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Hamas Attacks Against Israel


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Well, that is an unfortunate update for all involved.


Nevertheless, I highly advise maintaining a robust level of skepticism involving anything “baby massacre” related.  From Blood Libel and Comet Ping-Pong on down and through MagaKlan’s recent “post-birth abortion/body parts for sale” bull****.

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1 hour ago, @DCGoldPants said:


well, that's something,


Also, it would be nice if Egypt told them where the tunnels to bring in weapons from their side are located, and help block those off. That would be a start since they'd never invite the people there who are trying to escape, a safe place to live in Egypt, even if Israel and the rest of the world paid to build them houses and schools and hospitals.


Egypt doesn't want the Palestinians in their country

Lebanon doesn't want the Palestinians in their country

Jordan doesn't want the Palestinians in their country

Iran doesn't want the Palestinians in their country

Syria doesn't want the Palestinians in their country

Saudi Arabia doesn't want the Palestinians in their country


But they claim to support the Palestinians. What they really support is using the Palestinians for their own ends. They are disposable to all those countries. 


This is sort of ridiculous.  I can support Palestinians getting what they actually want, their own state that they can control, and not support them moving into a country (which isn't what they actually want).


The equivalent would be to say you support Ukraine means that you support everybody in Ukraine coming to the US.  Which isn't even what the Ukrainians want.


(That doesn't mean those countries don't also the Palestinians sometimes.)

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1 hour ago, tshile said:


so. I’m not familiar with how government in Israel works. But that seems odd to me


It's a parliamentary system that has always had entirely too many parties to work properly. So in normal times, all the ministerial posts are selected from the controlling party/coalition of parties. 


A unity party is designed so that multiple parties have a voice in the government in times of emergency. The most obvious examples I can think of us Churchill's 1940 Cabinet with Clement Atlee, the Labour leader who replaced Churchill as the war concluded.


I don't know if this really means anything in Israel except for the fact that the rift between Netanyahu and Gantz is largely personal and this clearly papers over that. Gantz is a career military man who has fought in Gaza. He's unlikely to be a tempering voice here.

9 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


This is sort of ridiculous.  I can support Palestinians getting what they actually want, their own state that they can control, and not support them moving into a country (which isn't what they actually want).


The equivalent would be to say you support Ukraine means that you support everybody in Ukraine coming to the US.  Which isn't even what the Ukrainians want.


(That doesn't mean those countries don't also the Palestinians sometimes.)



The dirty secret in all of this is the weird racism/bigotry among the countries of the Middle East. Iran looks down on its Arab neighbors as some kind of lesser form from Persians. And everyone (including Iran) wants nothing to do with any Palestinians as they are seen as some kind of violent uneducated horde. They are seen as useful as a cudgel against Israel, but that's the extent of it.  

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35 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

It's a parliamentary system that has always had entirely too many parties to work properly

I appreciate it. 

what I was most confused by is why his wife has a say in anything. 

could you imagine the US formation of a crisis management group of political leaders being held up by Jill Biden? Or Melania? Or Michelle?


might actually see riots 😂 

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:


This is sort of ridiculous.  I can support Palestinians getting what they actually want, their own state that they can control, and not support them moving into a country (which isn't what they actually want).


The equivalent would be to say you support Ukraine means that you support everybody in Ukraine coming to the US.  Which isn't even what the Ukrainians want.


(That doesn't mean those countries don't also the Palestinians sometimes.)


No, the equivalent is that we have accepted a number of refugees from Ukraine who wanted to escape their warzone. Because we're not those countries I listed who don't actually care about or want to help the Palestinians; they are willing to sacrifice them in the name of destroying Israel. I'm not saying move them all. I'm saying that some do want to get out of there and have no options because those who claim to support them, don't really. The question earlier was what can the population do if they are Palestinian but not Hamas. The answer is, not much unless they all decided at the exact same time to take back their people and overrun Hamas in every bunker, school, hospital, hideout, etc. 


The region is a mess. If every Jew and Christian packed up and left that area right now. It wouldn't become some haven for a peaceful life. You'd have the Palestinians wanting it all, but Jordan would decide they want some of it, and then whoever else.... and it would be war. 


The Earth could open up and swallow everything in that region, leaving an inhabitable hole hundreds of miles around, and people would fight over the hole. 

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4 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:


I wouldn't expect Gantz and Israeli Tя☭mp to do otherwise under the circumstances. However, I can't help but think that this fiasco just seems waaaay too helpful to too many of the stakeholders for it to not be allowed to happen. Everybody wins on this deal...except the innocent civilians on both sides.


4 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Well, that is an unfortunate update for all involved.


Nevertheless, I highly advise maintaining a robust level of skepticism involving anything “baby massacre” related.  From Blood Libel and Comet Ping-Pong on down and through MagaKlan’s recent “post-birth abortion/body parts for sale” bull****.

Given the general carnage meted out by Hamas, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. That said, those stories about Iraqis throwing preemies out of incubators to take the incubators back to Iraq turned out to be bogus, unless I'm mis-remembering it. (no, I don't have time to google it myself at the moment🙂)


3 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


It's a parliamentary system that has always had entirely too many parties to work properly. So in normal times, all the ministerial posts are selected from the controlling party/coalition of parties. 


