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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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You opinion does not matter to me one bit never has never will. My position is consistent & concise. It may be wrong it may be accurate I don't know at this point. And nobody else in this thread does either with certainty. Just show me the documentation. It's that simple.
There's a famous quote about foolish consistency which seems amazingly appropriate here.
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You opinion does not matter to me one bit never has never will. My position is consistent & concise. It may be wrong it may be accurate I don't know at this point. And nobody else in this thread does either with certainty. Just show me the documentation.

He did. That's the insane part.

When did you see George W. Bush's birth certificate?

When did you see Clinton's?

Obama showed you his. And you say, No, I still want more.

And I think the same people that thought Clinton murdered Vince Foster believe the Birther stuff. I also think those people are - by and large - racists as well as being insane.

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And I think the same people that thought Clinton murdered Vince Foster believe the Birther stuff.

But to my earlier point ... they believe the Clintons are murderers, but wouldn't publicize the fact that Hillary's opponent for POTUS wasn't eligible. That's strange.

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But to my earlier point ... they believe the Clintons are murderers, but wouldn't publicize the fact that Hillary's opponent for POTUS wasn't eligible. That's strange.

They think Obama is more powerful than Clinton. It's really strange. I've seen this discussed on birther sites.

The theory is essentially that Clinton was John the Baptist for the New World Order. Obama is the real deal.

So real that: His grandparents lied to the state of Hawaii at his birth in order to make sure he had a birth certificate. Because in 1961, the first thing grandparents would think about their muli-racial grandchild is "We have to make sure he can run for president."

He was trained by Hawaii's elite communists.

He was picked by the NWO to go to Columbia. However, some believe he did not go to Columbia at all, but was rather a CIA agent in Afghanistan. Rev. Manning is the best.

He was trained by Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright.

He has the backing of George Soros and the Chicago Political Mafia.

There is no way that Bill and Hillary Clinton can fight this machine.

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They think Obama is more powerful than Clinton. It's really strange. I've seen this discussed on birther sites.

The theory is essentially that Clinton was John the Baptist for the New World Order. Obama is the real deal.

You're all mixed up. The New World Order is a Republican thing. Conservatives are fine with that, as long as the oppression doesn't involve higher taxes. Them Bushes are red-blooded -(but white skinned!) by-God-Texas Americans. They get a pass.

Clinton is part of the UN/Socialist conspiracy. Dumbass. You need to hang around mom and pop firearms stores more often... clearly.

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But to my earlier point ... they believe the Clintons are murderers, but wouldn't publicize the fact that Hillary's opponent for POTUS wasn't eligible. That's strange.

Thats a very good point: The million dollar slush fund of personal destruction with operatives in all states and territories missed a birth certificate that would instantly make her President?

I vote no.

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You're all mixed up. The New World Order is a Republican thing. Conservatives are fine with that, as long as the oppression doesn't involve higher taxes. Them Bushes are red-blooded -(but white skinned!) by-God-Texas Americans. They get a pass.

Clinton is part of the UN/Socialist conspiracy. Dumbass. You need to hang around mom and pop firearms stores more often... clearly.

Hold on ... so those who believe the UN is part of the New World Order are more End Times/Rapture junkies rather than Republicans?

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Thats a very good point: The million dollar slush fund of personal destruction with operatives in all states and territories missed a birth certificate that would instantly make her President?

Frankly, my personal opinion? The Republicans have seen the thing.

Seriously, do y'all seriously think that any organization that has as many Kool Aid drinkers as the GOP does, located in government offices all over the country, doesn't have just one clerk who can go back to the file room and make a quick xerox?

The people at the top have seen it.

I keep remembering having an attorney once tell me that the first thing they teach lawyers about how to manage a courtroom is "Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to".

I'm absolutely certain that this is such a case.

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Yes, they do.

You've been shown. Years ago, and every time you've spouted this line since then.

You've chosen to ignore it.


We've been shown a Certificate of live Birth (COLB) which in the state of Hawaii IS not A "birth certificate" as Hawaii defines it. It's not just semantics. A birth certificate is a document that a hospital issues when a person is born in that hospital. Hawaii issues a COLB (what Obama has shown) when one loses their original hospital issued "birth certificate". Their is different information contained on these 2 different documents. The state needs "documentation" and verification of information before a State issues a COLB. It is this Documentation that the HDOH had used in issuance of the COLB and have already admitted to having that many want to see. BO refuses to release it and the HDOH cannot without his consent. This point has been posted ad naseum in these threads.

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 10:20 PM ----------

Thats a very good point: The million dollar slush fund of personal destruction with operatives in all states and territories missed a birth certificate that would instantly make her President?

I vote no.

The issue with that is do the Obama primary supporters now support Hillary?? The First serious AA candidate for president on the Dems ticket and Hillary throws him under the bus?? 95% of 13 million voters is a lot of votes to squander in the presidential. It's all conjecture and water under the bridge for now I know but interesting none the less.

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We've been shown a Certificate of live Birth (COLB) which in the state of Hawaii IS not A "birth certificate" as Hawaii defines it. It's not just semantics. A birth certificate is a document that a hospital issues when a person is born in that hospital. Hawaii issues a COLB (what Obama has shown) when one loses their original hospital issued "birth certificate". Their is different information contained on these 2 different documents. The state needs "documentation" and verification of information before a State issues a COLB. It is this Documentation that the HDOH had used in issuance of the COLB and have already admitted to having that many want to see. BO refuses to release it and the HDOH cannot without his consent. This point has been posted ad naseum in these threads.

