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David Koch has died

Cooked Crack

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4 minutes ago, MisterPinstripe said:

I cant say I know much about this guy. Im assuming we are celebrating his death because he did awful things?

Generally the Koch brothers are viewed as supporting and funding the GOP in favor of policies that have allowed them to severely harm the environment and earn gov’t contracting money for doing things (Iraq war and “war for oil” etc)


theyve been generally despised by the left for their politician activism and credited for many things they hate about the GOP etc


I believe the Koch brothers have been one of the only big time GOP donnors that have been Anti trump from the start and have continued to be (that may have changed though I haven’t been paying a lot of attention to them)

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The Koch brothers are hated because they've largely been behind GOP efforts to cut taxes for billionaires and **** over everyone else.  


Case in point, when the $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut for billionaires and corporations was passed, they gave Paul Ryan half a million dollars for his efforts.



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I’d be tempted to say good riddance, but recently their influence has waned in the Trump era... and been replaced by dark money from worse sources with worse intentions. 


David Koch’s foundation has given a ton of money to fine arts, museums, medical research etc. So, thank you sir for the good you’ve done in your life, may it ultimately outweigh the bad. Godspeed. 

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27 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

I’d be tempted to say good riddance, but recently their influence has waned in the Trump era... and been replaced by dark money from worse sources with worse intentions. 


David Koch’s foundation has given a ton of money to fine arts, museums, medical research etc. So, thank you sir for the good you’ve done in your life, may it ultimately outweigh the bad. Godspeed. 


Was his funding for PBS worth Citizens United? I dont think so.


I agree with not celebrating his death, same time there is now one less person actively trying to undermine our democracy with the power to actually do it. Context.

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8 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I remember watching something about him and his brother trying to get a bunch of states to lobby for a new constitution, but I don't recall the details other than it was very "white".

Anyone else hear of this? 



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57 minutes ago, Bang said:

Yeah, the world is definitely better off without some people. Him, for one.

But, his damage is done, and he left enough behind to make sure it keeps going.




Right. The damage done that he has been a part of will likely outlive his brother, his children, and probably his grand children.

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30 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:



Personally, I find it needed and a good thing.


If you're going to spend your life using your power to do things that only help you and hurt others, then you should be called on it when you die and everyone's talking about the legacy you've left behind.


Same with these retiring politicians.


I'm sick of people who spend their money and power hurting others for their own gain being lauded at the end as if it all never happened.


You are the decisions you make. 

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