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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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5 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


It's the Mark Cuban defense lol...


In fact, I expect (for now anyway) for the end result to be similar to what happened with Cuban: sanctions, fine, comment about how Snyder (and Tanya lol) have taken positive, significant steps to changing the culture, and an apologetic statement to the victims from Snyder (and Tanya lol).

Which should be interesting given Snyder’s first pass at a direct public statement already called one of the victims a big fat liar, which...does not give him a lot of wiggle room.

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1 minute ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Which should be interesting given Snyder’s first pass at a direct public statement already called one of the victims a big fat liar, which...does not give him a lot of wiggle room.


Snyder's (and Tanya's lol) apology will be a collective apology...won't be specific other than to take responsibility for the toxic atmosphere and vow to make sure it never happens again, starting with hiring the right people to lead the charge, etc, etc. He (and Tanya lol) won't admit to anything specific and will also not criticize anyone or anything.


What will absolutely shock me if the statement also apologizes for the tone of his previous statement. Maybe could chalk it up to being so emotional at hearing the charges and reacting without calming down first, yadda yadda...

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22 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

I'm still floored that the worst thing we've heard about Bruce was "He had to have known."


I'm assuming the investigators will be talking to him, as well as Vinny since some of the accusations go back to when he was an executive with the team.

Joe Gibbs also since he was team president from 2004-2007

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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Look, the guy is annoying, but you have to give the guy some credit where it's due.  He's been ahead of more than just "Dan and Bruce are bad".  He worked in Ashburn for several years and it's clear that some folks are still talking to him.  it is a slippery slope because guys can't out their sources or they won't have sources anymore.


Russell is loud and brash on the radio, sort of a love him or hate him kind of radio personality. But he's been pretty good at getting things right about the FO in recent years including being the dude who actually broke the Scot story.   He and Grant worked on the beat for years, they have sources albeit no one is right all the time. 






September 2, 2020 at 10:12 a.m. EDT

Daniel Snyder, having turned a proud franchise into a creepy, predatory and bootless operation, does one thing with wicked effectiveness: manipulate hope. That is why the Washington Football Team owner hires and fires so frequently. As laughable as the mayhem has become, as cynical as it has made many people, Snyder carries on by exploiting the optimism of change.


This might be the breakthrough. For 21 years, fans have clung to every reincarnation of hope. Skeptics have couched their doubt in consideration of that possibility. Little changes, however. The past spills into the present and contaminates the future. The promise of better is the veil for worse.

This time, in light of another wave of allegations about the franchise’s history of lewd behavior and disgusting, unrelenting sexual harassment, there are no lieutenants for Snyder to fire and declare that all nastiness has been cleansed. He stands more unmistakably as the problem, and while there are no direct allegations to bring him down, he remains the lasting connection to a culture that he supposedly has empowered a fresh batch of idealists to change. His new leaders possess the integrity and diversity to signify a new day is here: Jason Wright, the NFL’s first Black team president; Julie Donaldson, the senior vice president of media who will become a trailblazer for women in NFL broadcast booths. They join Ron Rivera, the new coach and football operations boss, who also exudes character.





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There isn’t a single thing Brewer said in that article @Skinsinparadise just linked to that I even remotely disagree with. Just absolutely spot on. Some of my favorite bits: 



Is Snyder ready to take this step? Of course not. Last week, he tried to rage through a weak defense, shame a victim and press the fake-news easy button. He did this to cloud public opinion so that he wouldn’t have to do the hard work of introspection and personal evolution. He doesn’t want better, for himself or the franchise he has ruined. He wants to be left alone. So he is attempting to create a perception of improvement, which is nothing more than a shield to recommence owning with impunity.



He lost me at “more involved.” Based on everything Snyder has shown over 21 years of ownership, a higher dosage of his control will undermine the new leadership’s ability to create lasting change. If Snyder could resist reacting with arrogance and bluster, he might realize the franchise needs less of his influence, not more.


For two decades, the cliche “change the culture” has been used almost as much as the team’s former name. No coach, executive or star player has even dented the culture. It is a Snyder-made culture, built to last. There can be no change if the man in charge has no self-awareness.


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15 hours ago, CTskin said:

Exactly @FootballZombie. We all agree that the environment and the accusations are despicable, but unless there’s proof that directly ties Snyder to this, I don’t see how he could be forced to sell.


good to see the nfl getting involved now, fingers crossed they find that damning email.


I agree if you count knowledge of it existing as Snyder being tied to the video. I think either him requesting it OR knowing his subordinates created it without repercussions are equally damning to the owner. 

