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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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LOL.  Trump is now going after Hillary because she failed to pass one out of two bar examinations she took back when she was 25 years old?  

I don't think he knows how the bar exam works.  Thousands of top students fail the bar exam the first time they take it.  Hell, Benjamin Cardozo himself failed the bar exam.    

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Donald Trump actually loves anonymous sources — unless they’re talking about him

On Friday, when Donald Trump told voters not to believe news reports based on unnamed sources, he wasn't not merely warning that people who refuse to attach their names to information might have hidden agendas that make their statements questionable. He said that journalists invent sources out of thin air.

It is true that the use of unnamed sources is a frequent topic of debate in journalism. Most news outlets try to minimize the practice because sources who are identified are inherently more credible. At times, however, unnamed sources are essential to important reporting, contributing to coverage of Watergate, clergy sex abuse and many other stories.

With a sweeping charge, Trump is basically accusing his press corps of Stephen Glass-level fabrication. That's a pretty serious allegation. Multiple news agencies have reported this week that some of Trump's own staffers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, were disappointed by the Republican presidential nominee's performance in Monday's debate. Trump is claiming every outlet that published these negative sentiments simply made them up. That's far-fetched, to say the least.

But the real irony here is that Trump actually loves unnamed 

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... and the hypocrisy on the left just keeps rearing its ugly head:


The are all for registering anyone, well except for those possible Republicans.  The best way to get the border closed is to have the illegals tell everyone they will vote GOP.  The Dems would build that wall 5x as high as Trump proposes.


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7 minutes ago, btfoom said:

... and the hypocrisy on the left just keeps rearing its ugly head:


The are all for registering anyone, well except for those possible Republicans.  The best way to get the border closed is to have the illegals tell everyone they will vote GOP.  The Dems would build that wall 5x as high as Trump proposes.



Meh...Libs like chicken sandwiches too.  

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20 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Russia has figured out how to win the Cold War.  25 years late, but they figured it out.

My gawd, the sheer damage Trump would do to this country is ****ing staggering.

Republicans, do you ever get tired leaving the country in shambles after your Presidents' terms?

So... Trump and Clinton are Russian plants?

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21 minutes ago, btfoom said:

... and the hypocrisy on the left just keeps rearing its ugly head:


The are all for registering anyone, well except for those possible Republicans.  The best way to get the border closed is to have the illegals tell everyone they will vote GOP.  The Dems would build that wall 5x as high as Trump proposes.


Could be a tit for tat thing too.  



Still, McGrath isn't satisfied. She noted Clark's objection last week to opening a satellite office for early voting in neighborhoods south of Central Avenue in St. Petersburg. The areas are predominately African-American. The closest location to vote early is in downtown St. Petersburg. Two black pastors and Mayor Rick Kriseman also support opening the satellite office.


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22 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Are you really not concerned about Congress blocking an  investigation of Russian hacking into election. Seriously?

I waved concern over this election goodbye a long time ago.  I've come to accept that we're quite simply ****ed.  Being numb to the concern, I can at least bring out the popcorn and watch the carnival.

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10 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

I waved concern over this election goodbye a long time ago.  I've come to accept that we're quite simply ****ed.

The GOP blocking investigations into foreign hacking and sabotage is far more than just electioneering nonsense. This ain't same old, same old. This is an outright betrayal of the country.


Okay, reading more deeply into the articles surrounding the tweet. It's still utterly disgusting, but not quite as bad as I thought. The GOP is not blocking investigations. Rather, they are refusing to investigate or answer calls to do an inquiry into Russian hacking. Really, really bad, but may not quite as treasonously bad as the first one seemed to indicate. I would argue it is borderline treasonous though.

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9 minutes ago, Burgold said:

The GOP blocking investigations into foreign hacking and sabotage is far more than just electioneering nonsense. This ain't same old, same old. This is an outright betrayal of the country.


might I ask how they are blocking the agencies from investigating?

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2 minutes ago, twa said:


might I ask how they are blocking the agencies from investigating?

Check the edit. I got suckered in by a misleading title. What they are doing is blocking any attempt by their own body to do an inquiry. Instead, they are inviting Comey back for the eighth time because it's more important to investigate potential abuse than actual abuse.

Still really, really bad. A degree of neglect that's borderline treasonous in my book.

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