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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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39 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

*Also FWIW, seems my dads on the opposite side of me about the picture thing. He says Jackie should have more sensitivity and realize the media and fans are going to be looking at everything you do on social media on a day like yesterday*

I feel for you here because I know it must have been tough to break it to your dad that he was a ridiculous whiner who would get upset about anything. Nobody wants to have that conversation at dinner! 

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4 hours ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

The head of digital and global events are supposed to be in Cannes for a conference. Should they not be allowed to enjoy their time on a work trip, when they (the ones in the picture) aren’t the ones that are being subpoenaed for anything? I’m not the only one with this opinion. 

this just proves people will whine about anything. Just ridiculous. 


Holy **** dude you really have bad takes.  It really needs to be explained to you what a bad look it was on that specific day to make a comment on employees looks on the owner's yacht?  Really?  That is nothing short of remarkable.  


My take is Goodell has to be pissed that he had to go through that. I can't believe he is not in favor of removal, and he can share his feelings and recommendation to the other owners.  Not sure what that will mean but I do believe he is fed up with having to cover for him.  I also am enjoying Daniel Snyder getting rung through the ringer so completely. We just know he is pissed about all of this.  And we have not even gotten into the latest accusation, one that has direct ties to Snyder that we were all looking for.  


How any of you can watch that man in his box in September and actively root for his team to succeed is beyond me. Not me, I hope Jacksonville drills them 53-2.





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3 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

My take is Goodell has to be pissed that he had to go through that. I can't believe he is not in favor of removal, and he can share his feelings and recommendation to the other owners.


Isn't that in Goodells job description however?? He is paid $64 Million a year to take bullets for the league (and ****ty owners) and announce draft picks. He is not "the league" but is an employee thereof. Snyder employs him, not the other way around. But hopefully he can and will suggest to the other owners that enough is enough.

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1 hour ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

1) no, you’d be wrong about that. I do, when it’s needed 


2) I’ve said a fair amount of negative things about the owner. Heck, my own father shares negative stories about snyders douchiness all the time, so again, wrong. 

Try again. 


Here you go again, claiming you aren't a Dan Defender.  Here's a little help:  Saying negative things once in a while mixed in with countless times you rush to his defense will result in the comments made to you here.  I have not see anyone agreeing with your takes, I have however seen multiple people call you out for defending the indefensible. Even your own dad disagrees with you.


Constantly rushing to Dan's defense, and constantly being critical of his critics, is not a good look, Dan Snyder appears to be a strange hill to die on  Your occasional critical comments do not offset the constant posts you make to defend the indefensible, Dan Snyder. 

Edited by Darrell Green Fan
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9 minutes ago, bowhunter said:

Isn't that in Goodells job description however?? He is paid $64 Million a year to take bullets for the league (and ****ty owners) and announce draft picks. He is not "the league" but is an employee thereof. Snyder employs him, not the other way around. But hopefully he can and will suggest to the other owners that enough is enough.


Your last sentence was what I was trying to point out, I got to believe he of all people is tired of all of this. And the stories are not going away even after Congress halts the investigation. Seems to me if nothing more is done through Congress the damage is already done on the PR front. We need national sponsors to put pressure on the league.  

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5 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


Here you go again, claiming you aren't a Dan Defender.  Here's a little help:  Saying negative things once in a while mixed in with countless times you rush to his defense will result in the comments made to you here.  Occasional critical comments do not offset the constant posts you make to defend the indefensible, Dan Snyder. 

I didn’t say I’m not a dan defender. And I didn’t say I’m not a dan hater. I’m BOTH. I’m 50/50. That IS possible, FYI. On things that i feel I have the accurate information about (which I’ve admitted isn’t many, but there are a couple), I share what I know or have heard. I try to do that for things that I know are true about dans douchiness as well. 

And like I said a couple posts ago, I get that it’s not going to be well received on here. That’s fine. 

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1 hour ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

2) I’ve said a fair amount of negative things about the owner. Heck, my own father shares negative stories about snyders douchiness all the time, so again, wrong.

When is your father's book due to be published (you mentioned he's writing one, correct)?

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Do you think that the other owners have kept Dan around this long with everything that has gone on, so that it takes the heat off of them? All eyes on the "commanders" and less eyes on them? Keep one team in media trash hell and one tends to forget about anything else another team has going on. 

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8 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

If I’m staying optimistic, would hope the Mary Jo White report reveals new and devastating info.

