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Predicto's chronolgy of the Obama Birth Certificate controversy.


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And, no, I would not be a Birther if Obama was a Republican. I am a fervant follower of Daniel Patrick Moniyham's statement that you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

Obama was born on American soil to an American mother and a foreign father. He is a citizen by birth and eligible to run for President. That's it.

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And' date=' no, I would not be a Birther if Obama was a Republican. I am a fervant follower of Daniel Patrick Moniyham's statement that you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

Obama was born on American soil to an American mother and a foreign father. He is a citizen by birth and eligible to run for President. That's it.[/quote']

But he's black. Hadn't you noticed? Surely that counts for something.

During the campaign, I had lunch with several companies that wanted to work with ours. All were successful business people. One made the following comment, and everyone else nodded in agreement. "Because of Obama's past connections, we wouldn't employ him, even as a janitor". A janitor. Not doing construction, or yardwork, or as a secretary, or junior administrator, but a janitor.

This is what a certain segment of successful American business people are comfortable saying out loud and in public.

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But he's black. Hadn't you noticed? Surely that counts for something.

During the campaign, I had lunch with several companies that wanted to work with ours. All were successful business people. One made the following comment, and everyone else nodded in agreement. "Because of Obama's past connections, we wouldn't employ him, even as a janitor". A janitor. Not doing construction, or yardwork, or as a secretary, or junior administrator, but a janitor.

This is what a certain segment of successful American business people are comfortable saying out loud and in public.

How dare you accuse anyone in America of being racist?!?!?!?

You are starting to sound like that rabble-rouser Lombardi's Kid Brother.

My mother was at a Christmas Party this year. One of the guests - a high school teacher - said "Well, people just voted for Obama because they wanted a ****** to be president."

My favorite segment of birthers is that group which believes that it is possible that Malcolm X is Obama's father. Because Malcolm X was well known for flying to Hawaii and having sex with white women. The irony in that is, if Malcolm X is the father, he is eligible for president.

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And' date=' no, I would not be a Birther if Obama was a Republican. I am a fervant follower of Daniel Patrick Moniyham's statement that you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

Obama was born on American soil to an American mother and a foreign father. He is a citizen by birth and eligible to run for President. That's it.[/quote']

This may or may not be accurate. I look at this with a big, big dose of skepticism & cynicism you buy it hook line & sinker. I find it especially interesting as to why he just doesn't let the HDOH release his "documentation". Seems so simple for the "most transparent president in history". The leftys seems to think that there's political benefits to be made by stringing it along. I just don't see that. But I've been consistent and it's been my position since this came-up. Perhaps it will finally be resolved by 2012.

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My favorite segment of birthers is that group which believes that it is possible that Malcolm X is Obama's father. Because Malcolm X was well known for flying to Hawaii and having sex with white women. The irony in that is' date=' if Malcolm X is the father, he is eligible for president.[/quote']Look, wise guy. Malcom X was black. Obama is half black. Helloo? Are you missing the connection? Do I hafta draw a picture?

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 12:43 PM ----------

This may or may not be accurate. I look at this with a big, big dose of skepticism & cynicism you buy it hook line & sinker. I find it especially interesting as to why he just doesn't let the HDOH release his "documentation". Seems so simple for the "most transparent president in history". The leftys seems to think that there's political benefits to be made by stringing it along. I just don't see that. But I've been consistent and it's been my position since this came-up. Perhaps it will finally be resolved by 2012.
I love how a guy presenting every foolish and vapid birther argument he finds on the internet considers himself the level-headed one.
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This may or may not be accurate. I look at this with a big, big dose of skepticism & cynicism you buy it hook line & sinker. I find it especially interesting as to why he just doesn't let the HDOH release his "documentation". Seems so simple for the "most transparent president in history". The leftys seems to think that there's political benefits to be made by stringing it along. I just don't see that. But I've been consistent and it's been my position since this came-up. Perhaps it will finally be resolved by 2012.

He released a certified COLB.

If John McCain had challenged Obama in court, do you know what would have been presented as evidence? A certified COLB.

What else do you want?

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The leftys seems to think that there's political benefits to be made by stringing it along. I just don't see that.

