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ESPN - Reeling Redskins awash in troubles


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Well, this goes to show that throwing money at a problem, often creates more problems than it solves. Also what happened to the saying there is no "I" in team??

Are parts of the coaching staff so worried about their own glory that they are willing to let the whole team suffer because they didnt get promoted? or they didnt get their

way when it came to a decision? Anyone got any good recipies for Humble Pie? if so please forward to Redskin park, they could really use some right about now.

I hope some changes are in store and Dan Snyder, I hope is a man who learns from his mistakes and learns how to build a championship team. The 'skins are down but not

out, and I dont know if we've seen bottom yet, but once we hit bottom the only way to go is up. I belive there are people in the organization who love the 'skins as much

us fans do, dare I say including DS, and hopefully in not too many seasons the team will be put back on the right track, and back to championship status.

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If we're trying to figure out who the identity of the "anonymous" redskins whistleblower, here are 3 big clues from the article"

(1) "But ever since minicamps, OTAs, training camp, we hadn't met as a secondary."

This indicates that the source was with the team throughout workouts. If I recall, AA did his own workout routine. This also seems to indicate that the source was around before OTAs began, when the secondary met "together."

(2) "Last year, the D-line started playing well when they straight started rushing the passer"

From this, we can determine that the source was actually on the team last year.

(3) "No, he didn't. In meetings, Carlos still heard about it."

We know from this line that the source is not carlos rogers.

(4) "To be specific, Redskins defenders, particularly in the secondary, have regressed, Taylor being the main culprit. Out of the University of Miami, Taylor was arguably the most-talented cover safety to enter the league in years. His first preseason game, he intercepted two passes, returning one for a score. But he's been tinkered with so much now, Redskins players say he no longer plays on instinct."

From the language and context of this paragraph, it's a good bet that the source is NOT Sean Taylor. I doubt Friend would reference his "source" in this manner.

My guess, based on the above analysis, is that Shawn Springs is the source. I think it's pretty obvious. Springs was on the outside looking in for most of this year, but after his first game I can recall him expressing some rather critical feelings about what was happening. Based on the reading of the article, I also think that the "source" (Springs??) wasn't too concerned with protecting his identity. So, that's where I'll leave it.

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The thing that bothers me the most about these articles is the players and coaches who anonymously complain about other players and coaches. There is nothing you could do to lose respect from me quicker than "snitching" to the press. Man up and talk face to face with the people you have a problem with. There aint nothing more sissyfied than doing that ****. This team is beginning to digust me.

Sometimes this so called "snitching" is more aking to whistleblowing, espescially if you as a person on the inside do not feel that you have an outlet that you can trust and that will actually be able to do something about it.

If there's even a smidgeon of truth to the fact that the corners and safeties don't meet together and are having communication problems as a result of infighting between the coaches then it's about time somebody spoke up even it is anonymously. Letting a situation like that go unchecked for as long as it's been going is negligent and reflects poorly more so on the coaches than on the player doing his venting to the press.

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Sometimes this so called "snitching" is more aking to whistleblowing, espescially if you as a person on the inside do not feel that you have an outlet that you can trust and that will actually be able to do something about it.

If there's even a smidgeon of truth to the fact that the corners and safeties don't meet together and are having communication problems as a result of infighting between the coaches then it's about time somebody spoke up even it is anonymously. Letting a situation like that go unchecked for as long as it's been going is negligent and reflects poorly more so on the coaches than on the player doing his venting to the press.

Here here...

Even if this article is not entirely true, the point is that defensive players are no longer responding to the attitude put on them by the defensive coaching staff. See the bigger picture here folks.

Any buffalo fans here? Does this sound familiar to you at all?

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Sometimes this so called "snitching" is more aking to whistleblowing, espescially if you as a person on the inside do not feel that you have an outlet that you can trust and that will actually be able to do something about it.

If there's even a smidgeon of truth to the fact that the corners and safeties don't meet together and are having communication problems as a result of infighting between the coaches then it's about time somebody spoke up even it is anonymously. Letting a situation like that go unchecked for as long as it's been going is negligent and reflects poorly more so on the coaches than on the player doing his venting to the press.

:applause: Well-said.

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Most definetly. The players have kind of given up this year and thrown in the towel if you believe what you read. I personally do. It all makes sense to me.

The scary part is that all of this sounds a lot like "the last days of Steve Spurrier"...I hate that this is happening on Coach Gibbs' watch.