You can be optimistic, I'm going to be the realist which says there's nothing there in the financial stuff anybody is going to be concerned about, and everything else will be he said/she said, and won't amount to anything at all more than we already know.  


I hope I'm wrong. But if there was anything there it would have come out already.


8 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

My takeaways from yesterday are that Dan will ignore the subpoena, Roger did his part and won’t indulge them further, the Wilkinson report isn’t going to see daylight, and the committee can’t compel them to do anything at all.

I agree with much of this.  Except there is no written Wilkinson report, and there was never going to be a written report, because the NFL didn't want their hand forced on how they handled the situation by anything written that could get leaked or released.  


Part of the problem with what the committee is trying to do is that they have never had the authority to do what they are trying to do.  They are the legislative branch, not the judicial branch.  So they can't bring charges against anyone, judge or prosecute a crime, or levy a judgement.  Literally all they CAN do is create legislation.   It's kindof all right there in Article I of the constitution.  ** The one and only exception to this is the Senate becomes the Jury in the case of an impeachment.  But as far as I know, that's the ONLY time any body of congress is really part of the judicial process.  And that's an exception to the rule.  


They've been trying to play a judiciary role.  They ABSOLUTELY have the power to investigate, the power to subpoena, and the power to hold hearings as long as the end result is crafting legislation.  But that's the limit of their athority.  They can craft legislation.  Which has to get passed by both houses and signed by the President in order to take effect. 


The committee wants Dan removed.  Fine, me too.  But they have never had the authority to actually bring that about.  What they can do (and have done a pretty outstanding job of doing) is making things fantastically uncomfortable for Dan and the NFL so as the NFL might do something on their own. They can create a circus, they can grand stand, and they can make a whole lot of noise.  All of which they have done masterfully.  


But Dan's jury is 31 other owners, and it takes 24 of them to boot Dan.  Congress doesn't get a vote.  Only the 31 other owners do.  


Congress also can't bring charges against Dan, they can't hold a trial for Dan, and they can't convict Dan of anything.


Dan knows this, which is why he's in France drinking champaign and having caviar and probably not paying any attention to the goings on here.  


If they issue a subpoena, then Dan's legal team will immediately try and get it thrown out on the basis that Congress has no legislative agenda it is pursuing, and therefore the subpoena is void.  And they might just win the court case because the committee submitted legislation last Friday pursuant to this investigation.  So they will argue, what possible legislative purpose could you possibly have with Dan if you've already submitted the legislation?  And they would be right.


I keep coming back to this: I think the committee is being puppet mastered by Lisa Banks.  And I don't think her goal is to get rid of Snyder.  I think her goal is simply to get enough evidence in public domain to file a HUGE civil suit against the NFL and the Commanders for her clients. Like $100m or more.  If that happens to result in the removal of Dan, so much the better. But it's not the purpose of all of this.  


When in doubt, follow the money.   That's where the money is.  


It's unfortunate.  But it is what it is.  


Sorry for the buzz kill.  I was hoping they were going to have video of Dan doing something horrid that would force the other owners to do something about it. But all we got was Larry Michael being a slime ball, which we all knew.  Larry being a slime ball isn't grounds for booting Dan. So here we are.  

5 minutes ago, FlyBigBeard said:

Do you think that the other owners have kept Dan around this long with everything that has gone on, so that it takes the heat off of them? All eyes on the "commanders" and less eyes on them? Keep one team in media trash hell and one tends to forget about anything else another team has going on. 

I don't think they think that way.


I think they only think of themselves.  My guess is they would all love for Dan to not be in the picture, but executing that would bring a huge headache, and they would prefer to sip expensive wine and ignore Dan rather than deal with it.  

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48 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

You can be optimistic, I'm going to be the realist which says there's nothing there in the financial stuff anybody is going to be concerned about, and everything else will be he said/she said, and won't amount to anything at all more than we already know.  


I hope I'm wrong. But if there was anything there it would have come out already.


I agree with much of this.  Except there is no written Wilkinson report, and there was never going to be a written report, because the NFL didn't want their hand forced on how they handled the situation by anything written that could get leaked or released.  


Part of the problem with what the committee is trying to do is that they have never had the authority to do what they are trying to do.  They are the legislative branch, not the judicial branch.  So they can't bring charges against anyone, judge or prosecute a crime, or levy a judgement.  Literally all they CAN do is create legislation.   It's kindof all right there in Article I of the constitution.  ** The one and only exception to this is the Senate becomes the Jury in the case of an impeachment.  But as far as I know, that's the ONLY time any body of congress is really part of the judicial process.  And that's an exception to the rule.  


