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What conspiracy theories do you buy into even a little bit?

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I'd argue that most of the inaccurate statements about a disaster develop during the immediate time of crisis.

Yeah...I buy that. It's just that it was so.....specific. It's also makes sense strategically. Like I said, it's just something I've never been able to shake off entirely, but I don't go off about it at the bar or anything.

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On a less world-shattering plane' date=' I like to believe that the NBA fixed the Lottery so the Knicks could draft Patrick Ewining.[/quote']

KPMG or E & Y was the accounting firm of both the NBA and the NY Knicks at the time if my memory serves me. I will agree with you on this one.

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Pentagon - The offical 911 story that it hit the Pentagon just doesn't make sense. The reaction of the Government when pressed for pictures of the incident screams coverup. So many eye witnesses have come forward saying the trajectory the plane took with the offical story given doesn't add up. The evidence is not there to support what we were told happened.

i already stated i think the other conspiracies you mentioned are bunk but this is just eggregiously ridiculous. there were hundreds if not thousands of witnesses on 395 that morning driving to work. i personally know some of them and believe me they are not government plants. and they saw a plane fly into that building. give it up.

one person happened to be driving by on that day and he took a bunch of pictures of the aftermath. he put up some photos on a random website he happened to run, and shared them. to this day, conspiracy nuts STILL contact him and angrily berate him and try to get him to admit he's a CIA stooge or whatever. it's truly surreal. they have utterly NO interest in the truth.

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i already stated i think the other conspiracies you mentioned are bunk but this is just eggregiously ridiculous. there were hundreds if not thousands of witnesses on 395 that morning driving to work. i personally know some of them and believe me they are not government plants. and they saw a plane fly into that building. give it up.

And you are who exactly????

Why would you attack me for posting my opinion like everyone else did just because you don't agree with it? For that matter what about me makes you think that I would care what you think about what I believe? We are all entitled to our own beliefs, opinions, conspiracys. Please speak to me with more respect then this in the future or just don't reply to me. Thanks

Now if you want to do some research on the Pentagon attack to try and learn something I'd be happy to share some videos of the attack which not only proves that the planes trajectory into the building couldn't have occured as reported but also comes from eye witnesses on the scene that day who saw the plane. The conspiracy isn't that a plane didn't exist. The conspiracy is why would the Government insist on a story that could not happen the way they said and reported? That's the real question

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i already stated i think the other conspiracies you mentioned are bunk but this is just eggregiously ridiculous. there were hundreds if not thousands of witnesses on 395 that morning driving to work. i personally know some of them and believe me they are not government plants. and they saw a plane fly into that building. give it up.

one person happened to be driving by on that day and he took a bunch of pictures of the aftermath. he put up some photos on a random website he happened to run, and shared them. to this day, conspiracy nuts STILL contact him and angrily berate him and try to get him to admit he's a CIA stooge or whatever. it's truly surreal. they have utterly NO interest in the truth.


So if it wasn't a plane, what was it? If it was a missle, where did it come from? If from the government, then you have to also believe they took down the Towers. So you're a Truther?

---------- Post added April-26th-2011 at 05:58 PM ----------

Didn't they release surveillance video last year of the plane hitting the Pentagon?

---------- Post added April-26th-2011 at 06:01 PM ----------

this is another good point. dating back to the days of Andrew Jackson, there have been plenty of crazy people acting on their own who decided to shoot the president for crazy reasons. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_assassination_attempts_and_plots ).

my personal favorites:

John Flammang Schrank: claimed William McKinley's ghost told him to shoot Teddy Roosevelt.

Charles J. Guiteau: a failed theologist who successfully assassinated James A. Garfield when the president ignored this random goofball's written demands that he fire his secretary of state and hire him as a Diplomat.

John Hinckley, Jr: shot Reagan in an attempt to impress Jodie Foster.

I think Oswald was more Mark David Chapman, then flat out mentally sick like a Hinckley. He was desperate to leave a mark on the world.

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So if it wasn't a plane, what was it? If it was a missle, where did it come from? If from the government, then you have to also believe they took down the Towers. So you're a Truther?

