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20 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Important last line: "against NFL and Commish Goodell."


Not Commanders and not Dan.


Ladies and Gentlemen, that was phrased that way on purpose.  

That's what stood out to me the most, the fact they are starting to separate themselves from Dan.

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Has any billionaire ever self destructed like this in history?


Honestly, has anyone ever fumbled and bumbled their way through nearly every situation they’ve encountered like this guy?


It’s truly remarkable the extent in which this eff up can eff up.  It defies all odds for any one person to fail to the extent Dan has failed at everything.


Yet somehow at the same time, he’s convinced his wife to stick by his side with all she knows about him as a result of these investigations.  As if he’s somehow convinced her of all the lies he’s told us over the years.

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2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Mike Jones on Keim's podcast.


A.  Heard Dan has cash flow issues, thought that is in the soup as for why Dan is in this place for selling.  Keim concurred saying he's heard whispers about Dan having cash issues for quite some time.  Sheehan referenced today some cash flow issues, too.


B.  Jones also thought Irsay's comments gave a window about what the owners are thinking.


C.  Asking around, Jones is hearing this is a full sale


D.  Other owners noticing the fans glee about Dan selling.  They think this market can likely be revived 


"Heard Dan has cash flow issues... Keim concurred saying he's heard whispers about Dan having cash issues for quite some time.  Sheehan referenced today some cash flow issues, too."


I can vouch for that. 


I was in line at Ben's Chili Bowl late last Wednesday or Thursday and Disheveled Dan was just in front of me picking up two chili smokes and some cheese fries with extra ketchup.


When it was time for him to pay he came up a few bucks short. At first he tried to get the cashier to let him slide until payday, and when that fell flat, he started  asking if anyone would square him up for some game tickets.


He didn't get any takers, but he looked pretty sad and pathetic, so I asked if the tickets were either located under the sewage leak or obstructed view seats.


He broke eye contact and hesitated for a few seconds then said he wasn't sure, but something in the way he said it made me doubt him, so I passed.






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The Commanders’ biggest threat, as always, is coming from inside the house

Follow along here. One arm of the Washington Commanders this week felt compelled to release a statement distancing the team from a statement released by another arm of the Commanders, which felt comfortable using an innocent player as a pawn in a typically scorched-earth reaction to an event that hadn’t even happened yet. It may take you four readings of that sentence to even have a vague sense of what transpired. In Ashburn, they call that “Wednesday.”


For the Commanders and all the iterations that have preceded them, self-inflicted wounds are mandatory, chaos baked-in. The news Thursday should have been contained: Karl A. Racine, the D.C. attorney general, announced that his office was filing a consumer protection lawsuit against the Commanders, owner Daniel Snyder, the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, alleging past deceptions. When there are investigations ongoing into Snyder’s alleged personal and financial misdeeds by the NFL, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia, the cows have to come home at some point. This was merely opening the barn door.

But because, until further notice, Snyder still owns this team, there are no blips. Every move registers on the Richter scale. Someone with the Commanders thought, after Racine’s office said the attorney general would have a “major announcement” about his Snyder investigation, that it would be a good idea to link the August shooting of rookie running back Brian Robinson, a blameless victim, to Racine’s impending announcement.

The fangs were out. Buckle up.


“Less than three months ago, a 23-year-old player on our team was shot multiple times, in broad daylight,” the statement, issued through a team spokesperson, began. “Despite the out-of-control violent crime in DC, today the Washington Commanders learned for the first time on Twitter that the D.C. Attorney General will be holding a news conference to ‘make a major announcement’ related to the organization tomorrow. …


“It is unfortunate that, in his final days in office, Mr. Racine appears more interested in making splashy headlines, based on offbeat legal theories, rather than doing the hard work of making the streets safe for our citizens, including bringing to justice the people who shot one of our players.”


That’s breathtaking. It’s hard not to feel Snyder directly behind it, imploring his pit bulls to lunge for the jugular. Failing to anticipate inevitable public backlash is one thing. Not giving a millisecond’s thought to what the impact on Robinson might be is another.

Never mind, too, that D.C. police have arrested two teenagers, and are still searching for a third suspect, in what has been described as an attempted robbery. Robinson feels fortunate to be alive. He was a victim in what could easily have been a tragedy. He is a 23-year-old trying to establish himself in the NFL. His own team drags him into this?


