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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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Stupid kid. they ought to put a leash on him, really. If it isn't the old well, he's getting his foot stuck in train tracks or getting trapped in the old mine. If it wasn't for that dog he'd be dead a long time ago.

anyway, I digress.

So.. with the light fading, and the deep gloom of jungle twilight creeping in, the pirates started to make their way back to where they thought camp was. Nervously they groped through the dense foliage, listening for the welcoming sound of the breakers that would point the way.. but instead only hearing sounds from inside the jungle, each one stranger and more chilling than the last..

The pirates started to sing a shanty, something they did when the weather was bad, and they didn't know whether or not their ship would see them to the sun, or to Davey Jones locker..

and so they sang:

O, I be a pirate, a pirate be I

if I didn't have this hook

I'd have me other eye.

If I had me other eye ,

I t'would use it to see

so's i could keep me boots clean

when i'm pissin' in the sea

All the while it's getting darker and darker, and the sounds of the forest get closer and closer, and the pirates are filled with thoughts of dread, thoughts of poor Chang, the first taste of man-flesh for the ravenous beasty that was surely hot on their heels, breathing and smelling their sweat, slavering his foul tongue across his jagged teeth..

the pirates broke into a run then,, small cries of fear escaping their lips.

They blundered through the jungle, leaves and branches slashing and whipping them as they ran, driving their fear, their hearts pounding like anchor chains racing down a deep dive.


Hang on. Phone again


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OK, so anyway, the pirates ran thru the jungle, scared out of their wits that the big bad beasty that ate Chang was right on their heels breathing his fetid fumes right on their very necks. The foliage ripped and clawed at them as they ran, their fear as alive on the moist night air as the thousands of insects that seemed to block their every step.

Blindly, terrified, they blundered at last into a clearing .. and all was silent.

They stood there, hands on knees, wheezing and panting, looking in the dim starlight at a cave surrounded by several boulders.

"Ar" said one of the pirates. "Thar be a cave".

"Aye" said another pirate, "that do indeed be lookin' like a cave."

"Maybe so" said another pirate. "Or it could be a place to hole up until the marnin' be a'comin' over the hill."

"Say!", said the first pirate. "Maybe Chang done holed up in there hidin' from the beasty and a'waitin fer a rescue."

And so they decided, they'd go in and look for Chang, and if he wasn't there, they'd hide out for the night, then look for the beach in the morning.

So into the cave they crept, softly calling "Chang... Chang! Where be ye, Chang!"

the tunnels twisted this way and turned that way, and before long, the pirates were hopelessly lost in the darkness.

"Well, this be a fine thing!" said one of the pirates. "Stuck down here under the ground in the deep black to die with the likes of ye scallawags... 'tis a most inglorious end!"

"Blow it out yer gill-hole, ye bilge rat!" yelled another.

"Both of you Shut yer holds before I run ye thru on me cutlass!" yelled a third.

Soon the pirates were fumbling around in the dark trying to fight, panic taking them as surely as the sharks takes the poor souls who fell o'erboard in the night

"I'll kill ye says I!" screamed one pirate.

"Not if I kill ye first!" yelled another.

"Git yer elbow out of me ear, ye scurvy dog!" yelled a third.

They tumbled and bumbled and grumbled down the narrow passages, fighting, biting, kicking and punching and gouging and clawing..

Until suddenly one of them stopped and said "Look! Tis a light from around yon bend in the tunnel!"

Quickly they scrambled to their feet, and sure enough, from down the passage, a faint orange glow was visible.

They started running toward it, whooping with joy, until one pirate stopped and held out his arms. The other pirates crashed ito him from behind, sending them all sprawling up against the wall.

"Hold it! Hold it says I!" said the pirate holding everyone up. "we should be usin' our noggins here. We don't know what's around that bend. Could be we almost ran right into the lair of the beasty. So let's say we take it slow and see what's there before we go in under full sail."

"Arr" said another pirate. "That's why you're the smart one."

"Aye" agreed a third.

And so... slowly on the tippiest of tippy toes they crept along, tight to the wall until they came to the bend, and

agh,, damn phone.. brb


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And so... slowly on the tippiest of tippy toes the pirates crept along, tight to the wall until they came to the bend. The pirate in front paused, affirmed his grip on his knife, and with a final prayer he leapt around the corner, screaming and yelling and jumping and slashing the air in front of him.

This terrified the other pirates, who were not expecting the first pirate’s sudden attack. They also screamed and jumped in the air and ran around waving their weapons ahead of them.. Swords flashing, knives slashing, the blood crazed cutthroats leapt into the cavern room stabbing and hacking anything that moved.

Unfortunately for them, the only things moving were themselves, and only a hastily buckled bootstrap coming loose at an opportune moment saved them all from murdering each other.

“Argh, ye clumsy sea dogs!” screamed the first pirate. “Watch wear yer pokin’ that poker!”

“Watch where yer pointin’ that pistol, ye bloody buggerer!” yelled another.

“Get your elbow out of my ear!” whined the third.

“SHH!” whispered the first. “I think I heard something!”

They scrambled to their feet, keeping as silent as they could. They waited wide eyed and knock-kneed in the soft light, straining against the silence of the deep cave to hear the noise, any noise that was unusual.

The silence pressed in around them.. enveloping them like a blanket. As they waited their muscles began to cramp.. the moments seemed as hours and slipped by agonizingly slow and

There is was again. They all heard it this time. A small shuffling noise. Just off to the left.. or was it? It was hard to be sure. Then they heard it again, and pinpointed where it was originating,,, from behind a large rock blocking a passage leading away…

The pirates gripped their weapons and inched forward.

There it was again,, slightly louder, and they knew it was now or never. They’d have to face the beasty and kill or be killed!