You've been led to believe that anyone not believing that the story the Government said about the Pentagon means that they believe in a missle. I don't believe in a missle. There was a plane. I don't believe that the plane in question flew the direction that the Government reported. Why did they choose to lie? I don't know. But if you want to watch something interesting and have an hour to kill start here:

If you disagree that's ok. When I see 15 people including multiple PG County police stating where they were located when the plane flew over them and it's impossible for the plane to be there and where the Government said it was I pay attention.

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Why would you attack me for posting my opinion like everyone else did just because you don't agree with it? For that matter what about me makes you think that I would care what you think about what I believe? We are all entitled to our own beliefs, opinions, conspiracys. Please speak to me with more respect then this in the future or just don't reply to me. Thanks.

i wasn't attacking you, i was attacking your absurd opinion that something other than Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

The conspiracy is why would the Government insist on a story that could not happen the way they said and reported? That's the real question

it is identical to every other mainstream conspiracy theory. yawn. a plane hit that building, hundreds if not thousands saw it happen. conspiracy nuts can wank after the fact all they want about angles and whatnot but that's plainly and obviously what happened. it is textbook conspiracy nut territory. despite the obvious, clear, and simple explanation, weirdos have to invent out of thin air an insane and implausible alternative. then they howl with rage when their absurdity isn't taken seriously.

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I don't have anything to back it up so it may be shot down quickly, but I never 100% discounted that Flight 93 wasn't brought down by our military.

I remember that morning when I first learned 9/11 was going down (about 7:30ish am Mountain Time). One of the guys at work said that 2 jets had hit the Towers, and a 3rd was heading for DC but F-16s were going after it....this was while it was pretty much going on "live".

Minutes later we hear about the Pentagon and Flight 93. I heard about Flight 93 hitting the field with no metion of US fighters of course, but a small part of me has always wondered:

"Where did that guy at work hear about the F-16 part?" I mean...it was awful early in the event to be makin' stuff up and I don't doubt for a second that if another flight was heading for DC (White House/ Capitol) that they would have blew it out of the sky to save more lives then they were sacrificing.

If that was the case, why wouldn't they just own up?

I doubt anyone would be that upset. We had 3 attacks, the fourth plane could have been headed to the White House/Capitol Hill/whatever. I would be 110% behind shooting it donw.

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You've been led to believe that anyone not believing that the story the Government said about the Pentagon means that they believe in a missle. I don't believe in a missle. There was a plane. I don't believe that the plane in question flew the direction that the Government reported. Why did they choose to lie? I don't know. But if you want to watch something interesting and have an hour to kill start here:

If you disagree that's ok. When I see 15 people including multiple PG County police stating where they were located when the plane flew over them and it's impossible for the plane to be there and where the Government said it was I pay attention.

So what exactly is the conspiracy?

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i wasn't attacking you, i was attacking your absurd opinion that something other than a plane hit the Pentagon.

You are so full of yourself that you can't even see that I've never once said that there wasn't a plane at the Pentagon yet you think I have. I'm done please don't reply to me again. Thanks

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NWO - There is a movement in this and other countries elite to control the world. They meet once a year for illegal meetings and call themselves the Billdaberg group. No we can't know what these elite leaders discuss, we are banned. No the media doesn't cover it like they should and cover up meeting when held. Why are the world's leaders meeting like this? Not sure but its against the Constitution.

I'm on board with this one and have read a bit. After seeing things like a carbon tax proposal, banks having too miuch control, Dick Cheney, and sleazy Henry Kissinger having a huge influence on the Bilderbergs...I'm starting to see some of the events that are discussed at the meetings happen.

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I hate most conspiracy theories more than almost anyone you have ever met, but I too question the JFK thing. Not the "magic bullet" nonsense - I am certain that Oswald was the only shooter and Oliver Stone should be ashamed of himself. But whether someone put Oswald up to it, be it the Soviets or the Mafia... that I'm not so sure about.

