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What's Happening On October 1 In The Dc Area? Fema Preparing For Disaster?


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I feel dumb for posting this but my co worker just sent me a link to this article and has worked herself up into a panic. She's insisting that she is leaving the area a few days before October 1 to avoid a potentially catastrophic event for the DC area.


I keep laughing at her and telling her to take off her tin foil hat but still figured I'd post this since this is all news to me.

Has anyone else heard about this or is this information only getting through to the extremely paranoid?



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Tin foil hat crew at work again. 


That was/is my immediate reaction.


My coworker told me she knows someone in the military who is stationed in Puerto Rico and was transferred up to one of the bases in NoVA specifically for this event and he is reporting there are bringing in hundreds of empty coffins at a time. Sounds like bs to me

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That was/is my immediate reaction.


My coworker told me she knows someone in the military who is stationed in Puerto Rico and was transferred up to one of the bases in NoVA specifically for this event and he is reporting there are bringing in hundreds of empty coffins at a time. Sounds like bs to me

Well for the possibility of impending casualties they bring body bags, not caskets.  Way to hard to store caskets and to expensive.

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Not to be insulting, but it is paranoid and stupid and wrong.  The internet allows the most gullible of us to scream chicken little like this.  Don't buy into it, and try to help your friends and family keep their perspective.



First, I'd like to thank this 76 year old long retired local South Dakota state legislator for his brilliant detective work.  Surely a man such as that has inside access to all of the workings of the federal security apparatus.    2 minutes of googling, avoiding the usual paranoid sites, reveals the following:


1)  The "warnings" were posted on an anonymous internet message board by someone who called themselves "CyberWarrior."  Songstad just recieved them in a fwd:ffwd:fwd email chain, and he sent it along.  Suddenly people think someone "official" is behind this.  


2)  The facts are wrong.  MERS is considered serious but not THAT serious, the WHO didn't order that a vaccine be ready by October 1, and in fact, there currently is no MERS vaccine at all, much less one that can be made ready in just a couple of weeks.


3)  Viruses don't respond to antibiotics.


This is dumb.

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October 1 eh? That sounds really sinister. it couldn't be that the Federal government routinely has a bunch of contracts which have delivery clauses by the end of their Fiscal Year?


In other news, flowers are cheaper on February 15 than in the week before and many retailers have sales after December 25. There's evidence of conspiracy and collusion everywhere.

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Looks like this might be where its coming from. Yeah they got this down to Oct. 1, that''s just how good we are at predicting seismic events. :rolleyes:


Massive US East Coast Disaster Warned Near As
Dolphin Deaths Explode


A chilling new report prepared for President Putin by the Ministry of
Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on
top-secret NSA intelligence documents obtained by the Federal Security Services
(FSB) from heroic whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals
that US Federal officials in the area of the United States designated as FEMA Region III [Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Virginia, West Virginia] are “quietly
for what these documents state is an “imminent catastrophic threat” related to a previously unknown
fault zone many scientific experts fear could see this area being destroyed by
volcanic, earthquake and massive tsunamis as early as this coming October. 

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That was/is my immediate reaction.


My coworker told me she knows someone in the military who is stationed in Puerto Rico and was transferred up to one of the bases in NoVA specifically for this event and he is reporting there are bringing in hundreds of empty coffins at a time. Sounds like bs to me


The FEMA caskets thing is bullcrap too.  It pops up every couple of years.


Here it is debunked in 2012, after Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones spread a version of the same rumor.  



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I feel dumb for posting this but my co worker just sent me a link to this article and has worked herself up into a panic. She's insisting that she is leaving the area a few days before October 1 to avoid a potentially catastrophic event for the DC area.

You need to find a better job, working for a company that hires smarter people.
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October 1 eh? That sounds really sinister. it couldn't be that the Federal government routinely has a bunch of contracts which have delivery clauses by the end of their Fiscal Year?


In other news, flowers are cheaper on February 15 than in the week before and many retailers have sales after December 25. There's evidence of conspiracy and collusion everywhere.


I had a friend send me this BS.  I told her that they were probably just replenishing supplies used during Hurricane Sandy and other disasters, using Federal end of year money.  Fiscal year ends Sept. 30th, so contracting shops are busy spending money for all sorts of things.

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Yea I find she lacks common sense sometimes. I keep telling her to chill but she's insisting on flying to stay with her family in Florida.


I was just curious if anyone else had caught wind of this rumor


You should tell her that a safe zone is being created in Cuba and that there will be a mass exodus of boats off Miami beach around midnight September 29th or 30th. Then tell her if she isn't on one of the specially designated boats, the US Military has been authorized to sink any other boat.


Feel free to elaborate further.

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Top five signs telling you to leave town before October 1:


(1) Local police, fire, and rescue workers are all issued new sets of Kevlar gloves without explanation.

(2) City workers are observed cleaning and polishing air raid sirens.

(3) Everyone's dog runs away on September 30.

(4) At 10:00pm on September 30, after playing a round of golf in Brazil, Barack Obama announces from the clubhouse that Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin are visiting the Whitehouse for dinner on October 1 at 8:00am.  He is then seen going up to his hotel room for bed.

(5) Bill Clinton informs Hillary that he wants to renew their wedding vowels at 6:00a.m., October 1, in front of the Lincoln Memorial.


These are the types of signs you need to look out for.

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You should tell her that a safe zone is being created in Cuba and that there will be a mass exodus of boats off Miami beach around midnight September 29th or 30th. Then tell her if she isn't on one of the specially designated boats, the US Military has been authorized to sink any other boat.


Feel free to elaborate further.

The ironic part is she is Cuban. Born and raised there lol

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