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About bh32

  • Birthday 02/25/1973

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green
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    virginia beach,va
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  1. It's amazing how bad Ron was at team building compared the the current regime..It's like they did everything half ass.
  2. Those LSU receivers command so much respect from defenses that they leave gapping holes in the defense for JD to run through..He ain't gonna have that kind of space in the NFL
  3. He has no lower body strength..He barely gets touched in the pocket and he goes down..He will get killed in the NFC EAST.
  4. I just watched every pass and run by JD and the way the media was hyping him i was expecting much more..He is not the elusive runner like people make him out to be..He has more long speed than he does burst.. His ball placement is no better than Mayes on a lot of his throws..His outside the number throws lack velocity Teams give a lot more space to JD's receivers than they do Maye's which make throws easier for JD
  5. When a GM passes on a young QB that has a high ceiling and better arm talent,but needs his mechanics fixed pretty much tells you what he thinks about his coaching staff.
  6. JD better be a top 15 QB this year with the amount of games he has played in College, no excuses
  7. Personally i think it is short sighted to take JD at #2 being as this team isn't gonna win the SB this year, So why not draft someone with the physical tools and the IQ and develop him for a year? Could be he runs a lot
  8. It all depends if Washington wants to spend the time fixing Mayes mechanics..If not then draft JD.,But with his style of QB play i don't think JD will not last more than 6-7 years
  9. If it does end up being JD i will support him ,But man do i worry about him running so much and not protecting himself. Maye is still my first choice though and think with good coaching he has the best upside out of all the QB's
  10. Maye is physically more talented than JD Maye throws off platform better than JD Maye is younger than JD What plagues Maye can be fixed with good coaching..therefore Maye has higher upside..If they draft JD and he bust due to his known slight frame and his propensity to run at first sight of pressure and gets hurt GMAP is gonna take some serious heat.
  11. JD can't even set line protections against college defense's, whats gonna happen in the NFL? He gonna look to the side line for help?lol
  12. Not only that,the amount of time NFL players spend watching film and practicing compare to College players is astronomical.
  13. Big difference between the two..When RC played, players were a lot lighter than they are now
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