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What conspiracy theories do you buy into even a little bit?

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At one point in my life, I was 100 percent convinced that there was a large conspiracy behind the JFK assassination. Now, I'm just 50 percent convinced.

I would be willing to believe the "FDR let Pearl Harbor happen" theories if a few of the battleships were unexpectedly away from port.

On a less world-shattering plane, I like to believe that the NBA fixed the Lottery so the Knicks could draft Patrick Ewining.

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NFL refs fix games esp against the Redskins. The blatancy and consistancy of the screwovers have gone beyond what any reasonable person could ever call coincidence.



Other than that, nothing. I can't believe people still buy into the 9/11 conspiracy.

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David Stern fixes NBA games and fixes certain draft lotteries (thanks for Wall!).

The Sacramento Kings were robbed on purpose in the 2002 WCF.

This. And the Suns getting jobbed in '07 with the suspensions.

Oh and it's 100% in my mind that he rigged the lottery for the Knicks to get Ewing. Seriously, if my life depended on it, I wouldn't even hesitate. I'm way past considering it a "theory".


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Hmmmm. tinfoilhatsmiley.gif

Yeah. JFK for me and roughly in the same percentage. Can't say there's a good reason for the drop. Happened after going there and looking around. Okay. It happened after seeing and hearing the dozen or so conspiracy theorists who had set up shop in the area like they were selling hot dogs or something.

Edit. Okay. Maybe it was a bad call or a personal vendetta,(Scottie Pippen stole his cheesecake dessert or something),but I'm not totally convinced Hue Hollins wasn't paid to make that call against the Bulls. :silly:

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the "magic bullet" was thoroughly debunked with computer modeling. the car had stadium seating (rear seats raised above the front seats), and LHO wasn't as far away as is often reported, and Kennedy turned around after he heard the first shot.

i strongly believe all the popular conspiracy theories are pretty much total bunk (moon landing, truthers, birthers, jfk, chemtrails). they just represent what people very much wish to believe either as an ideological choice or merely as an aesthetic affectation to their personality or worldview. conspiracies are inherently enticing because humans are drawn to mystery and the fantastic. unfortunately, reality is almost always far more tedious. i admit i don't understand why people cling with such fervor to many of them, even after being shown far, far simpler explanations that fit the facts much more plausibly and easily without inventing all kinds of weirdness.

i guess it is comforting in a weird way to many people to believe that our government is capable of covertly controlling information on such an enormous scale, all available evidence to the contrary.

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Did anyone see that History Channel show where they reenacted the JFK assassination, with gelatin bodies and everything, and almost the exact same thing happened. Magic bullet and all. That ended the grassy knoll conspiracy for me. I'm sure you can find it online somewhere. Fascinating program.

Still a possibility that Oswald was a flunkie for someone. But he was definitely the shooter, and he was definitely alone. I think he was just a miserable, disturbed individual who wanted to be important. He had failed everywhere in life.

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NFL refs fix games esp against the Redskins. The blatancy and consistancy of the screwovers have gone beyond what any reasonable person could ever call coincidence.



I don't know if it's because of Snyder or our nickname, or because we're the Cowboy's arch rival; but I really, REALLY think the NFL has it out for the Redskins

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I don't have anything to back it up so it may be shot down quickly, but I never 100% discounted that Flight 93 wasn't brought down by our military.

I remember that morning when I first learned 9/11 was going down (about 7:30ish am Mountain Time). One of the guys at work said that 2 jets had hit the Towers, and a 3rd was heading for DC but F-16s were going after it....this was while it was pretty much going on "live".

Minutes later we hear about the Pentagon and Flight 93. I heard about Flight 93 hitting the field with no metion of US fighters of course, but a small part of me has always wondered:

"Where did that guy at work hear about the F-16 part?" I mean...it was awful early in the event to be makin' stuff up and I don't doubt for a second that if another flight was heading for DC (White House/ Capitol) that they would have blew it out of the sky to save more lives then they were sacrificing.

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Minutes later we hear about the Pentagon and Flight 93. I heard about Flight 93 hitting the field with no metion of US fighters of course, but a small part of me has always wondered:

"Where did that guy at work hear about the F-16 part?" I mean...it was awful early in the event to be makin' stuff up and I don't doubt for a second that if another flight was heading for DC (White House/ Capitol) that they would have blew it out of the sky to save more lives then they were sacrificing.

I'd argue that most of the inaccurate statements about a disaster develop during the immediate time of crisis.

