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24 minutes ago, redskinss said:

We've been married to Roseanne barr for the last 23 years and we're trying to figure out if Gisele bunchden is good enough for us because Tom Brady just let her go.


Great analogy.  Yeah as I've said i'd take ANYONE over what we got.


I don't mind though the discussion about these dudes.  it's like discussing Fa, its not that we can control who they sign and how those players do, but we discuss the prospective FAs anyway. 

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2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


It's interesting to hear what others think who follow the team.  Just saying, I've had my share of those experiences, too.  Communicated with a friend I made who grew up and lived his whole life in Liverpool, rabid fan, he recently died.  Been to Liverpool a couple of times.  Been to Anfield each time.   Took a trip to Wales and was driven for 2 days by two dudes who were big Liverpool fans.  lol, if you wear an LFC shirt which I do in Liverpool, the cabbies will talk to you about the team. On and on.


Granted I've not been there this year which is a dissapointing season.  But yeah based on my experience, am surprised the Liverpool fans you interacted with were down on Henry while they were doing the equivalent of winning 2 SBs back to back in American terms -- champions and premier league.   And that's not been my intereaction.   They were in a dark place with Hicks as an owner towards the end especially and the tide turned failry fast upward after some initial bumps when Henry took over.  I did detect though some jealously specifically about the City owners where you felt outgunned.  


But this season it really came to a head, City fortified with Haaland among others and they've been great again and probably overtakes Arsenal.   Liverpool spent big on Darwin which hasn't looked hot yet and didn't do much else. But LFC has had an incredible run.  But yeah of course its frustrating to be just a little short of City almost every season.    but these are what I call rich man problems so to speak.  The perspective of an LFC fan is winning and winning ALL the time.  Totally apples to oranges to this team.  If our problems end up similar to Liverpool problems, I'd be beyond giddy.


I respect anyone sharing UK fan experiences about Henry so thanks for that.  So I take your input seriously.  As far as THIS thread being negative.  to each their own, but I only care about the posts from people who followed Henry on a personel level somehow, not anyone digesting him on the fly now.  I don't for example have a strong opinion on any of the other owners because I really don't know.  I can go by what i read and sure maybe there is something to it.  But its tough for me to be lectured by anyone (I don't mean you) who is just digesting Henry now.  I've been digesting Henry almost as closely as i digested Dan.  Not saying I am right -- but in my mind i have too much information over too much time for me to discard my own thoughts based on my own experiences relating to Henry. 


I'll likely head to Liverpool again this Spring and get a more fresh take and i am sure its not as happy unless this season turns around. :ols:

Liverpool fan also, all my life. Listening to Klopp recently he has in a round about way lamented about not having the money to go after guys like Haaland, not that there are many players of his caliber. YNWA

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Bezos is definitely perplexing to me.  His money, prestige, potential partners, etc. are all very alluring.  But on the other hand, he’s not without his own negatives.  I will say though, that perhaps Dan’s transgressions could play a role in how the next owner operates here.  I would think that whomever follows in Dan’s tiny footsteps will be inclined to operate opposite of how he did damn near everything.  One can hope.

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14 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Great analogy.  Yeah as I've said i'd take ANYONE over what we got.


I don't mind though the discussion about these dudes.  it's like discussing Fa, its not that we can control who they sign and how those players do, but we discuss the prospective FAs anyway. 

I agree totally, it's just funny when you think about it.

I'm a redsox fan from Massachusetts and I know John Henry pretty well and my buddy is the same and he's a sports nerd so to speak and he said his only problem with Henry is that he takes on a project with vigor and his enthusiasm seems to wane after 10 or 15 years. 

My reply was that if we win two or 3 superbowls over the next 15 years I won't care one bit if we go 6-11 in 2037.

Hopefully we get one of these almost can't miss owners and not the next Dan snyder.


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6 minutes ago, Chris 44 said:

Liverpool fan also, all my life. Listening to Klopp recently he has in a round about way lamented about not having the money to go after guys like Haaland, not that there are many players of his caliber. YNWA


Klopp as you know every now and then for years has complained about City's advantages on spending. 