Seriously? You don't understand how the Democrats (or "leftys" in general) could possibly benefit politically by having people in the opposing camp keep making this asinine conspiracy theory pop up again and again? You don't understand how Obama and the Democrats could possible derive any benefit from a wedge issue that would cause an extreme conspiracy fringe of the Republican base to attempt to destroy any legitimate candidate by either a) sabotaging the candidacy of anyone who admits the obvious and says "There is no conspiracy here" or B) forcing an otherwise viable candidate to poison his own campaign by admitting so much as "Well, there's like, a .02% chance..."?

If this moronic conspiracy is still alive when the primaries start, Obama and the Democrats win at minimum a minor victory. Sane people in this country know this is a non-issue and, much like 9/11 conspiracies, any pandering at all to this fringe idea will just turn off average voters.

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This may or may not be accurate. I look at this with a big, big dose of skepticism & cynicism you buy it hook line & sinker. I find it especially interesting as to why he just doesn't let the HDOH release his "documentation". Seems so simple for the "most transparent president in history". The leftys seems to think that there's political benefits to be made by stringing it along. I just don't see that. But I've been consistent and it's been my position since this came-up. Perhaps it will finally be resolved by 2012.

You can be as consistent as you want and still be laughably wrong.

Yay. You've held this conviction for several years. Maybe Orly Taitz will give you some sort of Certificate For Exceptional Smartitude.

It's still wrong, and the fact that you think just holding the same position for a few years is somehow validates the question is beyond ridiculous, and encroaching on the territory of the Monumentally Stupid.

You may as well be arguing for the existence of the Easter Bunny.


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Awesome scenario: Obama wins a second term in 2012. The economy bounces back robustly. Democracy and peace thrive across the Middle East.

The new president - Dem or Repub, doesn't matter - is elected in 2016. Late on Inaguration Day after the new president is sworn in, Obama strides across the White House lawn, climbs the helicopter ladder, pauses, whips out his Kenyan birth certicate and waves it at the cameras, yelling "SUCKAHZ!!!" before disapearing into the chopper.

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this issue serves a valuable service to society, almost like a credit rating agency. Without this issue, you normally have to slowly come through a long tortuous back and forth process to absolutly determine whether in fact a person you are dealing with is indeed a *************************. But, with this issue, you basicaly have an iron-clad certification of the fact... and it is free.


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You can be as consistent as you want and still be laughably wrong.

Yay. You've held this conviction for several years. Maybe Orly Taitz will give you some sort of Certificate For Exceptional Pineheadery.

It's still wrong, and the fact that you think just holding the same position for so long is somehow validates the question is beyond ridiculous, and encroaching on the territory of the Monumentally Stupid.

You may as well be arguing for the existance of the Easter Bunny.


Some birthers believe in stuff more ridiculous than the Easter Bunny.

One of the top five birther heroes is Lucas Smith. He is the one who allegedly bribed a Kenyan official for Obama's Kenyan birth certificated.

You can ignore the fact that Smith has done time in prison for forgery. The reason - he claims - that he was in Africa was because he was searching for still-living dinosaurs.

Probably the #1 birther is WND's Joseph Farah. He has certainly made more money off birtherism than anyone else. He does not believe in evolution. He believes that dinosaurs and humans lived side by side at one time. He backs up this belief with "evidence" that pterodactyls are still alive today.

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Awesome scenario: Obama wins a second term in 2012. The economy bounces back robustly. Democracy and peace thrive across the Middle East, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. The new president is elected in 2016 - Dem or Repub, doesn't matter. Late on Inaguration Day Obama strides across the White House lawn, climbs the helicopter ladder, pauses, turns to the cameras, whips out his Kenyan birth certicate and yells out "SUCKAHZ!!!" before disapearing into the chopper.

More likely scenario.. by the 2016 election, the right will be convinced that the Dem nominee is from another planet.

He has never provided his Earth Certificate!, they'll scream. They'll claim he's got a third eye in his taint, and demand he perform a "smiling ham" on live TV to prove it's not there.

And when he refuses, guys like aRedskin will see it as proof of his alien heritage.


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Probably the #1 birther is WND's Joseph Farah. He has certainly made more money off birtherism than anyone else. He does not believe in evolution. He believes that dinosaurs and humans lived side by side at one time. He backs up this belief with "evidence" that pterodactyls are still alive today.

OK, I wish to amend my awesome scenario above. Obama walks across the White House lawn and climbs aboard a giant pterodactyl that has just landed, THEN he whips out the Kenyan birth certificate and yells "SUCKAHZ!" as the pterodactyl flies him off toward Mecca.

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I'd have more respect for them if they just came out and said they hate ******s and don't want one to be President.

so crazy people are by definition racist?

