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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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29 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Quit BS'ing and answer the posters who have engaged you, that would be a start...


You know like how the guy you voted for would have low gas prices, little to no inflation, etc.


See...this is why I don't even know why this thread is still open. 


We all saw this coming, we've seen in the past it left open to kinda allow a group clown pounding.  I'm not against that, but damn...


At this point I feel like we've seen this movie before, and this isn't even a decent remake.


Wtf, yall?  He's not debating, so you aren't winning, and 5 pages in 5 hours, he's winning because he's successfully trolling us.

Edited by Renegade7
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38 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I don't see how my post is any worse than the "GOP is a sewer" thread. Where the majority is posting videos/articles making fun of Republicans.


Like I said, if I'm at risk of being banned for having an unpopular opinion on here, I will quietly return to the stadium to chat strictly football. No need to witch-hunt me.


My account is not a troll account, and I hope that my contributions to the draft thread prove that. Chatting up the draft was my primary reason for joining the board, but I made a post as an alternate to the "GOP Sewer" thread. Didn't think it would be a big deal, but it's clear I'm in a minority here.



There’s already a Fixing the Democratic Party thread.

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Never heard of Tim Pool before today.  Interesting background.  I see that his viewers are mostly described as "right" and lately I have come to question whether media personalities believe what they say or personalities say what people want to hear. 


Hey, another Fox News, Charlie Kirk type of clone with a Youtube channel.  This isn't news, it's politics.  Why not talk about news absent attacking Biden?  I guess these people never paid attention (too young) during the Bush years, so... 

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1 hour ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Trump shored up US energy production. Biden shut down the pipeline and ran on being against fracking. 


We were nearly energy independent. 


One of my favorite point brought up by Republican talking points is this idea of energy independence.  What is that?  Most of the inputs are commodities sold in a global market.  Do you mean we should be energy independent such that none of our good are allowed to be sold out of the U.S., and we should only use what is produced/mined here?  So does the government simply stop all exports of anything related to energy? 


I should note we are a net energy exporter as is.  So what do you mean by independent? 


Also, I note some on here seem to view transgenderism as something no young  kid should learn about in school.  What do you think my R should be forced to say or do?  R was born with a penis.  R has insisted R is a a girl from the time he learned the parts of his body, and we are a family of 6 people dealing with different medical diagnoses.  So we teach about the body really early.  R has tucked his penis, wanted to cut off the penis, and just deny it exists frequently.  Do we tell R not to wear dresses?  What should the poor teacher tell other students if they can't talk about how it is OK to identify as a gender other than the one to which we are born?  While our school and his teacher would never specifically talk about "transgender," they do talk about accepting R for being R.  I can easily see how that could be labeled as teaching about transgender and/or homosexuality acceptance (since they are commonly linked in some peoples' minds). 


So I will come out and say it.  I am for schools teaching about transgender and homosexuality acceptance.  To those who think my R should be mocked, labeled or forced to live a harder life than R already has as a trans-racial adoption who has already lived through dozens of injuries including a broken neck, I think you have some serious empathy issues.  I just wish more people and families like mine could feel free to come out and put a face on what others would hate.  I believe it is harder to hate that which you know.   

Edited by gbear
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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I was in Belize last week and I put 2 gallons of gas in my golf cart.


Actually to clarify, it was $30 for 2 gallons, $30 Belize dollars.  $15 USD though.


The good thing is that lasted me the whole week because those ****ers get like 40 miles per gallon and the farthest trip we took was like 18 miles round trip.


I want to hear more about where you drove 9 miles and back in a freaking golf cart.

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40 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I also think "Objectively" really harms the OPs thesis.  What is the standard for terrible?  


Biden hasn't been impeached, hasn't made any decisions solely to enrich himself or harm his political opponents, hasn't thrown any paper towels at hurricane victims, hasn't shoved any foreign dignitaries, hasn't looked directly at the sun like a ****ing idiot, hasn't taken the side of neo nazis (one of whom had just committed murder), hasn't had the military forcibly clear a public street for a photo op, hasn't taken the word of Vladimir Putin over the entire US intelligence apparatus, unemployment is 3.6%, the Dow is at 34,500, basically everyone with a mortgage was able to refinance into rock-bottom rates in the past 2 years, the U.S. economy last year grew at its fastest pace since 1984, NATO is stronger than has been in many years.  He's doing a fine job.  He can't magically eliminate inflation. He's not a ****ing wizard. 


So, maybe "objectively" was a poor choice of words. 

Depends on what the person is impeached for. Was is something that truly worth of impeachment or was it more political. 

Clinton’s impeachment was political. Trump’s impeachment was because he actually did something wrong that was worthy of impeachment. When Biden faces multiple impeachments next year; it will be more political.

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I have to admit, Belize has a place in my heart as my favorite vacation spot.  My wife and I went to Placencia back when we dating to a place called Singing Sands Inn.  I can't say enough for how beautiful it is there and how many fun eco-tourism trips can done in a visit there.  I miss Belize.


Also, don't mock driving in golf carts.  When my grandma passed, we sold her car and golf cart.  Her car had 18k miles on it, roughly half what her golf cart had.  It seems a good life can be lived riding in one.

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57 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I tried posting a video and made multiple posts backing up my "claims". Even if I did post sources it would just be discredited or ignored. The response to the Tim Pool video is a perfect example.


