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Batman, Batmobile guy who was local to DC is dead. Got hit in the side of the road when hi car broke down.


Dang, that sucks.

When my tire blew out last week I had the same feeling. You are definitely in danger of getting ran over out here just trying to change a tire. I was exposed to the road, I was on the right shoulder and the tire was the rear right one. But a couple of times I was certain some idiot on their phone was going to hit me because their car kept drifting to the shoulder. This was on the beltway, so everyone was going 70mph or faster.

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my god, our fanbase sometimes....people actually taking the time to argue with any and all fans that want us to sign cooley...you and i both know we are not going to sign him, so why even bother arguing with fans that want us to sign a guy when it clearly wont happen? just let those cooley lovers have their fun dreaming of one last season with cooley. does that seriously bother anyone?


for the record, i want us to sign cooley...but ONLY for the off chance that he scores a TD, so i can yell "cooooooooooooooleyyyyyyyyyyy" one last time. but, i am very aware that we wont sign him. so thats all it is, a dream...let people have their dreams :)

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my god, our fanbase sometimes....people actually taking the time to argue with any and all fans that want us to sign cooley...you and i both know we are not going to sign him, so why even bother arguing with fans that want us to sign a guy when it clearly wont happen? just let those cooley lovers have their fun dreaming of one last season with cooley. does that seriously bother anyone?


for the record, i want us to sign cooley...but ONLY for the off chance that he scores a TD, so i can yell "cooooooooooooooleyyyyyyyyyyy" one last time. but, i am very aware that we wont sign him. so thats all it is, a dream...let people have their dreams :)


1. Because it's fun and I'm bored.


2. Because our fan base continues to live on past glory and it's sad.  Really sad.


3. Because I like to be right.

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1. Because it's fun and I'm bored.


2. Because our fan base continues to live on past glory and it's sad.  Really sad.


3. Because I like to be right.


well, why waste time arguing if you know you're right? as long as you know it, thats all that matters. also, i think people should be able to live on past glory. its not hurting the team in any way. the moment you should really start to worry is when the people in charge start signing players based on past glory :lol:  and so far, with scot in charge, that hasnt happened yet, and hopefully never will. so really,  arguing with those that want cooley back does nothing except cure your boredom and lets you have fun.


but, im not in any position to stop anyone from doing that. i guess i was just trying to see if i could talk some common sense into people :D   

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In a way I like that some new blood will get their chances at TE. I hate preseason, but we have some time to sort out the pack at that decimated position. Might find a guy who can ball in-game. Just needed a chance to get in.

Paulsen was fair, Niles Paul was alright, but someone could very well surpass their level given the opportunity.

As far as Cooley, let him try out if he wants to. Coach won't be biased when making cuts. If he makes it, cool........ey.


Ah, miss that.

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I had a dream I beat Demian Maia in a grappling match.

I had a dream so vivid about losing to Anderson Silva in :18 seconds, that I had to check his record to see if I was on there. The loss was so disappointing, that my concious self is still mad about it. It's what would've happend in real life anyway.

Subbing Maia? Them roids effecting your dreams now man. Stop the binge, drop the syringe.

What ya get him with? Run of the mill Omoplata?

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The fact I can see you soon enough for you and your friends are like that you have a lot more to come out and get about it but is a good idea time for me I have no idea what I was do that a new phone case is a great day to be a great good to see what happens to you me at work all weekend and long and I have to a great way to get a new one is a good day for me and you know how I can be found at all.

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