Suddenly, from behind the rock jumped Chang, and he screamed,



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  • 1 month later...

Let's hear how Donald Trump is some birther hack now. How dare him use critical thinking skills and plain old common sense. :ols:


(CNN) – Donald Trump, the business mogul who continues to claim he is seriously interested in mounting a bid for the White House, says he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with ABC, Trump said he finds it strange “nobody knew” Obama as a young child in Hawaii.

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy. I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him,” Trump said in the interview that aired Thursday.

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(CNN) – Donald Trump, the business mogul who continues to claim he is seriously interested in mounting a bid for the White House, says he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with ABC, Trump said he finds it strange “nobody knew” Obama as a young child in Hawaii.

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy. I was a really good student at the best school in the country.The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him

Actually,that's not true but believe what you like......

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Let's hear how Donald Trump is some birther hack now. How dare him use critical thinking skills and plain old common sense. :ols:


(CNN) – Donald Trump, the business mogul who continues to claim he is seriously interested in mounting a bid for the White House, says he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with ABC, Trump said he finds it strange “nobody knew” Obama as a young child in Hawaii.

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy. I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him,” Trump said in the interview that aired Thursday.

He's doing exactly what anyone would be doing to get some base republican support. He's saying crazy **** while still far enough away from an election for people to forget about it when he needs the rational moderates to vote for him. Wouldn't be surprised if he showed up at a tea party and talked about liberals hating America and Mexico seeking to take back california via government planned illegal immigrant invasion forces.

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Let's hear how Donald Trump is some birther hack now. How dare him use critical thinking skills and plain old common sense. :ols:


(CNN) – Donald Trump, the business mogul who continues to claim he is seriously interested in mounting a bid for the White House, says he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with ABC, Trump said he finds it strange “nobody knew” Obama as a young child in Hawaii.

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy. I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him,” Trump said in the interview that aired Thursday.

Trump knows exactly what it takes to get the support of the dumbest of the dumb.

Looks like it's working, too. :)

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Five responses since the Trump post and one cracks a joke, 1 claims it's untrue but offers no evidence and 3 just belittle the opinion w/o any evidence.

I concede that you birther haters are probably right on this one - I'm not a birther, though I do wonder why he won't actually make the darn thing public - but can someone respond with evidence of why Trump's actually wrong? That makes it easier to learn.

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Five responses since the Trump post and one cracks a joke, 1 claims it's untrue but offers no evidence and 3 just belittle the opinion w/o any evidence.

I concede that you birther haters are probably right on this one - I'm not a birther, though I do wonder why he won't actually make the darn thing public - but can someone respond with evidence of why Trump's actually wrong? That makes it easier to learn.

He has made it public. Not sure why I expected better from you.

If it wasn't for the 3,000 dead involved, Birthers would surpass Truthers imo.

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Five responses since the Trump post and one cracks a joke, 1 claims it's untrue but offers no evidence and 3 just belittle the opinion w/o any evidence.

I concede that you birther haters are probably right on this one - I'm not a birther, though I do wonder why he won't actually make the darn thing public - but can someone respond with evidence of why Trump's actually wrong? That makes it easier to learn.

The evidence is well known. Trump making a play to secure that whack job vote doesn't require new evidence.

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We actually have an insane State Rep. Leo Berman that is convinced Obama is not a US Citizen. He has been all over national news, you probably saw him on Anderson Cooper a few months ago.

He recently gave an interview to a local political online newspaper in which he said he gets his beliefs from "Youtubes." He then says - "YouTubes are infallible."


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Ever wonder why the only politicians promoting the birther rumors are those who owe their livelihood to far-right voters? If there were any substance behind the birther "theory", what would a Dick Cheney have to lose by speaking out on it?

It might comfort you guys to know that Karl Rove (fresh from his conversion to Islam, presumably)

is "calling on GOP politicians to avoid falling into the “birther” movement trap and to stop fueling rumors that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/49748.html#ixzz1GvB24H7w

“We need the leaders of our party to say, ‘Look, stop falling into the trap of the White House and focus on the real issues,’” he said. Spending time and energy on — and getting media attention for — comments about where the president was born is a distraction that discredits the lawmakers and candidates making the remarks, he said.
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Five responses since the Trump post and one cracks a joke, 1 claims it's untrue but offers no evidence and 3 just belittle the opinion w/o any evidence.

I concede that you birther haters are probably right on this one - I'm not a birther, though I do wonder why he won't actually make the darn thing public - but can someone respond with evidence of why Trump's actually wrong? That makes it easier to learn.

He DID make it public. He produced an official State of Hawaii Birth Certificate and made it public. The exact same one that everyone born in Hawaii gets. None of these "skeptics" went to see it. The Republican Governor of Hawaii said it was real, and there is zero reason to think it is fake.

Read the damn original post.

And there are people who knew Baby Obama in Hawaii - including the current Governor of Hawaii who was a friend of Obama's parents.

For Abercrombie, it's personal. The 72-year-old governor actually knew Obama's parents, Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, when they were young university students in Hawaii. He told The New York Times that questioning where the president was born is "an insult to his mother and to his father."...

To CNN, the governor said, "It's a matter of principle with me. I knew his mom and dad. I was here when he was born. Anybody who wants to ask a question honestly could have had their answer already."


Of course, its not that surprising that there aren't a huge number of people in Hawaii that remember Obama as a kid, because Obama's mom got remarried and moved to Indonesia when Obama was only 5 years old, and they lived there for years - not Hawaii.

We make fun of this because only really, really stupid people believe it (or people who are too lazy to try and find out the truth, which isn't hidden at all). Trump is betting that the people who already hate Obama have no incentive to investigate the truth.

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