They've been trying to play a judiciary role.  They ABSOLUTELY have the power to investigate, the power to subpoena, and the power to hold hearings as long as the end result is crafting legislation.  But that's the limit of their athority.  They can craft legislation.  Which has to get passed by both houses and signed by the President in order to take effect. 


The committee wants Dan removed.  Fine, me too.  But they have never had the authority to actually bring that about.  What they can do (and have done a pretty outstanding job of doing) is making things fantastically uncomfortable for Dan and the NFL so as the NFL might do something on their own. They can create a circus, they can grand stand, and they can make a whole lot of noise.  All of which they have done masterfully.  


But Dan's jury is 31 other owners, and it takes 24 of them to boot Dan.  Congress doesn't get a vote.  Only the 31 other owners do.  


Congress also can't bring charges against Dan, they can't hold a trial for Dan, and they can't convict Dan of anything.


Dan knows this, which is why he's in France drinking champaign and having caviar and probably not paying any attention to the goings on here.  


If they issue a subpoena, then Dan's legal team will immediately try and get it thrown out on the basis that Congress has no legislative agenda it is pursuing, and therefore the subpoena is void.  And they might just win the court case because the committee submitted legislation last Friday pursuant to this investigation.  So they will argue, what possible legislative purpose could you possibly have with Dan if you've already submitted the legislation?  And they would be right.


I keep coming back to this: I think the committee is being puppet mastered by Lisa Banks.  And I don't think her goal is to get rid of Snyder.  I think her goal is simply to get enough evidence in public domain to file a HUGE civil suit against the NFL and the Commanders for her clients. Like $100m or more.  If that happens to result in the removal of Dan, so much the better. But it's not the purpose of all of this.  


When in doubt, follow the money.   That's where the money is.  


It's unfortunate.  But it is what it is.  


Sorry for the buzz kill.  I was hoping they were going to have video of Dan doing something horrid that would force the other owners to do something about it. But all we got was Larry Michael being a slime ball, which we all knew.  Larry being a slime ball isn't grounds for booting Dan. So here we are.  

I don't think they think that way.


I think they only think of themselves.  My guess is they would all love for Dan to not be in the picture, but executing that would bring a huge headache, and they would prefer to sip expensive wine and ignore Dan rather than deal with it.  

There’s no buzzkill man.  The post I made before that pronounced them dead and said RIP.  Conn asked if that was the takeaway and I said IF…IF I’m staying optimistic…I am not. And the other post of mine you quoted made it pretty clear it’s over so, not sure why all the words.

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The crazy part is going to be that we will be a legit 12 win team this year. Everyone will obviously say they want Dan gone still now. But at that point with a young team coming off a 12 or more win season I don’t know how many will say blow it up. Will be interesting to see. 

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17 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

The crazy part is going to be that we will be a legit 12 win team this year. Everyone will obviously say they want Dan gone still now. But at that point with a young team coming off a 12 or more win season I don’t know how many will say blow it up. Will be interesting to see. 

I can guarantee you even after a 12 win season the vast majority of people here would throw it all away to permanently rid themselves of Snyder, if that cosmic deal were somehow on the table. 

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22 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

The crazy part is going to be that we will be a legit 12 win team this year. Everyone will obviously say they want Dan gone still now. But at that point with a young team coming off a 12 or more win season I don’t know how many will say blow it up. Will be interesting to see. 


It should be a good team but it's still Snyders team so you know something is going to happen. Just like it always does.


Wentz will either suck, or have a major injury, and/or the defense will blow, the kicker will miss 3-4 game winners, etc. Something always happens and even if they are good, they'll never win 2 in the playoffs. 

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5 hours ago, KDawg said:

To be fair, and it’s not my convo but it’s public so why not:


1) you’ve been a lot better recently. Have slowed down a bit and aren’t commenting or reacting to literally every post you didn’t like, which has been nice.


2) You probably don’t feel like it’s the case because you live with your internal dialogue and you know what you think. But you really do come across as being a big time supporter of the owner. Which… fine… everyone makes their choices in life. But you’re saying you’re not really here… but that’s not how it comes across.


Not trying to flame you here or get you on your heels. Just want to share an outside perspective. 

I have no skin in the game here, but I have to point out that just because you question the negative public reaction on something as silly as that picture saying #workwithprettypeople, shouldn’t mean that someone can see no negatives or only sees the team through a positive light. 

Even when people question the validity of a negative Snyder/Commanders report, which is incredibly infrequent, I notice that those posters have to reiterate over and over again how horrible Snyder and the organization are out of fear that their overall points in the post will be diminished. 

