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What political type are you? (w/ quiz) WaPo Blog/Pew Research Center


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If this is even somewhat accurate shouldn't we have a hell of lot more than two major parties?

Yes...yes...yes...yes...yes...yes...yes...but knowing that there are so many different categories that we fall into definitely does explain why the candidates start with their bases and then gravitate toward the center.

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Libertarian, although I found myself not liking most of the either/or choices.

Isn't that the way it is for Libertarians today?

Either vote for principles or settle for a candidate ya don't like

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Libertarian... meh. I feel like I'm more liberal than that. Any time I hear a libertarian talking head on radio or TV, they always sound like nut jobs.

Although, it seems like most of the Libertarians didn't like the options in most of the questions. Maybe I do fall in line.

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Post-modern along with 13% of the public.

I will say that for this one both are true:

Government is almost always wasteful and inefficient. Government often does a better job than people give it credit for.

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I'm a "Post Modern"

It says:

-Generally supportive of government, though more conservative on race policies and the safety net - Not sure this is true. I think everyone puts too much stock in race and should let intelligence/actions determine your opinion of the individual, rather than the color of their skin. So I guess things like affirmative action make no sense to me, so I guess you could say I'm conservative there.

-Strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection -I'm not strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection. I think the environment is important, but I think we sometimes go a bit too far with it.

-Most (56%) say Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts -I know very little about Wall Street, so I have no idea

-Very liberal on social issues, including same-sex marriage - VERY liberal? No. I think we should be accepting of same-sex couples as a society, but that doesn't mean I think its right. I don't. But who am I to judge others on what they're doing? It's their life. They can live it how they choose, and I'm not going to hate you for what you do in your personal life.

-One of the least religious groups: nearly a third are unaffiliated with any religious tradition - This is accurate. I believe in God/a higher power. I don't necessarily believe in religion.

-Favor the use of diplomacy rather than force - I'm not sure how this fits me in the least. I think diplomacy is important... but, my answers to the questions were: "The best way to ensure peace is through Military Strength", "Using overwhelming military force is the best way to defeat terrorism around the world". Not sure how this indicates I'm for diplomacy RATHER than force.

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Unity is powerful, LSF, its really nice to see you and Dave on the same page. Laying the S&L crisis at the feet of liberal progressives is a generous concession on your part.

Wow, I thought the S&L debacle happened on Reagan and Bush administrations' watch after deregulation of the real estate industry. Funny, I didn't know that Reagan and GHWBush were liberal progressives! What a history rewrite! And it worked so well in the 80s and 90s that they did it again in 2007-2008! Again, under another liberal progressive Bush!

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