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And So it starts - Zombie Apocalypse


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Where did that quote come from?...

And it's not exactly unusual for news stories to change as more info comes out.

From the comment section of the source article by the Miami Herald.

Apparently there was confusion because people were commenting on previous comments made earlier that didn't match up with the current version of the story.

Some of them had seen the different stages of development though and tried to clarify.

Yeah, you're probably right about stories changing.

The end (probably) result of this one though makes the differences stand out a bit more though.

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You know considering how much wierd news comes from Florida it would be fitting that the zombie apocalypse start there. No one would notice things had gotten really strange (moreso than normal) until it was too late.

This story has also been the top story on drudge report all day. "south beach cannibal" lol

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You do realize that the only serious comments in here were from you...right?

It's odd, people complain about my "ruining of the thread", simply because I approached the topic seriously.

Personally, I think the talk about ammo and equipment was boring. Different strokes, I guess.

I can edit my post to #Zombiesrequirebodyarmor if you think that's more entertaining.

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For SpacePenguin the Zombie Apocalypse is

Yes, these are the kind of responses that are "fun". We are closer to the zombie apocalypse than I thought.

Honestly I can't even see the pic...but I'm sure it says serious business.

People approach "The Walking Dead" more intellectually than they do an actual news story about cannibalism. Its much more amusing to me than any meme type response or discussion about what kind of ammo you'll choose to blow a zombie's head off.

I guess the tailgate can be fun. I wish the damn season would start, though. Sorry if it came at the expense of others' amusement. It wasn't my intention. I'll stay outta the Tailgate for awhile as punishment.

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Face-eating naked attacker identified in Miami

MIAMI — The naked man who tried to eat another man's face before he was shot dead by police was identified Monday.

The Miami Herald reported that the attacker was 31-year-old Rudy Eugene.

The man he attacked remained in extremely critical condition Sunday night at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Much of his face was gone, the skin ripped away, the nose bitten and the eyes gouged.

What remained was his goatee and little else.

"We're hoping that he pulls through, for his well-being, but also so he can tell us what happened," said Sgt. Javier Ortiz, vice president of the Miami police union. "Only he knows."

The victim still had not been officially identified Monday.

Click on the link for the full article

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Face-eating naked attacker identified in Miami

MIAMI — The naked man who tried to eat another man's face before he was shot dead by police was identified Monday.

The Miami Herald reported that the attacker was 31-year-old Rudy Eugene.

The man he attacked remained in extremely critical condition Sunday night at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Much of his face was gone, the skin ripped away, the nose bitten and the eyes gouged.

What remained was his goatee and little else.

"We're hoping that he pulls through, for his well-being, but also so he can tell us what happened," said Sgt. Javier Ortiz, vice president of the Miami police union. "Only he knows."

The victim still had not been officially identified Monday.

Click on the link for the full article

In a related story a local boy, Carl Grimes, has gone missing. The son of a local sheriff, the boy's mother, Lori Grimes, was quoted as saying "Well, he was in the house a minute ago..."

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Who woulda thought the Zombie Apocolypse would be caused by cocaine and bath salts. Guess it makes sense Mick Mars has looked like a Zombie for years

And Worcesthershire sauce. Don't forget that important ingredient.

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After reading the description,I'll pass

Wise idea, I can't "unsee" that. All of the skin that makes up his face above his lip and below his hairline is gone. That includes his nose, everything around the eyes including lids, and even one eye. When you hear that someone tried to bite his face off you'd think bit marks... This looks literally like an animal consumed his face. God be with that poor guy.

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LSD is a helluva drug.

Does anyone remember the CSI episode that predecessed this?

Season 3, episode 3, Let the Seller Beware.

Two kids, hopped up on LSD, feed on a cheerleader who died (I think they killed her accidentally) on the football field.

I'm not sure why they are saying it was LSD at th same time saying it was Bath Salts. Not even similar.

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I'm not sure why they are saying it was LSD at th same time saying it was Bath Salts. Not even similar.

I guess they are saying these bath salts are the new LSD. After reading about them I'm not sure why anyone would take these. They supposedly raise the body temperature and send the person into a mad frenzy.


Why are they called bath salts?

"It’s confusing. Is this what we put in our bathtubs, like Epsom salts? No. But by marketing them as bath salts and labeling them 'not for human consumption,' they have been able to avoid them being specifically enumerated as illegal," Horowitz says.

What do you experience when you take bath salts?

"Agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, chest pain, suicidality. It’s a very scary stimulant that is out there. We get high blood pressure and increased pulse, but there’s something more, something different that’s causing these other extreme effects. But right now, there’s no test to pick up this drug. The only way we know if someone has taken them is if they tell you they have.

The clinical presentation is similar to mephedrone [a chemical found in other designer drugs], with agitation, psychosis, and stimulatory effects. Both of these agents should be of concern, as severe agitated behavior, like an amphetamine overdose, has occurred.

A second concern is the ongoing suicidality in these patients, even after the stimulatory effects of the drugs have worn off. At least for MDPV, there have been a few highly publicized suicides a few days after their use," Horowitz says.

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interesting hognose, thanks for the link.

one question that comes to mind now though is how can they say that it was bath salts when there is no test for bath salts?

Perhaps experience and process of elimination. If the tests for other drugs comes up negative and officers can recognize this as erratic behavior likely to be produced by bath salts based on previous experience (although obviously not with people eating each other's faces) then while not conclusive, it may be a reasonable conclusion. Or, the face-eater could have told them.

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