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To create a thread like this and not take into account the injuries we've had on defense is ridiculous.

Our tackles have been hurt from the start. We've missed our #1 cb most of the season. :doh:

We have eight more games...last year we were 5-6 and the forcasters were just as pessimistic.

Can we wait to throw dirt on the corpse when it's dead?

If we beat the pukes next week, what then?

My bad. He's also not the "notable" player Friend mentions in his article. Maybe it is Springs.

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I think it's Springs. If what he's saying is true, Gibbs should fire some of Williams' assistents to send Gregg a message reminding him of who is running this team.

Yea I have a feeling its Springs too. He seems to be a guy that would say something like that. This article was just disturbing... :mad:

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I think the guy is Springs, we know he's got a big mouth and everything said certainly fits his persona. I'm glad he spoke out though. This article is some what shocking. I kinda always had the feeling Gregg's ego was getting the best of him. I can't believe the secondary doesn't even meet together. Joe Gibbs needs to take his team back and fire Gregg Williams, Jerry Gray AND Steven Jackson.

This is beginning to get ridiculous. :doh:

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Wouldn't it be neat if Gibbs acted like the head coach and straightened this whole mess out. It's not like he doesn't have the authority to. Maybe he's afraid to step on the "assistant head coach's" toes.

You're falling into the trap of taking his apparent kindness for a weakness. I'd agree with you if you said he's loyal to a fault but I also think that that's one of the qualities that has made him successful. Gibbs knows what's going on, you can't tell me his oblivious to what he sees, but he will give his coaches every chance to work themselves out of that mess.

If they don't deliver than we will all be witness to how cruel the man can be when things don't go the way he expects them to.

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Williams does come off as a ****y prick. If all of this is true it's obvious why this team\defense isn't playing with any heart. You know if the defense is disgruntled it's going to pour over to the offense as well. Especially if the offensive players feel MB is unduely starting.

You know I only played high school football but it's strange to me how segregated the team/players/coaches are. When I played ball we were always together except for when we broke off to do drills. We prepared as an offense and defense, not safeties, CB's, LB's and Lineman. How can you stay on the same page preparing like that? They have their own meetings with coaches coaching different philosophies on how to play the game. WTF? None of this makes sense.

I heard one of the defensive players, Carter I think, getting interviewed and he was like "yea, I've met some of the guys on offense. I've talked to a few of them." How can you not know every guy on your TEAM? Isn't that what team is all about? Knowing one another, playing as one? I find this article deeply disturbing. It shows just how "Me" oriented our Redskins have become and that's probably more responsible for us getting our asses handed to us than anything else.

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At this point ANYTHING that has even a hint of truth to it is going to ring true. And the piece has the ring of truth in places. We have no idea how true, just that it sure sounds like it makes sense. I mean, we're 3-7, right? The bad stuff MUST be true.

No doubt, when a unit's playing as poorly as the Skins D is this year, "something" is clearly amiss beyond just the assembled parts. The current D roster may not be top 5 or even top 10 material, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dead last either. There's clearly "something" going on.

The "objective truth," however, which we'll probably never fully learn, is going to be what it always is---a combination of factors. Some bad personnel decisions. Some bad coaching decisions. Some bad years by certain players. Some bad luck. Some momentum that got going the wrong direction early, for a variety of reasons we've discussed so often I'll not waste the time listing them again, that they couldn't turn around and snowballed.

The mistake will be in doing what so many fans seem to always do; decide it's "this" specific thing or "that" specific thing, and put all the blame there. It never works that way in the real world. It's almost always a combination of things ... I know we all know that intellectually ... it just seems many of us forget that in the emotional context of our football rooting interests.

Friend does a good job of connecting dots, and probably lands some jabs and an uppercut or two. But at least on this judge's scorecard, it's hardly the knockout punch some believe it is. Lots of rounds to go still.

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Finally! Finally we are getting some names. I knew it was just a matter of time. You can only keep your finger in the hole in the dike for so long. GW huh, our hero, our savior. that ass. WOW! I never thought this would happen to the skins. The only problem is, this is entirely gibbs fault. Snyder hired him to save us and it blew up in his face. I said it before and I'll say it again. This is only going to get worse. more names, more accusations, people throwing each other under the bus. Players are going to beg to get out of DC.

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The bottom line: with all the bickering that's taken place, it's impacting the play on the field. The need to find a way to get along and realize there's a job to be done and they're not doing. I can't believe things have gotten this out of control on the team.

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