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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Frankly, I think we should have a "birther" avatar.

How 'bout this one?


---------- Post added February-6th-2011 at 06:00 PM ----------

Actually, I think Predicto will tell you that it doesn't. Because there has never been a ruling about exactly what the words "natural born citizen" means. (For example, the way it was explained to me in High School was "he has to be born in the US".) (Although that would have disqualified McCain.)

So we're basically held hostage because of the failure of the public school system and the inability of civics teachers to properly understand the Constitution of the United States.....great. :doh:

I've expressed the opinion that if they ever are forced to rule on it (and they'll have to be forced to rule on it, because they'd rather avoid the whole thing), there ruling will most likely be along the lines of "'natural born citizen' means 'any person who was a citizen at the time of his birth, based on the laws in effect at the time of his birth'." And he's agreed that yeah, that's probably what they would rule. But they haven't.

So, basically what I quoted right? Yeah, which is the current understanding. Frankly, I'd love for SCOTUS to settle this once and for all. But, their continued rejection of birther law suits should tell us something...i.e. that the lower court rulings on this issue won't be over-turned...i.e. Obama meets the criteria for a natural born citizen.

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I really like the fact that Obama answered this question once and is done with it now. By ignoring the demands of the birthers, he has riled up a ton of Republicans/conspiracy nuts. I think it actually works to his advantage politically too. The people who are dumb enough to believe this birther BS weren't going to consider voting for him anyway. And by not giving into their every demand, it's just making them yell louder. I would imagine the moderates who could vote either way are turned off by this nonsense.

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How 'bout this one?

So, basically what I quoted right? Yeah, which is the current understanding. Frankly, I'd love for SCOTUS to settle this once and for all. But, their continued rejection of birther law suits should tell us something...i.e. that the lower court rulings on this issue won't be over-turned...i.e. Obama meets the criteria for a natural born citizen.

Nope, lower court rulings have basically said the plaintiffs didn't have standing and have NEVER ruled on BO's criteria for anything.

BTW that would make a good "birther" avatar. LOL

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Nope, lower court rulings have basically said the plaintiffs didn't have standing and have NEVER ruled on BO's criteria for anything.

And yet ya'll still gnawing on that bone.....keep it up, you're doing a great job flushing out the people who's opinions I am free to ignore, they're pretty tricky to spot otherwise.

So, aREDSKIN do you deny that Obama's mother was a US citizen at the time of Barack's birth?

Yes, or No.

Straight answer please.

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Who cares who started it? A question was raised and it was answered. The form used by Hawaii was released. No offense, but anyone who continues on this subject has an agenda or is a nut.

We'll watch the states pile up before 2012 then we can continue this discussion on how many states have an agenda against Obama. Lots of respect for you Burgold but you gotta admit the lack of info on Obama is disturbing.

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And yet ya'll still gnawing on that bone.....keep it up, you're doing a great job flushing out the people who's opinions I am free to ignore, they're pretty tricky to spot otherwise.

So, aREDSKIN do you deny that Obama's mother was a US citizen at the time of Barack's birth?

Yes, or No.

Straight answer please.

Yes, she was a citizen but that's not the point for me. For other's it might be. I just want to see his original hospital issued long form birth certificate of which the Hawaii Dept of Health claims to have on file in paper or electronic form. That's it, pretty simple for me.

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One time I accidentally drank a lot of salt water at the beach. I was about 14, and I came up choking and hacking, and all sorts of .. uhh.. detritus was coming out of my mouth and nose.. and right in front of me what the hottest girl I'd ever seen.

I felt like an idiot, with snot and salt water hanging off of me like a christmas garland...

Later we met up at a convenience store.. quite by chance, mind you. Soon we were back at her pad listening to Average White Band.

After some really mellow Lombo she peeled off her tube top and started slowly..

****,, gotta go,, wife is home.


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Yes, she was a citizen but that's not the point for me. For other's it might be. I just want to see his original hospital issued long form birth certificate of which the Hawaii Dept of Health claims to have on file in paper or electronic form. That's it, pretty simple for me.

Why? What's more is why do you think you have any right to that document?

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We'll watch the states pile up before 2012 then we can continue this discussion on how many states have an agenda against Obama. Lots of respect for you Burgold but you gotta admit the lack of info on Obama is disturbing.

I just honestly don't see it. I see a state issued certificate of live birth which is the form that Hawaii uses. If we don't accept state issued documents then no one can ever prove anyone was born anywhere.

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So, anyway, as i was saying, suddenly, the detective pointed right at me and said :"YOU killed her for her FOOD STAMPS!"

