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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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UnWise Mike is the least professional writer for any major publication I've ever seen.

It's unbelievable to me a newspaper like the Post would put up with how he behaves.

In all candor, the fact the Post associates with him has had more to do with why I have not bought their paper in a few years than anything else.




The last time I bought a copy of the post was to use in a fire. That's all it's good for.

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UnWise Mike is the least professional writer for any major publication I've ever seen.

It's unbelievable to me a newspaper like the Post would put up with how he behaves.

In all candor, the fact the Post associates with him has had more to do with why I have not bought their paper in a few years than anything else.




Me thinks you need to add the duck face UnWise Mike in your signature.



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Earlier this year we read the Cleveland Indians had quietly taken the first steps to reduce Chief Wahoo's role as the longtime logo of their franchise. The Chief is no longer the primary logo used on the graphics profile when referencing the team on ESPN, MLB Network, etc. The iconic smiling Chief has been replaced with a bland, block letter 'C' for Cleveland. Nobody from the Cleveland Indians organization has gone public with the plan to retire Wahoo entirely, but its become obvious if you watch enough baseball. The Chief can still be found on the Indians home unis, but not so much in digital media. The virtual tour for their stadium renovation plan even shows a new merch shop to be built in the ballpark, but no Chief Wahoo. 



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Cooley was incredible. GREAT job *applause*...


I keep thinking I would love to go on one of these shows and debate any of these media morons who takes a self-congratualtory stance against the name, because it would be soooo damn easy to use facts and a firm grasp of the vocabulary to show them as the uninformed, intellectually lazy toeheads they really are, as well as show all the holes and inconsistencies in the name-changers' stance. Cooley came as close as anyone to doing what I would imagine myself doing lol...

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Cooley was incredible. GREAT job *applause*...

I keep thinking I would love to go on one of these shows and debate any of these media morons who takes a self-congratualtory stance against the name, because it would be soooo damn easy to use facts and a firm grasp of the vocabulary to show them as the uninformed, intellectually lazy toeheads they really are, as well as show all the holes and inconsistencies in the name-changers' stance. Cooley came as close as anyone to doing what I would imagine myself doing lol...

Cooley killed it. Killed it. And SAS got a little too defensive when Cooley said it lazy journalism.

And clearly the First Take crew haven't been paying attention if they think no one is calling anyone defending the team racist

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Cooley killed it. Killed it. And SAS got a little too defensive when Cooley said it lazy journalism.

And clearly the First Take crew haven't been paying attention if they think no one is calling anyone defending the team racist


EXACTLY!! lol (the part in bold)...Snyder is constantly called a racist for daring to say he'd never change the name. SAS started calling a segment of the fan base (and southern Virginians) racist by bringing up that asinine Confederate flag comment. Ives Goddard, the Smithsonian Institute linguistic expert who traced the term "red skin" to Native Americans themselves has been called a racist numerous times from the name-changers side.

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Earlier this year we read the Cleveland Indians had quietly taken the first steps to reduce Chief Wahoo's role as the longtime logo of their franchise. The Chief is no longer the primary logo used on the graphics profile when referencing the team on ESPN, MLB Network, etc. The iconic smiling Chief has been replaced with a bland, block letter 'C' for Cleveland. Nobody from the Cleveland Indians organization has gone public with the plan to retire Wahoo entirely, but its become obvious if you watch enough baseball. The Chief can still be found on the Indians home unis, but not so much in digital media. The virtual tour for their stadium renovation plan even shows a new merch shop to be built in the ballpark, but no Chief Wahoo.





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For those that are Native American and Redskin Fans there is a group of us on FB.  Some are 100% NA some are like me part NA.  I would suggest joining.  I have learned so much from this group.  Not just about the name but also my Heritage.  The group is called Native American Redskins Fans.

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I cringe every time the Redskins releases a video trying to sway public opinion.  This is a topic where people's minds are made up to feel good about themselves.  It's not even that they're necessarily "wrong" just they are disingenuous.



i dont think the redskins video responses are disingenuous. 


i think some would say the recent campaign- visiting NA reservations and donating money, computers, etc is disingenuous, and thats fine, but even thats at least debatable. it appears that snyder has done charitable things in the NA community that have not been made public. 


but this latest campaign is a response to a few activists who put out their own video, the tag line of which was a complete lie. ("one thing we dont call ourselves"- [redskins emblem])


but this is one of those times when i have to ask "what do you want the redskins to do? shut up and say nothing?" 


this is recurring sports story. has been for the past couple of years. it hasnt gone away, largely because nobodys responded.


at some point, you have to set the record straight and stand up for yourself, especially when the facts are on your side. 

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Yes, it has everything to do with acquiring a new stadium. He is planting seeds, kind of like Jon Gruden on Monday night football. He wore that burgundy tie and everyone just knew it was a sign that he was going to be our coach.

There are so many seeds involved with the new name and new stadium, Dan Snyder is getting all the ladies in the area pregnant.

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Why would a new stadium have anything to do with a name change ?

RFK may have a point.. it's a leverage thing, and a way for him to possibly extricate from a PR nightmare with the least amount of egg on his face.

If he trades his stance for a better fan experience, he can smell a bit better in the end.

he can say "i wanted to keep the name, but they made such a good offer and it would be such a positive for fans, i could not refuse. I did it for you."



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Yes, it has everything to do with acquiring a new stadium. He is planting seeds, kind of like Jon Gruden on Monday night football. He wore that burgundy tie and everyone just knew it was a sign that he was going to be our coach.

There are so many seeds involved with the new name and new stadium, Dan Snyder is getting all the ladies in the area pregnant.


Um Jon Gruden isn't our coach. Not sure if you were being serious here or not...

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Needs work. Should read FAILED radio blowhard/twitter troll/general jackassery 

While UnWise Mike is good, i think it should have just been changed to Dumb ass. I think its the other way around too, he is looking into giving VA the revenue because there WONT be pressure to change the name. Maryland and DC have a problem, fine he will take his billions to VA.

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Let the speculation begin about a new name in exchange for a new stadium.


I don't believe public financing for a stadium anywhere in the DMV will be feasible without a name change. Perhaps Snyder is planting seeds.

So Snyder is willing to trade 80+ years of tradition for a stadium? All those years of him saying he will never change the name he will do a complete 180 for a new stadium?

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 it's a leverage thing, and a way for him to possibly extricate from a PR nightmare with the least amount of egg on his face.

If he trades his stance for a better fan experience, he can smell a bit better in the end.

he can say "i wanted to keep the name, but they made such a good offer and it would be such a positive for fans, i could not refuse. I did it for you."




Precisely Bang.


By that time he'll need a billion in tax dollar$ to cover the 2 billion price tag for construction anyway.


I don't think the (presently) friendly politicians in VA will be able to battle off the S storm the name will bring in the coming years. Anywhere the stadium goes will require a new team name. D, M, or V.

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