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ESPN - Reeling Redskins awash in troubles


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G. Williams’ in your face coaching style and big fat ego comes across a bit like B. Parcells. It only works for a few years before players start to tune him out.

The difference between the two, in my opinion; is that Parcells understands that his style only works for a while and is smart enough to know that he either needs to move on, or take a different approach with his players.

Let’s hope that it’s not too late and that Williams can take Joe Gibbs’ example and check his big fat ego at the door and start treating his players like grown men.

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GW is reeling right now... It's not just the article that informs my opinion, either. I know a veteran player on the team who expressed to me last year that GW is a bit too much (of himself) at times and that his ways can be devisive among the players. What this player expressed to me is pretty much what the anonymous player discussed about GW in the ESPN article. When the veteran player expressed these sentiments to me last year, I knew it would be only a matter of time before things imploded for GW.

The major problem I have with GW is not his Xs and Os -- he's good at what he does; simply one of the best. The problem I have is his personnel gaffes, or at least the opinions about players he sends along to Coach Gibbs and company. For example, how does a coach think he can just "throw" guys in the lineup and let quality guys go. I was outraged when the Redskins allowed Antonio Pierce to walk. The veteran player told me that Pierce was too invaluable to lose. I also was incensed when we let a popular player like Fred Smoot walk out of town, meaning that we would used another top-10 pick on a defensive back in consecutive years. If Smoot is brought back, then you are able to look at other needs and address them (e.g. pass rusher). I cannot tell you all how upset I was when we passed on Shawn Merriman. I know there were some off the field things that concerned personnel men (and I'm not just talking about steroids) regarding Merriman, but several agent friends of mine told me that, generally, Merriman is a good kid and would have been great for the city with his community activism. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was letting Ryan Clark go. Again, another indication that GW thinks you can let quality players walk in and out of here without maintaining continuity and thereby messing up team chemistry.

I have a friend who covers the Miami Hurricanes as their beat writer. He told me recently that Sean Taylor is the absolute freakish player he has ever covered for the Canes. Not only was Taylor the best player he had ever seen at Miami (offense or defense), he mentioned that Taylor is best when he has a player beside him to guide him on the field. Taylor, he mentioned, is not too keen on studying film, etc. At Miami, Taylor had Antrell Rolle to help him out and direct him on the field. In DC, this writer mentioned Taylor had Ryan Clark. He told me, "I don't follow the Redskins, but I do follow Taylor because he is so great. But, I know this -- it was a huge mistake to Taylor's development as a pro to let Clark sign elsewhere. Taylor needs that guy beside him to be great. He's just a quirky kid like that because he does not study film that much." My friend went on to say that Taylor could be one of the greatest players to ever play in the NFL, but he needs the "right people" around him on and off the field.

Not sure that GW has to go my fellow Redskins fans, but I have a big problem with the personnel decisions he's been a part of on the defensive side of the ball.

Perhaps, Gibbs does need a GM so that he does not delegate too much personnel decisions to lieutenants such as GW who are thinking just Xs and Os and not much about team chemistry (keeping a core group of guys together).

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This article in my opinion is all shock and awe, just like our military experts like to say. There really isn't nothing in this article that has not already been disscussed by us fans here on this board. The only thing in this article I found new was the possible situation with Jackson.

Some of this stuff just sounds way too stupid for any player to say to some reporter. I mean who ever did this must not value their job much. This leads me to another point. This player who ever it may be is not speaking for the whole team. This player could be someone who is just pissed off about playing time or something else and looking for a trade and may be an outcast on this team already.

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This article in my opinion is all shock and awe, just like our military experts like to say. There really isn't nothing in this article that has not already been disscussed by us fans here on this board. The only thing in this article I found new was the possible situation with Jackson.

Some of this stuff just sounds way too stupid for any player to say to some reporter. I mean who ever did this must not value their job much. This leads me to another point. This player who ever it may be is not speaking for the whole team. This player could be someone who is just pissed off about playing time or something else and looking for a trade and may be an outcast on this team already.

You could be right ... but it's certainly worth paying attention to just in case you're wrong, don't you think?

