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Biden/Harris Legislative/Policy Discussions - Now with a Republican House starting 2023


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The gop minority party legislative playbook is so basic and well known. They’ve done it for as long as I can remember. They realize there’s a long list of things people want done - and the gop wants none of it - so the gop acts like they want to compromised but ultimately never will. Because why move on some of the basic things, only to have to play defense as the minority party on others. We can’t get to criminal just reform if we can’t get past infrastructure and basic budgeting. Minimum wage, poverty, drug war, climate change - you name it, it all has a place in the priority queue, and if the gop stalls on item #1 we’ll never get to even discuss item #15. 

yet the Biden administration is going to waste the first 12 months of its administration haggling over basically #1 and #2, and still ultimately be forced to either deal with the filibuster and get what they think is right or agree to some ****ized version of what’s right. 

I may disagree with what the GOP wants but there’s no question they run circles around the Dems strategically. If the Dems didn’t have changing demographics in their favor, and the fact that the republicans seem to embrace hating everyone as the core of their agenda more and more every month… the Dems would be relegated second fiddle permanently. 

in fact the only criticism I have of the gop at the moment, from a strategic standpoint, is their lack of recognizing that if they simply altered a few things… their vastly superior strategies would ensure them the primary party of power for the foreseeable future. 

and as an aside the idea that the Dems are what we’re counting on to quell a fascist authoritarian uprising… is deeply concerning. 

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There will be no bipartisan infrastructure deal. Even if the Senate votes for one; the house will not vote for what the Senate passes and will make changes which the Senate will reject in conference.


I am still very doubtful the Senate passes anything; when it comes to vote. Their master already told them to reject the deal and they will honor their master’s wishes.

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1 hour ago, Ball Security said:

Those numbers aren’t really that bad if we assume that the sample is from a set of Fox viewers.  Are they?


I wouldn't jump to that assumption.  


I will observe that on, say, immigration?  The "Disapprove" group includes people who are angry that he hasn't declared war on Mexico, and people upset that he hasn't issued Presidential Pardons to all illegal immigrants in the country.  

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3 hours ago, Ball Security said:

Those numbers aren’t really that bad if we assume that the sample is from a set of Fox viewers.  Are they?


Also don't just disregard Fox News polling. They tend to be fairly accurate come election season, more so than everyone else. Now, the wording of questions may have skewed responses for this poll, but I would assume responses were from both sides of the aisle. 

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Biden slams Trump for racking up $8 trillion in debt as he vows Democrats will pay for their spending plan by taxing the rich


After months of negotiations, the Senate passed President Joe Biden's $1 trillion infrastructure bill on Tuesday. A day later, the president made sure Americans knew his economic agenda would represent a sharp break from President Donald Trump.


"This isn't going to be anything like my predecessor, whose unpaid tax cuts and other spending added nearly $8 trillion in his four years to the national debt - $8 trillion," Biden said on Wednesday.


Biden vowed he would do things differently and pay for his major spending proposals by hiking taxes on the rich.


"The investments I'm proposing would be fully paid for over the long term by having the largest corporations ... and the superwealthy begin to pay their fair share," Biden said.


Click on the link for the full article

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I am pretty surprised but not surprised that the narrative going on with the current situation in Afganistan is "omg the Taliban is taking over again" rather then "Wait, we've been there almost 20 years, supposedly training security forces to defend their own country, and the Taliban was able to take over within a couple months of troops leaving? So WTF have we been doing there exactly?"

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3 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

I am pretty surprised but not surprised that the narrative going on with the current situation in Afganistan is "omg the Taliban is taking over again" rather then "Wait, we've been there almost 20 years, supposedly training security forces to defend their own country, and the Taliban was able to take over within a couple months of troops leaving? So WTF have we been doing there exactly?"


It isn't a matter of training.  It is a matter of them not having faith in what and who they are fighting for (and with).  There's nothing that training can do about that.


(To create a national identity and not create local Afghan militia/military centers of powers, people that join the Afghani military are mixed up into a total pool and then deployed anywhere in the country.  You end up with people that have tribal/klan based heritage system fighting with people they don't trust (from a different klan/tribe/group) to protect people they don't know (aren't friends/families/the same tribe as them, etc.) for a government that they don't have faith in (the central government has been corrupt and largely inept).  In that situation, when push comes to shove, it is easier to surrender and walk away than stay and fight.  And that is what we are seeing.


The question is can enough Afghanis (and other regional powers) figure something out before the Taliban gets too much control.  Right now, that isn't looking good.


There is no better plan.  They have to figure this out for themselves, and that wasn't going to happen as long as we were there to do the heavy lifting.


Though, I understand there is a question if we are going to continue to provide air support beyond 8/31.  I think that we should.  We have to give them time/support to get things figured out.)

I'll add:


Similar happened in Iraq at first (rise of ISIS).  That scared the Iraqis and other regional powers enough that they have gotten their act together (some).


And while Iraq is still having problems (they have suspended an election until Oct because of fear of security and it being legit), things are better.  Hopefully over time, they'll get even better.


Democracies don't generally take over night.  In most cases, it has taken generations of ebb and flow (progress is not linear).


(The big question appear to be Pakistan and China.  Historically, Pakistan has preferred to have an Islamic state run by the Taliban on their border and China as at least gone along with that.  In both cases, they consider India an adversary and that's been away to torment and harass India.  If China and Pakistan are willing to support the Taliban, there isn't much anybody else can do.  Convincing China and Pakistan that a Taliban dominated Afghanistan isn't really in their best interest would go along way.)

Edited by PeterMP
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The moment we are gone for good; Taliban takes Kabul. They should rename the country Talibanistan. All those that supported us who are left; will be exterminated. Those who were in military will be exterminated. All schools for girls will be destroyed. They are already rounding up girls to be sex slaves for the Taliban. The country will return to what it was before we went there.

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Biden's Clean Energy Plan Would Save Over 317,000 Lives, Have Estimated Net Value Of $1.43 Trillion


The Biden administration’s plan for renewable energy would cut planet heating emissions and save 317,500 American lives over the next 30 years from deadly air pollution, according to a collaborated research report from Harvard University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Syracuse University.


Biden has sought to have 80% renewable energy use by 2030. The analysis of his "80×30 clean electricity standard (CES) by the Clean Energy Futures project shows that achieving the Biden Administration’s clean electricity goal through a CES would have modest costs and large benefits."


Aside from saving hundreds of thousands of lives, there are also strong cost benefits to the plan.


"This 80×30 CES would also prevent an estimated 317,500 premature deaths between now and 2050 and generate estimated present value health benefits of $1.13 trillion due to cleaner air, bringing the estimated present value net benefits to $1.43 trillion for 2020 to 2050," the report reads.


The authors of the report praised the plan, describing it as a "huge opportunity."


Click on the link for the full article

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Biden administration approves record permanent jump in food stamps


Millions of Americans will see their food stamp benefits permanently increase by a record amount later this year, The New York Times reported.


The Biden administration is expected to announce the new rules Monday, and they will take effect in October, according to the Times.


Average monthly benefits are slated to increase by $36 from a pre-pandemic average of $121, or about 25 percent. 


The change does not require approval from Congress and will apply to all of the more than 40 million people who receive these benefits, officially called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


Click on the link for the full article

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