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2 minutes ago, dyst said:

This guy has no shame, no humility. Go away, no one wants you to own the team anymore. He is like a virus that stays with you for all time, but creeps up periodically to do real damage until there is nothing left. 


I wonder if he'd get to the point where none of this is fun anymore. You can be the biggest narcissist in the world, but decades of being hated, losing, and being investigated would catch up with anybody wouldn't it? He could pocket $2B in profit and sail off on his yacht. 


It would be different if he was getting something out of this. Let's say he was hated but the team was good...I could see how that would still be fun. Or, let's say the team sucked but he was beloved...I could see how that would still be fun. But he's hated and very bad at what he does. Why stick around when you aren't financially tied to it? 

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Just now, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I wonder if he'd get to the point where none of this is fun anymore. You can be the biggest narcissist in the world, but decades of being hated, losing, and being investigated would catch up with anybody wouldn't it? He could pocket $2B in profit and sail off on his yacht. 


It would be different if he was getting something out of this. Let's say he was hated but the team was good...I could see how that would still be fun. Or, let's say the team sucked but he was beloved...I could see how that would still be fun. But he's hated and very bad at what he does. Why stick around when you aren't financially tied to it? 

He surrounds himself with yes-men and probably other rich douches where they all stroke each others egos in a big circle-jerk. He sticks around because being an NFL owner gives him clout, to stroke his ego even more.

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On 8/31/2020 at 9:13 PM, Skinsinparadise said:

Its funny that everything of late is Dan and Tanya Snyder.   The dude has been an owner here for 21 years -- now out of the blue they are a tag team?

This is such a great point. 

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18 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I wonder if he'd get to the point where none of this is fun anymore. You can be the biggest narcissist in the world, but decades of being hated, losing, and being investigated would catch up with anybody wouldn't it? He could pocket $2B in profit and sail off on his yacht. 


It would be different if he was getting something out of this. Let's say he was hated but the team was good...I could see how that would still be fun. Or, let's say the team sucked but he was beloved...I could see how that would still be fun. But he's hated and very bad at what he does. Why stick around when you aren't financially tied to it? 


12 minutes ago, dyst said:

He surrounds himself with yes-men and probably other rich douches where they all stroke each others egos in a big circle-jerk. He sticks around because being an NFL owner gives him clout, to stroke his ego even more.




I think this is actually where it's heading... and I think that is the ultimate goal of the people pulling these strings ... ahem... NFL... is to get it to the point were Dan is standing alone in a room trying to pay for a team that he can't afford out of pocket.  

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13 hours ago, Koala said:

But I still think the fact they are cheerleaders has something to do with the muted outcry, maybe not from #metoo, but at least the general public

I think you’re spot on. 

the general chaos of things right now is certainly a factor


but I have personally received a lot of comments from a lot of people, people who usually don’t say things like this in other equivalent situations, that are essentially some form of: they are cheerleaders, what did they expect, their whole thing is look at me I’m hot look how much of my body I reveal so you can stare at me


doesnt really address the office workers, but the focus seems to stay on the cheerleaders and that part of it all. 

I usually respond with “that doesn’t mean you can be filmed without clothes on unknowingly and have it shared” and they agree but ultimately they clearly don’t care because of their aforementioned response. 

sucks. This should be enough to sink him. It’s barely on the radar. 

wait till the games start. It’ll all but go away. 

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4 minutes ago, tshile said:

but I have personally received a lot of comments from a lot of people, people who usually don’t say things like this in other equivalent situations, that are essentially some form of: they are cheerleaders, what did they expect, their whole thing is look at me I’m hot look how much of my body I reveal so you can stare at me


This drives me nuts (I know you're the messenger and agree with your response). 


A cheerleader should be able to pose for a PG-13 photo shoot without fearing that her employer is going to pass around videos of her naked body. The fact that many hold the opinion above is sad to me. 

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Some other good quotes




To mount his uninspired defense last week, Snyder tried to use Allen, who was fired in December after a decade of futility, as a corpse to walk over.

“I have admittedly been too hands-off as an owner and allowed others to have day-to-day control to the detriment of our organization,” Snyder said in the second of a six-paragraph statement that would deserve a laugh track if it weren’t so gravely inappropriate. “Going forward I am going to be more involved, and we have already made major changes in personnel bringing in new leadership to drive cultural transformation on and off the field.”


