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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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8 minutes ago, visionary said:

Lol people complaining about Hillary lying when it's been proven over and over that Trump lies way more than her every time he talks.



She did it while my employee.and getting paid

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6 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

And you think it is false because MSNBC, CNN or the Huffington Post tell you it isn't true?  Or is it because Hillary said so?  Maybe, it is you who are so gullible you will believe ANYTHING which sounds good or comes out of the Liberal Media or MOST (not all) liberal politicians.

No, I think he's false because there have been many, many Republican led Congressional investigations, dozens of private inquiries, and other processes many of whom have gone through the courts. None of them have found fault with Clinton. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

We have heard hours and hours of testimony. I watched 11 hours of it live and unedited as it happened. They had nothing, discovered nothing, and in the end concluded that they had nothing.

I think that's why people like me and Predicto thinks that the Benghazi tragedy is not circling corruption and a cover up.

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2 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

ARE YOU SERIOUS?  You can't POSSIBLY believe what you have just said.  What has Hillary been honest about? 

On lies, using the same definitions of a lie, the same metrics, and same analysis this is what was discovered about the rate of lying and degree of lying between not just Hillary and Trump, but a whole range of political figures.



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32 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

How is Benghazi "nonsense"? Please explain to me how it is nonsense to have 4 Americans killed at an Embassy when they repeatedly asked for additional security?  Then, to cover it up, try to push a video for the blame of it?  You don't think the video narrative was pushed to protect President Obama from embarrassment and a possible loss of election?  You will believe a proven liar over 4 families of fallen Americans?  You are right, I do live in a different reality as you do.  In my reality, honesty, integrity, self less service and values mean something.  In your reality, none of those apply because it doesn't make you feel good.

Oh boy.

To questions 1 and 2, not nonsense, but blaming the SecState for it is.  Congress couldn't get its act together on funding for extra security.  In terms of blame they go first, if we're assigning blame.  But without assigning blame to Congress, the attacks on the SecState are functionally baseless, and this was supported by the indepedent report and the GOP congressional one (which basically said the same thing as the indepdent one but with meaner words).

To questions 3 and 4, no, video not pushed to protect Obama.  Intelligence reports were all over the place on the event.  In the immediate aftermath all that was known was that an attack happened (email to Chelsea), and in the coming days more information was gathered that bounced the origin of the attack around between tape-focused and not tape-focused.

As for question 5, the families are not all united in saying Clinton said there was a tape that was responsible.  A couple said she said so.  Others said she didn't.  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/18/checking-patricia-smiths-claims-about-clinton-and-/

Who is right and who is wrong as to what was said we don't know.  But it's not exactly Clinton v. Families here, it's Clinton + some families v. Some more families.

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21 minutes ago, SemperFi Skins said:


Acting as if it doesn't go both ways... left-wing response.


The only thing worse than blatantly insincere false equivalency is automatically accusing the other side of being biased solely because they call out blatantly insincere false equivalency when it happens. :)  

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  1. This is just a few lies with one quick search.  I am sure I could come up with more if given more time.
  4. Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Something even the left-leaning Politifact found to be false.
  5. Sniper Fire – During the 2008 campaign, Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia during the ’90s. She went so far as to claim her group ran “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the Democrat would quickly say she simply misspoke.
  6. Immigrant Grandparents – When discussing immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.” It was another story Politifact said was false, as only one of her grandparents was an immigrant.
  7. Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can’t even bring herself to tell the truth about her own name. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old.
  8. The Few, The Proud, The Marines – Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. Washington Post fact-checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.
  9. Secret E-Mails – Former Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” A federal judge disagreed, saying Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.
  10. Benghazi – Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances.  But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.
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3 minutes ago, SemperFi Skins said:

so we've confirmed they both lie, so now we're at the statistics of who lies more... best election yet!

we need some play-by-play commentating, right?

Let me guess. You didn't look at the link, right?


Coookie! Where's my cookie. I won and I want a cookie!

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So assuming (leaving aside the details of who lies more) that both candidates lie, what makes someone that so many Foreign policy experts, conservative newspapers, and well-respected elder statesmen think is unfit to be president and who clearly is obsessed with himself enough to the point that he keeps track of anyone who insults him and hits back at them and acts like a spoiled child on the national stage the better candidate?

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8 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Oh boy.

To questions 1 and 2, not nonsense, but blaming the SecState for it is.  Congress couldn't get its act together on funding for extra security.  In terms of blame they go first, if we're assigning blame.


Horse****, money was not the problem.

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8 minutes ago, SemperFi Skins said:

so we've confirmed they both lie, so now we're at the statistics of who lies more... best election yet!

we need some play-by-play commentating, right?


The only thing worse than blatantly insincere false equivalency is trying to turn false equivalency into a friendly joke, amirite fellas amirite?   :) 

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6 hours ago, LD0506 said:


So now Alicia Machado is porn star broodsow for a druglord accomplice to murder......................that didn't take long did it?

TheDonald's superpowers on display, he saw into the future and decided it was ok to treat her like **** since someday Infowars was going to defame her. Impressive, eh?

You guys remember a week or two ago when I said that whoever is in the democratic spotlight is the most evil person in the world? Here's a perfect example of exactly what I was talking about.

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