their ****ing jobs. 

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4 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

I think the quote Clinton made discussed her wanting to keep the private, private, which in the context of the statement seemingly meant keeping her private family life separate from her work.  If she had used a single government device, all of her personal emails would have been directly under government control.  If she had used her own device she was supposed to turn work emails over at regular intervals.  She could have used two devices, and that's where I think her literacy with purely Blackberry devices and general lack of technical literacy came into play with her not wanting two devices.

Hindsight 20/20, she'd probably choose a different option (maybe the 2 devices option), but the primary point with regards to her "hiding" things was discussed in the FBI report in that they said there did not appear to be any malicious intent with how things were handled.

Her claim was not wanting two devices.  But then she went on Oprah shortly after and started listing all the devices that she loves to carry around.

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didn't need to be malicious,just grossly negligent dog of war

Do ya'll believe actions speak?....or just words 


cause Trump has the GREATEST words :rofl89:

4 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Odd that I never heard of this before and that you (or anybody else who seems to think that private email is the crime of the century) have never mentioned it before. 


you never heard the fuss made over WH using RNC servers?.....you that young or just lived under a rock?

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12 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Odd that I never heard of the Bush email scandal and that you (or anybody else who seems to think that private email is the crime of the century) have never mentioned it before. A perfect example of the difference between the two parties if you ask me.

You haven't heard of it? I think the fault there lies with you.

I also enjoy how we must think it's the crime of the century.

4 minutes ago, btfoom said:

I don't care what side you are on, you should respect other's property and their right to support any candidate they choose.  Stealing signs is so childish.This made me laugh:




he should just be happy he hasn't been assaulted.



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15 minutes ago, twa said:

you never heard the fuss made over WH using RNC servers?.....you that young or just lived under a rock?

Never cared about politics or paid one bit of attention until about  8 years ago. It's why I appear to be a democrat. I'm actually not. Policy-wise I don't even know what I would be (and I'm not sure that it even matters anymore honestly). All I know is that since I've been paying attention, one party has had a lot of issues but the other party is absolutely stupid.

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Made the mistake of trying to have a conversation with a Trump supporter on Facebook yesterday. I figured it was no longer worth continuing the conversation after this post in replay to a video I asked him to watch of Obama answering a question about gun control.

" got to watch the gun video. When Obama said no one is looking to seize your guns, that is scary. I have an example, but i don't like to use it. Do you know history, did the Nazi's tell the Jews that they were going to put them in death camps? They just did it one day. Please, please, please do not think i am comparing Obama and Hitler...I am not. Just using that example. Just because he is saying that guns won't be seized does not the government won't."

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