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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Griffin, the mega-millionaire Hollywood producer behind Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune, wanted to get into gaming. He surprised Trump by making a counter-offer of $35 a share for Resorts, and quickly upped the ante by a buck.

The situation got ugly and after a month of fighting, the moguls made a deal: Trump would get the unfinished Taj Mahal, Griffin would get everything else, and investors would get $36 a share.

My story that morning made the point that if it wasn’t for this unknown investor from upstate New York, shareholders might not be earning more than twice what Trump originally offered. Scutti had told me he thought Trump was trying to scare shareholders into accepting his offer with threats of bankruptcy and warnings that he was the only one capable of completing the over-budget Taj Mahal project.

In the article, I wrote that Trump could not be reached for comment, but a spokesman said the man’s comments were “categorically untrue.”

The story ran below the fold in the business news section with the headline: How a Curious Visitor Beat Trump at the Casino Game.

And now I was holding for Mr. Trump.

There was no hello. But there was yelling, lots of yelling.


The word “****” was used repeatedly as a noun and adjective.

I had **** for brains.

I worked for a ****ty newspaper.

What sort of **** did I write.

Before I could reply, he hung up.

Then he called my editor in Philadelphia, Craig Stock. Now it was Craig’s turn to “Hold for Mr. Trump.”


Craig was treated to the same Trumpian wordplay, but got an added treat. Trump referred to me as “that ****.”

Craig, a calm Iowan, asked Trump what was wrong with the story. He explained that The Inquirer would run a correction if the paper had made an error.

Trump snapped that he didn’t read the story.

“No one reads the story,” the 41-year-old blustered. “I read the headline and I didn’t like it.”


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lol "IF" he disputes the election.


look, they haven't exactly been hiding the playbook.

I am pretty firm in believing he will not only dispute it, but he will make a few more of his dog whistles for violence.. and maybe not so "subtle" as he's been in doing it already, either.



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11 minutes ago, Predicto said:


Trump has investigators on this right now, and they can't believe what they are finding!  

Is he using sheriff Joe's cold case posse?  (Something that exists in real life and not western themed police procedural.)  I hear they're the best.

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39 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

People who are against Clinton.  Explain how in 2009 she was confirmed for Secretary of State by Senate colleagues by a vote of 94-2?  Did they believe she is a calculating, political hack, who uses her position for political gain?


If I'm guessing?  Yes.  They did.  :)

Let's face it.  The members of the Senate are calculating political hacks, so they ought to be able to recognize their own kind.  And confirmation is not evidence of moral superiority.  It does rather imply that she's not Hanibal Lector.  (But it doesn't even guarantee that.) 



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1 hour ago, Rskins06 said:

How is Benghazi "nonsense"? Please explain to me how it is nonsense to have 4 Americans killed at an Embassy when they repeatedly asked for additional security?  Then, to cover it up, try to push a video for the blame of it?  You don't think the video narrative was pushed to protect President Obama from embarrassment and a possible loss of election?  You will believe a proven liar over 4 families of fallen Americans?  You are right, I do live in a different reality as you do.  In my reality, honesty, integrity, self less service and values mean something.  In your reality, none of those apply because it doesn't make you feel good.

Well, you certainly have the Rightwing song and dance down pat.

BTW, you forgot the third verse where the GOP Congressional committee investigated Benghazi and cleared the Administration and Clinton of any wrongdoing. That was of course before they forgot that clearing her would hurt them with the people they spent years brainwashing so they fired up another committee to contradict their other committee.

Like Predicto said, anyone STILL parroting this BS needs an appointment with a crisis therapist to assist with the recovery from the cult brainwashing. You won't like what I just said, but that simply just demonstrates the need for the therapy.

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36 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

Either that, or he doesn't have any foreign leaders he looks up to.  He's a libertarian and the world is full of socialists and communists.



Garry's not saying he can't name a foreign leader.  He's saying that there isn't one he looks up to. 

I can't think of one, either.  And I don't really think it's a requirement, to be President. 

Looks like a failed media attempt to manufacture a gaffe, to me. 

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27 minutes ago, Larry said:


"It's Obama's fault that we just overrode his veto!"


McConnell is such a freaking dumbass!

Good god he needs to be sued for incompetence! "Obama didn't warn us about the consequences"?! You are the ****ing Senate Majority Leader and 30+ year DC veteran....do your own damn homework you freaking tool!!

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14 minutes ago, Larry said:



Garry's not saying he can't name a foreign leader.  He's saying that there isn't one he looks up to. 

I can't think of one, either.  And I don't really think it's a requirement, to be President. 

Looks like a failed media attempt to manufacture a gaffe, to me. 

Did you watch the video?  That's not what I took from it at all.



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Briefly on Gary Johnson, frankly if he had said "I don't really have significant respect for any foreign government leaders right now because I'm for small government and many of these officials hold views against my core beliefs" I could buy it.