I was speechless, having been caught unawares with no prepared words, so I stammered. "bb.. b..b . but it's not my fault! Rhinoceroces all love Cheez Whiz ! That's just common knowledge.

So how was I supposed to know Mrs Magillagorilla was allergic?"

Guilty, my ass!


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So, anyway, as i was saying, suddenly, the detective pointed right at me and said :"YOU killed her for her FOOD STAMPS!"

I was speechless, having been caught unawares with no prepared words, so I stammered. "bb.. b..b . but it's not my fault! Rhinoceroces all love Cheez Whiz ! That's just common knowledge.

So how was I supposed to know Mrs Magillagorilla was allergic?"

Guilty, my ass!


How dare you try to make this thread interesting :tantrum:

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How dare you try to make this thread interesting :tantrum:

Hey, if I'm rubber and you're glue, how in the **** are we typing this?

for that matter, how are we not ruling the WORLD?

I mean damn! I'm rubber, and you're GLUE!

These humans dOn't stand a CHANCe!

Anyway, good crackers.


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1. Dunham-Obama marriage license. Not released.

2. Dunham-Soetoro marriage license. Not released.

3. Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama adoption records. Not released.

4. Obama’s aka Soetoro’s Besuki School application obtained.

5. Obama’s aka Soetoro’s Punahou School records. Not released.

6. Selective Service Registration – a proven forgery released and a criminal act.

7. Obama’s Occidental College records. Not released.

9. Obama’s passport from Indonesia, he had to have one to attend school in Indonesia. Not released.

10. Obama’s U.S. Passport, if one exists. Not released.

11. Obama entered Pakistan on what countries passport. Not released.

12. Obama’s Columbia University records, a foreign exchange student? Not released.

13. Obama’s Columbia University thesis. Not released.

14. Not one name of any student who knows Obama attendant Columbia released or known.

15. Obama’s Harvard Law School records, a foreign exchange student? Not released.

16. Obama’s Harvard Law Review articles, none released.

17. Obama’s Baptism certificate, if one exists? None released.

18. Obama’s Illinois State Senate records. Not released.

19. Obama’s Illinois State Senate schedule. Not released (alleged to have been lost).

20. Obama’s Law practices client list and billing records. Not released.

21. Obama’s University of Chicago scholarly articles, none released or exist?

22. The reason Obama lost his license to practice law in Illinois.

Get this man an avatar, FAST!

If I may cherry pick. I can't remember any politician releasing their school records. Many of these are private records which no one is required to release, and many politicians don't. This seems to come up from time to time, but none of them do it. And lots are private records which no one can be compelled to release (just like Kerry, for example, didn't release his wife's tax return. why? Because it's irrelevant and it's no one's damn business, that's why).

#16 and #21 are false. Anything he WROTE would have been PUBLISHED in a law journal. Journals like the harvard law journal are publications widely available to alumni and anyone with a westlaw or lexis nexis password. As an editor in chief, his primary job is not to write article himself, but, well, to "edit." There's nothing there to release, and no way to unring the bell on anything that was published. Any law journal that came out while he was editor in chief has his stamp on it.

#20 would be illegal to publish without client consent. Billing records have tons of attorney-client privileged information in them. Even names of clients can't be publicized without their consent. But, on the other hand, what the hell does that have to do with anything? Nothing. That's what.

#22 - False. If he "lost" his license, the only reason would have been a voluntary surrender, or transition to inactive status when he became a senator. This is a matter of public record. If you're suggesting he was disbarred, the reasons for disbarment are public record.

Try thinking critically for yourself instead of just cut and pasting the latest laundry list of complaints from WND

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I'm busy at work today, so I'm going to let the usual gang of close-minded partisan morons build up a longer than usual laundry list of complete crap, and then I might go through it and explain (yet again) why every bit of it is complete nonsense and why you are dumber than dog :pooh: for having posted it. :)

Here's a little hint for you folks: you might want to take 30 seconds to google a little yourself and see whether something is complete nonsense before you cut and paste something from the obamaistheantichristandohmygodnowImcoveredinflecksofspittle dot com blog. Sometimes that guy, you know, doesn't really have a clue.

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So, anyway

There were these pirates, right? And they had treasure to bury, so one evening the ship slid into a quiet cove around a deserted island, and they made their plans.

After careful considering, the captain announced to the crew, "Ar me hearties! Tomorrow be the day of the buryin'! So tonight we be sendin' a scout party ahead of us to prepare for our arrival on the morn."

and then he looked through the band of cutthroats and bellowed "Jackson!"

and Jackson stood forward, "Aye sir!"

and the Captain said to him, "Jackson, you're to be in charge of provisions. Diggin's hungry work, and we'll be needin' filled bellies."

