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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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@Voice_of_ReasonThe sad thing is as bad as he’s been as an owner I think you’re mostly right. I think if he came out in a press conference, not a statement, and seemed to sincerely apologize and take at least a little ownership it would probably go a long way.

If he came out and said something to the effect of “regardless of any direct involvement with the harassment that ran rampant throughout the organization this is my franchise. Therefore the buck stops with me and I should’ve done a better job of fostering a better work environment that made people feel safe. While I do feel like we have taken steps in the right direction to fix the work environment we are constantly trying to improve every day. I’d like to sincerely apologize to any employee who ever felt harassed, uncomfortable, or unsafe in the past. I’d like to apologize to our fans for the last 20 years of mediocrity or worse and I am committed to being a better owner  and hope to help rebuild this fanbase in the future. I apologize to the NFL and my fellow owners for any embarrassment my franchise has caused.” something to that effect if he seemed sincere (doubtful) would go a long way in trying to fix all this mess. Being more open and public would probably help as well. He doesn’t have to be Jerry Jones but if he did friendly interviews once a month you might actually get to see a more human side if it exists. 
Like you I don’t think it will never happen. He either truly thinks he hasn’t done anything wrong (likely). Or he’s too scared to face the public (possible). probably a combination of both to be honest. Either way unless there’s a smoking gun or Congress legit threatens the anti-trust exemptions we are stuck with him.

So basically I feel like as fans we have two choices. Go on loving the team, ignoring Dan, while rooting for the players and coaches. Or giving up the team because Dan is still the owner and being miserable because you gave up something you love because of Daniel freaking Snyder. 


Edited by Mrshadow008
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28 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

@Voice_of_ReasonThe sad thing is as bad as he’s been as an owner I think you’re mostly right. I think if he came out in a press conference, not a statement, and seemed to sincerely apologize and take at least a little ownership it would probably go a long way.

If he came out and said something to the effect of “regardless of any direct involvement with the harassment that ran rampant throughout the organization this is my franchise. Therefore the buck stops with me and I should’ve done a better job of fostering a better work environment that made people feel safe. While I do feel like we have taken steps in the right direction to fix the work environment we are constantly trying to improve every day. I’d like to sincerely apologize to any employee who ever felt harassed, uncomfortable, or unsafe in the past. I’d like to apologize to our fans for the last 20 years of mediocrity or worse and I am committed to being a better owner  and hope to help rebuild this fanbase in the future. I apologize to the NFL and my fellow owners for any embarrassment my franchise has caused.” something to that effect if he seemed sincere (doubtful) would go a long way in trying to fix all this mess. Being more open and public would probably help as well. He doesn’t have to be Jerry Jones but if he did friendly interviews once a month you might actually get to see a more human side if it exists. 
Like you I don’t think it will never happen. He either truly thinks he hasn’t done anything wrong (likely). Or he’s too scared to face the public (possible). probably a combination of both to be honest. Either way unless there’s a smoking gun or Congress legit threatens the anti-trust exemptions we are stuck with him.

So basically I feel like as fans we have two choices. Go on loving the team, ignoring Dan, while rooting for the players and coaches. Or giving up the team because Dan is still the owner and being miserable because you gave up something you love because of Daniel freaking Snyder. 


If he assembled a team that won a championship nobody would care about the rest.


Well, that's not fair. Some people would care. But the vast majority care more about results on the field than anything else. 


There are 32 teams in the league built for equality. Math says we should get a championship about once every 32 years. We, Washington fans, have 3. We're due again at super bowl 96

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14 minutes ago, Redskins Diehard said:

If he assembled a team that won a championship nobody would care about the rest.


Well, that's not fair. Some people would care. But the vast majority care more about results on the field than anything else. 


There are 32 teams in the league built for equality. Math says we should get a championship about once every 32 years. We, Washington fans, have 3. We're due again at super bowl 96

I actually don’t disagree with you. It’s literally the difference between Irsay and Snyder. Well Irsay is also guarded by being in a smaller market as well. But Irsay is supposedly just as hands on as Dan/Jerry. Multiple drug/alcohol issues. Dui with drugs and a mistress in his vehicle. Another mistress found dead in one of three homes he bought her and couldn’t even show up to funeral. Fired one of the best GMs in league history and a coach that was 24-8 with a super bowl appearance in his 1st 2 seasons. All because they couldn’t overcome losing a top 5 qb in nfl history and went 2-14 in his 3rd season. Generally considered one of the better owners in the league all because he just happened to have  the #1 overall pick in years that Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck came out. 
Point is all it really takes is for Dan to get lucky at the qb position and be competitive for several years in a row and everything changes 