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This article makes me want to throw up. If true, it offers a good explanation for the failures of the secondary and AA. I have often thought that GW's treatment of AA was unwarranted. GW is the guy that by all accounts coveted AA. Now the guy isn't even second string. GW's cavalier attitude towards keeping players has drained the talent and, even worse, destroyed morale and erroded confidence. Not only does this article reinforce the points that I and many others on this board have been making: Smoot and Pierce's departures were damaging, led us to use the #1 pick on a CB instead of a DE, opened up a void at WLB since Marshall had to move inside and left us with three depleted positions: CB, MLB, and WLB. It also reinforces the notion that a true GM and not assistant coaches, should have the most input on personnel decisions. If we had a true GM making decisions, or informing Gibbs, then it wouldn't have mattered if GW has a big ego and believes that he could win with anyone, we still would have kept our talent. As Wilbon recently wrote, Gibbs needs to stop delegating so much responsibility and go back to his micromanaging style that made him successful.

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You could be right ... but it's certainly worth paying attention to just in case you're wrong, don't you think?

I have been paying attention to it for 2 years. I knew last year our defense was on a decline. I knew Greg Williams appears to be arrogant. I have felt along with many others we have too many coaches.

I'm just saying some people appear to think that just because some anonymous player(who may be on his way out) said this to a repoter makes it gospel.

Still at the very least, if a player on this team said this to a reporter he needs to be cut today! Nothing wrong with someone to have these feelings but to say these things to a reporter shows ultimate disrespect. It also shows that this player is probably a good reason why some if any have quit playing hard.

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GIbbs needs to let Greg Williams go after the season. This is the same crap he pulled in Buffalo, he needs to send a message to the entire team and get rid of him. Talk about being embarassed as a fan, imagine what Joe thinks.

I agree, but for reasons regarding what is happening Now. I'm unfamiliar with the history of what happened in Buffalo -- other than he was fired. What happened there?

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Well, that sucks! Here I've been blaming everything on Al Saunders' 700 page playbook:cool: I guess GW is a big prick. I still believe it's lower tier coaches that are the problem all the way around. Bugel...time to go, Blache...time to go and Jackson, that's just pathetic when a player goes up to you and says "are you just going to pout or are you going to coach your guys up" When I first read that I thought it was Tampa player that said that. Now that would be scary. This is the end of the team for this year anyway, when fingers start being pointed that's the end! Once again I'll stay optomistic and think maybe this situation is what needs to happen to get this season turned around. Hell a .500 season would be a step in the right direction. It's sad that now the offense is the only somewhat bright spot on this team:mad:

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The really crazy thing for me is that Gibbs Gave up his offensive responsibilties and told the public that he would be spending alot more time with the Defense this year...

So either he lied to us or he has stood by and watched this happen which pisses me off even more.

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This is an example of a trickle down effect. It starts with an owner who throws money at any player or coach without regard to team comraderie or cohesiveness. Coaches start getting egos, players get disrespected and you end up with an absolute mess. This will continue year by year with Dan Snyder in ownership. Just keep throwing out money to fix your problems. It would help for Snyder to take a few lessons from the denver broncos and new england style of management. Maybe he can trade a few more draft picks to denver for some lessons.

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After 2 or 3 days obessing over this article, I have come full circle.

I'm still pissed at Gibbs, because this is HIS watch that this happened on. Marty had some of this and got past it, this ate Spurrier alive, but for Joe Gibbs to experience it- WOW!

If there really is a separation among any of the teams (offense, defense, st's) then that problem needs addressed immediately. It should never have been allowed to occur- that's Gibbs & Williams taking the blame.

As far as this other crap -

I've lived thru un-named sources who allegedly speak for the entire team before...My experience has always been that they really don't speak for everyone. It's never as bad as it seems.

Any pro football player should not look to their coaches as motivation. They should be able to generate that from the fan base and their own internal pride. No player is above the system- face of the organization or not. Play within the scheme and do your job.

Everyone points to Smoot, Pierce, and others that have been allowed to walk. We made competitive offers to every one of them. None of them would have been in position to get the offers they received without the opportunity the 'Skins gave them. If it comes down to the most money in each scenario, then they truly aren't playing for you, me, or the city. They are all about self-promotion and the big bucks.