However, then I talk to a conspiracy nut, and find out that he believes in 9/11 truther stuff, and also believes Obama birther stuff, and also believes in chemtrails, and in FEMA camps and black helicopters, and that global warming is a hoax, and the moon landing never happened, and the North America Union and the Amero, and the Illuminati and the New World Order, and that AIDS was created in a CIA lab for population control, and Roswell has a flying saucer and dead aliens, and that flouride is used for mind control, and that the government uses HAARP to cause earthquakes, and the Philadelphia Experiment teleported a battleship, and that the CIA was running drugs on Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, and that Princess Diana was murdered by the Queen, and that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance, and that Paul is Dead while Elvis and Hitler are both Alive ....

AND then they buy into the JFK conspiracy theories too...

Well, that just makes me embrace every page of the Warren Commission Report. :ols:

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So what exactly is the conspiracy?

The offical story given was that the plane hit the building and was located at specific altitudes and locations which when you review the interviews and information availible makes the story impossible to believe. Why did the Government do that? That's not clear but if you don't buy the story you believe in a conspiracy.

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You are so full of yourself that you can't even see that I've never once said that there wasn't a plane at the Pentagon yet you think I have. I'm done please don't reply to me again. Thanks

if you don't want me to respond to your posts, then don't post. simple solution.

i edited my comment to specifically state Flight 77 after i remembered that one of the ludicrous conspiracies was that some OTHER passenger plane hit the Pentagon (haha wtf?).

anyway, don't worry, i have no expectation that pointing out the absurdity of your opinion will cause you to discard it. i'm merely hoping to innoculate others against contracting it.

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If that was the case, why wouldn't they just own up?

I doubt anyone would be that upset. We had 3 attacks, the fourth plane could have been headed to the White House/Capitol Hill/whatever. I would be 110% behind shooting it donw.

Well I'm guessing the folks with families on the plane would be pretty upset (understandably so) and file litigation. Also, would you want to go down in history as the President who ordered an attack on innocent, unsuspecting Americans. Right call or not, it's a pretty crappy call to have to make. I also remember partisan politics took a break for about two weeks and then it was back to business as usual. With all the other fair and unfair critisisms of Dubya I could just see someone saying "Of course he had it shot down...they were heading for HIS house."

My point in closing: I am only lukewarm about the conspiracy as I don't "strongly believe" the military shot down Flight 93. I merely entertain the notion that they "could have" and certainly understand why no one would want their good name tied to that one. I'm out folks!

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Well I'm guessing the families on the plane would be pretty upset (understandably so) and file litigation. Also, would you want to go down in history as the President who ordered an attack on innocent, unsuspecting Americans. Right call or not, it's a pretty crappy call to have to make. I also remember partisan politics took a break for about two weeks and then it was back to business as usual. With all the other fair and unfair critisisms of Dubya I could just see someone saying "Of course he had it shot down...they were heading for HIS house."

My point in closing: I am only lukewarm about the conspiracy as I don't "strongly believe" the military shot down Flight 93. I merely entertain the notion that they "could have" and certainly understand why no one would want their good name tied to that one. I'm out folks!

Obviously its a tough decision, but its the right one.

You don't let a hijacked plane continue to fly towards DC and hope that the passengers will take it down or anything like that.

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if you don't want me to respond to your posts, then don't post. simple solution.

i edited my comment to specifically state Flight 77 after i remembered that one of the ludicrous conspiracies was that some OTHER passenger plane hit the Pentagon (haha wtf?).

anyway, don't worry, i have no expectation that pointing out the absurdity of your opinion will change your mind. i'm merely hoping to innoculate others from contracting it.

Again your implying that I've said these things which I haven't and I'm not simply going to stop posting like you said. Sorry but you don't silence me with lies. I don't want to argue with you but when someone is lying like you are about things I NEVER SAID I'm going to stand up for myself. So either prove that I said those things or just stop making up crap about me that aren't true. Thanks

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here is a theory i dont believe in, whenever scientists say "that 2 billion years ago, _____________ happened."

do believe in a NWO of some sort. high power people working behind the scenes doing who knows what.

i have met a couple free masons, but i never really understood what exaxtly they were doing.

i once met a guy who thought that 2/3rds of the world was made up of evil shape-shifting reptiles. he was serious, you could see the craziness in his eyes, talking about how he would kill those people if he could. it was the most disturbing conversation i have ever had.

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