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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Can we just take all the 9-11 truthers, birthers, and New World Order people on a boat?

(The boat shouldn't dock anywhere)

This is some pretty serious ownage P, good job

moon landing fraud? vaccines = secret government conspiracies?


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That was basically my point.

I guess some folks just can't wrap their heads around it, so they point and say dumb ****.

Well, it is hardly a rare human trait. I sure seem capable of thinking and doing stupid **** at times. Mine just historically tend to be related to personal relationships and some aspects of life-management more than topical themes of general social discussion. :silly:

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Well, it is hardly a rare human trait. I sure seem capable of thinking and doing stupid **** at times. Mine just historically tend to be related to personal relationships and some aspects of life-management more than topical themes of general social discussion. :silly:

Y'mean, like, cheering for the Redskins? :)

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Well, it is hardly a rare human trait. I sure seem capable of thinking and doing stupid **** at times. Mine just historically tend to be related to personal relationships and some aspects of life-management more than topical themes of general social discussion. :silly:

Well, I'm still a Redskins fan after all these years, so what kind of brain dead booger eating moron does that make me? :laugh:

edit- beaten by Larry! I knew I should have hit "post" before I headed off to the little boy's room. "facepalm:

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He's doing it for one reason - because he is laughing at you and all the birthers.

Why should he bother catering to you? The only people who believe this nonsense are morons and haters. What does he owe them?

Barack Obama’s pledge during his first week in office to create “an unprecedented level of openness in Government” and “establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration.

His words not mine. He "owes" the American Public what he promised. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it would be extremely simple for BO to release his LFBC to quell the unconvinced and cynical. Political calculations should be a secondary consideration in this specific situation. I just want to see his LFBC. That's all.


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Barack Obama’s pledge during his first week in office to create “an unprecedented level of openness in Government” and “establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration.

His words not mine. He "owes" the American Public what he promised. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it would be extremely simple for BO to release his LFBC to quell the unconvinced and cynical. Political calculations should be a secondary consideration in this specific situation. I just want to see his LFBC. That's all.

The American Public is not being cheated. He has posted his birth certificate and made it available to all, and Hawaii has verified its veracity. It's open and transparent, and it's done.

Only the haters and morons are being deprived of answers to their paranoid fantasies. Not only does he not owe you anything more, but there is a perfectly good reason not to do more - why assist your worst opponents when they are shooting themselves in the foot? That's not a lack of transparency - that's normal human behavior.

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The policy of transparency relates to "Something to hide"

Obama's lack of transparency = "Something to hide"

Oh bull**** hophead.

His "transparency" does indeed ring as hollow in LEGITIMATE areas of critique as seems the The Way with either party in charge...

But the highly biased, the dedicated partisan, the true hack, and the outright whackjob, all line up like mallet-headed marionettes no matter what to flail and foam and fail. In the end they make just as big a negative dent in their own side's credibility as the drunk loud ignorant ******* Redksin fan that tries to sit at my table at O'Blarney's and makes me wish he were a cowpie fan.

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moon landing fraud? vaccines = secret government conspiracies?


OMG I remember this episode.

Unbelievable the tripe Lost in Space used to pass off as sci fi.

BTW< I know i quoted the image. It begs to be reviewed. Ban me if you must, you rusted out bucket of vacuum tubes!!

~Dr. Smith

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I'm not a birther and Hawaii proved it..

But that site when you read it seems rather biased in their polling.

From Canada :) that offered the most accurate prediction of the

results of Canada’s 40th election.

That's fair. It may be only 45 percent of Republicans that are dumb enough to believe this. :D

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51 percent of Republicans now believe that Obama was not born in the US.


Don't ask me why.

In seriousness, I don't think the percentage is rising because more people believe the conspiracy. I think the percentage is because less people are considering themselves republicans these days. The number of independents is growing with people who have been republicans for the last 16 years.

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There was a national poll recently (I forget which one) that claimed only 20% of respondants self-identified as Republicans. That really surprised me. I suspect it is either a really bad sampling or that there are a lot of traditional Repubs who feel they don't have a home right now.

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From Snopes.com:

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/ap.asp (click link for full text)

Claim: A June 2004 Associated Press article identified Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born."


Origins: A popular item of "birther" chatter in October 2009 concerned the discovery of an archived copy of a 27 June 2004 article from the web version of the Kenyan-based Sunday Standard newspaper. The article was a

reproduction of an Associated Press (AP) wire story which dealt with the withdrawal of Republican candidate Jack Ryan from the race for a seat representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, paving the way for the Democratic contender, Barack Obama, to win the election. Why this article was of particular interest to birthers was its lead-in sentence, which referred to Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born." Surely, claimed birthers, such an august news agency as the Associated Press would not have identified Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" if they did not have ample evidence to support its use of that term.

However, the Associated Press made no such reference; the identification of Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" was added to the Sunday Standard's version of the AP story by someone else (who misspelled the politician's given name as "Barrack" in the process) and is apparently unique to that publication. The full text of the "Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid" article as originally issued by the Associated Press is retrievable from the LexisNexis archive of global news sources, and it contains no reference (in the lead-in or elsewhere) to Barack Obama's being "Kenyan-born"...

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Oh bull**** hophead.

His "transparency" does indeed ring as hollow in LEGITIMATE areas of critique as seems the The Way with either party in charge...

But the highly biased, the dedicated partisan, the true hack, and the outright whackjob, all line up like mallet-headed marionettes no matter what to flail and foam and fail. In the end they make just as big a negative dent in their own side's credibility as the drunk loud ignorant ******* Redksin fan ..........

Whats BS is a President that says one thing and does another

You can forgive him if you want to....and defend him if you must

But Dont' pretend that Obama's Personal habits don't effect his Public Policy

Thats BS

Signed: True Partisan

P.S......Can I still try to sit at your table if I am just ignorant? ;)

P.P.S....I am not a Birther....BUT.....there is something in the long form birth certificate that Obama wants to hide....thats my opinion....and I am sticking to it

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