Just to be clear, I don’t see literally any Snyder backers on this board. As it should be. But just because someone doesn’t find a picture of some employees who have nothing to do with the accusations at hand offensive, doesn’t mean they are some Snyder worshipper. 

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4 hours ago, CommanderCarson said:

I have no skin in the game here, but I have to point out that just because you question the negative public reaction on something as silly as that picture saying #workwithprettypeople, shouldn’t mean that someone can see no negatives or only sees the team through a positive light. 

Even when people question the validity of a negative Snyder/Commanders report, which is incredibly infrequent, I notice that those posters have to reiterate over and over again how horrible Snyder and the organization are out of fear that their overall points in the post will be diminished. 

Just to be clear, I don’t see literally any Snyder backers on this board. As it should be. But just because someone doesn’t find a picture of some employees who have nothing to do with the accusations at hand offensive, doesn’t mean they are some Snyder worshipper. 

I’m confused why you replied to me with this. I never said anyone sees no negatives. 

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The thing for me is when some, granted few, defend Snyder on some of these stories.  Over the years by the way there were some more vocal Dan defenders -- again not that many but they were some who were feisty about it, some of whom I've debated, who I noticed in recent years have backed off. 


Do I think in the sea of stories about Dan or for that matter anyone -- could there be some stories that are embellished and aren't that true?  Sure.   I bet its really rare in Dan's case but I'd bet it happens every once in a blue moon.   It's like the kid who gets in trouble in school all the time, sometimes out of nowhere they get accused for something they didn't even do.  Why does it happen?  Naturally, it's because people are already predisposed to believe that they would do such an action.  They've earned that lack of trust where any negative story is believable. 


With Dan, I give him no sympathy on any of it though for 4 reasons.


A.  He's earned the fact that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt and in that mix sometimes in the soup do I buy he will take a hit from something that perhaps wasn't earned -- sure, probably, I'd guess its rare but once in a blue moon why not.  That's life.  That's how it works.  If you are infamous and earned that infamy you will take hits from that.


B.  He never speaks to explain himself to his customers because as Albert Breer says he's "gutless".  If the dude wants to hide in the shadows and is afraid to speak -- then he shouldn't be running a very public-visible organization like he is.  If he doesn't believe he needs to explain himself to his shrinking customer base -- then don't complain about the narrative about him being painted by outside sources.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  If you think others demonize you and don't reflect who you are -- then go talk about yourself and what makes you tick -- Dan's even afraid now to do it in puff interviews.  In the past he'd at least major in doing an odd puff interview here and there.  These days, it seems like he'd sweat bullets from being interviewed by Larry Michael.  


C.  This to me is the key one.  Really EVERY reporter, even the more diplomatic ones like John Keim have strongly hinted that there are plenty of MORE stories about Dan which haven't even surfaced yet.  They haven't for various reason put it out there but over time an odd story here and there leaks.  Grant Paulsen was talking about this yesterday which is the sour milk story fits some of the other stories people have shared with him over the years and when hearing those stories he can't believe Dan can be that petty but over time he's learned to believe he indeed is that petty.


Some say why don't these guys spill all of this.  But dealing with the press, a good reporter doesn't blow up their sources if they share private stories and sometimes narratives are hard to prove. But I constantly hear, from reporter after reporter on air, that when it comes to Dan its not about an odd story here and there but a ton of them.  It's that which gives me some optimism that one day we can get rid of that douche.   From I understand from a radio interview, the WP is cooking up another one that hasn't been released yet.  I don't think we've reached the end of these Dan stories.  I think more are coming. 


D.  He seems to have no remorse and doesn't learn from his mistakes and is delusional as heck.  I can deal with a dude who screwed up but genuinely changes.  That's not been how Dan rolls.  Dan's drill is to deflect blame.   I thought it was wild that he thought when all the workplace stuff started coming out that he thought he can win over fans by convincing people hey it was all Bruce -- now he will be more hands on and we won't have to worry about the culture anymore.  He clearly thought that fans would buy his lame scapegoating (which is a hallmark for his regime) and would actually embrace even more involvement from him?  Wow.  Talk about a dude living out of his castle who has no grasp on reality and his customer base.  And sadly, he comes off as a dude that will never learn from his mistakes.   