“Although I know that there are some great humans in that building,” his agent, Ryan Williams, tweeted Wednesday night, “whoever is hiding behind this statement is not one of them.”


That’s true. But while acknowledging that there are and have been and will be good people who occupy offices in Ashburn, it’s fair to say that the whole lot of them is stained by the rot that defines the franchise. It’s not just that accepting a job there is unlikely to enhance someone’s reputation. The goal has to be to get out before permanent damage is done.

What must it be like to work for the Commanders, even at a time when Snyder argues — over and over — that the culture of the team has been transformed? All those employees who come and go certainly work for Snyder; he signs the checks. But there has to be a feeling, not infrequently, that they work against him. Or, maybe more accurately and more often, he works against them.

That’s the only conclusion to draw. Within hours of the issuance of the first statement — which some in the building actively considered a disaster — came the next, attributable to Jason Wright, the team president installed by Snyder to clean up the owner’s messes. On his first day, Wright must have been issued an endless supply of mops and a bottomless bucket.

In the statement, Wright said he had spoken to D.C. Police Chief Robert J. Contee III in addition to other leaders working to reduce gun violence. He pinned the initial statement on team lawyers who have been frustrated by Racine’s investigation.


“The lawyers’ legitimate frustrations with the AG should have been separate and apart from referencing the terrible crime that affected out player,” Wright’s statement concluded.

So who issued the first statement? The transformed organization that is setting an industry standard or the old one that expresses remorse only after it has been exposed? Either way, it’s astonishing that the people who issued what amount to dueling statements all work for the same person. They’re clearly not working for the same cause.

Think about what Ron Rivera, the head coach, said in the days after Robinson was shot.

“I think it’s about the community being aware, and the community really just saying enough is enough, coming together, supporting our elected officials, helping them,” Rivera said then. “There’s too much infighting as far as that’s concerned. The real truth of the matter is people are dying unnecessarily, and it’s crazy how we. as one of the most advanced societies in the world, continue to have this issue.”


That such an issue is wholly and completely separate from one of several investigations into the culture of an NFL team’s workplace should be left unsaid. Except in Ashburn, one branch of the organization tries to stitch those together while the other grabs the thread in an attempt to tug it apart.

Whether the workplace environment is actively toxic anymore is important, and if real strides have been made in that area then kudos to those responsible. But the stain and the stench remains at the top, and anyone who takes a job and a paycheck does so at his or her own peril.

Daniel Snyder may finally sell his team. But until he does, assume an avoidable catastrophe will be served with breakfast, as reliable as morning coffee. The owner under siege knows no other way.



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Howard Gutman was on Grant and Danny trashing the AG, saying it was a "spectacle unbecoming of a public servant, a prosecutor, it was legal nonsense and it made it so much less likely that we get rid of Dan Snyder.  It was so counterproductive for everyone involved except for Racine, I was completely bewildered"


Not exactly what I was hoping to hear from an attorney with his experience who is also not a supporter of Dan.

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2 hours ago, GoCommiesGo said:

I would guess at that point they didn't want to push it more than they had to. It was easier to cover it up / not have a written report and hope the 24-hour news cycle moves beyond. 


But we have reached the diminishing returns point sometime this year. It's become more costly (PR / non-stop investigations) to have him stay, and they have made the business decision it would be worth the fallout to have him gone. 


Problem is the NFL doesn't realize there is no more 24 hour news cycle, not in this era of cell phones and social media.

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5 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Howard Gutman was on Grant and Danny trashing the AG, saying it was a "spectacle unbecoming of a public servant, a prosecutor, it was legal nonsense and it made it so much less likely that we get rid of Dan Snyder.  It was so counterproductive for everyone involved except for Racine, I was completely bewildered"


Not exactly what I was hoping to hear from an attorney with his experience who is also not a supporter of Dan.


Gutman was on Sheehan earlier and talked about hating AG's-pubic servants who have been on the other side of him in cases when they grandstand publicly.  He then talked about he often gets their word and then they go against their word and go public.  Sounded like Gutman has something personal versus people in the AG position and their antics from his own experiences.