Jackson said "Aye sir!" and hurried below to get his things.

The Captain looked out again and yelled, "Smithy!"

And Smithy stood forward and yelled back "Aye Cap'n!"

"Smithy," said the Captain, "'tis a hot tropic sun beatin' down upon our brows, we'll be needin' shelter on the beach to give us some shade so's as to not fall victim to the deadly rays while we do the diggin'!"

And Smithy said "Aye, Cap'n!" and went below to gather his things.

The Captain took a swig of rum, and then scanned once more the faces of his men.

"Chang!", he hollered.

And Chang stepped forward "Aye Captain!"

"Chang", said the Captain," Smithy is in charge of shelter, Jackson in charge of food, you'll be in charge of supplies."

And Chang said "Aye Captain!" and went below to gather his things.

After a time Jackson, Chang and Smithy rowed away in a longboat toward the shore, and the rest of the pirates fell into a drunken sleep.

Oh hell, phone call.. brb


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So, anyway.. in the morning all the pirates woke up from their slumber and made for the beach in their longboats, strongboxes laden with stolen loot and treasure in the front of each boat.

After a time and some vigorous rowing they came to rest upon the beach, and as the men set about to hauling the chests onto the sand, the Captain looked around and saw in front of his eyes a large lean-to, interlaced with palm fronds and lashed with strings fashioned of pulled bark.

Beneath the lean to it was cool and shady. The Captain beamed and clapped Smithy on the back.

"Ar Smithy! A fine job! This lean-to be like a palace upon the beach for scallawags such as we!"

And beneath the lean to was a large table made of a split log, and laid on the table were all sorts of native fruits and meats, along with bread and cheeses from the ship's larder. Topping it off was a small keg of grog that had been brought ashore.

"Oh HO!" Exclaimed the captain. "Such be the finest island feast I ever did lay me one good eye upon! Jackson, ye are to be commended for such a glorious bounty!"

And the captain looked around and then said, "Ar, this be a fine thing, says I. Now where be Chang with the supplies?"

damn,, hang on,, Jehova's Witness at the door.


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...<edit>...the usual gang of close-minded partisan morons....<edit>

In my more cynical moments, I feel that the list of people habituating the tailgate political threads who don't fit that phrase (more often than not) would be a comparatively short list indeed. :D

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Ok, so where was I..

Oh yeah,, so the Captain looks around and says “Ar, ye boys have done ye a fine job fer the mateys. Now where be Chang with the supplies?”

Jackson and Smithy look at each other and then back to the captain shrugging their shoulders.

“Well?” bellowed the captain. “Out with it ye! Where be Chang!”

“Well, cap’n sir.. uh” stammered Smithy ”.. we haven’t seen him since last night. He went off into the jungle and never came back”.

“Yup! That for sure be what I be rememberin’ too, Captain sir!” said Jackson, nodding his head.

“Arr” said the captain, and stroked his chin.. “We’d best fan out and find the lad. Could be there’s a beasty about bent on eatin’ crew members!”

Ad with that a group of pirates set off into the jungle beating the bushes before them and loudly yelling “Chang! Chang! Where be ye Chang!”

And so forth and so on.

As the men moved deeper into the jungle it became obvious that their calls were getting swallowed by the dense green all around them, not even an echo. But still they persisted, although somewhat more quiet, as they were getting slightly nervous. What if there was a beasty indeed?

“Chang! Chang! Come out come out! Arr!” they continued to call.

As it was getting late, and the shadows started getting long, one of the pirates suggested that they head back to the beach lest the beasty make a meal of them as it had of poor Chang.


Damn.. hang on. The neighbor’s kid fell down the old well again. His dog is here. I’ll be back in a bit.


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I've always thought this whole 'Obama doesn't have a real Birth Certificate' to be pretty silly. If he really didn't have one, I can't see the whole democratic party going "All IN" with him in the first place. Sure, there are some discrepancies wrt the official documents, but nothing really conclusive.

Instead, I think the Obama camp purposely keeps this idea alive. He knows that at the end of the day, there is nothing to be found to show that he isn't a naturally born citizen, and it keeps some folks off on a wild goose chase. Also, it is helpful for him to marginalize those folks who really believe this stuff, thereby dismissing any other criticisms they have of him. For those who say "Why would he spend so much money defending this charge if it wasn't real?", keep in mind, it isn't his personal money he's spending.

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