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16 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

I actually don’t disagree with you. It’s literally the difference between Irsay and Snyder. Well Irsay is also guarded by being in a smaller market as well. But Irsay is supposedly just as hands on as Dan/Jerry. Multiple drug/alcohol issues. Dui with drugs and a mistress in his vehicle. Another mistress found dead in one of three homes he bought her and couldn’t even show up to funeral. Fired one of the best GMs in league history and a coach that was 24-8 with a super bowl appearance in his 1st 2 seasons. All because they couldn’t overcome losing a top 5 qb in nfl history and went 2-14 in his 3rd season. Generally considered one of the better owners in the league all because he just happened to have  the #1 overall pick in years that Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck came out. 
Point is all it really takes is for Dan to get lucky at the qb position and be competitive for several years in a row and everything changes 


Irsay actually believes in a real FO and hiring the best of the best on that front.  Polian in his heyday was a big deal.  When they hired Pollard, he was considered the hottest name at the time.  Irsay does understand something that Dan doesn't seem to which is it does matter who is picking the groceries.  From what I've read Irsay has opinions and the Wentz situation is a case in point with him interferring but typically lets Ballard do his thing. 


As for the conversation on the thread about fandom and how people want to act on that.  I agree that its everyone's own business.  I have personal reasons for why I can never see myself abandoning being a fan or rooting for them to lose -- aside from if the season is already out of control and am rooting for a draft pick.   But I try to go to one home game and one road game a season.  I also get those who don't want to go and want them to lose.  I get the reasons for both sentiments. 


This part isn't directed to you.  I am rooting hard like 99% of the Commanders fans i'd bet for the investigation on Dan to dig enough dirt to someday remove the douche.  On a scale of 0-10 with 10 being the worst score as for Dan being a bad owner -- I'd give him a 20.  The dude IMO is a train wreck.  There is no hyperbole in my mind for how bad the dude is.    Even for the few outlier fans who disagree, I think the proof is in the pudding.  There is no ambiguity to me about it at all.  He's taken one of the most rabid fan bases in sports and turned it into one of the most pathetic shells of itself -- on par with the low of the low like the Jaguars.  Dan hasn't just been a major loser on the field but an even bigger loser off the field.  That's not a subjective -- opinion based discussion.  It's a fact. 


Could all the stories about Dan be made up and he's a wonderful guy -- no chance considering how many different sources have spelled out what kind of guy he is.  There are plenty of public figures who have well documented personalities.  And just because we haven't met them personally doesn't mean that those stories are untrue.  But even if I played along with that point that maybe there is more good to Dan than people give him credit for -- Dan loses out because that's not the perception most fans have of him.  And since he has no desire to speak to his customer base and paint his own image then he or the few that have his back IMO can't complain about his image.  He's made no effort to do anything to explain himself or his motives outside of trying to demonize anyone who attacks him with press leaks, etc. 


Staying on that topic, I listened to Lisa Banks on 106.7 this morning.  She said the NFL's current investigation she heard is probably weeks away from being released and she is getting the impression that this investigation might actually come down harder unlike the other one.  I hope her instincts are right.  Will see.




Edited by Skinsinparadise
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17 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

@Voice_of_ReasonThe sad thing is as bad as he’s been as an owner I think you’re mostly right. I think if he came out in a press conference, not a statement, and seemed to sincerely apologize and take at least a little ownership it would probably go a long way.



My business is somewhat tied to doing PR for public figures though its not what I major in but i am involved enough.  And the really sad thing about Dan and part of what makes me very pessimistic about him ever changing is IMO its not that complicated as to how to start at least fixing his PR issues.


People tend to be forgiving of public figures if they admit to a mistake if it comes off sincere without any obvious gamesmanship to it.   The perfect PR is when it doesn't come off like PR.


It feels like Dan can't get over his delusional streak, vindictiveness and pettyness to ever do a real Mea Culpa.   The problem now is so much water is under the bridge that I wonder if he could salvage his reputation even just a little bit.     


But if I tried to give it a real shot, I'd have him take full responsibility for everything -- no shifting the blame at all or doing these fake apologies about how he's not the guilty party but hey it happened under his watch so he will take the hit.  