For me, I've thought Dan sucks for a long long time.  Though I gave him a reprieve during the Shanny era -- buying the narrative that maybe he changed.  Not that I thought he was a good owner then but I gave him some benefit of the doubt as for what went down with RG3 and Shanny.  In retrospect, I found out I was wrong about that.  So i am not giving him the benefit of the doubt again.   Giving Dan the benefit of the doubt which some stragglers on the board have done here and there -- based on what I remember hasn't really aged well.  It's typically blown up on them.


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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

The thing for me is when some, granted few, defend Snyder on some of these stories.  Over the years by the way there were some more vocal Dan defenders -- again not that many but they were some who were feisty about it, some of whom I've debated, who I noticed in recent years have backed off. 


Do I think in the sea of stories about Dan or for that matter anyone -- could there be some stories that are embellished and aren't that true?  Sure.   I bet its really rare in Dan's case but I'd bet it happens every once in a blue moon.   It's like the kid who gets in trouble in school all the time, sometimes out of nowhere they get accused for something they didn't even do.  Why does it happen?  Naturally, it's because people are already predisposed to believe that they would do such an action.  They've earned that lack of trust where any negative story is believable. 


With Dan, I give him no sympathy on any of it though for 4 reasons.


A.  He's earned the fact that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt and in that mix sometimes in the soup do I buy he will take a hit from something that perhaps wasn't earned -- sure, probably, I'd guess its rare but once in a blue moon why not.  That's life.  That's how it works.  If you are infamous and earned that infamy you will take hits from that.


B.  He never speaks to explain himself to his customers because as Albert Breer says he's "gutless".  If the dude wants to hide in the shadows and is afraid to speak -- then he shouldn't be running a very public-visible organization like he is.  If he doesn't believe he needs to explain himself to his shrinking customer base -- then don't complain about the narrative about him being painted by outside sources.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  If you think others demonize you and don't reflect who you are -- then go talk about yourself and what makes you tick -- Dan's even afraid now to do it in puff interviews.  In the past he'd at least major in doing an odd puff interview here and there.  These days, it seems like he'd sweat bullets from being interviewed by Larry Michael.  


C.  This to me is the key one.  Really EVERY reporter, even the more diplomatic ones like John Keim have strongly hinted that there are plenty of MORE stories about Dan which haven't even surfaced yet.  They haven't for various reason put it out there but over time an odd story here and there leaks.  Grant Paulsen was talking about this yesterday which is the sour milk story fits some of the other stories people have shared with him over the years and when hearing those stories he can't believe Dan can be that petty but over time he's learned to believe he indeed is that petty.


Some say why don't these guys spill all of this.  But dealing with the press, a good reporter doesn't blow up their sources if they share private stories and sometimes narratives are hard to prove. But I constantly hear, from reporter after reporter on air, that when it comes to Dan its not about an odd story here and there but a ton of them.  It's that which gives me some optimism that one day we can get rid of that douche.   From I understand from a radio interview, the WP is cooking up another one that hasn't been released yet.  I don't think we've reached the end of these Dan stories.  I think more are coming. 


D.  He seems to have no remorse and doesn't learn from his mistakes and is delusional as heck.  I can deal with a dude who screwed up but genuinely changes.  That's not been how Dan rolls.  Dan's drill is to deflect blame.   I thought it was wild that he thought when all the workplace stuff started coming out that he thought he can win over fans by convincing people hey it was all Bruce -- now he will be more hands on and we won't have to worry about the culture anymore.  He clearly thought that fans would buy his lame scapegoating (which is a hallmark for his regime) and would actually embrace even more involvement from him?  Wow.  Talk about a dude living out of his castle who has no grasp on reality and his customer base.  And sadly, he comes off as a dude that will never learn from his mistakes.   


For me, I've thought Dan sucks for a long long time.  Though I gave him a reprieve during the Shanny era -- buying the narrative that maybe he changed.  Not that I thought he was a good owner then but I gave him some benefit of the doubt as for what went down with RG3 and Shanny.  In retrospect, I found out I was wrong about that.  So i am not giving him the benefit of the doubt again.   Giving Dan the benefit of the doubt which some stragglers on the board have done here and there -- based on what I remember hasn't really aged well.  It's typically blown up on them.



I was going to say pretty much the same thing. Dan is being criticized for only the stories we know about, there should be little doubt there are a ton of other stories we are unaware of. So no he gets absolutely no benefit of the doubt and the people who have stuck up for him look pretty foolish right about now.  


Even if all of this ends up in nothing happening with regard to the team ownership it brings me joy that he is well aware of all the criticism and he can't be happy about it.  