Like i said when I first thought about it, i was thinking no.  But thinking about it some more, unlike the Premier League where there is no cap, we got a cap.  A rich oil tycoon can't outspent everyone.   


In American football terms, Henry spends plenty. For example a cheap off season is spending the equivalent of 100 million for Nunez.  As you know that's just to acquire him and they you pay his salary in addition to that. 


I'd take Liverpool's run or the Red Sox's run under Henry and by a mile over Dan's run.

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@JSSkinz listened to Gutman on sheehan's latest podcast, wow is he irrate.  He's saying now if was advising Dan he'd tell him not to sell.  He feels that the outstanding lawsuit should compell Dan to stay put and make Dan think what's the point of selling if I am going to get grief regardless.  I hope he's wrong but I see what you mean about his take which is in essense the lawsuit has no grounding coming from that juristiction among other things and it aligns the NFL with Dan.


Hopefully its an overeaction from him, will see.  But i get his fear about poking the bear.   Loverro pushed back on his points some on that podcast 

3 minutes ago, CobraCommander said:

That's the Dunning-Kruger effect. 

I thought AJ Perez was just a guy that tweets what everyone else is thinking. Or do I have that mixed up?


He's a business journalist who has been covering the Congressional stuff carefully.  Some were annoyed at him months back playing up some big story that he was working on, got us excited, and then the story ended up being a letdown.

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To paraphrase Ron Rivera:


Guys guys guys guys guys guys guys...it doesn't matter what we think. Some rich SOB is going to buy this team. He will be a Class A SOB...but at least he won't be named Snyder.


That MBA quote says a lot about him...no planning, just expects to succeed by winging it every year. Like "we finally have ourselves a quarterback."

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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3 hours ago, KDawg said:


Eh. Most owners will do that. I don't mind it. They pay for the groceries. I just didn't like Snyder doing it because no one could convince him he was an idiot. Know the room, trust your people, make your suggestions and listen to the people you hired to decide if you have a point. 

To add to this, something I think is lost on folks is there is a difference between meddling and leading.


For example, the Hunt family who owns the Chiefs, I would assume they have input, provide leadership, and work in concert with their football folks.  That's fine.  I think all of the well run teams, the owners are involved in some way.  And they should be because ultimately, they also have to evaluate the folks they hired to run the operation.  If they just hire folks and then disappear, they have no idea what's going on or how to evaluate the progress.  


Meddling is actually a bad term.  Dan didn't meddle.  Dan overruled and made decisions which flew in the face of the advice he was getting from the people he employed to give him that advice.


If you feel like you need to do that, then you've hired the wrong people. Or you're convinced you know more than anybody about everything.  Or, in Dan's case, both. 

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A word on Bezos:  


First, I don't think his group is going to end up being the group chosen.  I think mostly because Dan won't want to sell it to him, and he's petty (and rich) enough to take a little less from somebody else to "stick it to" Bezos.  But also the Amazon connection with the NFL could present a bit of a problem. And I'm not entirely sure the other owners want to have the 4th richest guy in the world amongst their ranks.  It pushes them all down a peg.  Both from a wealth and also a status perspective.  Jerry is the most powerful and recognizable owner in the NFL right now.  Bezos buys a team, almost defacto he's the most powerful person int he room before the ink dries.  Do Jerry, Kraft, the Rooneys, Maras, Hunts, etc. want that?  I'm not sure.  Maybe.  Because it lifts them up.  But maybe not, because they all of a sudden have a guy who could literally buy the league for cash tomorrow if he wanted to.  


Second, Bezos bought the post and from what I know (and they were a client of mine before and after the acquisition) he really just let the newspaper people run the business.  That bodes well for him hiring the right people, providing input but staying out of the way.  


Third, he has the reputation of being a bit of an ass.  So did Steve Jobs.  A lot of it came down to the fact they demand perfection from those who work for them, and sometimes don't understand why others aren't either as driven or innately talented as they are.  That's not an excuse, it's just sortof the way they are.  


