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The Random Thought Thread Vol 2---Read OP For Thread Rules


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Return of the Jedi is incredible, and the Ewoks are how people like to dismiss it.  I will say that the original plan of Wookies on Endor would've been too dope.  What, you need THAT badass of a movie?  I never had a problem with the Ewoks...little savages.  One died while another mourned over top of it.  That's deep.


Vader's get-up was cleeeean, and James Earl Jones belted those lines extra deep.  The triple-setting ending is too good.  Sick, sick movie.

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RotJ > ANH imo.


The Empire being defeated by Teddy Bears is pretty funny tho.


The Emperor alone can basically see all and controls the imperial fleet through the force but that's no match for the Care Bears. 😬




The Ewoks made that movie with Wifred Brimley where they barely defeated the local marauders so defeating the empire does seem like a stretch. 

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34 minutes ago, clietas said:

RotJ > ANH imo.


The Empire being defeated by Teddy Bears is pretty funny tho.


The Emperor alone can basically see all and controls the imperial fleet through the force but that's no match for the Care Bears. 😬




The Ewoks made that movie with Wifred Brimley where they barely defeated the local marauders so defeating the empire does seem like a stretch. 


They were supplementary to the other 5 protagonists.  Top 6 beasts in the movies were on Endor doing the real work. #1 beast was obviously in the Death Star, having a talk with his estranged father and Dr. Phil.


Hell, Chewy stole a chicken walker.  That was the major turn of events.


It shows how guerilla warfare works.  It doesn't matter how big, tough and trained you are...booby traps and ambushes work on the best of em.


But really that Empire aim is bad.  Remember C3PO and R2 trotting across the hallway at the beginning of Ep4?  That shoulda been it.  Empire wins.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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13 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

The problem with the Ewoks is that they're not physically threatening, and they fight with sticks and stones.  How incompetent must Storm Troopers be to lose to them?  Plus, how worthless is their armor?  Doesn't protect against lasers or stones.


Again, guerilla warfare doesn't judge by size or strength.  It was an ambush.


Giant tree trunks smashing a walker, and making a walker fall, were used as booby traps.  The lil bears popped outta nowhere.


They couldn't go face to face with the 15 stormtroopers guarding the only thing protecting the Death Star.  They had to sneak in those traps close as HELL to the shield generator.  God damn...


That movie has holes.


But the soundtrack...

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3 hours ago, China said:

Take it to the Star Wars thread nerds.


Why?  Just shooting the sh**.


Anyway, umm, lets see, nah there's a thread for that...there's a thread for that...


He we go!  Air!  I love clean air.  Oh wait, climate change thread.


Sup yall?  Been a helluva couple days for ya boy.  Whew.

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I caught the last 10 seconds of a commercial for that.  So all I saw was that they were hurling fat guys off the roof of a tall building, then one was getting medical attention with dramatic music, then it said TOUGH AS NAILS and that was it and I was confused. 

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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I caught the last 10 seconds of a commercial for that.  So all I saw was that they were hurling fat guys off the roof of a tall building, then one was getting medical attention with dramatic music, then it said TOUGH AS NAILS and that was it and I was confused. 


For the record: "That was it, and I was confused" is what I want on my headstone.

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20 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

The problem with the Ewoks is that they're not physically threatening, and they fight with sticks and stones.  How incompetent must Storm Troopers be to lose to them?  Plus, how worthless is their armor?  Doesn't protect against lasers or stones.




Well they can't hit the broad side of a barn when it comes to shooting anything so it's not a stretch that they lost to rabid Teddy Ruxpins. 

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38 minutes ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I need an explanation why I get drunker after I eat. I was fine then I ate a burger and then I was trashed. 


Those two 24oz Smirnoff Ices did you in again, huh man.  You sawff.  

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1 hour ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I need an explanation why I get drunker after I eat. I was fine then I ate a burger and then I was trashed. 


Your body metabolism controls that. 

The alcohol is processed before the food. So you won't feel the full effects immediately, as you allow the alcohol to process, it does quicker. 

Especially carbonated drinks. 

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