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23 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

But if I tried to give it a real shot, I'd have him take full responsibility for everything -- no shifting the blame at all or doing these fake apologies about how he's not the guilty party but hey it happened under his watch so he will take the hit.  


After his first decade of failure, he did an interview and stated that he learned from his mistakes, hired the wrong clowns, etc. He was going to do it right this time! (Then he proceeded to hire more clowns)


Now after the 2nd decade+ he has learned that it's better to just disregard the fans since he's getting paid more from the league anyway. Fans really don't matter anymore (unless you want a new stadium lol). Literally, Pride over everything else. Millions of fans gone, empty stadium, nothing will faze him. 


But as so many Redskins fans on here used to say "all he wants to do it win". Yeah, he wants to win, just not at football as much as some of them believed back then. He's guaranteed a huge royalty from the league year after year, win or lose. He's winning!

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25 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:


After his first decade of failure, he did an interview and stated that he learned from his mistakes, hired the wrong clowns, etc. He was going to do it right this time! (Then he proceeded to hire more clowns)


Now after the 2nd decade+ he has learned that it's better to just disregard the fans since he's getting paid more from the league anyway. Fans really don't matter anymore (unless you want a new stadium lol). Literally, Pride over everything else. Millions of fans gone, empty stadium, nothing will faze him. 


But as so many Redskins fans on here used to say "all he wants to do it win". Yeah, he wants to win, just not at football as much as some of them believed back then. He's guaranteed a huge royalty from the league year after year, win or lose. He's winning!


Yeah agree.  The problem he has is even deeper now than the past.  In the past, he gave his phony apology for interferring.  Now he has the culture-sexual harassment stuff front and center which he didn't have then.


I've posted the below interview before from 10 plus years ago, its even sadder to watch now.  As for Dan wants to win, I don't doubt he does but so what?  He doesn't know how to win.  He doesn't know what he doesn't know.   He would rather do things his way and use the team as a toy.   He's not just a major sleazeball but also IMO he's comically incompetent. 




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Wondering if this will inspire suits against Snyder or the organization, with the same logic being used (if those lawsuits haven't already taken place and been settled, that is)...





"The overwhelming evidence collected indicating that the Washington Redskins enabled the toxic behavior of its executives is incredibly damning"...Seems possible.

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35 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Wondering if this will inspire suits against Snyder or the organization, with the same logic being used (if those lawsuits haven't already taken place and been settled, that is)...

I think Lisa Banks is trying to get more testimony, including from Dan, before filing her civil suits. I think she's been puppet mastering this whole thing with Congress to that end for a long time.  I swear if anybody cared to investigate it (and I don't think anybody really cares to) they would find Banks has been playing Congress like a piano to try and get more evidence for her civil suit.  Because I'm not sure they have enough provable evidence (without a written Wilkinson report) to get the type of settlement they want.  


So without the report, Banks is having to find other ways to get the evidence on record in a way that's not "he said/she said" and could be dismissed.


Roger helped her with that to some extent in the testimony.  By saying it was the worst work place environment he has ever seen, in public and on record, that helps.  He also didn't defend Snyder's use of private investigators.  Now she wants Dan to slip up on the stand.  It's a Hail Mary, but it's what she wants.  Then she can use that in her civil suit.  


However, there is no way Dan is going to show up, so then the next question becomes, when does Banks file her lawsuit without that evidence?  It's coming, it's just a question of when.  She keeps popping her head up and making comments and represents the women and that Jason guy.  So either there really is nothing there they think they can prove, or the suit will come at some point, and they are just waiting for the time when it will be the most impactful.  


I think it will come in conjunction with a Washington Post piece (I think Banks is feeding the post also, though that might be a 2 way street), and something from Congress, and if I had to bet, I'd say either right when Training Camp opened or the Friday before the Commander's first game. A high-profile time, not the dead of summer when nobody is paying attention.  


That way the people who want to say, "there's always something with this team" would get the ability to do that, again.  



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I feel like most people would be so sick of dealing with the public angst and humiliation, the losing, the lawsuits, the dropped sponsors, the media articles, congressional hearings, etc. that they would just sell the freaking team and go cry about it on the mountain of money they made from the sale.


But no, we got this one of a kind dumpster fire of a human being, that is hellbent on ruining the lives of people who work for him or come at him sideways in addition to killing the fandom of hundreds of thousands of folks.

