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What political type are you? (w/ quiz) WaPo Blog/Pew Research Center


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Solid Liberal, I thought the quiz options sucked though.

agreed on both points. I have a few extra questions that they can add (in the same spirit and tenor of the current ones)

21. When a person is captured by police for armed robbery, you think

a. the person should be immediately beaten to death in front of an elementary school assembly

b. the person should quickly be released in your neighborhood, but only after appropriate training that enhances his/her ability to graduate to more interesting crimes such as rape and murder

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This is from Wikipedia:

"[Postmodernism] emphasizes the role of language, power relations, and motivations; in particular it attacks the use of sharp classifications such as male versus female, straight versus gay, white versus black, and imperial versus colonial. Rather, it holds realities to be plural and relative, and dependent on who the interested parties are and what their interests consist in."

I had also heard the term and had no idea what it really meant, but I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with the above paragraph.

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so the government you so loathe and despise for its incompetency... you want it constantly bombing people in other countries and telling you what you can do based on an arbitrary moral code stateside.

makes sense :)

OK since this is a Redskins board.

Think of the DOD as "John Riggins January 1983"

Think of most of the Civilian Branches as "Trung Canidate"

I believe that the majority of the things our Government does is above and beyond what they should do.

I believe that the military and the job they do is clearly one of the most important things a government should be doing.

I believe that Peace through Strength really works. (would you rather be the ones giving the orders or the ones taking the orders?)

I believe that abortion is murder (call it legal murder if you wish, but it is murder nonetheless.)

I believe that the Government should not sanction same-sex marriage. (at the same time, gays should be able to serve in the military, and "gay" behavior should not be "criminal" - in other words keep the Govt out of the peoples bedrooms.)

So does your mocking my post mean that you think that we should expand all government to the point that everyone works for the government except for the DOD which should be disbanded?

Do you think giving up your own weapons then negotiating with terrorists works in your favor?

Do you think that paying someone to kill your own children is okay as long as they are still in the uterus? does your opinion change 1 second after they leave the uterus? Do they have to be all the way out first or can you still kill then when only the head has come out?

Considering the events of the past week, it's impossible to take you seriously with that sig.

Glad to know that you think our president is doing a great job and is "strong and effective"

Take away what the Seals did to Bin Laden and what else has he done well?

I look forward to the day he stands as a former president. I fear that the Republicans will not be able to capitalize on his overall poor performance by removing him from office after his trainee term.

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Solid liberal according to that.

I'm definitely a more moderate Democrat/liberal.

Can't figure out someone's "political type" from 20 questions.

especially not when the questions only have 2 possible answers for complex issues. I found myself unable to answer several of the questions just because I didn't like either answer.

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especially not when the questions only have 2 possible answers for complex issues. I found myself unable to answer several of the questions just because I didn't like either answer.
That is part of the test. I doubt anyone here agreed with most of the answers. I just went with which one would I pick with a gun to my head? I was surprised with the accuracy.
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I'm not a person of extremes...

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agreed on both points. I have a few extra questions that they can add (in the same spirit and tenor of the current ones)

21. When a person is captured by police for armed robbery, you think

a. the person should be immediately beaten to death in front of an elementary school assembly

b. the person should quickly be released in your neighborhood, but only after appropriate training that enhances his/her ability to graduate to more interesting crimes such as rape and murder

HAH your version would have been a much better use of my time. At least I got a good laugh out of this.

Post-modern. It means I watch the Daily Show.

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POST-MODERNS (13% of the public)

What They Believe

•Generally supportive of government, though more conservative on race policies and the safety net (true)

•Strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection(absolutely true)

•Most (56%) say Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts(completely false. Let em burn.)

•Very liberal on social issues, including same-sex marriage(true)

•One of the least religious groups: nearly a third are unaffiliated with any religious tradition(true, although I do believe in God, just don't affiliate with a church.)

•Favor the use of diplomacy rather than force (as a first option,true... but I have no problem with the use of force)

Who They Are

•The youngest of the typology groups: 32% under age 30 (I'm 33)

•A majority are non-Hispanic white and have at least some college experience(true)

•Half live in either the Northeast or the West(true, northeast.)

•A majority (58%) live in the suburbs(I live in the city.)

•63% use social networking(guilty)

•One-in-five regularly listen to NPR; 14% regularly watch The Daily Showtrue on NPR, false on Daily Show.

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Horrible questions, so I flipped a coin on a few and -


11% of the public

What They Believe

Highly critical of both government and business - Not highly critical...

Sympathetic to the poor and supportive of social welfare programs - meh, sure...

Concerned about immigration - Not too concerned

Majority believes the country can't solve many of its important problems - Yes and no. Problems like the debt (which we've been in since the founding of the country) can be improved, not solved. Other issues can be if the public and gov. is willing, which in some cases it'll never be.

Religious and socially conservative - Sure on some things


Who They Are

Most financially stressed of the groups: nearly half describe their household as "struggling" - Could be better. Could always be better.

71% have experienced unemployment in their household in the past 12 months - Fortunately, nope!

About two-thirds have only a high school education or less - 2 degrees, starting on my 3rd in the fall....

Compared with the national average of 33%, more are parents (44%) - Nope...

26% have a U.S. passport well below the national average - I have one

23% follow NASCAR racing - Nope...

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What would you folks say to the charge that Republicans have not been fiscally conservative over the last decade or so?...

...because there's no way in hell I ever vote blue due to progressivism's failure to understand macro econ, but the reds have been just as disgusting (and progressive, economically speaking). The fact that neither party seems to truly care about the citizens is insane.

The solutions to many of our issues are simple (not easy, but simple).

1. With the economy, stop this QE insanity and let the markets and currency adjust. It will be extremely painful and make a lot of folks in power look really, really bad while hurting the average person short-term -- but then we get to have a real economy with correct government oversight.

2. Drastically cut entitlements. Medicare and welfare fraud are rampant and fixable. Stop making it a political point and get it done. This includes ditching healthcare and seeking reform that imposes lower costs for insurance while still allowing insurance companies to maintain a 2% profit.

3. Offer amnesty to illegals currently residing here with no previous criminal record provided they begin a citizenship program and (in most cases) an on-the-books job immediately. Deport criminals and their families. Then crack down on illegal immigration.

4. Keep federal taxes at or below 20% for everyone. Cut all government that cannot be paid for beyond that. Not enough money?...too bad. Asking anyone, rich or poor, to work til March or April of each year for the federal government every year is simply wrong. It doesn't matter how much money they make. Is this doable as things stand?...No, but it is possible to get here with the correct fiscal policies and extreme entitlement cuts. Stop forcing the present and future citizens to pay for the mistakes of the past.

5. End the wars and maintain training bases + elite personnel in areas of difficulty. Increased intelligence efforts will allow us to identify and eliminate threats with surgical strikes before they can carry out violence against us. Any credible threat needs to be responded to with force. End this "Open book" bs with the military and media. The media and American public need to be kept in the dark about our operations. Some amount of blind faith here is necessary because the alternative is the ridiculous crap we have going on now. Mistakes will be made, but they will be less than we have now. End involvement in conflicts that do not directly effect the US or our allies.

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