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All Things "AOC" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & the Squad.


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Just now, NoCalMike said:

AOC's speech was cool, but I am going to take maybe an unpopular opinion on all of this and say today felt all just a little bit too theatrical.  I have no problem with Gosar being censured and stripped of his committee assignments, but I can do without everyone getting up and monologuing about it. I think because it was AOC being depicted in the anime, she has a reason to be up there talking, but everyone else, just vote on the censure and go back to other work.    After about watching it for a half hour I had to turn it off as it quickly predictably devolved into everyone mostly talking about other things.    


I understand your POV on this, but I think it's really important to highlight the issue. It's important for members to speak up on behalf of Democrats and to show the GOP that this isn't just something to sweep under the rug. Drag these ****ers. 

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6 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

AOC's speech was cool, but I am going to take maybe an unpopular opinion on all of this and say today felt all just a little bit too theatrical.  I have no problem with Gosar being censured and stripped of his committee assignments, but I can do without everyone getting up and monologuing about it. I think because it was AOC being depicted in the anime, she has a reason to be up there talking, but everyone else, just vote on the censure and go back to other work.    After about watching it for a half hour I had to turn it off as it quickly predictably devolved into everyone mostly talking about other things.    

Sure it was theatrical. As opposed to listening to Mcarthy blather? Maybe. But I love seeing a WOC step up & call these people out for WTF they are. ****..I love to hear anybody who can articulate the message. **** these assholes.


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8 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Sure it was theatrical. As opposed to listening to Mcarthy blather? Maybe. But I love seeing a WOC step up & call these people out for WTF they are. ****..I love to hear anybody who can articulate the message. **** these assholes.



Oh I didn't mean to suggest it was just Dems being theatrical, I was referring to the entirety of it.  Like, why even do this if it gives imbeciles like Boebert and Jim Jordan a chance to get some free air time,  Boebert referred to the squad as the "jihad squad" which honestly is probably a lot more vile than a stupid cartoon in the first place.

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12 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

AOC's speech was cool, but I am going to take maybe an unpopular opinion on all of this and say today felt all just a little bit too theatrical.  I have no problem with Gosar being censured and stripped of his committee assignments, but I can do without everyone getting up and monologuing about it. I think because it was AOC being depicted in the anime, she has a reason to be up there talking, but everyone else, just vote on the censure and go back to other work.    After about watching it for a half hour I had to turn it off as it quickly predictably devolved into everyone mostly talking about other things.    


We need to really stand up against violence against women. Maybe you don't notice it, but me here in Texas where the Republican Death Cult is making slaves of pregnant women who might not yet know they're pregnant or putting women's lives in danger while pregnant realizes that the end goal of these fundamentalists is to make sure women are second class citizens along with all people of color. It's sickening and shouldn't be tolerated and I applaud the leadership of women and men in Congress calling these assholes out. It needs to be said loud and long.

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


We need to really stand up against violence against women. Maybe you don't notice it, but me here in Texas where the Republican Death Cult is making slaves of pregnant women who might not yet know they're pregnant or putting women's lives in danger while pregnant realizes that the end goal of these fundamentalists is to make sure women are second class citizens along with all people of color. It's sickening and shouldn't be tolerated and I applaud the leadership of women and men in Congress calling these assholes out. It needs to be said loud and long.


All good points. 

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7 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Whatever, she's so cool and relatable!  


For some so was Trump.


It's jus something I'd expect from a teenager on tik tok or something I'd hear on reality TV. 


No, I dont relate to that, talking about my colleagues being mad they can't **** me on twitter, I'd probably get fired.

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11 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


For some so was Trump.


It's jus something I'd expect from a teenager on tik tok or something I'd hear on reality TV. 


No, I dont relate to that, talking about my colleagues being mad they can't **** me on twitter, I'd probably get fired.


I know you just didn't go there Ren!  

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16 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


For some so was Trump.


It's jus something I'd expect from a teenager on tik tok or something I'd hear on reality TV. 