May the tailgate echo-chamber love on. I will return to the stadium to chat football.




I asked you a simple question.  What metric are you using to judge the economy during each presidential term?  You haven't answered that.


I'm probably in the top 5 of regular posters here in level of conservatism.  Been posting here for over a decade and haven't been banned for my opinions.  But I use facts from reliable sources.  

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3 hours ago, Ball Security said:

Hey, be fair.  The GOP has wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare.  They have a great plan to replace it.  They’ll share that plan any day now.

This is a great example of how far society has grown beyond the Republican Party politically.  They can’t tell anyone their plan, because their plan is financially ruining Americans for the crime of being sick.  That’s the plan.  Let any company charge whatever the hell they want and absolutely ****ing destroy people that get sick.  I wish I was exaggerating but I might be underselling it, because if they had their way they’d probably demand payment upfront or just let people die on the street.  

so they focus on the culture war instead.

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2 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:

If you think this level of inflation is a natural "cycle" you're out of your mind.


Discounting the good news on the economy (low unemployment, decreased deficit, increased wages) as a natural part of coming out the pandemic and the bad part (increased inflation) as something else is not intellectually honest.


The inflation, wage growth, unemployment, and debt decrease are all not part of the "natural cycle".  They are all part of the way the pandemic was handled and how we are coming out of it.  If you are going to blame Biden (and the Democrats) for the bad part, they also have to be given credit for the good part.


Anything else is really just dishonest and/or stupid.

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31 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


See...this is why I don't even know why this thread is still open. 


We all saw this coming, we've seen in the past it left open to kinda allow a group clown pounding.  I'm not against that, but damn...


At this point I feel like we've seen this movie before, and this isn't even a decent remake.


Wtf, yall?  He's not debating, so you aren't winning, and 5 pages in 5 hours, he's winning because he's successfully trolling us.

Agreed, but I usually don’t take part in these. With my first response, i was trying to be nice and engage, thinking maybe people don’t Discuss this stuff here because they feel attacked. 

i was wrong and now I must submit myself to watching 20 minutes of Taylor Heinicke highlights both as punishment and to help get the thought of this ****ty thread out of my mind.


now that I think of it, Taylor probably doesn’t have 20 minutes of highlights. I will subject myself to 1 minute of highlights and will give myself ten lashings to improve my day.

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@Forever A Redskin in case you do come back to the Tailgate, here is another piece of advice.  There is already a thread for almost every political topic one can think of here.  Your thread is too general.  There is PLENTY to critique Biden and the Dems on.  Pick the topic you feel the most strong and well-educated on and go there.  Then engage in discussions on that topic and use facts from reputable sources to enforce your point.  

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I really don't think it's fair to say he/she is trolling.  They are making an effort.  I'm sure it feels like they're being swarmed in response.  I hope this thread stays open and some real dialogue emerges.


There are conservatives out there who aren't bat **** insane.  But their party has been hijacked by Donald Trump and a host of culture warriors continuing a generation of divisiveness as part of a strategy of "get 'em angry about a wedge issue" and treat compromise or solutions as an afterthought, if at all.  And angry, disillusioned, frightened people eat it up.

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2 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:

The economy was the best it's been in years prior to the lockdowns. 


Blaming gas prices on Putin when they were surging well beforehand is laughable.


Can you explain which of Bidens polices have led to high inflation, supply chain issues and surging gas prices in Europe or Australia as examples?


By the way let me put one thing to bed - we do NOT ban people on ES for holding a specific political view or for having views/opinions which are in the minority. We ban people for breaking our rules. You are at zero risk of being banned for starting this thread - but we do expect people who start threads to back up their positions and respond with more than 'your moma said' responses when challenged on your position. That would apply as much in the Stadium as it does in the Tailgate.

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I'm with Dan on this.  Treat him respectfully,  As somebody raising kids historically looked down upon and hated, I hope actually hearing our stories will help put into perspective some of things people seem to reflexively hate.


I will grant you I say this as a hopeless optimist raised by 2 teachers.  I am so hopeless i have engaged in hours of talk about how the least objectionable abortions are the third trimester ones so vilified by the Right.  I tried to do this relating stories of two women I know who had them.  Both wanted kids.  Both had names and plans for their unborn child when fate stepped in.  One died in her, and they had to abort it or have it rot in her for a couple months.  The other would have given birth to a child who knew a few breaths of pain before death.  They decided they couldn't inflict that on their son and buried him after sparing him.  As one of the women said to me, "you think I wanted to do this to my body for 6.5 months?  If I wanted to abort I would have done it long before then!"  

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8 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

 I'm sure it feels like they're being swarmed in response. 


This is exactly why I have stopped commenting anything political here.  The moment I post a view that is opposite of the left, it's immediately like 8 people coming at me, inevitably someone saying i'm ignoring X, Y or Z, and dismissive of conversation.  Its like a lose lose situation LOL.

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58 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Using any objective metric you can say the economy was strong up until the pandemic. Arguing about what whether the economy was strong misses the point I think.

Actually, I think you're right, there. 

The economy, under the first three years of Trump, was growing really well. 

Almost as well as it grew, the three years before Trump. 

And all it took to achieve it, was for Trump and the Congress to increase the federal deficit by 2/3. 

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