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Should The Skins Cut McCoy?


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I like Colt, but the guy can't stay healthy. Personally after last year I think we should keep 3 QBs. With that being said can the Skins Save money by cutting him and if so how much?


Haskins is going to take over next year as long as he doesn't get hurt. As for this year if Keenum comes in and sucks. What do the Skins do skip over your 1st Rd pick to play Colt.  I don't think so. So really what's the point of having him on the roster? 

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1 hour ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


it's been suggested that he's not as "unhealthy" as he sounds, and that perhaps Jay is embellishing his injury status, just to keep Philly guessing on which QB they face week 1.


Well that would be very stupid. Seeing as he would get no in game reps before going against the Eagles. 

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1 hour ago, desertbeagle85 said:


Well that would be very stupid. Seeing as he would get no in game reps before going against the Eagles. 


But this is Colt McGruden.

Considering how highly Jay thinks of Colt, and how well Colt knows the playbook by now, maybe deep down Jay believes Colt does not need preseason reps 😁

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7 hours ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


it's been suggested that he's not as "unhealthy" as he sounds, and that perhaps Jay is embellishing his injury status, just to keep Philly guessing on which QB they face week 1.

Suggested by who?


Craig Hoffman is on the Junkies right now talking about how Colt's condition is only getting worse, not better.

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Colt hasn't been able to stay healthy throughout his career. People forget that the reason Cousin's got the starting job back from Colt was because Colt got hurt. He's a nice and hardworking dude but he should hang it up. He just can't take the punishment, even this era, to stay healthy at QB.

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7 hours ago, c slag said:

I honestly believe that Colt will stay on the roster this season, but may possibly get released before the start of next season, especially if Haskins seems to be developing 


He's on the last year of his deal, plus as a veteran he's gets all his money guaranteed once the season starts. There would be no incentive to cut him during the season unless one really, really, really needed a roster spot. The other problem, which addresses the original post, is you can't cut a guy that's injured. So it seems to be a generally moot point. Unless McCoy gets radically healthy in the next couple weeks, he's either on the roster or on IR.

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You cannot cut an injured player with money left on their contract without coming to an injury settlement. Colt has $2M already guaranteed so that's where the negotiations start. Assuming he is a nice guy and takes one for the team.... (sorry never happening), the most cutting him now would is save $1.375 on the CAP. Most likely he would demand his entire salary and is entitled to do so. 


Colt knows the playbook better than probably anyone on the team outside Jay. With a rookie in Haskins and a new back-up in Keenum, along with the injury problems, there is no way they go into this season with just 2 QBs. It would not be smart at all. And since you need a 3rd QB, why would you go out and get someone else who does not know the playbook? Who are you getting for $1.375M that is better than Colt? 


I expect him to keep a roster spot even if not 100% and be on the game day inactives list. It sounds like he could go if he had to but they prefer not to play him as he is not 100%. That is all speculation on my part based on what I have heard. So yes, just a guess. 


They could put him on IR. That leaves them with just 2 QBs  unless they go out and get someone so I don't really see that unless he is just not able to play. It does give them the most options if he really cannot play at all. The could get another QB as an emergency and then release them when Colt is ready, if he is ready. In the meantime they can be learning the offense. But it would have to be someone getting the minimum. 


Edit - Corrected as the player cannot be put on PUP. However, IR would be pretty much the same. The only draw back is if they were to re-activate him it would be 1 of only 2 players that can activated off IR. The good news is that you no longer have to designate players for return from IR. You can decide as you go. 


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2 hours ago, markmills67 said:

Release McCoy and save 3m cap space, if we're down to our 3rd string QB then we might as well pay a low round pick or UFA to play, because we won't be play-off bound will we. 




Exactly, and if we are in that situation, it could be argued that we're better off playing a UFA so that we don't luck into a win or two down the stretch. I'm not a "tank at all costs" guy, but if your team loses its top 2 QBs, that changes in my book. 

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@desertbeagle85 please add a poll, I'm really curious how this turns out even if people dint post their opinions.


And I'm down with cutting him..  even if you are of school of thought Case should start the season, Haskins should be playing by time Colt comes back so wont play anyway.


Jay is admitting he doesnt really know when Colt will be healthy enough to play, and we all know hes jus going to get hurt again anyway.  Why waste the roster spot?  Whether Haskins starts the season or not, under not circumstance should we take him out just because Colt is healthy enough to play.  Dont have two QBs on IR, what you want from Colt you can get from Alex next year.


Edit: add to that, say its November and both Haskins and Case are hurt, you really want to put Colt out there knowing he'll be next, maybe 3-4 games tops?  Sign a different a 3rd string now if we really worried about getting down to the bottom of the barrel like that

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

Suggested by who?


Craig Hoffman is on the Junkies right now talking about how Colt's condition is only getting worse, not better.


I suggested it in another thread.  It's pure speculation based on words that Colt and Jay have said.  I probably should have posted it in the conspiracy theory thread.  


But hey, week 1 is a division game on the road.  It would be huge to get a W.  So any competitive advantage Jay can get...you never know.  

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10 hours ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


it's been suggested that he's not as "unhealthy" as he sounds, and that perhaps Jay is embellishing his injury status, just to keep Philly guessing on which QB they face week 1.


Ha, really?  Yeah, I don't see that being some tactic Jay would use, and  there are rules against essentially lying about the injury status of a player.  There's plenty of film on Colt and I don't see the Eagles having to scheme for him at all.  In fact, I'd guess they'd love to see Colt start against them.

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1 hour ago, goskins10 said:

They could put him on the PUP list. That leaves them with just 2 QBs for 6 weeks at least unless they go out and get someone so I don't really see that unless he is just not able to play. It does give them the most options if he really cannot play at all. The could get another QB as an emergency and then release them when Colt is ready, if he is ready. In the meantime they can be learning the offense. But it would have to be someone getting the minimum. 


It's too late for the PUP list.  He would of had to of been put on it at the start of TC.  He's either on the 53 or it's IR designated to return which I believe is 8 weeks.  

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Are there any other teams that keep injury prone players around and expect them to be Michael Jordan when they come back?  


Aside from Colt, we treat Jordan Reed and Chris Thompson like they are the greatest ****ing players in the NFL.  Sure they are good and I love when they are on the field, but when you can't even be on the field to help your team most of the time, who cares what kind of talent you have?


The fact that Colt McCoy is even in the discussion to win the starting QB job for us just shows us how ****ed we are at the QB position.

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26 minutes ago, drowland said:


It's too late for the PUP list.  He would of had to of been put on it at the start of TC.  He's either on the 53 or it's IR designated to return which I believe is 8 weeks.  


Fair enough but that does not change the argument - not in the least. They could put Colt on IR and it has the same effect. 


The point was more about cutting Colt or not. i maintain it would not make any sense to cut him unless you know he is not playing this year. Even then IR is better than cutting him since you would get little if any CAP relief since they would have to come to an injury settlement and i doubt he leaves money on the table. 

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