A unity party is designed so that multiple parties have a voice in the government in times of emergency. The most obvious examples I can think of us Churchill's 1940 Cabinet with Clement Atlee, the Labour leader who replaced Churchill as the war concluded.


I don't know if this really means anything in Israel except for the fact that the rift between Netanyahu and Gantz is largely personal and this clearly papers over that. Gantz is a career military man who has fought in Gaza. He's unlikely to be a tempering voice here.



The dirty secret in all of this is the weird racism/bigotry among the countries of the Middle East. Iran looks down on its Arab neighbors as some kind of lesser form from Persians. And everyone (including Iran) wants nothing to do with any Palestinians as they are seen as some kind of violent uneducated horde. They are seen as useful as a cudgel against Israel, but that's the extent of it.  

Don't forget that Israel is in the ME as well. To speak of the need for ongoing responses to Hamas as "mowing the grass" is telling about the Israeli's human decency. We won't even go into how they treat and speak of Ethiopian Jews and other POC there. As many of us have alluded to, there just aren't any good guys in this and it sucks that we're subsidizing it, while folks here are in need of a ton of stuff.

Edited by The Sisko
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8 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


Hi, I'm Renegade7, and I'm suffering from a Chronic Debilitating Mental Disorder called "Hopelessly Hopeful".


I don't believe in World Peace, but if they can be pressured into sharing the land versus publicly maintaining status quo and making private phone calls not to kill too many innocent people, that'd be great.





It would be like asking someone  to share their spouse if another person wants them so bad… just not  gonna work 99% of the time

Edited by DCSaints_fan
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14 minutes ago, ClaytoAli said:

I call BS, Israel may be doing this. Who is the Hamas official? This could be a Bush type story plant.

They went door to door to kill families. Do you think they recorded it to share only in a private manner?

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15 minutes ago, ClaytoAli said:

I call BS, Israel may be doing this. Who is the Hamas official? This could be a Bush type story plant.

I mean Hamas is killing people and posting it on the victims Facebook. Doesn't seem that far of tbh.



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3 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


No, the equivalent is that we have accepted a number of refugees from Ukraine who wanted to escape their warzone. Because we're not those countries I listed who don't actually care about or want to help the Palestinians; they are willing to sacrifice them in the name of destroying Israel. I'm not saying move them all. I'm saying that some do want to get out of there and have no options because those who claim to support them, don't really.


So are you suggesting that those countries haven't taken any Palestinians?


Because if that's what you think, that's wrong.   Yes, there are people that would get out if they could and can't, but it isn't like those countries have taken no Palestinians.  They've limited who can come.  Just like we have limits on how many and why Ukrainians can come here.  Some of those countries have taken more Palestinians than we've taken Ukrainians despite being much smaller.  There are Ukrainians that would like to come here and are struggling to get in (and so doing things like going to Mexico and then trying to get into the US from Mexico).  Jordan even has a path for citizenship for Palestinians.


The Egyptians have a multi-decade peace deal in place with the Israelis and regularly share intelligence with them.  It's begin reported that they warned Israel that something was coming.


The Saudi's were on the verge of signing a new peace/security agreement with the Israelis before this all erupted.


I'm not saying there aren't Arabs that would like to see Israel destroyed, but the idea of large scale antipathy for Israel by the leadership of the many Arab countries hasn't really been true the last few decades.  That was something that was the case in the 1960-80s.  But acting like that's an important part of some those countries foreign policy concerns is like acting like the US foreign policy is being dictated by an antipathy for Vietnam and domino theory in SE Asia.


(Iran especially still appears to be an exception.)

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38 minutes ago, ClaytoAli said:

Got a vid link to share?

I think I will decline the offer to find you videos of terrified people being executed. The videos of a German woman's dead body being driven around for people to spit on will have to suffice, and you can go to any major news organization's website to find sanitized versions of it if you are so inclined.

If Hamas follows through on their offer to upload videos of hostages being executed, you can tune in to those as well.

Edited by NickyJ
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50 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

I think I will decline the offer to find you videos of terrified people being executed. The videos of a German woman's dead body being driven around for people to spit on will have to suffice, and you can go to any major news organization's website to find sanitized versions of it if you are so inclined.

If Hamas follows through on their offer to upload videos of hostages being executed, you can tune in to those as well.


She's apparently still alive.




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12 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

@BleedBNG, I wish it were true that it was Hamas, but sadly it isn't. It was a Korean glider accident, and someone uploaded that video to a website in June.


Original language with working video - https://m.ppomppu.co.kr/new/bbs_view.php?id=freeboard&no=8362482

Google translated - https://m-ppomppu-co-kr.translate.goog/new/bbs_view.php?id=freeboard&no=8362482&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp



Thanks NickyJ 

What happened to him was not at all funny

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I remember back in 2020 the site got shutdown from things that were being posted in the Summer riots thread...had to archive it and make a new one because who was watching this site we as regular posters probably didn't realize or know about.


2 cents that I agree with refraining from posting things here we shouldn't that can be found elsewhere, somethings I'll jus take yall word for it while looking for it myself to confirm for myself.

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