No, I dont relate to that, talking about my colleagues being mad they can't **** me on twitter, I'd probably get fired.



I loved her response here:


"It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general. These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird."


This current GOP leadership is encouraging some of the vilest reactions from their base and that vileness is infusing itself into their policies and laws in state after state after state. it needs to be met head-on from a multitude of angles, and what she's doing is just one of them. I'm glad the Democrats have someone who can and will call them out in a no-holding-back way that is clever, more than a bit savage, and relatable to most voters regardless of party (and regardless of whether or not you agree with her).


Put another way, many anti-vaxxers use the data on the VAERS site to make outlandish claims about the danger of COVID vaccines, even though the data on VAERS in no way shows that any of the adverse effects reported were due to the vaccine, and they say so in their disclaimer. So if an anti-vaxxer on Twitter say "VAERS data says the vaccine has caused at least 25,000 deaths! This is genocide!" you'll see some responses that sound like this:


"Actually the VAERS data does not show a causal link between AEs and injections, it only collects data for study later and to alert them when patterns start to emerge."


That response is accurate, responds to vaccine sensationalism with calmness and facts...and will have absolutely no affect on anyone who reads it lol.


You will also see responses that sound like this:


"The VAERS site says their data is NOT to be used in the exact way you're using it here. Did you not read the info they provided with the data?...Or did you read it and say "Eh, **** it" and ignore it in order to misinform people and stick to your agenda?"


I prefer the 2nd response. It's just as accurate as the first response, uses facts as well, but says it in the same language the anti-vaxxer uses. AOC tends to use the GOP's "language" back on them to re-adjust and re-focus the dialogue. And she does it very well. The Democrats need someone to do that (more than just one "someone" actually).



Edited by Califan007
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2 hours ago, Califan007 said:

This current GOP leadership is encouraging some of the vilest reactions from their base and that vileness is infusing itself into their policies and laws in state after state after state.


You not around for the Reagan administration's response to AIDS?  

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@Califan007 when you fight fire with fire, everybody burns. 


The GOP doesn't have a line they won't cross that we know of yet, AOC needs to have one, Dems need to have one. 


I reiterate that if I made that tweet she made that I was commenting on, I'd probably lose my job, most of us would, so why is it okay because she's in congress? Because the Republicans do?  


Both parties need to do better, it starts with leading by example, you cannot beat GOP in a mud war, thats home field advantage for them.  Her second response is not as bad as her first, but I really don't care for it either.


I'm so sick of our politicians talking like this to each other and getting nothing done, this is BS.  This isnt saying she shouldn't respond at all, when they made a video depicting killing her, she handled that about as well as she could of. 


This though?  Sexual frustration? Therapy?  Those are nonstarters when it comes to sides that desperately need to find some compromises somewhere and we all know it.  I will not encourage nor support this mean girls nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

@Califan007 when you fight fire with fire, everybody burns. 


Actually, fire can be fought with fire lol…using controlled smaller fires can help control the advancement of larger brush fires. In fact, vaccines use a version of the concept of “fight fire with fire”.


Think of AOC as a vaccine to the GOP virus lol…she’s injected into the public’s “body” to show our system what the threat is and what it looks like.


And like I said, the actions the GOP are currently taking needs to be confronted on numerous fronts and angles. This is just one of them. 



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16 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

What’s been happening now trumps even that, I’m afraid (no pun intended lol)…


Of course it does.  


Their standard of morality is "whatever works".  And every time they exceed the limit, it works.  

17 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Both parties need to do better, it starts with leading by example, you cannot beat GOP in a mud war, thats home field advantage for them.  Her second response is not as bad as her first, but I really don't care for it either.


In the tweet wars in the Hillary/Trump election, Trump compared Hillary to the ice queen in Frozen.  


Hillary's response was "Do you wanna build a strawman?"  

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2 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

Actually, fire can be fought with fire lol…using controlled smaller fires can help control the advancement of larger brush fires. In fact, vaccines use a version of the concept of “fight fire with fire”.