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11 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


I was going to say pretty much the same thing. Dan is being criticized for only the stories we know about, there should be little doubt there are a ton of other stories we are unaware of. So no he gets absolutely no benefit of the doubt and the people who have stuck up for him look pretty foolish right about now.  


Even if all of this ends up in nothing happening with regard to the team ownership it brings me joy that he is well aware of all the criticism and he can't be happy about it.  


Pretty much every reporter and radio personality who has been around the team have mentioned it which is the stories run deep and far about Dan.   


I get the impression even if lets say 1 out of 10 stories about Dan are untrue or embellished -- the real pool of stories is actually at least double to what has surfaced.  


So going back to my analogy of the kid getting in trouble in school and on occasion they get accused of something that they didn't do or said story is embellished -- there are a ton of other things the kid has done which he hasn't been caught for yet.  So the kid earns no sympathy. 


I am one of the more optimistic ones here that one day we get the end of Dan and a major part of that is i don't think these stories are going to stop.   I am hoping there is a breaking point.  lol, at least among the local media there are some who have some optimism it happens eventually where Dan is gone -- guys like Sheehan and Loverro, Pete Hailey for example.  And then there are some like Standig who think we need to except he's never going.   


I get both points of view but by nature I try to be optimistic, so I got my fingers crossed it eventually happens. 

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I wouldn't get myself too excited about the possibility that Doofus Dan is going away.


It would be one thing if he was losing all his money on the team but actually the team is probably the only thing that has kept him from bankruptcy over the past 20 years of horrible business decisions and he's guaranteed 100s of millions in profit every year for doing nothing other than providing his fans a complete cluster**** of a team all of this time.


Why would even a complete fool sell something that gives you more than any single player earns while doing absolutely nothing other than screw everything up? He would be more than a complete idiot to ever sell the team no matter if all of the fans completely go away.

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I've seen the sentiment, albeit the minority, who wants all this stuff to just go away to get focused on football, winning games, etc.  In a way, I get that - if he's not going to be removed, why continue to saddle Rivera and the gang with more drama. 


But for me, I look at it like Dan ruined what this team meant to me, so why shouldn't I relish in the fact that he's incredibly uncomfortable on a daily basis and the heat on him never relents?  He spent too many years coasting, cashing checks, and making us miserable.  He deserves to suffer like we all have, so here's to the continuous pressure being applied by congress, the media, the victims, and whoever else...


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16 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Disagree 100% but to each their own.  I've worked for organizations as i am sure many else have here and I've been my own boss as I am now. 


Managing what employees do randomly on instagram isn't something that I can recall ever getting email or personal reminders about.  And I work in a very public position. 


You got to have some common sense with things that you make public when you work for a public organization.  If basic common sense escapes you -- you get warned and if it becomes a pattern you get fired.


Not saying these people should get fired.  I don't think its a major transgression.  it's a minor one.  


I can't say that I have either...and I have been a pretty public face of a couple different organizations that I've worked for. Then again, no company I worked for has ever had the firestorm of PR crap that the Skins have had. So, it hasn't been necessary. 


In the position I'm in now for my company, if we had somehow gotten to the point the Commanders were in and we had our CEO testifying in front of Congress on workplace dysfunction while I also had reps off on a boat at a conference...you can bet I'd have let those people know to be very careful about the tone of what they shared, if they shared anything at all on social media. Hopefully I employed the type of people who would have responded with a "no duh, boss" but you never know and can't be too careful. 

Edited by TD_washingtonredskins
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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I've seen the sentiment, albeit the minority, who wants all this stuff to just go away to get focused on football, winning games, etc.  In a way, I get that - if he's not going to be removed, why continue to saddle Rivera and the gang with more drama. 


But for me, I look at it like Dan ruined what this team meant to me, so why shouldn't I relish in the fact that he's incredibly uncomfortable on a daily basis and the heat on him never relents?  He spent too many years coasting, cashing checks, and making us miserable.  He deserves to suffer like we all have, so here's to the continuous pressure being applied by congress, the media, the victims, and whoever else...


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That's what I've evolved into over the past 2-3 years also. He poisoned what used to be my escape from the real world. No matter what was going on with family life, work, the world...I had 3-4 hours to live and die with the Redskins on fall Sundays. I could just lose myself in that battle on the gridiron and hope like all Hell that they'd figure out a way to win. It was like that Jimmy Fallon line from Fever Pitch: It's good for your soul to invest in something you can't control. 


But now...I want Snyder and the team to suffer. To lose. To pay for what they've done to the team that brought me so many innocent and fond memories growing up. 

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