Like, I get him not saying "Angela Merkel" because of that.

Problem is his use of "Aleppo Moment" gave the media the perfect tagline to run.  Further, with how long it took him to name Vicente Fox (with some help from Weld) it's not even like the media is misrepresenting how it went down.


By the way, full marks would have been awarded for Theresa May.  Former stay proponent turned PM who is trying to walk the tightrope of doing what's right for Britain and not wreck the country while still doing the will of the British people to leave the EU.

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I can think of many world leaders I look up to, even though they are not perfect.  Aung Sang Suu Kii of Myanmar?  Juan Santos of Columbia?  Pope Francis?  The Dalai Lama?   

I suspect that Johnson couldn't think of any because he hasn't thought about foreign policy issues for more than 5 minutes total in the past 20 years, as far as I can tell.  

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40 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:


Or, like what you're doing, use one situation to imply wrongdoing in another, which is not logically sound.


I thought it was a comment on you apoligists.....ignore,rinse, repeat

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I think Kaine will outdo Pence in their debate.

Does Pence have any real credentials besides fighting for redneck rights to deny wedding cakes to them queer folk? I honestly don't know anything about his tenure as governor.

That said, the VP debate is another worthless recent innovation, along with the spouse's convention speech, that deserves to be scrapped.  An entire annoying tradition all started just so Lloyd Bentsen could remind people he knew JFK....

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From the golf course article I posted overnight:



When Trump did visit, the club’s managers went on alert. They scheduled the young, thin, pretty women on staff to work the clubhouse restaurant  — because when Trump saw less-attractive women working at his club, according to court records, he wanted them fired.

"I had witnessed Donald Trump tell managers many times while he was visiting the club that restaurant hostesses were 'not pretty enough' and that they should be fired and replaced with more attractive women,” Hayley Strozier, who was director of catering at the club until 2008, said in a sworn declaration. 

Initially, Trump gave this command “almost every time” he visited, Strozier said. Managers eventually changed employee schedules “so that the most attractive women were scheduled to work when Mr. Trump was scheduled to be at the club," she said.

A similar story is told by former Trump employees in court documents filed in 2012 in a broad labor relations lawsuit brought against one of Trump’s development companies in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

The employees’ declarations in support of the lawsuit, which have not been reported in detail until now, show the extent to which they believed Trump, now the Republican presidential nominee, pressured subordinates at one of his businesses to create and enforce a culture of beauty, where female employees’ appearances were prized over their skills.

There's some other interesting details in there too.

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42 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

I had to look that one up.  I've never read any of Rand's work.


I believe you.  Don't waste your time.  I read it and it is complete garbage (and boring as hell).

But understand this.  Gary Johnson has read Ayn Rand.   He adores her work.   He has said that Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead represent his views.

here's a long boring interview where he talks about his affinity to Ayn Rand's crap, and how her writings "represent what it means to be a libertarian."   How he gets other people to read Ayn Rand, and how her writings are "magic" and "great."


This is not the nice "I'm a libertarian because I like pot and porn and don't like government snooping" that some voters think it is.  That is the definition of a civil libertarian, an ACLU type.  

It is not the Libertarian Party and it is not Gary Johnson.  The Libertarian Party is "I'm a libertarian because purestrain FYGM, all government is inherently evil, taxation is slavery, and the magic of the markets will fix everything."  

Ayn Rand's philosophy is utterly disgusting (and completely unworkable) and Gary Johnson fully buys into it.      


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41 minutes ago, visionary said:

Trump is unqualified for so many reasons... but I'm done with this "Trump said a mean things to this person once" bull****.  Real estate, financial services, and TV/Movie industries do not cater to feelings or friendly words.  There are cultural difference between professions that I really want to believe most of us are at least aware of... and frankly I don't see the Presidency as a job for nice people.  It's a job for great liars with excellent judgment willing to cause tremendous devastation and death if its the best choice for the country.  The kind of people that can order missile strikes just before a troop of school children brought in for a photo op and still smile convincingly.  

I don't care if Trump said mean things.  I don't care if Hillary said mean things. 

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1 minute ago, Destino said:


Trump is unqualified for so many reasons... but I'm done with this "Trump said a mean things to this person once" bull****.  Real estate, financial services, and TV/Movie industries do not cater to feelings or friendly words.  There are cultural difference between professions that I really want to believe most of us are at least aware of... and frankly I don't see the Presidency as a job for nice people.  It's a job for great liars with excellent judgment willing to cause tremendous devastation and death if its the best choice for the country.  The kind of people that can order missile strikes just before a troop of school children brought in for a photo op and still smile convincingly.  

I don't care if Trump said mean things.  I don't care if Hillary said mean things. 

There's a difference between saying mean things that are deserved and going off on random people whenever they criticize you, especially without even reading what they wrote.

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