This is so utterly brain dead that it boggles the imagination. That Certificate of Live birth that you deny as being legitimate is the same exact thing that many states in this country issue, it's what I have from Virginia and it's what you probably have, and guess what it's exactly what would be required of you to prove that you are a natural born citizen. So stop this endless argument that simply fails to accept a little thing called REALITY.

But then....you know all of this....you just don't give a crap, because it's easier for you to keep your tin foil hat on your head than actually accept that Obama IS a natural born citizen of the United States of America and not some Kenyan infiltrator.

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 06:23 PM ----------

Can you get a passport with a COLB from Hawaii?


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We've been shown a Certificate of live Birth (COLB) which in the state of Hawaii IS not A "birth certificate" as Hawaii defines it. It's not just semantics. A birth certificate is a document that a hospital issues when a person is born in that hospital. Hawaii issues a COLB (what Obama has shown) when one loses their original hospital issued "birth certificate". Their is different information contained on these 2 different documents. The state needs "documentation" and verification of information before a State issues a COLB. It is this Documentation that the HDOH had used in issuance of the COLB and have already admitted to having that many want to see. BO refuses to release it and the HDOH cannot without his consent. This point has been posted ad naseum in these threads.

Dude, why are you being so ****ing dense, a Certificate of Live Birth is issued by the state and is recognized by all 50 states. Even when enlisting in the US Army a birth certificate from a hospital is not acceptable beacuse anyone can make one up, but the one from the a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH from any STATE is recognized because it has a seal , the registrar or governors signature and says they are US Citizens, we give out TOP SECRET security clearances with these COLB's in the Military.......really stop this ****ing BS. I rarely post here, but the crap you pull is borderline trolling......

This is coming from a Staff Sergeant in the US Army, currently assigned as a recruiter in Cincinnati, OH

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 06:29 PM ----------

Can you get a passport with a COLB from Hawaii?

You can get a TOP SECRET clearance with a COLB

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 06:32 PM ----------

Thank you, just right before I posted

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How can a man born into the 30's on foreign soil produce his original long form with no problems but someone born 3 decades later in the US cannot? :ols:

What makes Obama so damn special that he can't be true to his own words of transparency?


You know what aredskins and box76, you guys can wallow in this ****......

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You opinion does not matter to me one bit never has never will. My position is consistent & concise. It may be wrong it may be accurate I don't know at this point. And nobody else in this thread does either with certainty. Just show me the documentation. It's that simple.

IMO this will play out in the 2012 elections somewhere somehow.

I don't want to say too much. But I heard from a good source that it will in fact play out in 2012. I believe, and this is just a rumor, that it will coincide with the "Whitey Tape" that we have all been waiting for.

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This is so utterly brain dead that it boggles the imagination. That Certificate of Live birth that you deny as being legitimate is the same exact thing that many states in this country issue, it's what I have from Virginia and it's what you probably have, and guess what it's exactly what would be required of you to prove that you are a natural born citizen. .

Hawaii at some point is going to join this country and that form will come in handy.

Of course you can get a Top Secret with a certificate of live birth.

And everyone you knew and forgot you knew is interviewed.

And you provide 50 other documents

And in some cases like mine you take several polygraphs


I'm guessing Senator Obama had need of one? So it was probably done then.

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Dude, why are you being so ****ing dense, a Certificate of Live Birth is issued by the state and is recognized by all 50 states. Even when enlisting in the US Army a birth certificate from a hospital is not acceptable beacuse anyone can make one up, but the one from the a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH from any STATE is recognized because it has a seal , the registrar or governors signature and says they are US Citizens, we give out TOP SECRET security clearances with these COLB's in the Military.......really stop this ****ing BS. I rarely post here, but the crap you pull is borderline trolling......

This is coming from a Staff Sergeant in the US Army, currently assigned as a recruiter in Cincinnati, OH

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 06:29 PM ----------

You can get a TOP SECRET clearance with a COLB

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 06:32 PM ----------

Thank you, just right before I posted

Ok. Pretty much my take too. But a State has verification requirements before issuing those COLB. Generally, but not always, it's documentation. I just want a peek at those verified docs you know what the "state" has said they've seen. That's all. Sure legally we may not be entitled to see it but what the hell I guess my definition of transparent & BO is different. Se la vie.

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Ok. Pretty much my take too. But a State has verification requirements before issuing those COLB. Generally, but not always, it's documentation. I just want a peek at those verified docs you know what the "state" has said they've seen. That's all. Sure legally we may not be entitled to see it but what the hell I guess my definition of transparent & BO is different. Se la vie.

Fine, you believe in transparency, PM me your Social Security Number because I don't believe that you're paying your Social Security. What? You mean I my curiosity does not trump your right to privacy? Oh but I thought you wanted transparency....I guess you just want others to be transparent, a standard you're not willing to apply to yourself.

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Fine, you believe in transparency, PM me your Social Security Number because I don't believe that you're paying your Social Security. What? You mean I my curiosity does not trump your right to privacy? Oh but I thought you wanted transparency....I guess you just want others to be transparent, a standard you're not willing to apply to yourself.

LOL go ask Obama's for his SSN and see what you get!! Its his grandiose claim of transparency I'm trying to apply not mine. Unbelievable.


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[My position] may be wrong it may be accurate I don't know at this point. And nobody else in this thread does either with certainty. Just show me the documentation. It's that simple.
Ok. Pretty much my take too. But a State has verification requirements before issuing those COLB. Generally, but not always, it's documentation. I just want a peek at those verified docs you know what the "state" has said they've seen. That's all. Sure legally we may not be entitled to see it but what the hell I guess my definition of transparent & BO is different. Se la vie.

Whadda ya know? Only 25 posts or so to go from "I might be right and nobody knows, all I want is proof" to "Well, sure we've all been shown legally valid proof, but I want more, anyway, just because."

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