Think of AOC as a vaccine to the GOP virus lol…she’s injected into the public’s “body” to show our system what the threat is and what it looks like.


And like I said, the actions the GOP are currently taking needs to be confronted on numerous fronts and angles. This is just one of them. 


Have you read some of the article about fighting forest forest these days?  They are basically admitting they are doing something to say they are doing something.  




And you know where that figure of speech comes from, you know exactly what I mean.


And no socialist can be a treatment for the GOP, America doesn't want socialism on either side of the aisle, she exactly what the GOP want as their future boogeyman.


What GOP is doing does need to be addressed, jus not like this, I won't support it.

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I’m fine with taking AOC to task.  She’s still a kid.


Im fine with AOC taking thirsty, Maga Twitter pundits to task.  They’re professional trash.


I’m not fine with Bernie Twitter raining down #Lizthesnake and Tara Reade takes as soon as the primaries moved to the south and Bernie started getting 3% of the minority vote in 2020.

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

America doesn't want socialism on either side of the aisle

Well that's just blatantly false. America loves it some socialism as long as you call it something else. Even hardcore Trumplicans love them some socialist stuff...as long as it benefits them. You know, things like farm subsides, Social Security, Medicare, libraries, Fire/Police departments, public roads, Welfare programs that they use if they can prevent "certain people" from using the same programs. Things like that.


What certain segments of America don't want, is socialism that benefits anybody but them and their tribe. But God help you if you try to take away their socialism...

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7 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

Well that's just blatantly false. America loves it some socialism as long as you call it something else. Even hardcore Trumplicans love them some socialist stuff...as long as it benefits them. You know, things like farm subsides, Social Security, Medicare, libraries, Fire/Police departments, public roads, Welfare programs that they use if they can prevent "certain people" from using the same programs. Things like that.


What certain segments of America don't want, is socialism that benefits anybody but them and their tribe. But God help you if you try to take away their socialism...


No, they specificly do not want democratic socialism to replace capitalism in this country, AOC and the DSA do.


What you are describing is an imbalanced, hypocritical mixed economy still dominated by capitalism. 


Wanting a strong social safety net or evwn going so far that certain sectors of our economy provided by the government instead of private sector, like health insurance, is not the same as wanting to be a socialist country. 


Even some of the Western European nations folks like AOC and DSA brag about make very clear they are NOT socialist countries.




I love AOC as a person, but she needs to renounce the DSA and try to fix capitalism for us, not replace it.  Its a non-starter in this country, its never going to happen.


I hate the title of this article, but worth a read, its the closest I've seen to her realizing she needs to put some space between herself and American socialist organizations in this country like DSA:



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2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


Have you read some of the article about fighting forest forest these days?  They are basically admitting they are doing something to say they are doing something.  




And you know where that figure of speech comes from, you know exactly what I mean.


And no socialist can be a treatment for the GOP, America doesn't want socialism on either side of the aisle, she exactly what the GOP want as their future boogeyman.


What GOP is doing does need to be addressed, jus not like this, I won't support it.



"Doesn't need to be addressed..."


For a woman of color in Congress who has had all sorts of thinly veiled racists comments thrown her way by those same GOP colleagues--


...and got to hear the GOP voter base chant "Send Her Back" aimed at her at Trump rallies for no other reason than she IS a woman of color

...and be ridiculed by those same GOP colleagues for saying she feared for her life during the Jan 6th insurrection

...or having a Congressional colleague chasing her down and yelling at her claiming she supports terrorists as she leaves the House chamber

...or shouting through AOC's mailbox slot on her office door to "take off your diaper" and unlock her door


...among a plethora of other things--and all without any real ramifications for doing so--she can fight their fire with her fire all she wants in my eyes.



AOC responding to GOP colleagues on twitter:





Like it or not, AOC's style of addressing the GOP energizes a segment of the Democratic base who wants to see their leaders fight back...and if Democrats want to hold power, that base needs to be fired up about what their leaders are doing instead of just ****ing about what Republicans are doing.


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