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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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From the article the tweet links to:

(I think there was brief mention of the idea here, but maybe not discussion)


First, let’s triple AmeriCorps. Every year, there are hundreds of thousands more applications to AmeriCorps than there are spots. Let’s grow the program from 75,000 annual members to 250,000. And then let’s double the college scholarships that AmeriCorps members earn through their service.

Second, let’s grow the Peace Corps. Since President Kennedy launched it 50 years ago, it’s given thousands of Americans the experiences of a lifetime, and it’s fostered friendship and cooperation among people of dozens of nations.

Third, let’s expand service opportunities for people of all ages. The younger generation is already deeply thoughtful about how their lives impact others and the world. And I’ve been impressed by how many young entrepreneurs build some kind of social component into their business — whether it’s giving their employees designated time off to volunteer in the local community, providing matching funds to local service organizations to help them reach more people in need, or adopting a school or community center as a pro-bono project for the whole company.

That’s why my student debt plan includes loan forgiveness if you launch a social enterprise, or if you start a business in an underserved community. We should make it easier for young innovators to follow their dreams while honoring their values and giving back.

Now, I also want to get older Americans more involved, so that they have an encore opportunity after they’ve finished their formal careers. I intend to make sure 10 percent of AmeriCorps slots go to Americans over the age of 55.

Finally, I want to create a new means for people to serve in serious, meaningful ways without a full-time commitment like AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps often require. The Armed Forces Reserves is a great model — it gives people the chance to make a high-impact contribution, while still building careers and pursuing their dreams in other ways.

Let’s do something like that in the civilian space: We’ll call it the National Service Reserve.

If you join the National Service Reserve, you’ll receive some basic training. And when your city or state needs you, you’ll get the call. It may be a few hours a month or it may be much more, depending on what the need is and how much time you can devote.

Say a natural disaster strikes, and the Red Cross needs all hands on deck — or something like the crisis in Flint occurs, and clean water needs to be distributed every day to families — you’ll be sent into action.

Our goal is 5 million people, spread across all 50 states, with a special focus on people under 30, who’ve said again and again that they want to have a bigger impact in their communities, but can’t leave their jobs. We’ll work with governors and mayors, Republicans and Democrats. And this has got to be a true bipartisan, public-private partnership, because businesses and universities have unique resources to offer — and because we want workers and students to know that, as they make this contribution, their schools and their employers have their backs.


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19 minutes ago, visionary said:

Thought of a line (or some variant of it) that the Clinton campaign could use.  

"We need a president who spends her time fighting for The American People, not one who spends his time picking fights with them."


Just used a paraphrased version of your line on Twitter. Wish Twitter gave room for attribution.

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Dang. That sounds like some inspiring messaging, there. 

She needs to do that more. Try to get some messaging away from the latest temper tantrum. 


sounds like someone hoping to bribe the millennials with more free ****

she probably had to have a pork chop tied around her neck as a kid so the dogs would play with her.

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57 minutes ago, visionary said:

Thought of a line (or some variant of it) that the Clinton campaign could use.  

"We need a president who spends her time fighting for The American People, not one who spends his time picking fights with them."



Except the Deplorables I presume? :ols:

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Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement."

Speaking at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by former U.S. ambassador Beatrice Welters, Clinton says in a clip released by the Free Beacon that many of her former primary opponent's supporters sought things like “free college, free health care,” saying that she preferred to occupy the space "from the center-left to the center-right" on the political spectrum

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2 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:


Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement."

Speaking at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by former U.S. ambassador Beatrice Welters, Clinton says in a clip released by the Free Beacon that many of her former primary opponent's supporters sought things like “free college, free health care,” saying that she preferred to occupy the space "from the center-left to the center-right" on the political spectrum

That could be harmful to her. These off mic comments do tend to sting. I think she's lucky that it seems that they are not neutral towards Trump either.

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The Three Republican Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to build a wall to keep the wolf away. The 1st planned to use straw & declared the wolf would pay for it. The second declared it would be a virtual wall, but the wolf would pay for it. The third little pig said there was no proof that the wolf would ever try to hack the wall.

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17 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

Agreed. It wasn't said out of spite, it was a meaningful analysis of the problems young people face, even those with college degrees.

But then its always a "meaningful analysis" when its your candidate isn't it? If a Republican said those words, they are Archie Bunker or exercising white privilege.

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The full statement about Bernie supporters actually sounds pretty good.  She talks about how the Great Recession made their economic prospects harder and that as a result they found their voice in Bernie's revolution, and that she doesn't want to kill their optimism but also wants to also be realistic.

Of course, lots of people are going to focus on the "parent's basement" line and completely miss the wider point, tone, context, etc., because our electorate is like 70% stupid people.

2 hours ago, twa said:

sounds like someone hoping to bribe the millennials with more free ****

It's not free if you have to work in Americorps/Peace Corps/National Reserve Service to get the benefits.

In fact, that's like, the opposite of free.

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I was born in 90. I graduated high school in 08. I absolutely consider myself a "child of the great recession."

I don't live in my parent's basement; my wife and I have been very fortunate to do very well for ourselves. But overwhelmingly this is not the case amongst our peers. And while we'd like to think we're just better than everyone else, we know that our generation has faced enormous challenges that hold people back, especially those that are single. 

I grew up in the DMV, she grew up in rural western PA, but the story is the same. A few are successful, the rest live with their parents, or share a two bedroom place with 6 people, just to make ends meet. 

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1 minute ago, DogofWar1 said:


It's not free if you have to work in Americorps/Peace Corps/National Reserve Service to get the benefits.

In fact, that's like, the opposite of free.


Oh it is certainly not free to the people paying :)  food, housing, insurance, transport, etc. are paid by the government, and you get a small stipend. 

even threw in a sweetener for the geezers 

but it might help all those unemployed younguns get out of their parents basements.

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3 minutes ago, twa said:


Oh it is certainly not free to the people paying :)  food, housing, insurance, transport, etc. are paid by the government, and you get a small stipend. 

even threw in a sweetener for the geezers 

but it might help all those unemployed younguns get out of their parents basements.


Like the military, but with less dismemberment and crippling painkiller addiction!

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2 minutes ago, twa said:

Oh it is certainly not free to the people paying :)  food, housing, insurance, transport, etc. are paid by the government, and you get a small stipend. 

even threw in a sweetener for the geezers 

but it might help all those unemployed younguns get out of their parents basements.

Just because you don't value the work doesn't mean it isn't work.

Like Beal said, it's similar to the military.  Unless we're gonna start saying the military isn't work, I don't know how you say this doesn't count either.

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