Hide the women and children. Don’t look him in the eye. And never call him Dan. Mr. Snyder is leaving the yacht and coming to hover over workstations in Ashburn.


He lost me at “more involved.” Based on everything Snyder has shown over 21 years of ownership, a higher dosage of his control will undermine the new leadership’s ability to create lasting change. If Snyder could resist reacting with arrogance and bluster, he might realize the franchise needs less of his influence, not more.

For two decades, the cliche “change the culture” has been used almost as much as the team’s former name. No coach, executive or star player has even dented the culture. It is a Snyder-made culture, built to last. There can be no change if the man in charge has no self-awareness.

The next several months, in the shadow of an investigation, amount to a referendum on hope for Washington. It’s Snyder vs. an NFL that he represents so shamefully. Who wants to toy with hope? Who wants to inspire it?


Snyder would be wise to preempt the drama by coming to an epiphany: Ax Mr. Snyder to save Dan. Realize his net worth makes him fit for NFL ownership, but his manner does not. Fire the worst of himself to allow the best of the people he hired to shine.

There’s too much heat on Snyder to shout his way to normalcy. He cannot simply include his wife’s name on statements as a ploy to look like a decent man. He cannot send unscrutinized messages through ESPN’s Adam Schefter as a way to bypass local accountability.

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23 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Some other good quotes




To mount his uninspired defense last week, Snyder tried to use Allen, who was fired in December after a decade of futility, as a corpse to walk over.



That is an absolutely brilliant article. So glad someone captured all those feelings about his statements and see-through reactions to this stuff so well. 

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The question is: How much do they consider Snyder one of their own?

According to a source, the Washington football owner has few friends or alliances among his wealthy colleagues. He has run what was once one of the premier NFL franchises into the ground, with all-time low attendance and television ratings.

Snyder has turned Washington football into an embarrassment for the league, right in the backyard of the place where the NFL spends millions to lobby for access and influence.

Finally — and this may be most important — Snyder doesn’t appear able to get a new stadium built, which in some circles of the league is the only reason for owners to exist. He was toxic before the sexual harassment stories surfaced, and now he is radioactive. No politician will stand at a podium with Snyder and welcome him with pocket change, let alone the grease necessary to build a new football palace.

So what’s the point of keeping Snyder around? How does it benefit the league to have him own the Washington Football Team?

Perhaps this so-called “independent” investigation by lawyer Beth Wilkinson into the charges raised by now at least 50 women will give NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell the leverage he needs to get rid of Snyder. It may be the whole point now.

Last week, Goodell revealed his office had “recommended” Wilkinson, who represented the league in its concussion litigation, to Snyder for the probe. I would suspect that was a strong recommendation.

Still, it wasn’t enough for the women who have called out the franchise. They demanded the NFL take ownership of the investigation. This week, the league agreed.

Reportedly, that was Snyder’s idea. Right. Sounds like a “Thank you sir, may I have another” situation.

The league can make life difficult for an owner who won’t slink away quietly, if it chooses to do so. If Goodell can’t force out a hated, weak, pathetic owner, he might as well be selling programs at Ghost Town Field.

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For all that want Dan gone, which I presume is 99% of Redskins fans, I think this is good.  Obviously its not good that all this happened.  But IMO the best shot to get Dan out is more or less a relentless PR campaign, that just keeps coming.  


I think Dan's fellow owners would much rather protect each others back in the shadows.  If it looks like constant heat, maybe they'd take a leap on this.  I do think its relevant that Dan isn't liked apparently by fellow owners because it might give them more pause as to protecting him. 




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Wow, on ESPN when basically nothing is on these days, as a special report? This is gonna get a lot of attention and put some faces to the accusers for your average sports fan. This is about to blow up in a big way, potentially. 

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55 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:






That "by" better damn well be 'by" or I'm gonna get pissed.



23 minutes ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Wow, on ESPN when basically nothing is on these days, as a special report? This is gonna get a lot of attention and put some faces to the accusers for your average sports fan. This is about to blow up in a big way, potentially. 


I'm assuming the ones being interviewed are the ones who already put their faces with their accusations in the WP.

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I have no doubt the league would like Dan gone tomorrow. However, the entire system is set up to prevent that from happening.


This is sort of uncharted territory for the NFL. Jerry Richardson had enough shame to sell before the league had to make a decision. The other slimy owner behavior in recent years hasn't impacted basic league perception the way Snyder's current predicament does.


I can't imagine already being a billionaire and yet still wanting to continue being this miserable. I guess that 1/32 share of the national TV contracts must be with it to him.

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