Having said that, i like Gutman.  He's a passionate fan and seems to really care.  so I got no beef with him but it came off to me that this whole thing felt a bit personal to him via his own legal career which he talked about some this morning on Sheehan.

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3 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Howard Gutman was on Grant and Danny trashing the AG, saying it was a "spectacle unbecoming of a public servant, a prosecutor, it was legal nonsense and it made it so much less likely that we get rid of Dan Snyder.  It was so counterproductive for everyone involved except for Racine, I was completely bewildered"


Not exactly what I was hoping to hear from an attorney with his experience who is also not a supporter of Dan.


I seriously doubt it has any impact on a sale. At most the team owes $30 million or so which is a drop in the hat for a $6-7 billion dollar bill.

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23 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Has any billionaire ever self destructed like this in history?


Honestly, has anyone ever fumbled and bumbled their way through nearly every situation they’ve encountered like this guy?


It’s truly remarkable the extent in which this eff up can eff up.  It defies all odds for any one person to fail to the extent Dan has failed at everything.


Yet somehow at the same time, he’s convinced his wife to stick by his side with all she knows about him as a result of these investigations.  As if he’s somehow convinced her of all the lies he’s told us over the years.

He hasn't convinced Tanya of anything; she knows - and has known - exactly who this scumbag is.  And she's perfectly fine with it.  Tanya is just as complicit and despicable a person as Snyder is. 

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24 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Has any billionaire ever self destructed like this in history?


Honestly, has anyone ever fumbled and bumbled their way through nearly every situation they’ve encountered like this guy?


It’s truly remarkable the extent in which this eff up can eff up.  It defies all odds for any one person to fail to the extent Dan has failed at everything.


Yet somehow at the same time, he’s convinced his wife to stick by his side with all she knows about him as a result of these investigations.  As if he’s somehow convinced her of all the lies he’s told us over the years.

I am not even sure this would make the top 100 in self destructions it is just more public than a lot of them. People lose all their money and commit crimes that lead to jail time even though they are billionaires. In Dan's case he will walk away a free man and with 6-7Billion dollar payout. 

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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Mike Jones on Keim's podcast.


A.  Heard Dan has cash flow issues, thought that is in the soup as for why Dan is in this place for selling.  Keim concurred saying he's heard whispers about Dan having cash issues for quite some time.  Sheehan referenced today some cash flow issues, too.


B.  Jones also thought Irsay's comments gave a window about what the owners are thinking.


C.  Asking around, Jones is hearing this is a full sale


D.  Other owners noticing the fans glee about Dan selling.  They think this market can likely be revived 

If Dan is really having cash issues lately, then selling the team will be his only option with this lawsuit.


And personnally I would find it fun, and moral, if Dan sells for $7 billion to be fined $6.999.999.999.


Sounds fair to me.


But the team being named as a separate entity in this case would also lower its selling price I believe. Or will rebuke some few bidders. Don't know...

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1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Having said that, i like Gutman.  He's a passionate fan and seems to really care.  so I got no beef with him but it came off to me that this whole thing felt a bit personal to him via his own legal career which he talked about some this morning on Sheehan.

I thought he was very specific on addressing what can be done to the team based on the law regarding consumer protection and other items, even Grant mentioned after Howard went off air how Howard wants Dan out as much as anyone, I would give it a listen because I didn't pick up any fluff or personal vendetta.

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4 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

I thought he was very specific on addressing what can be done to the team based on the law regarding consumer protection and other items, even Grant mentioned after Howard went off air how Howard wants Dan out as much as anyone, I would give it a listen because I didn't pick up any fluff or personal vendetta.


Didn't say it was fluff.  What i said is he clearly has a beef with these type of tactics from his own experience and he talked about it in detail -- so i think that hardened his position about this.  I didn't say he was wrong or right but it was clear that his personal experience weighed into his take.


Yeah I know Gutman wants Dan gone.  It's part of the reason why I complemented him.  He listens to Commanders sports talk when he's abroad in Belgium among other things -- he's a die hard.  Good guy too.  I've listened to him a ton this year, he's been on Sheehan's show a lot. 

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8 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

I seriously doubt it has any impact on a sale. At most the team owes $30 million or so which is a drop in the hat for a $6-7 billion dollar bill.

