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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Just saw the Ghostbuster reboot. I'll give it a C. An average movie at best. Loved the cameos from some of the original cast and loved the homages paid to the original movie. It started off real slow and then picked up. It felt more of a SNL movie to me. I won't give it the hate that it has gotten; but it was unnecessary remake. I had no problem with an all female cast, this cast though was mediocre at best.


Ghostbusters is 67% Fresh on RT and 3.5 on IMDB. Not sure I've ever seen such a disparity quite like that.

Looking forward to some reviews in here....








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Watch a couple of old movies I never bothered to watch when they came out:

The Right Stuff 1983. It was OK. Not great to me. A little too long.

Far and Away 1992. Pretty good. Not what I expected. Nicole Kidman looking pretty hot, even with chicken feathers in her hair.

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Kung Fury:  So it's a real short movie (30 minutes) and it's filmed like it was the 80s and takes place in the 80s.  B-side movie, but hilarious to me if you like that kind of silly humor.  Think of it more like a cult movie.  I give it a solid A based on the fact of what they were trying to accomplish and the simple humor/satire along with it making no sense at times.  


The grade was based on other movies of this type, not for acting, etc.  I just love these types of movies.

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Finally got around to watching batman vs superman.  I liked it.  In fact I thought it was much better than people were saying.  Long dark wonderfully violent super hero story.  Affleck exorcised his super hero demons and wonder woman was a bad ass.  I'm glad they didn't try to make her a "use her smarts" character to keep her from simply being an ass kicker like the boys.     

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Yeah I loved this. Really fascinating look at how that went down. I had never heard this story anyway so I was on the edge of my seat. I'm sure it's embellished Donovan had some serious balls

Yeah Donovan is absolutely an American hero. Shame that he died so young (52 iirc of a heart attack)

Straight Outta Compton

10/10. Absolute masterpiece.

Utter bull**** that it didn't at least get an Oscar nomination I thought

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Finally got around to watching batman vs superman. I liked it. In fact I thought it was much better than people were saying. Long dark wonderfully violent super hero story. Affleck exorcised his super hero demons and wonder woman was a bad ass. I'm glad they didn't try to make her a "use her smarts" character to keep her from simply being an ass kicker like the boys.

Yep and Batman actually kinda hides for most of the final fight because he is unprepared and knows he can't go toe to toe. I loved the way they did that

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Sometimes upon reaching movies I realize just how good some of them are.. the prestige is an example.

Yeah that movie is so well done and there are a ton of little pieces of dialogue and subtle details you don't pick up on like the way the story is framed as the three parts of a magic trick that Michael Caine's character starts and ends the movie explaining.

Or Bale being so enamored and impressed with the old Chinese magician in the beginning living his trick as the old and frail man. Or Jackman's past being given in a throwaway line only to come back later. Seems surprising the first time you see it but then watching again you see that it was setup.

And there is a lot of heart in that movie which I always Seem to have in my favorite movies

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Yeah that movie is so well done and there are a ton of little pieces of dialogue and subtle details you don't pick up on like the way the story is framed as the three parts of a magic trick that Michael Caine's character starts and ends the movie explaining.

Or Bale being so enamored and impressed with the old Chinese magician in the beginning living his trick as the old and frail man. Or Jackman's past being given in a throwaway line only to come back later. Seems surprising the first time you see it but then watching again you see that it was setup.

And there is a lot of heart in that movie which I always Seem to have in my favorite movies


I haven't seen this in a while, but I remember it coming out around the same time as "The Illusitionist", which is also pretty damn good if you haven't seen it. Do recommend.

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I saw Dinesh D'Souza's "Hillary's America".  Actually, it was about the Democratic party than Hillary.  The old people in the audience liked it. I think I fell asleep for part of it.  It gets a C.  I liked his Obama ones better.



I also saw "Ice Age 5".  It gets a C also.  Why are they still making this?  Well, Scatt gets more screen time this time.  Your little ones will probably like it.

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I finally watched Straight Outta Compton.

Never really heard any of their music before but I liked it. They should make a whole movie about that "Cube" guy.

I really didn't care about any of the other characters...3/5 stars. Needs more Cube.


You have never listened to Ice Cube or NWA?  

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I just watched Captain Phillips today.  If you've got Apple TV they've got a great deal this month where you can buy a movie on the iTunes store for 5 bucks, they have a different one featured each day.  They've had some stuff that I haven't been interested in but Captain Phillips is up there today and I jumped all over it.


Awesome, I give it an A-.  Gripping from beginning to end, doesn't waste any time in getting to the action.  Hanks is great as usual, the guys playing the Somali pirates were great too.  

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Sitting here waiting for The Killing Joke to start ...

Edit: and it was awesome. It's a quality DC animated movie right up there with Mask of the Phantasm and Under the Red Hood as the best of them.

Stuck to the graphic novel really well and had top voice acting. Not sure they completely embraced the R rating but it was pretty violent for an animated movie.

Prior to the movie they had a special feature showing Mark Hamill discussing how he got th role of the Joker for Batman The Animated Series back in the early 90s and describing the process of doing it for first time and how much he loves the char where etc. I really enjoyed that

Comes out on DVD tomorrow for anyone interested

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Saw "Lights Out" tonight. We see any quality horror flick in the theaters (think horror is so much better on the big screen) and this has a 77% on Rotten Tomatoes


What a stupid ****ing movie. But it'll also make you jump and **** yourself. Nicely done on that front. They also go hard with the ending. B to B- territory. Worth checking out if you like horror or at home if it's a Netflix and chill night

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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