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19 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I feel like most people would be so sick of dealing with the public angst and humiliation, the losing, the lawsuits, the dropped sponsors, the media articles, congressional hearings, etc. that they would just sell the freaking team and go cry about it on the mountain of money they made from the sale.


But no, we got this one of a kind dumpster fire of a human being, that is hellbent on ruining the lives of people who work for him or come at him sideways in addition to killing the fandom of hundreds of thousands of folks.


That would require Snyder to have a heart in the first place. ZERO empathy, which is a critical skill for today's CEOs.


What I don't understand is why doesn't the Oversight Committee just ask Snyder on what day he will be available, since he's obviously going to claim that whatever date they provide him he will be "busy." We all know Snyder's response will be "I'm not available any day. At all. From now until 2057 when I die and my son Gerald takes over the team."

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21 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

But no, we got this one of a kind dumpster fire of a human being, that is hellbent on ruining the lives of people who work for him or come at him sideways in addition to killing the fandom of hundreds of thousands of folks.


But all he wants to do it win!!! (Not necessarily at football obviously)


And we're not even at the part where every 5 years or so he blows a first (or 3) on his hand-picked QB bust. 

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2 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:


But all he wants to do it win!!! (Not necessarily at football obviously)



I used to get so mad at hearing that. People believe what others say and not what they do too easily. Sure, Snyder may "WANT" to win, but if he doesn't win then he clearly doesn't care. Because if he did, he would do the necessary things to ensure a chance at winning...like hiring the right people (not sycophants) and letting them do their jobs (not picking a QB with the first draft pick because your son went to school with him). I've never understood how some fans could repeat this without any shred of proof.

3 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Gerry is apparently a TE at App State (was a redshirt freshman this past year). So hopefully we don’t have to live through that


and NO, we should not draft him!!!!! 


Oh my God...I never thought of that. "With the first pick in the 2026 NFL Draft...the Washington Commanders select Gerry Snyder, TE, Appalachian State." 🤣

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5 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Gerry is apparently a TE at App State (was a redshirt freshman this past year). So hopefully we don’t have to live through that


and NO, we should not draft him!!!!! 



Amazing to me these folks are worth billions, yet they wear suits that fit like they blindly picked it up off the big and tall rack at the goodwill in Potomac.

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It also seems that it is possible that Snyder has a similar personality to Howard Hughes so maybe things will get weirder and weirder as the years pass.


The clown show might never end during our lifetimes, or another 30 years or so lol!!! :rofl89:

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53 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I feel like most people would be so sick of dealing with the public angst and humiliation, the losing, the lawsuits, the dropped sponsors, the media articles, congressional hearings, etc. that they would just sell the freaking team and go cry about it on the mountain of money they made from the sale.


But no, we got this one of a kind dumpster fire of a human being, that is hellbent on ruining the lives of people who work for him or come at him sideways in addition to killing the fandom of hundreds of thousands of folks.


Kinda makes you wonder what else he is hiding 


That or hes just a psychopath  

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2 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:

It also seems that it is possible that Snyder has a similar personality to Howard Hughes so maybe things will get weirder and weirder as the years pass.


The clown show might never end during our lifetimes, or another 30 years or so lol!!! :rofl89:


Howard Hughes, at least, made significant contributions to America. He certainly struggled with mental illness...which I don't believe is Snyder's problem at all. Snyder is possibly a psychopath, but is more likely just a typical narcissist...not that being a narcissist is beneficial to anyone else!


Here's the criteria for NPD:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requiring excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)
  • Being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends)
  • Lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of them
  • Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Fits Snyder to a T!

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13 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


I used to get so mad at hearing that. People believe what others say and not what they do too easily. Sure, Snyder may "WANT" to win, but if he doesn't win then he clearly doesn't care. Because if he did, he would do the necessary things to ensure a chance at winning...like hiring the right people (not sycophants) and letting them do their jobs


The original assessment of him playing fantasy football was correct. He wanted to pick the players and win because he was so good at it. This was made obvious with the firing of Schottenheimer because it wasn't fun. With the way that team finished they'd have probably challenged the Eagles the next year. Instead, we got a couple clown years with Spurrier+Dan+Vinny.  

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23 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Gerry is apparently a TE at App State (was a redshirt freshman this past year). So hopefully we don’t have to live through that


and NO, we should not draft him!!!!! 

Just watched his high school “highlights”. He’s not good. No chance he ever plays a meaningful down at App State.

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