Gutman has been an attorney for 40 years, clerked under multiple Supreme Court Justices, worked for Clinton and Obama and was the US ambassador to Belgium for many years, take it for what it is but he's not some hot take attorney working for a cable news network.

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4 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Gutman has been an attorney for 40 years, clerked under multiple Supreme Court Justices, worked for Clinton and Obama and was the US ambassador to Belgium for many years, take it for what it is but he's not some hot take attorney working for a cable news network.


Meh, we'll see.

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4 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

I didn't say he was wrong or right but it was clear that his personal experience weighed into his take.

I gotcha and I've heard him several time on Sheehan too just not today.  Regardless of whether he hates grandstanders who are trying to make a name for themselves as they leave office he seemed to have some real worries so hopefully he's just being over passionate about the situation.


From my prospective I'm worried something is going to happen that prolongs this sale, Its a bit selfish on my part but when I heard what he said today it created instant anxiety.

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28 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Howard Gutman was on Grant and Danny trashing the AG, saying it was a "spectacle unbecoming of a public servant, a prosecutor, it was legal nonsense and it made it so much less likely that we get rid of Dan Snyder.  It was so counterproductive for everyone involved except for Racine, I was completely bewildered"


Not exactly what I was hoping to hear from an attorney with his experience who is also not a supporter of Dan.


Did he say exactly why he thought the lawsuit would make it more likely for Dan to stay? That doesn't make much sense to me, unless the NFL and other owners rally around him and it certainly doesn't sound like that's happening.

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21 minutes ago, Hoover-ball said:

I am not even sure this would make the top 100 in self destructions it is just more public than a lot of them. People lose all their money and commit crimes that lead to jail time even though they are billionaires. In Dan's case he will walk away a free man and with 6-7Billion dollar payout. 

For clarity, I probably should have added the caveat without drugs, gambling, prison, etc.


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29 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Gutman has been an attorney for 40 years, clerked under multiple Supreme Court Justices, worked for Clinton and Obama and was the US ambassador to Belgium for many years, take it for what it is but he's not some hot take attorney working for a cable news network.

Are the problems Dan Snyder has caused, going away? Did he explain how this makes it less likely to get rid of Dan Snyder? Heck, this is probably the reason he’s being forced out. And let’s not kid ourselves, he’s being forced out. 


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25 minutes ago, mistertim said:


Did he say exactly why he thought the lawsuit would make it more likely for Dan to stay? That doesn't make much sense to me, unless the NFL and other owners rally around him and it certainly doesn't sound like that's happening.

Here's the link, its about 19 minutes and maybe you have a different take than I do but he basically said you need the other owners to force Dan out but now that they are going after the entire NFL the other owners will have a harder time because it will make them look complicit because they weren't proactive in removing Dan when they knew what was going on.  I don't think he believes it will ruin the sale completely but more likely to delay it or drag it out.  He does say he believes there is no cause for action and once that's found the case will be thrown out and the sale will be back on track.




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42 minutes ago, Redwards said:

He hasn't convinced Tanya of anything; she knows - and has known - exactly who this scumbag is.  And she's perfectly fine with it.  Tanya is just as complicit and despicable a person as Snyder is. 

It’s likely she’s knows he’s a scumbag, but the sexual harassment stuff and the detail surrounding it, adds an additional layer.  She could take him for 1/2 his worth and maybe that’s coming post sale.

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19 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

Here's the link, its about 19 minutes and maybe you have a different take than I do but he basically said you need the other owners to force Dan out but now that they are going after the entire NFL the other owners will have a harder time because it will make them look complicit because they weren't proactive in removing Dan when they knew what was going on.  I don't think he believes it will ruin the sale completely but more likely to delay it or drag it out.  He does say he believes there is no cause for action and once that's found the case will be thrown out and the sale will be back on track.





Thanks, will listen when I have a chance. Though the hole in what you're paraphrasing of what he said is that Dan had already started the selling process before they even knew about the lawsuit, so I'd assume that either means there were enough owners already who would vote to force him to sell the team and/or he is having major cash flow issues.


And in the statement released, the NFL also clearly didn't even mention Dan and instead just said the NFL and Goodell. I think Dan is pretty much persona non grata and I'd be more inclined to think this lawsuit would accelerate rather than hinder.


But I'm also not a lawyer, so he has way more knowledge in that arena than I do.

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