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 01:30 PM ----------

OK, I wish to amend my awesome scenario above. Obama walks across the White House lawn and climbs aboard a giant pterodactyl that has just landed, THEN he whips out the Kenyan birth certificate and yells "SUCKAHZ!" as the pterodactyl flies him off toward Mecca.

Duh! Pterodactyls need to glide off a cliff. Try to be close to reality.

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Duh! Pterodactyls need to glide off a cliff. Try to be close to reality.

I couldn't find photographic evidence of Obama riding a pterodactyl to back me up, but I did find this awesome picture of Obama riding a unicorn:


And where are most unicorns in the U.S. found? Hawaii. Case closed.

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so crazy people are by definition racist?

In this scenario they are. Its pretty obvious that 98% of birthers believe what they do because its an easy way to justify not wanting Obama in office, without having to come out and say they don't want a black guy as president. If a white politician with the same platform had been elected, do you really think there would be any talk of a birth certificate?

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No, but some people will believe anything to support their racist views.

Ahh so your saying only racist people can believe the Hawaii birth cert is not real and he was born in Kenya.

You realize your view is just as narrow and racist ast theirs then?

It can't be because they believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories like a missle hitting the Pentagon or Thermite in the towers.

Or a bullet the browns heade in Clintons chopper, or Fort Marcy Park with Mrs. Clinton.

The house President Obama bought with Rezco guy is only for racist people also?

I thought there were all kinds of crazy requests of every document Bush had to show he wasnt AWOL (closest i can get with recent memory).

ABC firing the anchor etc...

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I think race is an issue with some, but I think the larger issue is the "otherness." Obama isn't like them. Certainly not in his political views. He doesn't look like us. He was raised by a hippie mom and had an absentee Kenyan dad. How can a guy like that be president?

Hell, Mike Huckabee came right out and said it. "I do think he has a different worldview and I think it is, in part, molded out of a very different experience. Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings and, you know, our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs, not madrassas."

How can a guy like that, so different from me, be President?


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Actually, I'd tend to assume that most of the birthers are the same people who bought into the conspiracy stories about Hillary. And about Kerry.

They don't hate Obama because he's black. Or Muslim. They hate him because he's a Democrat.

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Hell, Mike Huckabee came right out and said it. "I do think he has a different worldview and I think it is, in part, molded out of a very different experience. Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings and, you know, our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs, not madrassas."

How can a guy like that, so different from me, be President?


President Obama said the same thing in his book about his world view based on his father. (the madrassas is a stretch).

He's closer to me than Bush/Kerry/Kennedy (rich families that went to the same exact schools and belonged to the same clubs)

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 02:26 PM ----------

No, again. You should try reading what I wrote, and not imagining what you think I wrote.

You are saying racist people are using this as an excuse to attack President Obama. 98% are not birthers but racists.

2% believe the Grandma in Kenya. ;)

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President Obama said the same thing in his book about his world view based on his father. (the madrassas is a stretch).

He's closer to me than Bush/Kerry/Kennedy (rich families that went to the same exact schools and belonged to the same clubs)

True. But the difference between Huckabee and me, or the birthers and me, is that I see Obama's world view - his exposure to Islam and ordinary Muslims as a child, his seeing the world from different perspectives - as a strength. They see it as a disqualifier to him being President.

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You can be as consistent as you want and still be laughably wrong.

Yay. You've held this conviction for several years. Maybe Orly Taitz will give you some sort of Certificate For Exceptional Smartitude.

It's still wrong, and the fact that you think just holding the same position for a few years is somehow validates the question is beyond ridiculous, and encroaching on the territory of the Monumentally Stupid.

You may as well be arguing for the existence of the Easter Bunny.


You opinion does not matter to me one bit never has never will. My position is consistent & concise. It may be wrong it may be accurate I don't know at this point. And nobody else in this thread does either with certainty. Just show me the documentation. It's that simple.

IMO this will play out in the 2012 elections somewhere somehow.

---------- Post added March-18th-2011 at 07:34 PM ----------

They don't hate Obama because he's black. Or Muslim. They hate him because he's a Democrat.

Of course they do. Yes there is a % that despise him because he's 1/2 black and there may be a % of people who despise him because he's 1/2 white. But IMO the majority who dislike him is because he's a lefy dem. But of course that's not a meme or narrative that comports nicely with the what many want to foist upon their audiences.

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