Fourth, the biggest benefit from Bezos would be he commands such attention because of his vast economic empire, he can basically bend municipalities to his will.  I firmly believe if he wants the RFK site, he's probably one of the very few people who can make that happen quickly.  Every stadium location opens up.  He already owns Crystal City.  Maybe he wants to put a stadium there.  Shrug.  It opens a ton of doors for just about eveyrthing, because there isn't a person in the world who won't take his phone call and give whatever he is proposing serious consideration. That is if they don't just poop their pants and say, "yes sir, Mr. Bezos sir, whatever you want."


Fifth, he's a businessman.  He's super wealthy.  But being super wealthy doesn't mean he's just going to throw money around because he has it.  He's going to be pragmatic.  That's how billionaires become billionaires.  He runs Amazon frugally to boost profits and enhance share price.  For those thinking he wouldn't do the same with the Commanders, you're nuts.  If he buys the team, it's because he sees it as a great way to get revenue.  


The benefit to the fans is they could build Jerry-world + for cash next week.  But if you don't think he would try to maximize the revenue of that venue in any way possible, you're nuts.  PSLs, high ticket prices, etc. 


Sixth, I do think if he buys a team he is going to be EXTREMELY interested in that team winning, because I don't think he wants a stain on his resume.  So, that's good. Does he know how to go about doing that?  I'm not sure.  But I do think he's smart enough to listen.  The big question is, who is he going to listen to?  Would he throw money at Payton?  Peyton Manning to be an executive?  (that would be fun...)  I dunno.  The risk is he gets the wrong person to listen to.  But I do think he would really want the team to win.  Because winning = revenue, and he knows is.  

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I don't think there's an ideal owner out there. There is no such thing.


However, I think it's highly unlikely that any of the leading candidates, including Bezos, would interfere with football operations like Snyder has or run a third-rate organization that lets everything fall apart (literally).

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I wish they'd stop hauling Gutman out for his 2 cents. Maybe he has a friend on the production staff who wants to give him a platform. He's irrelevant. There's a reason Bill Webster showed him the door after less than a year at The Bureau, and those habits resurfaced in Belgium. He needs to go somewhere and sit down before there's a lengthy radio podcast about his trifling self.


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13 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

I have faith that the NFL will get this right and get this team back on track. Not necessarily winning, but to become a respectable franchise and not the butt of the NFL. 

I hope it happens sooner than later

The NFL has VERY VERY VERY little to do with this, though.  


It's Dan's franchise and he could really sell it to anybody he wants, all the NFL can do is approve the transaction.


And they don't have the leverage to say, "Sell it to this person or we won't approve it." Because Dan would just say, "**** You.  Ok, I'm going to just stay forever and if you want me out, you'll have to vote me out, then I'm going to sue the pants off of all of you, ask for discovery, and the whole thing will be tied up in the courts for years and be massively embarrassing and costly. Oh, and I just gave Ron and Scott Turner a 10 year, $100m extension EACH so good luck getting a buyer to take that on you effing morons."


Which he would say.  


This could be Dan's parting gift to us.  


My guess is he will just take the best offer and most money, regardless of who it is from.  And the NFL is going to approve it, assuming the financing works out.  Obviously, if it's Bezos, the financing works out. "Go look up filthy ****ing rich bald dude on your google machine, when you see my picture, approve the transaction."  Mike Drop.


Regardless, I think the new group can't really be worse than the old guy.  As bad?  Unlikely but possible, I guess.  I don't see how it could be worse.  Unless there was actual homicide involved.... 

5 minutes ago, skinzplay said:

I wish they'd stop hauling Gutman out for his 2 cents. Maybe he has a friend on the production staff who wants to give him a platform. He's irrelevant. There's a reason Bill Webster showed him the door after less than a year at The Bureau, and those habits resurfaced in Belgium. He needs to go somewhere and sit down before there's a lengthy radio podcast about his trifling self.


I actually like Gutman most of the time.  I think he took this one personally, as @Skinsinparadise also said.  


He was dead on balls accurate with almost all of his predictions as to what was going on with the congressional hearings.  Right down to the empty chair testimony with "Mr. Snyder" nameplate, which he nailed weeks before it happened.  

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6 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Tanya is clearly an enabler.



Give the lady her due respect-- that's High Mistress Tanya, the dark queen of pain you're talking about!