Good riddance to all of them- give me guys who are well paid and appreciate their opportunity in life and who also show a sense of loyalty and appreciation to the organization and fan base that continues to support them.

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Smoot and Pierce's departures were damaging, led us to use the #1 pick on a CB instead of a DE, opened up a void at WLB since Marshall had to move inside and left us with three depleted positions: CB, MLB, and WLB.

I am of the opinion that the failure of the defense has more to do with the scheme and coaching and not the personnel.

We were a top 10 defense last year with the same players (minus Clark).

The scheme is terrible. Who calls the cover 2 on obvious running downs? The other 31 teams in the NFL use the Cover 2 to defend against the pass.

Our blitzing scheme is pathetic and totally ineffective, yet there are no adjustments. How often have we gotten to the QB on a blitz? RARELY if ever and yet we have seen the same blitz called time and time again and the same results.... we are totally vulnerable in the secondary.

Why are we continuing to run so many fancy stunts at the LOS instead of just going straight after the QB when it is obviously not working?

Why were our cornerbacks and safties meeting separately when they must work in unison on the football field? The article said that they were not on the same page on the football field!! In fact, why do we have both a safeties coach and a cornerbacks coach in the first place? And even if such an arrangement were present, why has it remained considering they do not get along? This is ludricrious!

Why have Posey and McIntosh not seen more significant time on the field? One or both should be given a chance to start since Holdman and to a lesser extent Marshall have had issues shedding blockers and tackling.

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I've already been laying blame at Gibbs' feet for weeks for not taking charge, but I've mostly been saying that with respect to the offense. Some of the things in that article are stunning if true, and frankly as I read that article it has the ring of truth to it.

How can you not have unified defensive secondary meetings until week 9! WTF!

We've touted all year the amount of money that this team spends on players and coaches, but what you've clearly got here is an example of too much of a good thing. The team has bought its way into dysfunction.

I'm with Friend. Gibbs needs to get ruthless, right now, or else his second coaching tenure will be a failure. We're at a crossroads just over halfway into his expected five-year run. The good news is that we're not far from having a good, competitive team; the bad news is that we're equally close to having a disastrous and embarrassing collapse.

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I'm going to be watching this game even more intently today after reading this article. I mean if Williams just thinks he can just plug people in and expect the same result is just nuts. I hope Williams shapes up or gets tossed at the end of the season. They just look awful this year.

I would also love for this organization to change they're ways and drop the win now mentality and slowly build a championship team. We were 2 games from the Super Bowl last year closest we've been in years. Williams deciding to let players go, thinking he can plug other players into those positions and Snyder whipping out the check book to sign free agents. I'm just afraid that Snyder will hop on Redskin One frist day of free agents this year and pick up lord knows who this off season and over pay more players, rather then building a team from the draft.

I guess one can only hope things will change.

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Isn't it awesome how Tom Friend tells us that the big slackers in this "scheme" issue are Carlos Rogers and Sean Taylor?

The guys who had probably their best games of the season on Sunday?


He never questioned their effort. He specifically said their poor performance was due to coaching inadequacies.


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He never questioned their effort. He specifically said their poor performance was due to coaching inadequacies.


Uh, dude? Re-read the article. He says specifically that they reached for Carlos in the draft. He says specifically that the coaches have ruined these two players.

I didn't see anything new on Sunday - just a defense that played like it did last year. They haven't ruined anything.

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He never questioned their effort. He specifically said their poor performance was due to coaching inadequacies.


Thank you Tom Friend for putting out there what the hell was wrong with this team and showing faith that Gibbs has the capability to correct this mess.

After todays game, I have faith that our defensive problems were mostly about attitude and lack of communication rather then ability, which is what the article said.

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Thank you Tom Friend for putting out there what the hell was wrong with this team and showing faith that Gibbs has the capability to correct this mess.

After todays game, I have faith that our defensive problems were mostly about attitude and lack of communication rather then ability, which is what the article said.

My exact thoughts. Even though we were injured in the beginning, I think the biggest problem was the lack of communcation between the players. Whatever Joe did worked today and I hope the players and coaches notice whatever they did different, stick to it and maybe even expand a little to get better!

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