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Lots of things I believe to be true that could be grouped in this:

JFK assassination - Seriously there is no chance we ever heard the true story behind this. Hell they didn't even interview the man who was infamous for looking at the President who drove by with his kids head in the dirt. That was one fouled up investigation followed up by one screwed up inquirey. Not sure who killed him or why but I do not buy the story we've been sold on this and think that's why they don't release any information about it.

FDR let Pearl Harbor happen - After living in Hawaii and being stationed at Pearl for several years I'm here to tell you that this depends on your definition of "letting it happen". It's fact that the US Navy Pacific fleet was stationed in California before our WW2 involvement. It's also true that FDR wanted us to get involved in the WAR before we actually did. It's also true that FDR ordered the fleet to be moved to Hawaii and that the Japanese warned America that it considered that repositioning to be an Act of War. I don't think he knew Dec 7th they would attack but I do think that he set up the fleet to be the catalyst to drive the country to war knowing they would eventually do something to retailiate.

NWO - There is a movement in this and other countries elite to control the world. They meet once a year for illegal meetings and call themselves the Billdaberg group. No we can't know what these elite leaders discuss, we are banned. No the media doesn't cover it like they should and cover up meeting when held. Why are the world's leaders meeting like this? Not sure but its against the Constitution

Blue Gold - Not too sure it's even a conspiracy anymore but water rights have been sold off and to the wealthy who plan to guoge the crap out of everyone who can afford it and keep it from those who can't in the future

Pentagon - The offical 911 story that it hit the Pentagon just doesn't make sense. The reaction of the Government when pressed for pictures of the incident screams coverup. So many eye witnesses have come forward saying the trajectory the plane took with the offical story given doesn't add up. The evidence is not there to support what we were told happened.

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Still a possibility that Oswald was a flunkie for someone. But he was definitely the shooter, and he was definitely alone. I think he was just a miserable, disturbed individual who wanted to be important. He had failed everywhere in life.

this is another good point. dating back to the days of Andrew Jackson, there have been plenty of crazy people acting on their own who decided to shoot the president for crazy reasons. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_assassination_attempts_and_plots ).

my personal favorites:

John Flammang Schrank: claimed William McKinley's ghost told him to shoot Teddy Roosevelt.

Charles J. Guiteau: a failed theologist who successfully assassinated James A. Garfield when the president ignored this random goofball's written demands that he fire his secretary of state and hire him as a Diplomat.

John Hinckley, Jr: shot Reagan in an attempt to impress Jodie Foster.

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Actually, my whackjob conspiracy-theory brother was telling me about one, years ago.

Anybody remember the Anthrax attacks?

Envelopes sent through the mail, to a tabloid newspaper reporter in Florida, followed shortly by a US Senator and Congressman. First ever use of WMDs on American soil.

He told me that he'd read some guy who was looking at the particular targets that the Anthrax was sent to. A tabloid reporter? And then a Congressman and a Senator, but they weren't the Speaker and the Majority Leader. They were both higher-up, but not the people at the top.

He said that people had discovered that all three, the reporter and the two Congressmen, had recently, publicly, supported normalizing relations with Cuba.

He had this whole theory. Seems that there were a lot of Cuban-Americans in Miami who really hated Castro, and had formed like a Mafia down there. (True, from what I've heard.) That they regularly flew civilian aircraft to Cuba, and dropped anti-Castro leaflets. (Also true. They had recently actually complained that those commies had fired at them for entering Cuban airspace, and wanted the US to provide them with military escort on their missions into Cuban airspace.) That these Cubans had the tacit endorsement of the US government. (Well, they certainly didn't to seem to have any trouble leaving US airspace headed to Cuba, and then re-entering US airspace from Cuba.)

But then, the conspiracy. The theory was that the US had actually given these ex-Cubans some US Government Anthrax, for them to spread over Cuba. But the ex-Cubans had turned around and used it against Americans who wanted to lift the Cuban embargo, instead. The government had analyzed the Anthrax, and they knew that it came from the government.

My brother predicted that the government would simply spin their wheels, and then announce that gee, we have no idea where this Anthrax came from, and we're giving up the search.

I told him that somebody must be completely bat**** insane, if they thought that the post-911 American public would allow the government to just quit trying to figure out how the first-ever use of WMDs on US soil came about.


Now, though? I have to say that a far-out loony conspiracy theory suddenly looks a whole lot more credible, when the theory makes an absolutely insane prediction about future events, and the prediction comes true.

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