High Mistress Tanya, in her working gear and sporting a new black wig "taking command", while teaching the sacred art of obedience and compliance to the lowly disheveled one.




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3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


The charity stuff is just another layer.  As a business owner, he's also known to be cheap.  


Don't know if he's a good or bad person.  But i do know plenty who know him, talking on CNBC and other business shows, that as a boss say he often is a total A-hole, that's a pretty commonly known thing about him.   Short termpered and berates employees often. 


The impression I've gotten reading about Bezos over the years is he's not the nicest guy and he thinks he's smarter than everyone else.   lol, the good thing here is maybe he is indeed smarter than everyone else. 


I can't take the he's not a nice guy component to him as long as he is as smart as some say he is.


As an owner, to me my guess is what plays out is 


A.  He thinks he's smarter than the typical NFL owner and will be very hands on to show he can conquer football like everything else.


He said he had notes for the Amazon Rings of Power producers and writers and they ignored them.  Maybe that's too bad because that show sucked. I'd say he would likely try to hire the best people or those who will carry out his vision the best (which may not be great) and let them go at it, if Amazon Prime Video is any indication.

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36 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

A word on Bezos:  


First, I don't think his group is going to end up being the group chosen.  I think mostly because Dan won't want to sell it to him, and he's petty (and rich) enough to take a little less from somebody else to "stick it to" Bezos.  But also the Amazon connection with the NFL could present a bit of a problem. And I'm not entirely sure the other owners want to have the 4th richest guy in the world amongst their ranks.  It pushes them all down a peg.  Both from a wealth and also a status perspective.  Jerry is the most powerful and recognizable owner in the NFL right now.  Bezos buys a team, almost defacto he's the most powerful person int he room before the ink dries.  Do Jerry, Kraft, the Rooneys, Maras, Hunts, etc. want that?  I'm not sure.  Maybe.  Because it lifts them up.  But maybe not, because they all of a sudden have a guy who could literally buy the league for cash tomorrow if he wanted to.  


Second, Bezos bought the post and from what I know (and they were a client of mine before and after the acquisition) he really just let the newspaper people run the business.  That bodes well for him hiring the right people, providing input but staying out of the way.  


Third, he has the reputation of being a bit of an ass.  So did Steve Jobs.  A lot of it came down to the fact they demand perfection from those who work for them, and sometimes don't understand why others aren't either as driven or innately talented as they are.  That's not an excuse, it's just sortof the way they are.  


Fourth, the biggest benefit from Bezos would be he commands such attention because of his vast economic empire, he can basically bend municipalities to his will.  I firmly believe if he wants the RFK site, he's probably one of the very few people who can make that happen quickly.  Every stadium location opens up.  He already owns Crystal City.  Maybe he wants to put a stadium there.  Shrug.  It opens a ton of doors for just about eveyrthing, because there isn't a person in the world who won't take his phone call and give whatever he is proposing serious consideration. That is if they don't just poop their pants and say, "yes sir, Mr. Bezos sir, whatever you want."


Fifth, he's a businessman.  He's super wealthy.  But being super wealthy doesn't mean he's just going to throw money around because he has it.  He's going to be pragmatic.  That's how billionaires become billionaires.  He runs Amazon frugally to boost profits and enhance share price.  For those thinking he wouldn't do the same with the Commanders, you're nuts.  If he buys the team, it's because he sees it as a great way to get revenue.  


The benefit to the fans is they could build Jerry-world + for cash next week.  But if you don't think he would try to maximize the revenue of that venue in any way possible, you're nuts.  PSLs, high ticket prices, etc. 


Sixth, I do think if he buys a team he is going to be EXTREMELY interested in that team winning, because I don't think he wants a stain on his resume.  So, that's good. Does he know how to go about doing that?  I'm not sure.  But I do think he's smart enough to listen.  The big question is, who is he going to listen to?  Would he throw money at Payton?  Peyton Manning to be an executive?  (that would be fun...)  I dunno.  The risk is he gets the wrong person to listen to.  But I do think he would really want the team to win.  Because winning = revenue, and he knows is.  

Well I gotta hand it to you…you are intent on keeping your consecutive streak of wrong takes this year going.  I just want to applaud your commitment to the project lol.

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